50 More Guantanamo Men to Be

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50 More Guantanamo Men to Be t 0 Vol. V, No. 34 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 14 October 1950 50 MORE GUANTANAMO MEN TO BE ALNAV'S 117-49, HIKED IN RATE EFFECTIVE MONDAY 119-49 CANCELLED A1Nav 107-50 was received here Notification Of Additional Success of Guantanamo Men this week. This AlNav was the Received This Week authority cancelling A1Nav's 117-49 and 119-49 which stated, in effect, Fifty more men were notified and E. R. Fisher to AD3 and M. E. that all personnel who were losing Cristel to A03. money as a result of the Career Compensation Act of 1949 could latepersonnel this weekofficers by theirthat respectivethey had M. C. Petring, W. F. Schneider U1 ask for and obtain their discharges. successfully completed the First A. Moreno, J. J. Orsulak and T. W. Navy-Wide Examinations For Ad- Florance all to AF3; M. B. Lynch, Effective date of the cancellation vancement In Rate held last July. G. W. Fairbairn, R. K. Koehler, as set forth in AlNav 107-50 was This brings to a total of 120 the B. G. Jones, Jr., and R. F. Gian- 11 October 1950. men here who successfully passed carlo to AM3; A. M. Sims and S. E. the tests and will be rated effective Goebel to AT3, J. W. Shafer to ALLOWANCE PAY 16 October which is Monday. The PR3 and R. J. Jackson and D. V. CHECKS START Indian would like to congratulate Montouri to YN3. the men who got the word this Washington (AFPS)-Plans for week as well as those carried in the payment of quarters allowance a previous story by this paper, and MARINE CORPS TO for Armed Forces enlisted person- to wish them all continued success KEEP RESERVES IN nel of all pay grades with depend- in their Naval Careers. ents, as provided by the Depend- ents Assistance Act of 1950, effec- Those who will be advanced are: Pearl Harbor (A F P S) - The tive last August 1, have been an- Naval Station Marine Corps plans to keep its nounced by the Department of 0. R. Steele and C. E. Parkhurst, reserves to uniform after the both to EN1; J. Connor and H. Korean conflict, General Clifton Defense. Allowances to which Army and Strickland, both to BM3; C. A. B. Cates, Marine Commandant has Primm and H. L. O'Non to CS3 announced. Air Force personnel are entitled for the months of August and and H. A. Dowcett to ET3. General Cates told newsmen September, will be paid to enlisted Naval Air Station that "there is no plan whatsoever for releasing Reserves. Interna- personnel with their regular pay. D. S. Ray to AC1; W. J. Ulrich Allowances due for the month of to ALI; J. M. Phillips to AD2; G. A. tional circumstances do not war- rant releasing anyone". The Gen- October will likewise be given to Helton and K. Grayson to AB3 and personnel with their October pay. P. R. Huffman to AM3; Kraght, eral said that the Marine Corps hopes to reach its authorized Cash payments to Navy and Marine G. A. to AD3; Soucek, E. N. to Corps personnel will also have been AF3 and Henry, M. J. to AG3. strength of 160,000 men by the end of 1950, no matter what hap- completed by the end of October. Naval Hospital During September and October W. H. Nelson to BM3, A. L. Cave pens in Korea. The Corps now has 120,000 men. it will be the responsibility of the to HMI and R. E. Willis, HN to enlisted person to furnish funds HM3. for the support of his dependents. Flag Division Those dependents who do not re- A. S. Hampton to be advanced IN MEMORIAM ceive funds for their support dur- to YN3. ing this period should communi- Naval Supply Depot Mr. Phillip Heimer passed cate with the enlisted person upon M. B. Andrasko to BM3 and J. H. away suddenly of a heart whom they are dependent. Chasteen to CS3. attack on Sunday morning, Beginning in November, checks AFDL-1 8 October 1950, at his resi- for the full amounts-allotments D. A. Gawronski to be advanced dence at Randolph Ranch. from the Servicemen, plus allow- to BM3. He was born on 30 November ances made by the Service-will AFDL-47 1899 in Eskilstuna, Sweden. be mailed directly to the J. E. Brown to be advanced to He was employed by the dependents. YN3. Base Public Works Depart- ARD-16 ment since 13 July 1937, ad- Among new words the atomic R. L. Fender to be advanced to vancing from common laborer age has added is "weaponeer." It BM3. to Quarterman, Public Works. means "one who activates an atomic bomb into readiness for release Utility Squadron TEN Burial was in the Base ceme- tery. upon a target." G. E. Eastwood to ADI; P. