OFFICE of Medical Director BUREAU of Health Promotion
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ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE INTERNET OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF Medical Director BUREAU OF Health Promotion Community Cessation Initiative SOLICITATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017 (11/1/17 – 10/31/18) Local Public Applicant Agencies Non-Profit Applicants COMPETITIVE GRANT APPLICATION INFORMATION ___Base Only Funding ___Base and Deliverable Funding _X_100% Deliverable Funding Revised 06/19/2017 For grant starts 4/1/2018 and thereafter Table of Contents I. APPLICATION SUMMARY and GUIDANCE A. Policy and Procedure ................................................................................................. 1 B. Application Name ...................................................................................................... 2 C. Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 2 D. Qualified Applicants .................................................................................................. 2 E. Service Area ............................................................................................................... 2 F. Number of Grants and Funds Available .................................................................... 2 G. Due Date .................................................................................................................... 3 H. Authorization ............................................................................................................. 3 I. Goals .......................................................................................................................... 3 J. Program Period and Budget Period............................................................................ 4 K. Public Health Accreditation Board Standards………………………………………4 L. Public Health Impact Statement................................................................................. 5 M. Incorporation of Strategies to Eliminate Health Inequities........................................ 5 N. Human Trafficking..................................................................................................... 7 O. Appropriation Contingency ....................................................................................... 7 P. Programmatic, Technical Assistance and Authorization for Internet Submission .... 7 Q. Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................... 8 R. Late Applications ....................................................................................................... 8 S. Successful Applicants ................................................................................................ 8 T. Unsuccessful Applicants ............................................................................................ 8 U. Review Criteria .......................................................................................................... 8 V. Freedom of Information Act ...................................................................................... 9 W. Ownership Copyright ................................................................................................. 9 X. Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................ 9 Y. Special Condition(s)................................................................................................. 11 Z. Unallowable Costs ....................................................................................................11 AA. Client Incentives and Enabler ...................................................................................12 AB. Audit .........................................................................................................................12 AC. Submission of Application ........................................................................................13 II. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT A. Application Information........................................................................................... 14 B. Budget ...................................................................................................................... 14 C. Assurances Certification .......................................................................................... 16 D. Project Narrative ...................................................................................................... 16 E. Civil Rights Review Questionnaire – EEO Survey ................................................. 20 F. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Requirement .... 20 G. Public Health Impact................................................................................................ 21 H. Attachment(s) ........................................................................................................... 21 III. APPENDICES A. Notice of Intent to Apply for Funding B. GMIS Training Request Form C1. Scope of Work C2. Deliverables Budget Overview D. County Specific Tobacco Need Score E. Community Cessation Initiative Grantee Application Weighting F. Community Cessation Initiative Reviewer Evaluation Form G. Evaluation Requirements and Performance Measures H. Work Plan Template I. Applicant Funding Table J. Medicaid Billing for Tobacco Cessation Treatment K. CCI Budget Justification Example L. Community Inventory Sample M. Ohio + Local Data N. Suggested Items for Partner Agreement O. PCMH Background Information P. State Health Assessment/Community Health Assessment Background Q. Hospital Bundled Payment Background R. CCI Core Services I. APPLICATION SUMMARY and GUIDANCE An application for an Ohio Department of Health (ODH) grant consists of a number of required components including an electronic portion submitted via the Internet website “ODH Application Gateway” and various paper forms and attachments. All the required components of a specific application must be completed and submitted by the application due date. If any of the required components are not submitted by the due date indicated in sections D, G and R, the entire application will not be considered for review. This is a competitive Solicitation; a Notice of Intent to Apply for Funding (NOIAF – Appendix A) must be submitted by, August 10, 2017 so access to the application via the Internet website “ODH Application Gateway” can be established. Early submission is encouraged. NEW AGENCIES ONLY or if UPDATES are needed: Applicants must submit proof of liability coverage. Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (W-9), and Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit of EFT Payments Form (EFT). The above-mentioned forms are located on the Ohio Department of Administrative Services website at: or directly at the following websites: • Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (W-9), • Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit of EFT Payments Form (EFT) • Supplier Information Form The application summary information is provided to assist your agency in identifying funding criteria: A. Policy and Procedure: Uniform administration of all the ODH grants is governed by the ODH Grants Administration Policies and Procedures (OGAPP) manual. This manual must be followed to ensure adherence to the rules, regulations and procedures for preparation of all Subrecipient applications. The OGAPP manual is available on the ODH website: (Click on Grant/Contracts, ODH Grants, Grants Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (OGAPP)) or copy and paste the following link into your web browser: 20Manual%20V100-2%20Rev%2010-1-2014.ashx Please refer to Policy and Procedure updates found on the GMIS bulletin board. All budget justifications must include the following language and be signed by the agency head listed in GMIS. Please refer to the budget justification examples listed on the GMIS bulletin board. • Subrecipient understands and agrees that it must follow the federal cost principle that applies to its type of organization (2 CFR, Part 225; 2 CFR, Part 220; or, 2 CFR, Part 230). • Sub-recipient’s budgeted costs are reasonable, allowable and allocable under OGAPP and federal rules and regulations. • The OGAPP and the rules and regulations have been read and are understood. 1 • Subrecipient understands and agrees that costs may be disallowed if deemed unallowable or in violation of OGAPP and federal rules and regulations. • The appropriate programmatic and administrative personnel involved in this application are aware of agency policy in regard to subawards and are prepared to establish the necessary inter- institutional agreements consistent with those policies. • Subrecipient agrees and understands that costs incurred in the fulfillment of the Deliverables must be allowable under OGAPP and federal rules and regulations to qualify for reimbursement. B. Application Name: Community Cessation Initiative – Year 1 C. Purpose: The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) will make an investment to develop capacity to provide local tobacco cessation services to all Ohioans. Selected