MANY FIGHTERS HAVE WON BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK BURLEIGH GRIMES 10 PITCH AGAIN BV SCIENTIFIC BLOWS FAMOUS LEFT HAND PUNCHES FAME Copyright, 1919, by the Tress Publishing Co. (The Now York Evening World.) AGANS I YANKEES LANDED WITH LEFT HANDS Dodger, Wlfb Twirls Farewell Game at Jacksonville, Has H ML Not Allowed Earned Run. As a Rule Port Side Arms Arc Better Developed Than Rights Attell Was Noted Southpaw Puncher; So Were McGoorty, Spll to Tli' Ktfnlnn World.) JACKSONVILLE, Fia., April Dal Hawkins, Fitzsimmons and Jeffries Dempsey's Drive Tho stago Is all set for this after noon's final conflict hero between tho With His Is Paralyzcr It Does 80 Per Cent, of Work Left a Dodgers and the Yankees, which will in Ring. bo waged for tho United Daughters) of tho Confederacy, to whom the gato receipts will bo donated, Southern NO. 1 IN SERIES OF ARTICLES ON PUNCHES USED DY bcautlos havo been selling tickets on tho streets, In tho hotel lobbies and GREAT AMERICAN FIGHTERS. clubs thioughout tho week nnd n big Is expected. Ilurlclgh Grimes, The Left-Han- d Punches. turnout tho Yankco Nemesis, who has not By Robert Etlgrcn. tho American Leaguers nti earned run during tho scries, will go CopTTlrM, lilt. It the Proa ftiWlsrilnf Co. (Hie New Tors Frrnlns World.) on tho moulid for Undo Hobble. bo- - that lias taken Its place among world sports and has 's garni) will bo tho last Importance In training fighting men In tho United States workout the ledgers will havo here. N comc of will bo n day of rest and Army millions o( people arc taking a now Interest In old ring cham on .Monday tno two teams will lcavo on tho 8.30 A. M. train for Hruns- - i pions and Uiclr methods. For more wick, On., whero they will play their I first road gamo on Monday after- Uian twonty-flv- c years I havo made a noon. cJoso study of our champions, It would not bo nt all surprising Uiom In grcateirt to seo Leo Mageo In u Brooklyn uni- have watched their form when tho season opens. Though battles, and havo often put tho padd- nothing deflnito has yet been donn ' my- nvt. OMU' dOAKD A 6HAW bo dono ed mittens on with somo of them and cannot until after April " through personal 19, when tho tlmo for Kopf to roport self, to find out Is up, Indications point to Clncln- - V what trnlts of character or natl's handing over Magco to tho physical power mado them superior Urooklyn club. to other men. In the old days of English boxing tho English placed great reliance In Alice a "straight loft." Tho Jem Maco school of boxing was of tho "hit and get Miss Lord away" order, nearly all of tho fighting being done with tho left hand, tho to right reserved for a finishing blow. This Is tho safest stylo of boxing, and Latest Enter a skilful fighter with a fast left hand can easily beat down a stronger and 500- - Yard Swim clumsier opponent In a long fight A curious thing that I havo often noticed In left-hand- fighters is tho Tho latest to enter the 500-ya- rd na- development of tho left arm. Abe Attell had a wonderful left peculiar tional championship for women swim- fight, Alex Oreggalns's old club on Howard hand. When I first saw him at mers Is Mlas Allco Lord of this city, In Abo was a two-hand- slugger. Ills right arm Harvard Crew Confident Street San Francisco, who is raprtlly coming Into proml-nenc- o Tmo was larger and stronger than his left, as Is usually tho caso with any fAorr rAKou& ucrr MAnt ovw as ono of the foremost mer- bo-ca- right-hande- d person. years of boxing Audi's left arm naturally After PuCXUi POhltK VM1TM 'JKlCM. Of Victory at Annapolis maids of this section. While Miss larger and (stronger than his right. That was natural, as tho left rliOPLBVJBiOHT lxrd will havo strong competition for SPIM tG rAEM A.WJMt WtU, Ml KMOCKSP oJT HEArtVjewroVWcl tho title, her friends nro certain continually In hitting. I havo noticed tho SwtMGlMCl LC-F- that hand was extended and used TewUHC ' OlM CROETT. sho will bo able to convince her oppo McCoy hundreds in Capt. Whitman could have his pick same development