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Marina Heimer, Nogueira to ALl; J. N. Young and The male cardinal fish of Austra- F. J. O'Brien to AL2; R. L. Lind, his mother, a brother, Oscar, and eight children. lia waters holds the eggs of the to AT2; R. C. Bradshaw, W. F. female -in his mouth until they Bertolet, J. P. Collins, P. H. Waters hatch. Page Two INDIAN 14 Octobe 0 ,Pa~eTHE INDIANTwoyTHE Saturday HOSPITAL NOTES Heirport News: Ronald Dean Davenport born 6 October to DC1 and Mrs. J. I. Davenport; Bruce Eugene Richardson born 6 October Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg., Sunday, 15 October 1950 Room 205 - Phone 254 to BM1 and Mrs. E. Richardson; Kenneth Leon Jones born 8 October Catholic Masses Saturday, 14 October 1950 to LTJG and Mrs. T. J. Jones; Gar- 0700-Naval Base Chapel rett Arterburn II born 9 October 0930-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE 1745-Naval Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to TSGT and Mrs. G. Arterburn. Base Chapel Daily Mass -0630 Rear Admiral A. M. Bledsoe, USN The departure of the HODGES Commander this week also marked the depar- Confessions before all Masses Allen Collier, J03------------------Editor ture of HMC VanHorn and family, Protestant Services P. H. Teeter, LCDR---------- Staff Advisor and J. C. Johnson, Fiscal Account- Sunday: 0930-Sunday School THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- ant and family. VanHorn has been 1000-Adult Bible Class anced by appropriated funds, printed on ordered to duty in Washington at government equipment, for free distri- 1100-Divine Worship bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, BuMed. Mr. Johnson is being re- Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by order of the tired after completing thirty years Base Commander. combined active and inactive mil- Chaplains at this activity THE INDIAN is published in compliance tary service. Mr. Johnson asked CDR JOHN F. HAGEN, with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 USN (Rev) 1945. that it be mentioned in The Indian (Protestant) THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press that at the last minute he discover- LT P. J. MARRON, USNR Service material which may be reprinted ed he is the emotional type and (Catholic) with the credit line: AFPS. just couldn't say goodbye to all his good friends-we were asked to say 'Goodbye and good luck AN OPEN LETTER TO TRAINING GROUP to all'. I. TRIVIALS M. Petit, LTJG, NC departed via PARENTS air on Sunday for duty in Bethesda. By C. H. Lewis, YNI Everyone is still talking about Dear Mothers and Fathers: Ye Olde Westerner Party at the the dinner-dance which was given For sometime your children have OC was in the high-good class, at Phillips Park last Friday night. been asking us a $64 question lotsa barbeque pork, plenty of The floor show which was staged which only you can answer. Their beans, potato salad, special dress- under the direction of Clements, question pops up in many ways ing, and that various assortment of HM1 was the outstanding event but it all adds up to this: "We liquids for refreshing uplift for the of the evening. The chorus line go to Sunday School every Sun- next morning let-down. CDR Mab- consisted of Brannon, HM2, Doyle, day but why is it our parents ely got him some mighty fine com- HM2, Martin, HN, Dunnick, HA, seldom go to church?" petition. CDR Gould left his tele- Alexander, HN, Esterling, HM3 Some children have offered ex- graphers key in the railway station, and the director. The 'girls' sur- cuses for their parents others but brought the atmosphere with prised us all with their talent. apologized for them and still oth- him-mighty fine! ! We were some- Clements also put on a solo tap ers gave explanations which were what disappointed to see so few of dance that was outstanding, and rather embarassing. the Training Group there. If we Alexander's radio skit was good for Too often we parents fail to re- expect good entertainment, we've lots of laughs; and last but not member that children are the got to give good support-so lets least, the dance which was put on world's greatest imitators and that turn out 100% next time! by LTJG Williams, NC and Ger- they imitate their own parents We see by the classical expres- ringer, HM2. Besides the enter- more than anyone else in the sion on LCDR William's face that tainment there was plenty of food world. he finally got those consarned and drinks and everyone had a At any rate your children de- orders that should have been in grand time. serve a reply to their $64 ques- the mail months ago! And what tion and let us not imagine that orders! Who's the friend? Congrats we can fool these youngsters very on getting Washington duty! ! Give CHILDRENS' SERVICE long.
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