fTTTP. TtTtTF.. nArATTA. 0. - j TTTKSDAY.- - i AlitfUKT '

SIOUX MGERMAH by "Bud" Fisher LAHDJN Jeff Must Have Met Methusaleh's Grandson Drawn for The Bee ; Xcrby White in Fine Torm and In- dians Win Handily. . N 1 , iiUilUMttta - . I Ti rXDOR. OH, LOOK AT TH rAN 2p A.W, POOR. OLO BECAUSE TEN TO SEVEN OL-- "DOWN If OV.0 tAAN FINAL SCORE O rAAN THCv. POOR He's ouevr nvan Boo Hoo wivr R.e veto In to the i CR.VN(o TOO. VJHlPPGO r Harris Sent Itellcre llKmnn, eveP-- Ke must tn Stem sfu.' b bnt lie I'roTfn Unnble over a HONoe.e --J : v "N v the Tide Anntnst the ewti iS&gJeZ Ut. llcnrs.

BIOUX C1TT, la., Aug. ioux City played an uphill game today and won by a final score of 10 to 7. Kerby White pitched great ball and would have made a much better showing with the avorago support. The locals bunched on Hager-ma- n and Harris. Score: BIOUX C1TT. AB. IV. H. O. A. E. Cooney, 2b 6 Clarke. If S Smith, ss Callahan, 3g 4 Davidson, cf...... Hums, Jb 4 Miller, rf 3 llapp, c...... 4 AVhlte. p 4 Totals 35 10 12 27 9 I DENVER. AB. It. II. O. A. E, Qulllln, 3b 4 0 0 0 0 0 Cassldy, rf 4 0 0 Channell. cf 6 1133 - 3 2 0 0 Butcher. 2b 5 1 Elston. If 6 131 2 2130 0 Block, o..... 4 0 3 4 1 BOO HOC? Harris, p 1 0. 0 0 2 FOR TtlRCfrllNfe Coffey, ss 4 0 13 3 -- weuv. vMin T)o Fisher, lb 6 1 1 9 0 rtxxt FATHER STONSS AT f? 'Hagerman, p 2 0 0 0 1 Me Spahr, c 2 0 0 0 0 WHiPPeo ; GRAND FrVW6fc. vco? OV) Totals 41 7 14 24 10 WHIP ? Denver 1 Sioux City 0 00410001073 0 2 3 1 1 -1- 0 Left on bases: Sioux City, G; Denver, 10 zx . First base on errors: Sioux City, u Denver, 1. Sacrifice hits; Hagerman Cassldy. Davidson (2). Two-bas- e hltts Clarke. Channell. Elston. Callahan. Cas eidy. Butcher. Homo : Channell stolen bases: Davidson, Cooney, Clarke. lilts: Off Hagerman, 10 in six Innings off Harris. 2 In two Innings. Struck out By Hagerman, 4! by white, 10. Bases on balls: Off Harris, li oil Whlto, 2. Passed uaiis: iiiock, ltapp. wnu pitcn: iiagcr man. nit by pitched ball: smith, David con, Miller. Time: 2:15. Umpire: An- dirson. ' ST BOOSTEIIS TAKE, THREE GAMES 3Inke Clenn Sweep of the Wichita Series. DES MOINES, Aug. 4. Des Moines sweep Ami made a clean of the Wichita series this afternoon by winning the last game, b to 3. Manager Maddox of the visitors was put out of the grounds by Umpire eegnsi in ine nimn inning, score diss moines. AB. It. O. A. iHahn, rf 4 i 0 Jjreen, u..... 0 0 i Hunter, 4 0 3L cf... bUHes: Boston. 8; Cincinnati, C. Balk: By Allen. 5; by Moore. 1: by Pierce, Leonard, 3b. 2 3 runs. Smyth and Aaams were onon Time: 1:W. Umpires: Brennan ana 7 1 CARDS PHILLIES Johnson, Rudolph. Bases on balls: Off Jones, lb RUBBER GOES TO KEARNEY crabbing on decisions. Tho Rudolph, . Ilellly, 6 3 fined for LOSEJO Ames, 1; off Johnson, 4; off Jiason. ss.... of Rice. Malm- - z, uy joiiiisuu, Blight, c...... 4 2 of Teams feature was the fielding UtrucK out: liy Aincs, i. Andreas, 2b.. 2 1 Standing qulst and Snapp, each throwing out men by Rudolph. 