In Jeffries, Fitzsimmons, Hawkins, and Crimson to Use Sailor Shell them. Tho dele- nent that they navo Dccn in a real of Crimson leader raco. of other famous rlngstera. gated this Job to Hart who choose days, some Big Race With Tigers ono as near dimensions as his Tho event will bo held at the Brigh tho most remarkable loft-- t' but Ham still hai trace tho that One of of tho wicked lunging left fop and Middies. crew has been using here. ton lieach Winter I'ool next Saturday handed hlttorH over known In the dChool. Ho Jabbed old. John I. Hulll tho body that mndu him a terror WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW? The Harvard crow Is not a finished evening and will bo held In conjunc- American ring was Dal Hawkins. van untl John collapsed in tno among . 1'vo seen him rowing combination by any means, tion with tho metropolitan fancy div twenty-fir- st Jef-fr- lr nro Va brought up In Virginia City, round. Ho Jabbed beat down scores of men with that QUERIES ANSWERED. (Spnrtil to Tba Rrraliii World.) but tho eight men aro going to An- ing championship, uoin oventi was twenty-thre- o SPORTING by tho A. A. U. boy quite a for rounds before blow. I've seen him bit a man ami CAMBRIDGE. Mass,, April 12. napolis confident of giving tho best sanctioned and w.ll Nevada, and as a did ,Ie(T out. Jnboed be held under the respective ausplc mining knocked him lie send him spinning so that he'd turn Harvard finishes Its home rowing for thcro Is In thorn. All aro experienced t littio fighting in that old through slxty-on- o rounds with the completely around onco or twice be- The livening World l en- In a recent Issue of your paper you enough to go through a hard raco of tho Women's Llfo Saving I.caguo tho raco with Princeton and Annapo- tho Women's Swimming Associa- camp. Whon ho went to Han Fran- black murvol. reter Jackson, nnd, fore ho reached tho floor. I.ingford to any reasonable glvu tho weights of Lowls 232 and without wilting. Their work has Im- and while do much to I'cter, deavor answer 226. Will tion of New York. cisco taught himself a tttylo ho couldn't bad tremendously wide nnd powerful '.ybzko Is this correct? lis Thursday afternoon, and the same proved a great deal In the past week, he had l'etor couldn't do anything nt all to shoulders, ami he swung whole iportlna Qiicrv sent In hv It read- you also Inform mo how many bouts and tho crack freshman crow has Among tho other prominent entries Ho his evening will board a rattler bound for 600-ya- of lighting that was all his own. him. Corbott's Jabbing victory over body tho blow. ers. Questions as to "How old it Jack Hrltton had with Ted Lewis, been threo running, tho In tho race are Miss Char with tho Academy, whero tho beaten times had studied out a use of tho left Htilllvnn, In which he danced away Annt" "What is llolshcviki," "The slnco the latter took tho champion- Naval brush last tlmo by two lengths. lotto Boyle, who holds rcvoml of thn from Hulllvan's bull-llk- o rushes and Dempsey's Left Is a ship to tho present time? will bo Htaged a week from y. Tho rowing tho triangular national titles for the shorter (! hand that no other fighter had at diameter of the seventh dimen- order for taut ilmo. Dal trractlscd striking his way to victory, mi. .u. m. iu Tho Crimson will take time by the raco as confirmed by Coach William tonces, and who will make her deb i changed tho stylo of American box- Paraiyzer. sion," fc, trill not 6e constoered. Wrestling weinhts are correct. Haines will bo stroke. Delmor Lolgh-to- n, as a swimmer over tho longer rou'-Mifl- s blow ty reaching oui oiomy forelock, and rigger Hart leaves Mon- - ' full arm's length and then suddenly ing for several yenni, until Fltr.nlm- - Jack Detupsey, who is to llirlit Will. Queries on lascball, boxing, row? rltton and Lewis ennaned in seven ICt pounds; ?, Norman Urazcr, lleoslo ltlta Hyan, of tho Mei. turning tho palm mnnx, Jeffries and tho heavy hitters nrd July 4. Is a heavy body hittei bouts exclusive of the last one at day for Annapolis to prepare one of 171 