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Vol. XII. 12th Year. No. 35. DUNCAN. B. C.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29. 1912. SubscriDtion Price *1.00 Per Year Cowiclianinercliaats Disastrous Fire Union Jack Hoisted at High School carried j.H.WIiittome&Co. SatTMMn to rut & IVtenon wkI Duncan, V. I. W. V. .inyne*. Gol. Hobday'S House Destroyed Small Margin for.School Loan “Tit Sim lhai will Stm Yiw BmL " Impressive Ceremony Real Estate, Insura.ice Child Burned to Death 126 Ballots Cast and Addresses by Gapt. Wolley and Mr. W. H. Hayward, M. P. P. Financial Agents H in the ear* Below we print a copy of the OPENING It bunia of Monday mnrning Iwtt at I'flicial declaration of the pull taken The huiating of tho new Union great niiniveraarie* in the llritiah UortsuKS and Invatments. Cul. HtihrUy’H hoo'te at Somuooa. The Jack on the llag pule at tlic Doncan liin the variotts Money Loan Bylaws bouar, a lanre one, which wan boUt High SchtKsl waa carried ont with acIctuN of the pnivince lij- w>mo at the City Council chamber onTues* Uembera Victoria Stockbroker! only hwt year, waa bnnwd to the dne ceremony on Alomlay la«t the apk'cial inatraethm to tite pnpiU cun* day. The poll was not a large one Aesociation. WEEK trronnd and the whole of the eon* 26th. Tlie pnpiU at the «choul ct'niiiig theac eventa on tho auniver^ and the total ballotscast are not mnch tvuU thereof detUroyed, inclofUng Correapondenta London and wore drawn np in a Ixaly near tin* ary sUy^ above .SO per cent of tbo possible many trpaxnrcH from all parU |lhe |>a|Hl« and that ttiey would do In this case there were only twnivo Cowichan Station Ilnliday'i oiooe, Mully Pottinger, votes over tho rctjuirod threo*fiflhs of all and tuM them that the flag well tu let tli'in aiiik intu their 141 acres hu-h land, nmlcr 2 niilcs SATDREAY, SEPT. 14 ilaui(htcr of Major Pottinger, who nujority. polo haricu $400. loy lAmb watt bnroed to death in tho I, James Oreig, Hutuming Oflicer fire. 16 acres —with .1 acres old slashing at the pull on tho “8truot Lmii By* THE WEEK OF It appeam that tho uutbrouk urig* Price 61300. law, ” “School Loan ByUw,” ••Water ­ inntotl in Mm. P slHngtVa bod room works Bylaw,' ••Electric Light ntid 19 acres with small house and Isirn— •.vhoii a-ituo uuwHpapem caught firn. Power Bylaw, ” do hereby declare the 4 acres und«*r phiugli, more slashed It wan with difKculty that General following to be the sUle of tho vote gtHst creek runs through property, BIG Puttingor ■nnccoedetl in helping hia east on Tucsilay, Attgust 20th, l!M2. Price 64500. wifn unt uf the liuBitn, aod ahe waa Name «f itsUuU For Ag t Hpuilt ily horned abont the heail awl Ujr*La« <’Mt BARGAINS hamla. It necoM thatarrcia) OKmc Kt. Loon liyUw 1^8 l»i ti 4 VAULT I sort uf the honwhuld were nnaware Scl Losn byl V |g6 K.1 »7 4 that the little girl waa tleepiug in WriVksbyl'w lg6 llg 13 I IVposit Ibixes unler customer ’s own tlm htHiMs an it waa the ftrdt night Kl ee L gbi sad ki'v from 62..*i0 a vear. Po«er byUw... |S8 lug iS « Full Particulars ■hm waa tarowl in Ui Poneau the said bylaws, I therefore declare tliat the aamo have recets-ed tho at about 1.15 a. m„ and within a fuw aaseut of tho electors of the Corpuni* minuiea the Chief i.f Uiu Fire Do* MUTTER & DUNCAN tion of tho City uf Duncan. parliiKint, Mr. Jamua UutltHigo, and aa Notaries Public, Given under my hand this 2Tth many monibora of the brigade aa NEW MUNICIPAL ROAD ROLLER Land, Insurance and Fi­ PEMBERTON &S0N day of Augu-si, ]■( Utt wouk and wat anluaJaJ from tba freight nancial Agents. wore on tho acenu of the disaater. ear. It weiglia twelve ami a half tone and coat ahunl NOUO. An engineer li ex- Jas. Greig, iwcted tram the Arm td .Moueua Si Co. next week who will ran the engine. Thia Retuming Gfllcor. euNCAN. V.I., n.c. REAL ESTATE Nothing could bo done, however, to ii tho lint roller of the kind in the dlitriet aud mark* a hig Ntep lurwanl in ruad Sworn licfuro me at Duncan this aavo tho houMo or contenta. The making inetliudx. 27tb day of AngasL 1912. RNANOAL fint ear that arrived at theacene waa ALK.VANDEU PAUK SUU-DIV. Kenneth F. Dnncan, from the Dnocan Garage and reach* AND by Mr. Van N’orinan ami al-m kindly In a rongh sloirt sketch of the Mayor of Doncan I^rge Lots all cleared price from od the apot twelve minatea after the erected bin* in iU proaent pud* bist'iry of the flag he said that op 6250.00 to 6350.00 each, excep­ GENERAL AGENTS alarm waa torned in. Mr. Jamea ttoo. The flag, he aaid, had been 1606 tlw design Ul c.blalne