3. Wild pitch: Ames. Time: Assoclnllon nesalta. Becker Starts St. Louis to Defeat 2:24. Umpires: Tllgler and Byron. BrH-n- i Laf forty, p.. 0 0 0. Champion Beds Unable to Make on looked to be safo hits. At Toledo at first what with Homer. Urmnrce wins ro ruinnia, Columbus i 5 5 Totals 30 S 8 27 10 WESTERN L.EAGQE. Headway Against Plympton. In the eighth Malmqulst 'beat Rondcnu piTTsnuito. Pa.. Auir. 4. Demaree'B Toledo 6 7 0 WICHITA. P. W. V. Pet. out of a two-bagg- by jumping In the great pitching won for New York from Batteries: coiumDua, vjook, t)r AB. R. H. o. A. E. Denver 101 63 37 .601 air and spearing a lino drive. Score: SECURES TWO SINGLES BESIDES Pittsburgh this afternoon by tho scoro Murphy; Toledo, Baskette and Lujd. app. ss 6 l 2 2 Des Moines 103 69 44 .673 WILLEY TOUCHED EIGHT TIMES of 2 to 1. Singles by Snodgrass, Burns At Minneaoiis Nicholson, If. . 4 1 3 .510 COLUMBUS. YORK. Lincoln 104 S3 51 AB.II.O.A.C. All. 11.6. A. E. and Fletcher gavo the visitors their first Milwaukee J J Middleton, cf . 4 1 6 10G 63 52 .605 Stcntlr Knll Until the Minneapolis ,. St. Joseph ICnpltnl' nmJMU, lb 4 1 0 1 Oltlre, 3b 1 0 Donk Pitches run In tho Blxth. in the aevcnw, wnen ... ; ,.i Hughes, 2b... . 3 0 1 107 54 .4S5 Mnkea Tvro llnna for 1 MllwauKee, wuiung, oyiir Omaha 13 tirnr Ptoplfi, tb. S 1 i utmipp, id... j 001 Seventh' When Four Hum Are Murray and Snodgrass started a Batteries: Burke, 3b.... . 3 0 0 Tooeka 103 47 56 .456 Utn, Scoring One rrlth 1IU smrth. c(... i 0 1 OCtll", lb... 1 1 1J stoal, Simon bluffed Murray ten feet off and MarBhall; Minneapolis, uurn ana ICoerner, . 3 1 6 45 5S .437 4- -4 0 OCltrke. I 1 1 Phllndelphliuit Olv. lb.. Sioux aty 103 Cran, If It... Scoretl third, but threw wild to loft field, giving Owens. . ... Davis, rf . 3 2 2 Wichita ,...107 40 67 :374 Homer Superior on (IUmMT, rf, 4 1 1 OMumqlit, Ml 1 1 lr the winning run. Chief Wil- At Lou svlllo Wacob, c . 3 1 4 I 1 OMulrrr, rf.. i 1 0 liiK Them Lend of One. tho Giants 1 AMER. Dl, lb t threo-bagg- cr nnd out gavo Indianapolis 5 i? . MAT I.EAftHE. LEAGUE Toboggan, 0 1 1 Letnf, 3 1 2 son's Vlox's 4 Maddox, p... 3 0 0 69 30 .637 Acjimi. B..iS cf.... Loulsvlllo 1V 1 Mow Vnrlt ..fiS 29 .701 Phila. I, OUrown. o.,.. 4 1 7 tho Pirates their only tun in the eighth. 2 Bills . 1 0 KitnlnCr, I 4. Becker, be Indianapolis, Burk and ihMn fji 35 .6241 cieveiana ..M si .oia Artier, p....tl1 1 1 OWlllliml, p. 4 0 0 ST. LOUIS. Aug. Beals With Hyatt up In n. pinch nnd Butlor on Batteries: Toney HASTINGS, Neb., Aug.. right-han- Casey; Louisville, Woodbum, and Totals .32 3 9 24 Chicago .....51 48 .5161 Washington 66 43 .wb cause of his ability to hit d first In this Inning Mcuraw took out uv 41 two, Tolal 10 1 ToU! 11 15 0 left-hand- Mar- - Bovcroid, ciemons. Batted for Maddox In ninth. 1'ittnhtireii .43 .biui (jnicaco .....oj oi .oiu Telegram.) Kearney made it out of l! pltcherB, was In left field for tho Phlla murno and sent In the Brooklyn ..43 w .4 uoston oi .y being Columbus 01 (Uiard. Clarke, also switched, sending Des --6 42 61 three on Hastings, today, the Reds 100000002 lived Moines.. 41 5.427 Detroit .403 York ....,. