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Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 1 1Stqtr-2010 V6 Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 2 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 1 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 2 B!!Ujq!Upq!Tijq!Tfswjdft! Uif!Cbzqpsu!Dsvjtf!Ufsnjobm!boe!jut!hbohxbz! tztufn!bsf!eftjhofe!up!bddpnnpebuf!nptu! tijqt!boe!uifjs!fousz!xbzt/!Uif!ufsnjobmÖt! xjef-!vosftusjdufe!xibsg!bmmpxt!gps!uif! mpbejoh!pg!qspwjtjpot!bcpbse!b!tijq!rvjdlmz! boe!fggjdjfoumz/ B! C!!WJQ!Usfbunfou! Qbttfohfst!bu!uif!Cbzqpsu!Dsvjtf!Ufsnjobm!bsf! qspwjefe!xjui!WJQ!tfswjdft!tvdi!bt!wbmfu!qbsljoh-! mvhhbhf!iboemjoh!boe!bo!fydmvtjwf!mpvohf! up!nblf!uif!ujnf!tqfou!bu!uif!ufsnjobm!bt! fokpzbcmf!bt!qpttjcmf/ D!!Tjnqmf-!Tfdvsf!boe!Tfsfof! 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Call Carlos Buqueras or Alan Hill at 800-421-0188, FLORIDA 954-523-3404 or visit www.porteverglades.net Fort Lauderdale t Hollywood t Dania Beach 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 3 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 4 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 5 FLORIDA- CARIBBEAN CRUISING CRUISE THE FLORIDA-CARIBBEAN CRUISE ASSOCIATION MAGAZINE ASSOCIATION First Quarter 2010 • www.cruising-magazine.com Executive Committee Cover Story Spotlight Micky Arison FCCA Chairman, 12 FCCA Member Cruise Lines Come to the Chairman & CEO Aid of Haiti in its Time of Need Carnival Corporation Karl L. Holz President Disney Cruise Line 25 Santo Domingo, the Cultural Capital Richard E. Sasso Will Host the FCCA’s 17th Annual Cruise President & CEO Conference MSC Cruises (USA) Inc. Kevin Sheehan 20 CEO Norwegian Cruise Line The Evolution 30 Innovative Norwegian Epic Will Make of Panama Cruise History with 2010 Debut Stephen A. Nielsen Vice President, Caribbean & Atlantic Shore Operations Princess Cruises Adam Goldstein Departments 35 Destination Suicide President & CEO The rise and fall of cruise destinations. Royal Caribbean International 7 President’s Letter FCCA Staff 9 Cruise Industry News & Platinum Highlights Omari Breakenridge 43 So You Want to Work with the Cruise Manager of Communications & Design 59 Faces In the Industry Industry? The Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association is your Terri Cannici ticket to the playoffs. Director, Special Events Adam Ceserano Senior Vice President Features James Kazakoff Senior Director, Event Operations 37 2010 Platinum Mem ber Cruise H ighlights Enduring P artnership Jessica Lalama Executive Assistant 47 Cruise Port D evelopm ent – 2010 George Orellana Research Analyst 51 Global Tour O perators Liability Insurance Program Update Michele M. Paige President Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) 11200 Pines Blvd., Suite 201, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 FCCA Member Lines Phone: (954) 441-8881 • Fax: (954) 441-3171 Website: www.f-cca.com • E-mail: info@f-cca.com AIDA Cruises • Azamara Club Cruises • Carnival Cruise Lines • Celebrity Cruises • Costa Cruise Lines • Cunard Line Cruising Magazine © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved. Disney Cruise Line • Holland America Line • MSC Cruises (USA) Inc. • Norwegian Cruise Line • Ocean Village Reproduction in whole or in part, in any form, electronic or otherwise, without written permission P&O Cruises • Princess Cruises • Royal Caribbean International • Seabourn Cruise Line of the FCCA is prohibited. To subscribe or change your address, please send requests The information in this publication is provided "as is." FCCA and its Member Lines disclaim all representations and warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to any information, to subscribe@cruising-magazine.com services, products and materials contained herein. FCCA and its Member Lines will in no event be liable for any damage or losses as a result of your use of this publication. First Quarter 2010 • Cruising Magazine 5 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 6 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 7 President’s Letter Even in the roughest waters the cruise industry not only stays the course but sails ahead, thanks largely to the teamwork and spirit of cooperation that are the hallmarks