USED CAR Moderates Push Smoko for Speaker
tt — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Nov, 9, 1988 CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS IF0B8ALE FOB SALE FUEL OIL/COAL/ CAM Irbew ood FOB SALE FOREST Ridge Town- SOUTH Windsor. Wes- SEASONED Firewood. 1971 P L Y M O U TH Satel Green light house. 3V^ baths, 3 bed tage. 2 bedroom unit A Speciolis&Dmf! Key man Cut, split and deli lite. Big Block 383. Coll rooms. 1900 square feet with loft. Many ameni « of living space, fire vered. s115/cord. Call 646-6649, offer 6pm. ties. Excellent condi 649-2524.______________ PZC removes place, alrcondltlonlng, tion. $113,000. Sentry (^HEVY SURBURBANS Watergate figure deck with view. Par Real Estate, 643-4060.O CLEMHm I^CARPENTRY/ RAMTINR/ MMCEUJUIEDUS SEASONED Hardwood. 1974-78, 350 Cl engine, tially finished walk-out 8BIVICE8 ISSjRENIDKUNfl [ y ] PAPERMR $100/cord, dumped automatic transmis mill restriction/3 basement. Pool, tennis MANCHESTER. Enor lH BEBVKES load. $60/'/!i cord load. sion. Prices $450 to John Mitchell dies /6 ■ court. Priced to sell at mous 1600 sq. ft. Con Delivered locally. Tel $1500. Coll Mason at dominium In desirable CLEANING Servlca. $155,000. Call owner at Home or offlca. Day, FMIRAND REMODEUM ephone, 875-73M. 643-2414. 647-0740.______________ Forest Ridge. Central mWKES TREE SERVICE air, 2W baths, walk-out night, weekend. Room tddNIona, dooka rooflne, GLASTONBURY Soap Weekly specials. Reg sMIng, windows and guNers. Buoksl, truck • chipper. Stump basement and carport remoNl. Free eehmalM. PET8AND Factory. Much sought ore lust some of the ina Ranlerl, 645-0682. Bsokhod end buHdoxdr sdrvlod at reaaonaUa rales. FTee after 2 bedrooms, 2 full evalldbld.
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