pounds; 6, Frank Lothrop, 180 owbrook Club, Philadelphia, who p twisting his wrist, ino or any other form of athletics olght-oarc- d down and demonstrated thnt the weight behind with tho left. Ho doesn't swing, but Canton. tho Middles' Ward sholls pounds; 5. Hob Scdgwlck,'193 pounds; sesscs several titles In tho .Middle A f his clenched hand will he given attention and plan to 174 Kn slightly lifting tho elbow. This blow a blow wins lights. drives tho left straight In or uses it careful What Is tho seating capacity of tho for tho Harvard oara. Tho 4, Davo Morris, pounds; 3. John lantlc States events, nnd Miss blow over with n lifting , according to his ansiccrcd accurately. noston Notional League grounds and ship tho sectional shell for tho race Under. 180 pounds; 2, Charles Hatch-elde- r, nor Ubl, also of tho Mcadowbre . was tho shortest left hand was 172 by any lighter. It travelled only Fitzsimmons Greatest opening. Ho practically knocked Ful- What Is tho nationality of Jess tho New York Polo Grounds? abandoned when It was learned pounds! bow, Fred Whitman Club. used are already 170 pounds; coxwain, Ned for diving lion h Inches and it knocked ton out with that , nlthoucli Dcmpsey? How SGT. I'. F. C. that thcro four Ward (captain), Tho contest the threo or four Left-Hand- Wlllard and Jack 38,000. oklfts on off Severn, and developed keen rivalry bctwee ji man down as If ho had boon struck Hitter ho hit him twice on tho chin before Boston, 45,000; New York, the lloat the Pelrson. haa a ho fell. Ho lias brought down Mar old aro they and was tho latter ever Hob sporting writer, Miss Josenhlno Hartlett. who l with n liHHOball bat. was Is Edcrcn. f Krno. ono of the fastest Hob Fitzsimmons tho most re rls, Ounbont Hmlth and a lot of other knocked out? dead or allvo? If living what Is his bold the metropolitan tltlo for markable left-hand- hlttor of them heavyweights by bending them double years, and Miss Helen Wainwr ght lightweight champions of his tlmo, F)t7. J. T). address? . neany um all. knocked out hundreds of with a left In tho body nnd then Edgren Is very much alive. His War Work Has Helped mere gin rrom t'oncgo ruini. wun was raugnt nnu kiiuckvu men with his left hand. Ho could hit Willard was born In Pottawatomie Bob Relief ccntly was placed nhr i Viv hlnw. Krno was watching huoklni; tho same hand ud to the is P. O. Box 151, Hollywood, in Detroit ihnt equally hard with either hand, hut Jaw, sometimes crossing tho right to County, Kansas, on Dec. 28th, 1887. address of Miss Hartlett In a similar contos'. Hawkins's left. In tho first round usually hit with tho left Cal. mon came together Hawkins first and tho jaw as a brushing touch empsey first saw the light of day Dempsey's To Revive Interest in Sports as tho thnt was enough to win. Ho mnde Johnson has lost all tho renutatlnn at Utah, Salt Lake City, in 1895. He What Is Jack correct reached out slowly wun mat ien. tho "solar plexus punch" famous Flynn namu? J. L. mo ho thought Hawkins ho ever had, or might havo had, and was knocked out by Jim the Krno told when ho knocked out Corbett In four I wnllliln't mention him linrn lilir for Pueblo in round of Thai's it. ovcr to Meet down his guard, fueman the first j fr C,estoTdiears?plierna,la Sellers Intended to pull teen rounds nt Carson. ono thing. ho a bout in Lake City should to John Athletics Dominating Feature 'es which waa held high. Krno saw As a lighting machine Salt on Feb. How I address a letter poised motionless When Fitzsimmons first toured did havo a fow tricks worthy of a 13th, 1917. McGraw? A. C. IL - Hr. Mulligan visited all the big Wins Hawkins's Jicid America as a fighter bo knocked scientific Interest. beat New York Baseball Club, No. 200 of K. of C.'s Entertain- Ray He In the air Just F.rno's own out Johnson's From whom did Bonnie Leonard military camps where American if aiJo -- most of his victims by hitting them punch wns an upporctit, dollvcred Avenue, New York City. right forearm and then ho win tho championship? Fifth ment Activities. troops aro In