Surveyors at Work Upon Proposed High-Level Road Summerland To
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,lPr °v Libra," •Ma«^ DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUM M ERL AND; PEACHLAND AN D' N ARAM ATA SUMMERLAND, B.C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1928 $2.60, payable in advance. VOL XIX.—No. 31. Nelson's Unlucky Love Adventure. opened an inn to whichvthe soldiers the amorous captain on board his Finding of Human Bones ^riting in the London "Evening : Surveyors At Work Upon and sailors resorted,. and among vessel," : News," Max Pemberton; well- This seems somewhat drastic known English writer, says:—• them in the year 1782 came the treatment, hardly likely to be pop• "I read in an American journal Captain Nelson, then commanding ular, i in our time, when captains a discussion as to which is the H.M.S. Albemarle, of 26 guns. ; In Burned Shack Adds to ashore to marry maids are.u'sually most beautiful. city in the world; Proposed High-level Road welcome and other people has' ;n and I am not surprised that a "Miles Prentice," says a writer, • to buy confetti. But Quebec writer names Quebec, and ever was and ever will be a names it with emphasis. city of the strictest pro• Mystery of James Grant Summerland to Peachland , We cannot wonder at the prieties. literary enthusiasm Quebec- I would, add that my first Auto Traveller Held Veteran Rancher and Pros• Iron Mask Mine, has provoked. ' visit: to this incomparable - Highway Would Run from "The. majestic appearance Up and Robbed By pector Has Apparently Kamloops, Back Into height was made .during the Jones Flat to Deep of Cape Diamond," says one first considerable snowfall of Thugs on Blewett Disappeared List of Shippers writer ... the fortifications the • year. I believe' - some v Creek the cupolas, and minaret3, five feet of snow were down like those of an Eastern city, Omak, Wash.—J. W. Simpson, while Kamloops—Three carloads of copper in relatively a few hours, and en-route to Omak, was. the victim of HUT HE OCCUPIED blazing and sparkling in the : USING PART OF concentrates were .shipped a few days anything, - more; , bewitching: hold-ups on Blewett (Pass early Sun• WENT UP IN SMOKE sun. the' noble basin like ,a than the, whitened domes and EXISTING ROAD ago from the Iron Mask mine to Trail sheet of .pu.^pt silver, "in day mprning. The ^highwaymen took smelter, states Manager: McFadderi, pinnacles and the fairy-like : Simpson's Nash sedan, four $10 bills which might ride with safety scenes beyond the walls it is Leg Bones of Man Discover• recentty appointed. .That the mine, is and personal effects, and left him tied Alternative Suggestions are the navies of the world, the :difficult to imagine. back again at' the commercially pro• graceful meanderings of the the woods...As the robbers were ed by Police in ducing stage is shown by this an• But Quebec is the home of about to leave, Mr. and (Mrs. W. G. Made for Southern River St. Lawrence, the fer- superb spectacles, and in the'.' Ruins nouncement. 'V / • . tile valley dotted with \ pic• Davis,'of 'Cashmere,: driving a small End Chateau Frontenac possesses car, approached the . place and they During the past few months, consid• turesque habitant houses; the one of the most: dominating Penticton— erable development work has taken distant falls of Montmorency were also stopped: and tied. The men ^ hotels in I the world. Here The finding of human leg bones in Penticton— "v.> place and. the concentrates' are being . the grim purple moun• used Mrs. Davis' stockings for the Surveyors are now. laying out a is; a, great hostelry in.: *b tying *and notified'their victims they burned prospector's shack in old shipped to Trail, not Tacoma as for• tains, -the barriers to the( no other one can name- proposed new.upper road to connect would be killed if< they attempted to merly,-on account of better prices paid North, form a picture which it majestic m the:fashion of a Camp McKinney has added mystery Summerland and Peachland 'on a ,r escape. Simpson walked several -miles by the smelter. Freight charges from is no exaggeration tc say is, mediaeval fortress, - yet as to the strange disappearance of James high level and thus get away from unsurpassed in any part of before reaching a telephone to notify 'Kamloops to Trail'are now,,less than up-to-date as any hotel in Grant, one time rancher at Yellow ' the numerous slides which have so from here to Tacoma". the world." •: -v.: ,.:.