2»—MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Nov. 23,1989 GARS 1 ^ HOMES rnTV/STEREO/ I FUEL OIL/COAL/ misceLlanedus I CARS CARS ISijFOR RENT CLOTHINQ APPLIANCES I FIREWOOD I FDR SALE IFOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Thanks Race Day Weighing MANCHESTER-R#nt. WHITE Weddlng/Prom PHILCO, 19" color TV, Ft NE^Moo^o^aleTTaTl HON“D 7 n 9 r f f ’,~ Civic buy, or rent with option gown. Size 10/12. Needs stand. $85. 647-8203 af­ now before those long f u r n it u r e , appliances Hatchback. Sunroof, CAMARO-1983 auto­ FORD-1981, Granada, air, matic, Incredibly low this newly remodeled, cleaning. $80. 649-8318. ter 4pm days; wee­ winter nights set In. and some antlaues. plnstrlplng. Call after automatic, new mileage, VO, red, great 3-4 bedroom, oversized kends, anytime. $100 a cord, $55 half a Reasonable. Phone 6pm, 646-2990. brakes/starter/tune- Family of 150 enjoys 646-5746.______________ body. 523-7169 after Complete race coverage, Cope In Bowers School If you need a better cor to cord. We deliver lo­ up, clean, 90K, $900. Czech leaders confer OLDSMOBILE, 1985, 98 6pm.________________ District. This beouty drive the youngsters to LOOKING FOR good cally. Coll 429-2236. Now Is the time to run an Regency-Excellent After 4:30,646-0089. Thanksgiving feast/3 must be seen. A great school, check the many news? Look for the many ad In classified to sell that condition, fully loaded, T-BIRD, 1983, V6, loaded, MERCURY, 1979 M o ­ features, photos/13-17 on their next move/5 fam ily home In nice offerings In today's Clas­ bargain buys advertised camera you no longer new tires. Asking 53K, one owner, stereo, narch. 4 door, 6 cy­ sified columns. 643-9711 area. $150,000, or rent In the classified columns use. $7,400. 647-1701, 646- wire wheels. $5,200.646- linder, air, new brakes. fo r $1,200 per month. today. 2598. 5265. $500/best offer. 643- Owner will negotiate. A PETS AND 1 WANTED TD FORD-1984, LTD Wagon. CHEVY-1975, El Camlno. 1714. rent with option. Coll FURNITURE I FUEL OIL/COAL/ SUPPLIES IBUY/TRADE Loaded. 70K, damaged Runs excellent. $1,500 Boland Brothers, 645- left front fender. $1,600. or best offer. Call 871- 8901 ____^FIREWOOD 0014 after 4om. MAHOGANY China WANTED; Good home NEEOED-Mahogany 645-0673. CLYDE Cablnet-3 shelves, 3 for o terrific mixed bedroom set or Its F i REWOOD-Seasoned equal. Dresser and CARDINAL CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. bowfront drawers with cut, spilt, and deli­ breed dog. For o great BOB RILEY STORE/OFFICE 2 side cabinets. $500. crib. Call 524-8824. BUICK, INC. ROUTE 88, VERNON vered. $115 cord. 228- pet, coll 643-0793 offer 84 Line. Continental $8,995 FOR RENT 649-0471. 6:00 p.m.____________ OLDSMOBILE 1989 Century Coupe $11,960 1110. 84 Bubk Century Mbg $5,995 FOR Sole-Mole, West Automotive 259 Adams St., 1988 Skylark Sedan Special $8,590 OFFICE Space-330 Highland Terrier, 11 1988 Chev S-10 Ext Cep PAJ $10,960 84 0ldsCu8assCpe $5,895 square feet, $302 per months old. Must sell. Manchester 1988 Pantlac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 85 Celebrity 4 Dr. W ^. $6,695 month, all utilities In­ CARS 19670ldsnK)bile Rrenza $6,490 S5Electra4Dr. $9,995 $300. 647-8832. 649-1749 1987 Buick Riviera T-Type $11,890 cluded, 1 mile to l-84,<- 85 Caprice Wbgon $6,895 iianrhpBtpr Um lb FDR SALE Peterman Real Estate. 1987 Dodge Shelby 2 $7,995 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 649-9404. Schaller's 1989 Olds TroleO $17,995 1967GMCS-1SSplP/U $6,380 85 Bubk Somerset 4 Dr $4295 BUICK Century Wagon, 1987 Ford Mustang GT $11,995 1967 Chev S-10 PAJ $6280 86Deita882Dr $9,995 1980. Runs. Needs 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14295 1987 Olds Calais $6995 86Bonnevilb4Dr $6,995 Quality work. $500. 649-6250 af- 1886 Buick LeSabre Coupe $8280 1987 Chevy S-10 Blazer $9,995 86 Century Wagon $7295 BOLTON Pre-owned Auto ter 4pm._____________ 1986 Buick Century Sedan $7280 Friday, Nov. 24, 1989 5 room Ranch w^acuzzi 1985 Ford LTD $4,995 1386 Chev Monte Carb $7290 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents O LD SM O B I LE-1984 1986Clds98 $9,995 in Industrial zone. W ill Value Priced 1986 Merc. Grand Marquis $9,M0 66 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 Omega Broughman. 1986 Cadi Fleetwood $13,995 1986 Dodge 600 Sed $5295 rent as office or Loaded, new tlres- 1984 Porsche 944 $13,995 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 business. 83 Olds Ciera 1986 Pontiac Trans Am 26K $9,460 /brakes, tuned. $3,900. 