France. Knglanu, Bel To-Ni- g "seven, on the Jaw with either right or left. when too close to his opponent to de- H. tho original Battling Nelson gium, Italy and Germany to espe- heard tho referee count nny el Fink. Was fit's Race realised that bo was lying on his MiKn Donovan told Fltz that he'd liver other blow. With his Leonard took the title from Fred born In Hcgewlch, ni, or Copenhagen,, cially study the needs of our men surely kill somn of tho big fellows bow ctoso to his body nnd hut fore knock-ou- i legalized boxlnft, back, nnd managed to get up. rilo Welsh by a t in the Denmark? J. A. UK revival of for everything in the way of out Judging from the number and qtrnlltr tills; who fought him on tho stage when arm straight up he could deliver a round 't b t neld M 28th, Copenhagen I. correct. The date In door sports, played basoball with What happened was Just was If nlnth ronowed interest baseball lie of performers entered In the National out slowly until ho meeting all comers. ho eon 1917 hi 5' 1882- - tho soldiers, throw uio canuuaii, Hawkins reached ttnued knocking out blows tthro't'hcV' SM'as Ju" T and rejuvenation of outdoor Federation of 1'o.ital llmployees' gsjne enough them with played pushed medicino Ills bund wns near tn deliver on tho Many Wt2 tennis, the peculiar blow. It didn't look chin. of them where clinch athletic contests In gcHerul can be ball, donnod tho boxing gloves and In the 11th negluieiit Armory his blacksmiths and nnd Ho a trick of pushing nnout lit- like a punch, and Krno didn't move lumbermen had dcllnltely traced, In a large measure, exchanged punches with soldier ath- track and field sport will experience range. gave strong fellows vlu didn't know how until his rival was a llttlo off balance, letes. Ho knows how they feel tle trouble In regaining the place It held to get out of Hawkins protect , to war relief work In with n to their but thought nnd then shooting In this (Fistic News John Pollock and Gossip) fnncctlon sports, Is directing In the athletic world before tho war. bin wrist nnd forearm twist and 1 recrea- toward and a they could fight, begged Fltz to profornbly with tho left fist. can providing entertainment and K. C. overseas programme One of tho most Interesting events on his clenched glovo struck on Krno's In of that 600 Spe- hit them tho body, with tho left. closo my eyes nnd seo a picture of - Philadelphia. As Itojuo Is only one of those soldiers, sailors tho programme Is tho "Postal cheekbone. Hut for Krne's high Ho If the Scnatn, now In session at Tren- tion for American will insure all sorts of outdoor sport Fltz worked out tho solar plexus tho ring at lleuo, and sco that black fighters punishment It Is a euro cial." Jaolt Sellers. Tod Meredith. Ho- guard tho blow would havo reached punch, ouco lly ton, N. J., passes the amendment tn tho who ran take and marines. Devotees of athletics for tho million and a half American mer Hiker, Neal Shaughnessy, Georso Intended, and and Mlko told mo Hob arm shoot up and Jeffries' head thin that Chancy will hare the better of the In Kuropo awaiting tho his chin, as Hawkins was ns pleased as a child with a I can almost again the Hurley boxing law which Increases aro Indebted to a fow mon who mado soldiers etlll Dernell, J. J. O'llrlen and N. D. out. bark. hear conteet, corao home. Mr. Mulligan re- Krno would havo been knocked now toy as ho went on. night teeth. was a wicked tho number of rounds from eight to tho point to foaturo sports (especially day to will face tho starter. Sellers Is the scores of nfter clash of Jeff's It knows men want and he la cently crowned national 600.yard cham- Hawkins knocked out night, knocking nut his men with n blow, ono ngalnst which It was JC 1mghlln, the jwwniitns: welterweight of contents) as tho ono big at- what the blow. In ench of and ten, It will glvo the sport In tho O. outdoor supplying It. pion, He meets practically tho ime flfthtcrs with that single book neatly placed on tho noft almost Imposslblo to offer a defense. Allentown, Pa., and Young Ixonard of