Chapter 7, Health & Safety Contents
CITY OF LARKSPUR, CALIFORNIA GENERAL PLAN CHAPTER 7, HEALTH & SAFETY CONTENTS Chapter 7, Health and Safety Emergency Preparedness Preparedness Goals, Policies and Programs Flooding Flood Control and Storm Drainage Improvements Rise in Sea Level Flood Hazard Goals, Policies, and Programs Seismic and Geologic Hazards Seismic Hazards Effects of Earthquakes Seismic Hazard Goals, Policies, and Programs Geologic Hazards Geologic Hazard Goals, Policies, and Programs Fire Hazards Wildland Fires Fire Goals, Policies, and Programs Hazardous Materials Hazardous Material Goals, Policies, and Programs Air Quality Regulatory Agencies and Standards Sources of Pollutants, and Health Risks Climate and Topography Historic and Current Air Quality Air Quality Goal, Policies, and Programs Noise Exterior Noise Levels and Land Use Compatibility Noise Goals, Policies, and Programs Chapter 7. Community Health and Safety This chapter covers safety, as prescribed by Safety Element provisions of the Government Code, Section 65302(g); and noise, as covered by Noise Element guidelines of the Government Code, Section 65302(f). It also includes air quality. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) has strongly urged cities to address air quality in their general plans. Community health and safety involves the protection of the community from natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, and fires. It also involves protection from man-made hazards such as air pollution, noise, and hazardous materials. This chapter describes the scope of these hazards, as well as the actions that the City can take to eliminate or reduce the probability of these hazards leading to a major disaster. The overall purpose of this chapter is to-- Protect the community from injury, loss of life, and property damage resulting from natural disasters and hazardous conditions.
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