1964 Audi SOOOS $6,995 1966 Buick Century Sedan $7260 66Chevette4Dr. $4,995 AT.A/C.PS $2,900 643-0204._____________ Call 647-1901 CARPENTRY/ CONCRETE 1986 Chevy Eurosport $6,995 1985 Bubk Skylark $4295 86 Pont Grand Am SE $6295 86 Ford Tempo MUSTANG Convertible- 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo ^,995 1984 Buick Century $5260 87 Plymoulh Sundance 2 Dr. $6,895 REMODELING 1984 Chevrolet Celebrty $3295 AT.AK.PS ^ 4 9 5 1966, 6 cylinder, stand­ 1987 Pont. Bonneville $9,995 87 Pontiac Trans Am $112$$ a rd transmission. 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 1982 Ford Mustang ^295 86 Chevy Nova 1986 Clds Delta Sedan $7,995 81 Adams St., Manchester A snowy turkey day trot $2,500. 646-2304 after Salvadoran V H T I INDUSTRIAL WET BASEMENT? 872-9111 KITCHEN & BATH O v«r 4 0 Y « a /i E xp ^rb n o* AT, Sferso $3,995 6pm. 649-4571 PROPERTY W ritten Q uerantee REMODELING , , . frm E ttim a tM 84 Chevy Celebrity HatchwiM. Foundatiw Cracks, MANCHESTER- From the smallest Surry) rumps, Orainaga Linas, AT.A/C.PS $2,900 SALES • SERVICE ■ RENTALS • TRUCKS • 4X4'S repair to the largest W «l»,pn»(ing at Ftoor, S Available Imme- Walls 4 Mofa 88 Honda Accord LX dlately, 1,800 square renovation, we will do a feet. Commercial and complete job. Start to I Albert Zuccaro 646-3361 $10,495 rejects call Industrial, 3 phase finish. Free estimates. 87 Mercury Cougar electric. 646-5477. Get that chimney repaired V-8, Loaded, A q n o c Heritage Kitchen UkeNew before winter! Call r 90,7X0 Superior & Bath Center 85 Toyota Cam ry |3g^ ROOMMATES for a free estimate Come visit our showroom at; AT. Loaded $6,995 “ ■ FORD, INC- WANTED insured. 254 Broad Street 82 Pontiac Firebird M anchester TALAGA MASONRY for truce ROOM M ATE Wanted to $4,495 share house In M an­ 649-5400 643-8209 IROUTE 6 -COLUMBIAI chester. $400/month, 88 Honda Prelude 'S' 5-spd.A/c, A lO O Q r; 228-9431 646-0563 By Richard Herzefelder “I will say the same things to the utilities Included. 646- Need repairs around the Uke New V • 4 1 ,7 7 0 representatives of the Farabundo 3359. ELECTRICAL The Associated Press home? Call an expert. 85 Toyota Celico Marti National Liberation Front that You'll find the help you AT.Lodded $5,995 need In Clossified. 643- ' DUMAS ELECTRIC MAKE YOUR OFFER SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador I said to the ministers of the Cris­ Services 2711. tiani government: We need to look Service changes, 86 Buick Regal c SALE ENDS — President Alfredo Cristiani said additional wiring and ' V8. Loaded. C 7 O O C the assault by leftist rebels was a for sincere solutions,” Perez said. Low Miles v / ,#70 Meanwhile, traffic moved nor­ PAINTING/PAPERING repairs on existing 86 Honda Accord LX failure and he rejected their condi­ CLEANING homes. Quality work at , MONDAY, NOV. 27TH mally in San Salvador for the first L 2 iy SERVICES 5-Spd, Loaded $7,995 tions for peace. His comments were affordable prices. punctuated by rebel bombs that ex­ time since Nov. 11, when the offen­ Entirely owner operated. 85 Pontiac Grand Am NADA YOUR NADA sive that killed more than 1,000 POLISH woman will McHugh Himself V6AT.A/C DESCRIPTION ploded near his news conference. 27 years exp. Call $4995 WHOLESALE OFFER RETAIL people was launched in the capital clean your house. For Painting & wallpapering at The scries of bombs exploded more Information coll Joseph Dumas 87 Mitsubishi Precis LS its b est Free Estimates. Fully 86 FORD ESCORT 4 DR. about five blocks from where Cris­ and several provinces. Many of the 644-2835,644-4663. v S4B-5253. ■ 5-Spd.A/C Q O C AT. A/Q PS, FU2572 $2650 7 $3550 tiani was speaking to reporters Insured. EstabRsheed 1974. LowMIlei 90,770 capital’s 1 million residents tried to IMISCELLANEDUS 83 Cutlass Supreme 89 FORD ESCORT 4 DR. Thursday cvcning.’Cristiani jumped, stock up on food, gas and other 643-9321 MISCELLANEOUS V6,AT,A/C. A I O O i; BLUE, FORD RENTAL NZ1931 $6150 7 $7300 but kept talking, telling everyone necessities. I SERVICES SERVICES Low Miles 9 4 ,7 7 0 84 Toyota Celico GT 88 FORD TEMPO 4 DR. “not to worry.” No injuries were “We’ve been cooking with PS, A/QAT*U5302 GSL Building Mainte­ Wall Papering and Painting $6075 7 $7300 reported. wood,” said truck driver Israel Her­ nance Co. Commercl- S-iZ- $6,495 89 FORD ESCORT 4 DR. LX 30 years Experience Cristiani termed “nonsense” the rera, standing in line for a fourth day al/ResIdentlol building SCULPTURED AND 85 Buick Century BLACK, FORD RENTAL «Z1934 $6150 7 $7300 guerrillas’ call for political negotia­ at a natural gas distributorship with repairs and home Im­ Insurance, References and ACRYLIC NAILS AT.A/C.PS $ 4 ^ 4 9 5 provements.
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