l'onnil. traction in war camp activities. tho great Joo Clans Unto of New Jersey another big boost. re- field that h beat before, his two fights with BHit Just below tho edgo of tho ribs ThH blow was among tho many tanla, liSre Ixs-- matrhnl to meet in Tho outstanding llguro In this group There can be no doubt that tho repeats ho will nine-secon- d Tho fight fans across tho river like to If Sellers meet Jo he dropped dans for n usually called tho "pit of army camps, uso of Wilkea-llart- Mulligan, Chalr-nia- n markable voume of publicity given week so, the taught In the for eo long prospects aro lout at the I'eerlres A. C. Pa., of men Is William J. Hay ot Chicago In a or Itaj. count In tho first round, with this stomncli. wero nt grips with bouts and tho Monday night, Loughlln has been fighting ICnlghts Columbus Con- - to nthletlca as a result of tho policy an excellent porformcr, showe.i even when our soldiers neit of of always punch. It was a blow tho Mu- In to lighting. they will bo rewarded, as tho Assembly In of his contests that the indications on uin-le- te adopted by tho Knights of Columbus himself to be In tip top condition b. seo delivered, Fitzsimmons hnd a trick of shift tho Hoeho hand hand so well til mltteo war Activities. An tators could hardly and Denny Leonard, present lightweight only a few days ago passed Uio amend- are will trouble la outpointing Mulligan knows tho nnd other war relief organizations breaking the world's Indoor mile record was to Ing his right foot forward and then he bare bo himself, Mr. on Thursday night tho effect of It as startling the left-han- d ment without a dissenting vote, par impressed legislators, and tho re- In Chicago when o hooking champion, makes great use of a Tho Leonard. of athletic sports to a has 3- as to tho recipient. the left band Just as ho real valuo ran In I minute H -5 se onlookers punch tho body. This blow crowd yet nnu sult is tho probablo passage of laws. 2- would naturally hook a right In tho in laruest that has witnessed a ticipant In contests, Knows aiso 1 -3 seconds off If Ivjiris U fisht prorootf of fin en- many legalizing boxing onds, clipping the mar Down When normal boxing tiosl was tho one that led to the bout In Jersey City eaw Franklo Hums rnjt. the keen enjoyment and healthful ib States, and set by tho great Johnny Overton In 1917. They Stayed lyncher,, etagen tf l - of Welsh by Leonard, lie lilt Welsh Jersey Huttllng leit provides for Hpccta- permitting baseball on Sundays. Mr. -- tlon. This was his famous "shift." of City and Jlcddy r tertainment it Loren MurchlBon. tho St. I.ouis sprin Kngllsh (lil4une of Paul an.1 fi.Wh-- Xltrtiiel.1 box- I MoGoorty's Left Landed. nnd it gnvo him tremendous leverage so hard In tho body that tho battle thero on Thursday night Over Mie fit. tors. It la fcecauso of tnis mat air. Mulligan's statements Indorsing er, who starts In tho 75 and 300 yar champion tn the lloor, nnd when of llrodJdyn at the Ojtin In Pri on rival day tho ing havo been placed before law- runs, arrived In town yesterday and left-han- for a blow. knocked went 12.W) Mulligan, from tho first great ono-pun- d knockout Ilo pei'Mius witnessed tho scrap. Hie iwkM sttr a We Another out both Hlinrkey and Huhlln wltl ho got up was half parnlyfd below Tu.lsr nlirht eoni.t to Knlghta of Columbus began tholr makers throughout the country with confident that hn will take tho prizes hitter was Kddlo McGoorty. I saw llm wiilst. nnd unnblo to either run mwcl, an llaitfielt made good tT defmtlnsT Billy ath- effect. A statement emanat- both events Pick to St. I.oula with hln,. English this punch, imth or them told mo 1'ranUn llurrta, l.o iinlnlpntlontllj fnnleil war relief work, Insisted that manifest lilm knock out Jack Harrison. fights they'd nover or fight when Leonard dashed In to tisiw on TiwnUy nUrU aral Q&itxa baa dominating feature of ing from Knights of Columbus head- champion, nnd D.ivu after the that Kattluu Jtistdy in tho rcnth rotmj ot Uiclr city Gi4iivi la letics bo tho right ngaln, or be- Mulsh him. nrrer nwn In tliat IWito. rec- quarters to tho effect that the ordei "old lioli" for fear right t Uie Fna-dm- tho Knlghta" entertainment and nt Olympic) Htnlth, Australian middleweight Champion round Krp 4lh llivtmrnt .Armory in ItunMng atuot laoVlng his loomo la Ban . legalized sparring exhibi nonlilr Hrnilrr Field ing killed. Ho hit too hard. Fitz Former to- activities. Ho spent mill favored . champion, each with almost the first was a great left Jrrwj city. Thurly nlsht, mumcd mining reational was quoted by at Olympic Field, ti.