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 delohla club this afternoon, and he to In place Hyatt. Mar-nua- rd 000210021 1- -3 Tfnn whoso '4 Ilendrlx bat of Wichita against Plympton, balls Threo-.base.hl- 0010000 Cincinnati .40 62 1K Bt. LOUIS 41 I .tJV powerless t: Rondeau. Stolen. basest un to his reputation. It waa hla home struck him out. Camnltz pitched Two-bas- e hits: Nicholson, Slight, St. Louis 33 62 .380 New York.. .32 63 .337 were batted .hard, but always straight to Ramsey, Snapp (2), Clarke, Mulvey. Rice. Inning the a good game. Chief Meyers had hla ' Lafferty, Davis. : "Andreas. LEAGUE. run in the Bovonth that atarted AMER. ASS'N. NEB. his pals. Gray made two of 'Kearney'd unuuifl niavs: itica iu AiuiinuuinL iu second game of tho right thumb split by a foul tip in the Sacrifice hits: Breen, Duvls, Wacob, W.UPct. W.L.FCU Chase; Smyth to Kranlnger: Peoplea to locals to defeat In the to retire, score: Double play: .44 32 .579 runs, scoring Scheuren with his homer. Off Artley, E. 3 two sin-gi- tniru and had Leonard, Nicholson. Jones Milwaukee 66 45 .595 Kearney Deal. Bases on balls: series, scoro to 6. He secured YORK. to. on Off Lafferty. .544 Columbus, 4; York. 8. NEW PITTS uuito it. Blleht. Bases balls: Louisville 63 46 .677 Hastings ..43 36 The score: Left on bases: In to tho homo run. All. II. O. A. n. AU.H.O.A.E B; Maddox, 6. Struck out: By .35 .551 By Williams, 6: by Artley, addition off Mlnneaplls 61 48 .560,' Superior ..43 KEARNEY. 1UBTTN08. Struck out: 9 a: Dy jtiaaaox, a. 2. 1:25. Umpire: Pontius. Willie Doak pitched steady ball until nurni. If..,, 3 unrrpt. b... iaiierty, stolen bases: Columbus 69 60 ..541 York ..41 36 .532 AU.H.O.A.E. AD.H.O.A.t. Time: 3b.. 1 0 oorer, If.,.. 4 Hellly, 4 1 2 Hro(, Middleton. Burke, Hunter. Left ..60 57 . 467 Columbus .39 39 .500 I McKnl'ht. If 1 ODechtold. rfj tho seventh Inning, when after Knabe Klttcher. 4 I AKnmmrrt, cf 3 8; 7. St. Paul.. 4 - 4 0 1 on bases: Des Moines, Wichita, 60 455 .23 41 .481 I Sjrntk, 0 1 S OFortman,- zb singled (lTOVO Doric, 4 0 Kelly 1 - Kan. City.. 60 . Kremont .. It... 1 unit Lnhitrt hnd Becker tho lb... 12 rime: 1:46. Umpire: Segrlst. r 33 .41S acock, iD... i Olltnnett. of. ( I a TOICdO 4S W .444 Gd. .Island 46 i 1 0 Cambridge First in home lrbf;; owtfiir, jisinmi, iu. m v lTmcke. lb... u ball Into the right field stand for a 4 " 0 Miliar, 9 36 .350 47 .397 mm. l lb... Indianaplls 67 eatrlce ...... 31 Bcheura, ) I 0 Drown, 1 1 0 3 TOI'EKA LAMI1ASTS UUSCIIEU ell t .it 1 run, scoring inree runs muiuio iuic arjtn, c... i OO.Wilion, rfl l estenlny IleanltH Qrmr, rf 4 10 0 orirttln, lb I 0 0 I OVIei, tb 3 4 1 1 4 It., 4 1 1 Base Ball Tourney duplicated Becker's feat and WESTERN LEAGUE. Woodruff, l lMcCb. Luderus jJioJ'J 1 0 OBImon, c... a 10 Erlckton, c. I 0 4 0 Olllcb'rdin, C4 0 4 one Unnaree. P. 1 0 0 0 Knocks Him Oat of Box In Battle Denver. 7j Sioux City, 1 1 l'lilladeipnia was run aueau onutlr ..... J; Moines. 5. rljrmpton, p S 0 0 1 OJobnron, p.. 0 Marqutrd, p 0 0 0 OCllbBon. Q.. . . 0 with, St. Joseph Wichita, Des WllUr. p... J 0 0 STOCKVILLE. Neb., Aug. 4. (Special.) Harmon started to pitch for tho homo St. Joseph, 4; Topeka, 5. Camnltl, p., a T0PEKA, Kun., Aug. 4. Topeka ToU W 8 17:3,2 -- tournament of tn tho eighth and did well In that ToUl SO TS1 v . The Btockvllle baso ball crow 0Kyatt ouncned hits on St. Josenti. Knock. nir dayB Saturday evening, the inning. Inning, however, llandrlz ... 