AA00031277 00126.Pdf
" 11110 11110 11110 111101111111111111111111, 11111111111111110 111111 Vol. V, No. 32 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 30 September 1950 INJURED CHILD FLOWN 70 GUANTANAMO MEN TO BE HIKED HERE FOR TREATMENT IN RATE EFFECTIVE 16 OCTOBER Tuesday morning at 0450, UF-1 belonging to the Naval Air Station, Results Of First Navy-Wide Examinations Held In July Guantanamo Bay, Cuba roared off Received From Norfolk Last Week the McCalla air strip and headed south to Grand Cayman, B.W.I. to By Allen Collier, J03, Editor lift 20-month old William T. Raley Seventy enlisted men learned last week that they had suc- Jr., injured in a beach accident cessfully passed the First Semi-Annual Navy-Wide Advance- late Sunday and return him to the ment Examinations and will be advanced to the next highest Naval Hospital here for observa- __________________________ rating effective 16 October 1950. tion and treatment. Of the total number, forty-four Piloting the UF-1 was CDR W. T. CARRIER ROOSEVELT, are attaining their first crow (petty Sutherland, NAS Operations offi- OTHERS ARRIVE FRIDAY officer third class) on their way up cer, with a crew of E. M. Bush, Navy's advancement ladder. ARC, plane captain; R. 0. Fant, ________the AD1, second mech; R. F. Wartel, The 45,000 ton aircraft carrier, Only by applying one's self to his AL3, radioman and J. F. Egge- USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB- job and knowing the duties assign- brecht, AT3, radar technician. 42), and three destroyers together ed to his rate can one attain a When The Indian contacted the with the repair ship USS Oppor- higher rating, These men have baby's parents late Wednesday, it tune (ARS-41) will arrive here taken the first step.
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