BEARING WITNESS: A NATION IN CHAINS A REPORT of the SAMUEL DEWITT PROCTOR CONFERENCE Findings from Nine Statewide JUSTICE COMMISSION HEARINGS on MASS INCARCERATION Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. The Social Justice Network Copyright © 2014 Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 9915287-0-7 Contact: Iva E. Carruthers, PhD
[email protected] 773-548-6675 Illustration & Design: Benita Lovett-Rivera BEARING WITNESS: A NATION IN CHAINS A REPORT of the SAMUEL DEWITT PROCTOR CONFERENCE FINDINGS FROM NINE STATEWIDE JUSTICE COMMISSION HEARINGS on MASS INCARCERATION Bearing Witness: A Nation in Chains CONTENTS FORWARD | Michelle Alexander | 5 A MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL SECRETARY | Dr. Iva Carruthers | 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 13 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS | 17 CONCLUSION | 35 AFTERWORD | Honorable Wendell L. Griffen | 44 APPENDIX I. Snapshot: A Nation of Chains | 47 Endnotes | 52 II. U.S. Constitution VIII Amendment | 55 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights | 55 United Nations Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners | 57 III. Justice Hearings Commissioners & Participants | 58 Photo: © 9and3quarters | 4 Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, INC. FORWARD Over the past three years I have been working closely with the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference (SDPC), an interdenominational faith-based organization of clergy and lay leaders. Over and over, I have found myself inspired by SDPC’s prophetic commitment to speak truth to power. Its latest report, Bearing Witness: A Nation in Chains, is a profound indictment of the criminal justice system and mass incarceration in the United States. It includes the testimony of experts and officials from nine states, as well as critically important data, findings, and recommendations.