1 Uuscher from" tlie box In the sixth and Boston, 4; Cincinnati, 13. Kearney 0 0 1 2 "o"'o 0 0 0--3 three closed In tho final McQulUn, p 0 1. Winning three out of four of the sencs. Brooklyn, 7; Chicago, XlaStlngS V V U V V V V V V UlieU-m- WIHIIIIIK VIo iuuuniuB Becker singled and scored with Cravath While the democrats aro 6; Louis, 3. Totala 29 2 27 10 1 Score: Philadelphia, St. Two-bas- o Cambridge, Btockvllle, second; when tho sent the ball Into the 2; Pittsburgh, 1. hits: Woodruff. Schouren. first: latter eighth. lUPKKA. New York. Three-bas-e bit: McKnlght. Home run: third; Eustls. fourth. right leld pavilion for the third circuit Batted for Simon In tho lowering the tariff AB. It, II. O. A. E. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Gray. Acock to Curtis, 'Batted for Kommera In the ninth. 3b, 0 0 3 1 : Scheuren. In game. Cochran, ....4 8 Chicago, 6; Washington, 3. Woodruff-t- o to A large number of fans were attend smash of tho Hatted for Camnltz in the eighth. 1 0 0 Herrlott; Acock Herriott We lowering our Smith, if ....2 0 0 Louis-Bosto- n, postponed. of villages represented St. Louts tallied two runs in the second Batted for Hyatt In the eighth. are 4 St. Sacrifice hit: Scheuren. Bases on balls: ance from each the Forsythe, rf...... 4 1 1 1 0 1; Philadelphia, 7. 2; by Now York 0 0 0--2 2b. 1 3 0 1 1 Cleveland. Off Plympton, off Johnson, 'L Hit by the teams. The Cambrldgo band fur- Inning on a single, an error, a sacrifice prices on seasonable wear- McLarry, ....3 4; Now York, 6. pitched ball: By Plympton, 3. Hits: Off Pittsburgh 0 0 0001100 0 0 0 0 1 0- -1 Lee, cf ....3 1 2 0 0 Detroit, nished tho music. and a r. Tho other local run AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. wiliey, 3. btrucK out: uy jomison, j; Three-bas- e hit: O. Wilson. Stolen ables. lKir. lb 0 1 13 0 by Wiliey. by 6. Umpire: camo In the next Inning when Cathor e 1 6 0 Columbus, 4; Toledo. 5. 3: Plympton. bases: Vlox, Murray. Left on bases: Crist, Louisville, Longnecker. outs, 4. French ss...... 3 0 0 4 Indianapolis, 6: i. was pussed alter two lie sioio Pittsburgh. 2; New York, Bases on Manhattan shirtsl Our 0 1 Milwaukee, 0; Minneapolis, 1. Burns to Meet second to third when Kllli- - balls: Off Camnltz, 2; off Demaroe, 2. Richardson, ....2 3 Inlanders Trim Superior. and continued mid-aurnra- "ochreham, 0 0 0 NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE, Aug. Mayor's Struck out: By Demarce, 4; by Camnltz, annual cr clear- ....0 SUPERIOR. Neb.. fer'B throw wont to centor field. 2: by 1. 'Gear ....1 0 0 Grand Island, 6; Superior, 6. 1 frihmmons. the Marnuard. Hits: Off Demaree. T.i.iram across the rubber. Score: 3 two-thir- ,1 Columbus, 1; York, 4. leaguer, failed to show anything in his Coulon in Omaha balk sent him In seven and innings; off ance: Totals 23 5 10 27 12 2 Kearney, 3; Hastings, 0. maiden appearance in xno owui BT. LOUIS. l'HLLADBUMIIA. Marquard, none In one and one-thir- d In- , ST JOSEPH. 