Bc7 Report.Pdf
ROGER DUHAMEL, F.R.S.C. QUEEN’S PRINTER AND CONTROLLER OF STATIONERY OTTAWA, 1961’ Cat. No. A57-417 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The British Columbia Department of Agriculture surveyed the soils of the Upper Columbia River valley. The Water Resources Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, provided financial assistance, maps and aerial photographs. The Provincial Department of Lands and Forests also supplied maps and data. The Provincial Department of Mines provided chemical analyses. The Canada Department of Agriculture drafted the final copy of the soi1 map for lithographing and published this report. Dr. A. Leahey, Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, assisted in the classification and correlation of the soils and critically reviewed the manuscript. Over a number of years the soils were mapped by P. N. Sprout, A. J. Green, A. L. van Ryswyk, J. D. Lindsay and J. S. D. Smith. The late Dr. W. E. Cockfield, Geological Survey of Canada, made annual field visits and provided information regarding the deposits from which the soils were derived. Mr. A. McLean, Ecologist, Canada Range Experimental Farm, Kamloops, wrote the section on native vegetation. Dr. C. A. Rowles, Professor of Soi1 Science, University of British Columbia,. made field visits and gave valuable advice. The British Columbia Department of Agriculture Reclamation Committee, of which the senior author is secretary, estimated the farm duty of water of each potentially irrigable soi1 type. Mr. J. W. Awmack, District Agriculturist, Cranbrook, and other officiais of the British Columbia and Canada departments of agriculture provided advice, descriptive material, and other assistance. 3 96489-O-l& CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .......................................
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