-- simmons was the craftiest of all Jnmi's J Jeffries day a g) nmaaluin in Jori.'y City (or tight. ions of do lara for athlotlo supplies tions hundreds of blow of tho battle. McGoorty' blow being left il hit - Lincoln Giants, "World's Colored fighters. I asked Kid McCoy crafty handed lighter, naturally ruunj go 1tli Patjiey Johnson Trenton, ejisruw Tuta mniln In rne oW set is sending Imrncnso quan- writers throughout tho United States was longer than Dai's, being moro of some left of ,, J., AnotJvr hei and still Champions," will clash In anoth r as a fox himself why ho never handed. 1'nllko other at thn nnt tioiing hor of lh Porrativi' Club of for the tMtwein ifwtnan, ttMe a left hook, nut it was delivered try to re-th- e tet doublo header, meeting the utrnr,,- - fought FltzslmmoiiH. handed fighters he didn't KUraU'th, N. J., on Monday night. btntsmwolgtLt olnursmin. arsl JtAinny Krtle of with tho same twist of tho wrist. boxing position nnd The tout ON Ironsides of Newark In tho final game Kid McCoy became famous "Ilecauso that old guy knows too ought to pack the club home, oj both hojt aro Ht I'aul st the,.Mmnw.ii'. la II, ulna Club of RAY MAKES ANOTHER TWO SHOWS PUT hold tho left hnnd back for a finish. tattling on of tho afternoon. Hither Cyclone J through use of his "cork-scre- much," Mild McCoy. "I enn measuio good flghtrni and IkmiIih it is tho first, tUnu Uicy Minnea4uliit. Instead of Uie huts Spitlmll t'ockreil or Hnnd nny Inir punch. He extended bis left, and Uigithur. will It out on May 0 Herman RECORD FOR INDOORS. FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Durtch." Ho could Knock down n other man's mind and tell what straight blow coim AiriJ 21. Uv hate Grenadn Iteddlng will do thn also he's likely to do next, when you he could hit a terrllle is to receive a guorojhteo ot t.000 for Ills end. work for tho colored ehuiiipmns. man of twice his strength with that but cham-..lonnli- in In every with It. When he won tho Tim Ii round tmut Jooj Ko, tho annex- loyalty league, headed tho early gamo nt 1.30 P XI the short blow. I ulwnys thought that think )ou know move old Fltz do ttis'n Jm llurman of Chlrsgo. 0 Wentern CHICAGO. April 12. After Tho Hoxers' Llr can make ho pulls from Fitzsimmons he Ungluh featherweight, and Krantm Uruwn, tho mA by Morgan, Hill Horry com winnta win inuy uiu vracit UnOM" tho crafty Kid borrowed that blow out something knockdown with the tanlrunweUtfit. is me SntAina for a moteti wiih ing honors In a now world's record Dan Oates and ter Club. new 1 llvcred the first local lighter, mil ho fought at lid Oljmuia A. I'. double-head- from Dal Hawkins. Ha used It in that you, never thought of. (1 JiJinny Kittune, UWer of tho feather- mile, doing It In 4.14 6, Neary. put on a for the boxed In his training camp strnluht left, llftlnir Fltwdmmnns of l'hUadelphia on Monday eiening, April SI. In the indoor much tho naiiio way. Hut McCoy onco wv-h- t title, llurman in anotinT yiamittrter wbo wounded soldiers last nlirht at tho Gun I I from bin feet with such fureo that They ero to hato haMed at the National C. Jolo Itay last night mado himself an Ilmrrnlils In Double told mo that ho studied out tho blow w,lieu was a youngster. studied A. ju outgnrra tti tunti!reihl rla.w arul he feela Hill Hospital, The following bill was Ilrmlrr, f I Hob struck tho floor on his back. of tho aatrm city a f.w Merit ago, hut brown's by stepping the Central A. A. u Tim T?mf.rilil ltnalinll himself, his orlginnl Intention being Fltz until thought know all about ttic tliat Ij ran Tory near taking KiUanc'a Utle other put on: Tommy Shea vs. I'anama ,11111 1 unit wns so biullv daznd that re shoulder .u mi injure.1 tho hout was railed off. n'ne 1.J7 5 chopping off ono open their season after- to cut his opponent's face by twist- him. 