of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association. The year-end numbers are in—and they are impressive. In 2009 cruise demand continued to outstrip supply, even dur- ing one of the harshest economic environments we’ve seen in years. Cruise lines premiered 14 new ships, and passenger volume (Left to right) Daniel Gibbs, President of St. Martin grew to a record 13.445 million, a 3.4 percent increase over Office of Tourism; Michele M. Paige and Hon. 2008. In addition, the Caribbean held its ranking as the dom- Glen Beache Minister of Tourism, Youth & Sports, inant cruise destination, accounting for more than 37 percent St. Vincent & the Grenadines at the FCCA Cruise of all cruise itineraries in 2009. Conference and Trade Show in Saint Lucia. This year horizons are even brighter. Among a dozen new feature-rich cruise ships is Norwegian Cruise Line’s much-anticipated Epic. Debuting in June, Epic is equipped with an array of onboard facilities, amenities and services. Destinations as well are developing throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. Just 10 years ago, for instance, Panama offered little more than a crossing route from the Caribbean to the Pacific. Now, with the help of the FCCA and member cruise lines, Panama is making its mark as a major destination, appealing to more than 300,000 cruise visitors a year. As Henry Yaniz, president of Miami-based Cruisenet, writes in this issue: Successful destinations beget suc- cessful itineraries, which build successful cruise regions.” The key to success? “More and more,” Yaniz says, “we see a growing spirit of cooperation and true partnership among cruise lines, industry vendors and suppli- ers, and cruise ports of call.” That is what the FCCA is all about. The selling environment this year is likely to remain challenging for all providers of goods and services, including travel, but I am confident that if FCCA members continue to pull together, our regional cruise industry will move full-steam ahead. Respectfully yours, Michele M. Paige First Quarter 2010 • Cruising Magazine 7 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:57 AM Page 8 1stqtr-2010 v6_Quarterly Magazine 4/13/10 10:58 AM Page 9 Cruise Industry News & Platinum Highlights Cruise Officials Hold Productive opment; and Capt. Salvatore Rassello of January 16th, after friends of the Meetings With Cruise Industry Carnival Cruise Lines’ Carnival Valor, Doctor's from Norcross Georgia, con- Stakeholders And Cabinet Of which was docked at the facility during tacted Trinity, a Fort Lauderdale based Antigua the festivities. air medical transport company. Trinity Air Ambulance coordinated the medical Led by Michele Paige, President of the More than five years in development air transportation with their aircraft and Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association, and two years under construction, the medical staff and the admissions to the five senior officials from Carnival, Royal Mahogany Bay Cruise Center encom- treating facility in Fort Lauderdale, Caribbean, Norwegian and Princess passes 20 acres of waterfront property Florida. Trinity was the first civilian air Cruise Lines visited Antigua in February and includes a two-berth cruise terminal ambulance company allowed into Haiti for a day of interactive sessions with local that can accommodate up to 8,000 pas- after the earthquake and completed 15 cruise stakeholders and members of the sengers daily. Mahogany Bay has a new medical evacuations within the first 48 Antigua Cabinet. The visit was part of an chair lift system that takes cruise ship hours of t he earthquake. annual road show to evaluate ports and guests from the welcome center to attractions, and offer advice on how to Mahogany Beach, a 10-acre private It turned out to be an early birthday gift improve the tourism product. island featuring an 825-foot-long white- for Doctor Duval as his birthday was on sand beach with a beach volleyball Sunday, January 17th. As of this writ- Paige reinforced the fact that the court and watersports. ing the Doctor remains in stable and Caribbean is still the largest part of most improving condition as reported by this cruise itineraries, but pointed out that In addition to Carnival, other Carnival family and friends.

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