-:,'.v, •• Sheriff Wheeler of Chelan - county. America and more comfort• Lake and of recent years prospector often disrupted traffic on the Lake- It is easy to applaud such .About 25 men are now employed at "had niece, - Miss Simpson, able than most. From its terrace' a shore highway. .... chauvinism when one has set on Anarchist Mountain. the Iron Mask mine. , ... daughter of Sandy Simpson, whose glorious: panorama of river and vil- '•• Actual decision as to the construc• foot in Quebec and beefi' received lages and blue hills beyond is un• Grant has disappeared, but whether tion of the'suggested new-road^ will charms so captivated thè embryo with that i courtly hospitality. for Admiral that when his-vessel had folded ... and it is no surprise to LAKE FELL AS he is on a prospecting trip or has left probably be made this fall by • 'the which its'people are famous. sailed from port he clandestinely hear that many thousands of Am• his bones in the ruined"shack has not public works department of' the pro• ericans seek this palatial height vince. NEW PRINCIPAL Naturally, romance is never far returned for the purpose * of wed• yet been determined. ding 'the maid of the inn,' which every year and succumb to -its, Jn the meantime, the big gas away from such a picture. There enchantment. SÜNG0T HOT The shack, one of the dozen that * shovel and a gang of men with trucks is a story told of the Lord Nelson purpose was defeated by Mr. Alex• and' grader are busy on the lower IS APPOINTED and of one Miles Prentice, who ander Davidson, then a Quebec "See Naples and then die!" cluster, about the site of the old min• Rather, see -Quebec and find road filling in the gaps torn out by served under' Wolfe and subse• .merchant, who, with the assistance Messrs. Johnson', and Leslie ing camp on Anarchist Mountain, had new^inspiration to live. the high water of the lake. The low quently served beer^ This_ feUow of his boat's crew,.forcibly carried Present Interesting been occupied by Grant for a consid• road is now in good condition, except Mr. K. Caple is Named by erable period during his operations on that it is somewhat rough in various Board—Third Teacher Records * spots.' • :' •".'' "• a mining claim in the vicinity. Not Selected Latest Prices as Mr. >Geo.: Johnson at the: - Experi• On June 15 the shack was intact, ; Two Alternative Route*. GAME SEASONS j There are two alternatives in con• LECTURES WILL Set by Board are mental Station and Mr. A-. M. Leslie according to the observation of a for• nection with the proposed highroad. Some of the changes on the high IN THIS DISTRICTj at the C'P.R. made a summary of the est' ranger. On June 20 only the char- One is to leave the lakeshore high• school staff for the coming year have Published Today weather report for July, which makes way at the gravel pit on the point a been; announced this week by the interesting^ reading.. red ruins remained. The building:was 1 START AUG: 19 short distance south of the Experi• school board. The rainfall for the month was 1.65 apparently burned down sometime be• Quail— in iSimilkameen and South Kelowna, Aug. 1.—i_atest Commit• mental Farm slide. From there the inches and, the most of: that came in tween these dates. Mr. K. Caple, who was on the staff Okanagan, October 15 to'Novem• tee of Direction prices are as follows, road would go up the.hill on an easy last year, has been appointed princi• ber 15. first price wholesaler, second price re• the first few days of the month. This Grant was seen in Bridesville on : grade and across Trout creek west of pal.. Miss paradis will be returning, AT LOG CABIN is more tFan double the average dur-; Willow. grouse—closed for several tailer: June:17. If he is the person who per• the railway bridge.- It would .also but as yet tlie third teacher has not ing July; for the past-twelve years, ished in the fire/ then it must have years. - . t Apples, up to and including Duchess, • cross the railway "tracks and pass been named. which stands at .60. ; , Besant College Summer wrapped, $1.15 and $1.30 per box;' taken place' between June 17 and through West Summerland to Jones' There will likely be a change in the Blue grouse only-r-in Grand Forks, July temperature went out of crates, 85c and $1/ June 20. ; flat and north along the bench, to work allotted Mr. Caple and Miss Par- Greenwood and part of Similka• School at Summerland bounds also and created a record that adis this year as some of the subjects meen,..' September 15 to October , Peaches, Triumph and other yellow-] Mr. Johnson said he could not find Two men claim to have seen him Deep Creek, dropping down again Has, Programme on June 30, but some doubt has been there to the dakeshore. Deep Greek taken by these two last year were not 16.