'I'lun thought I'd put some- In away htm U he ran B"t KiSone to furht half mile In vs. Atont- - result of the flirht win doubt The matchmaker of the UbmiU A. A. senired fnn mado Warner, JacK notiinson Jim noon at the Catholic Priitector ing his fist as his landed. Later thing oier on the old man. I sent n''T hlin at weigh in at rtrKsldel At fifth from the previous record gomcry, new heavy; grounds, a my from thnt time until Jeffries put over l.o hout by offi ring the lighters Utter Induee- - lia iirl, by Campbell, Chicago Han Storgnn's Joe Westchester, with doub'. he developed so much power with grip down to tho station to bo Kltbann hia Mfisrd tn mtae Uiat weight Inst year Tom Curiuel vs. Eddio Summers and Fred ready to beat It away tho Hnlshinir rittiu. t.uU tho luatchnulrr of tho .National A, C, a with. University 2 M., crod the twist of the wrist that ho turned fiom tbeie, MrAulirrc. the nrltrlnnl Jack Denip Ilnnrran la liy If lie gels on matili KU. Dyer vs. Tim Healy. scheduled for P. they will It into a knockout blow instead of anil had my clothes outside where I Uno at I'M ur IVfi lomruln iinesido, Tho same bill was repeated at the ums wiia win wiv nirK rueei Hel- slip Into In soy, Hlxnn. McGovern. and nil tho A moruiter txiilng show, at whkh Mldle Moy Colngf Up, Community Club House, 97th Street mets composed of former 27th Dlvl- one merely designed to mutilato and could them a moment champions, wore Ilasebstll Ilox Urate Are Inn inlrllnpa In ,1... n.U McCoy and get awny. I was going to nl.i tlmo crent users of AllioiUiwn, Pa., and Tirry ltrtNko of ltosttm IVatiMe VtVn. the iilurtty little feattverselirht and Illversldo Drive, under the direc dishearten a rival. When catch Although of wto cam Joe Too, Silk Sox Fltz off guard--r- d never let of tho left hnnd. miniv will battle in tho main etent of Write rounds to (J Kuaten Wand. rwity Ilennau tion of Ullly uunKin. thn Paterson will he tl,. fought Tom Sharkey, who out him right great llaltimoro tf CHICAGO, April 12. Prices of select opponents. Hill Klem of thn seo 1 iliorn osed the for a flnlshlnK a doeislon, will bo held under tho auspices of tho uoli a luttln st that ronn National weighed him twenty pounds and was how much knew about boxing .."-"-n ..... w...... ,(. 1 wenrlni! down was ttie a wae inatdinil trMlay to Chicago Nntlonal Lenguo M(iiiirc. nnd then was going to knock punch, thn rrnl Armory A, A. at a baseball park at Iloston on eaileil cimlct law. scats ot tho Clinmplons ono of tiro toughest nnd strongest him A snmmlntr up Jolinny Uio 61, Paul iantanviirht. for .Silver I.ovlnir Cap for out and run for It. done with the left. April SI, Uio receipts of which will bo dunated to iinvt ltle. llasebnll I'ark have been increased, It men I've ever seen, he knocked Tom In U a Uio American A, it. of nil the blows struck a flrht Iho wounded soldiers of Iloston. Itesldea the flfttn nnmtld dtision at was nnnounced y by Syrneusr Sny llrndy llent .Inelonn on his back twice with this "I thought I'd havo tho laugh on l.otu-i'o- ought cups, flat skilled boxer shows that wUI A. of lUllim. nn neit nlelit. It Veeck. which sold for 11.10 last The threo sllvor loving which svwACtr.sH, N. y.. Apm punch. light I 1 my Moy.llroofci aTsp tliere he srierM other lioxes i2.rtjiip.i After tho nskd him. got opening all right, and does nt lenst 80 per rent, of U Vo a ala.'Vdru! gixkt tatlle brlwoen little felhrs. yenr. Including tho wnr tax, this year bo presented to Henny Leonard, 1 the left etenly matehM fighters, will Ilrady of this city earned a Sharkey If tho "corkscrew" blows hit Fltz on thu chin hut put Ultlea Utwern liy i iw, r, nmi 11 ',0. Including thn decision ov didn't tho work In thn ring, Jerwiw ti lightweight champion, Jack Urlttan. hurt. him out. Ilo was Just playing with UwM is arranging the bouts for tho show, At the Pimwnlt A. O. of New tax. No change would bo mndo In grand wolterwolgbt tltlo holder, and Danny Wllllo Jackson of Nrw York in a tn growled Tom, unwilling to me, slipped my l'.uy Ilatfiv1 and Marty Crista will invt In the prices, Hecck paid, these remain- Hforgan big boxing to round bout nt tho Grand here Inst nigh 'Naw," and after I'd punch Iliiuf, Smith, the middleweight of Psyonne, stand at tho carnival .Tnckson hnd ono round, trim-min- llr.nly Wlim Jell rrsrk feature uf e'aAl nsmilH. Uio 10 per cent, the tenth admit that such a slight fellow ns ever ho gave me u beautiful g. 'enntloiint Uwt ing ut 70 cents, plus ho staged at the Arpiory A. A., of McCoy could knock him down. The old fox pulled HVllACI'Sn. N Y April 12 N. J., will b kept bury fighting for tho re tax. , Jersey City, have been fin- "Ilo stuff that mainder o( this monlli as he is slated to engngo In specimens mo mo balance never of. Young Ilrady, the sensatlonnl locnl K. f C, HilildliiK Trunin Court. ished nnd are as fine of caught off and mo day that I'd dreamed Mrs. battles, Monday night take en cups as ono could desire. Tho carni- BOWUNQ foot slipped." thought I was a nlcu boy, lightweight, scored n vletory over two tin ho will A tennis court, lDCxi:! feet, Is under tat Ovnl. ANDJJUJAJRDS, Fitz and Joo Kagan of lloeton In the main erent of twelro lfnrnnnn val, which Is under tho auspices of A great left-hand- boxer al- fcho Hub an nwful New Yoik In a ten-rnu- Camp N. under 20, Employees' cave laying out Willie Jnrkson "f at l'enwaj A. of Iloston, on ronstriu'tinn nt Plx. J.. On Hastor Sunday, April tho the Standard Shipyards r riun,U tho t while though never a great fighter In the giving mo a black eyo nnd beating lit Onnndng.i the direction of Krimk A. Wandlo, Mnttinl lloneflt Ansoclatlon. nromlaes .1 . . bout here the April ! 'he wall rlaih with Herman Miller of Maroons will open tho soason with a r r Iinniin.. i. n...... eenso that Rharkey, Jeffries, Ituhlm, mo up. Hut 1 deserved it. I A. C. Inst night While .In.' hnd Knights of Columbus Cleneral Sccretnry to bo tho greatest of the kind ever issue rointin,n"Fp. A.'v""- - lift llaltimore for ten rounds at llarrlKburgli, l'i nt the, It Is planned to convert double header at Dyckman Oval, the staged in tho Miocier siaie. .".Bn""v , Hulllvan and the rest of the big men ramp nnywuy. I'd learned a lot of Ihe ndvnntnuc In the llrst .wn rounds r:inii. a S good both and 5j" were great wan Jim Corbett. Jim boxing from Fltz. nnd I'd learned the third wns on n. but the l.n nl uutli it lu shaiw for rontila. the court Into a skating rink during nitrnetlona being the 1'lalnflelds and lloth Leonard Hrltton are Cordes HowlJ, "ISLVA linxer was the aggressor diirlns tin cold weather. There Is nlso being built Newark Stnrs. Schwartz, formerly of booked to appear In exhibition bouts ., ..v.".i.. a. , n, y was a noxcr, as a ho wus tho ono man whoso mind (leorgo Clianey of llalliuiore will hare another v, beautiful fast that remttlndrr of the bout. It wns ono of at Camp Dlx, under Secretary Wundlo'a tho New Kngland League, will pitch with their sonrrlng linrtnern. Hat. Stein'". i.'wt llllllarl-l- streak nnd as quick of mind as ha I couldn't measure and the one man tho most sensatlonnl limits ever easy time in a lout to night, at he is booked to supervision, nn outdoor gymnasium nnn nr tno frames ror me .iittruonn tllng Lovlnsky and other ring stars " war."snq BJIriyilieiie (Vl. uti waa of foot. Ho was toll and sllchtlv never want to fight." staged In this cty between two light meet Jack Itusso, the New Orleans fighter, tn thu which will Include a uutirter-inll- e cinder and Mclnerny, former VUlanova star, will also be on hand to display their T2i tW.ljOWl, nliumit "a itoeraliuiisii! IrulM, and of the "hit and set away' Hara Lansford has, passed hla best weights. aiu bout of su rounds at tut National A, U, of track. Will Pitch the other. wares. Sm Unumrlci-llaia- e feikadu c.

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