3. one-ha- lf AH. II. O. A. a AD.li.O.A.E. nings; offCamnltz, 7 In eight Innings; oft fi.ro Shirts Fremont, 2; Beatrice, and after trying for, three and ih, Aug. obby 1 S 0 4 0 0 ...$Ufl AB. R. H. O. A. him ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Whined, m. J t OPukert, el.. J Mcquillan, none In one Inning. Time; 41.65 Shirts fl.I3 Innings, when tho Islanders touched OakM, 4 1 0 0 0 Knabe. 2b... a a 0 Dawson., 1 o 3 Games Todnr. bantam-weig- ht of Dallas, Tex., cf.... 1:47. Umpires: O'Day Emslle. $2.00 Shirts 91.33 rf ....3 for six. sate nits, was renevea ujr Burns, a o v u o a a and 6 0 3 2 100 0 League Denver at Des Moines, ten-roun- MtH, if... l itori, d.. l 32.25 LM Kelly. If...... Western were buck ui ulcncwl nrflM Indftv for n. d Cithara, a a 9 guecKer, 0 0 Shirts Zwllllncr. ,..4 0 0 1 1 0 wiehlta. at Sioux City. Lincoln at at. Features ine hoi rf.. l ' flnnerbns Defeat Cabs. I2.C0 $3.00 Shirts $L cf . who was at bat four times and got four box,nff Johnny Coulon, K'ocicnr, id s 0 OCrnnth, rf. I 0 0 Aug. 4. Brooklyn and WcstenslI, 3b 0 0 t iw.i TnTialm nt Omaha. . contest wttli 4 0 CHICAGO. defeated $3.60 $&6S Mowrr r. 3b. 3 2in1 1 0 Lulerui, lb. 0 PVIaii o--n T 4n 1 (n1atf he M oVil n fa li 1 a Shirts bantam-weig- ht rll Cvirll. lb.. ..5 4 110 Vntlnnnl leatrub uoaiun a v,ihciiiuuu. ChaVlBrhe0tmea mrieSKUescoiJtwM champion of tho world. Wlngo, e.... a 0 3 t ODoolin, 4 i a $4.00 Shirts 42.SS 5 2 3 1 0 a off Moore and llerce. Allen woa on the Ochs, 2b 1160 10 Brooklyn at Chicago, Philadelphia at In grandstand. The Islanders won to be held In Omaha, September 12. O'lurr, 2b. 4 1 I OKIIIlfar, c... 4 t i 95.00 Shirts M.tfi 3clmng, 3 0 0 4 8 0 New Pittsburgh. the p u o til&jer, p.... I 0 0 Z 0 mound for the visitors and although he $4.15 c... St. Liuis, York at ' finally. 6 to 6. score (wan, i I on he $0.00 Sh'rU Melnks, ss 3 1 0 3 2 0 AniAr rfln i.Aaeue unicaKO bi vvaoiiiiiK' nn kjn tsr.&Vn. BUPEIUOn. lUrmon, p.. o 0 0 0 Issued seven bases balls, pitched p 3 Boston, Evim ..... 0 0 0 ToUli.. .21 10 27 14 2 airtight ball In tho pinches and with the Buscher. ton, St. Louis at uieveiana ai Aii.it.o.A.B. AB.Il.O.A.B. BLUE HILL OUTPLAYS 10 nlrl irhod fielcilnir locjili If you're never worm a Jenkins. P 0 01100 1 100 0 TihiiaricinMin. UAiroiL &i new xurK. .. OMelnert. cf. 4 4 1 ( p nf nrevented the Prror, i i l i Total 21 7 !7 15 0 scorlmr. Manager men had Amcrirnn Association Columbus at 1 1 n UAianaa bi. v TEAM from livers' 6 1 0 HILDRETH'S STRONG were to Manhattan you have yet to " Totals 35 4 7 24 11 0 rr...lr. Iiidlanulinlln B.t LoUlSVllle. narrr. 2b.... S 2 2 f 10ry. Jb J J Batted for Doak In the soventh. the bases run twice, out unauia , 0' 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 --5 fkhonoir, cf 2 1 3 0 OLandrrth. ill 0 0 BLUE HILL. Neb., Aug. 4. (Special,) PhlliLdelnhla 26 force a man across tho piate. uutsnaw Topeka Nebrsaka eiaie utuu 'uwu If 4 0H 0 0 ... . . t i . .1 learn what genuine ahirt 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 t iasui JD" 1 10 0 OThrlMlnf, t 00000040Vn V vit wit vii -ii - iv. inn iff.uiiffr iiiu uaL. luumiiH .nu Bt. Joseph 0.0 Hastings, coiumDus ai .ucuince, i.ku.i Karlar. S 10 1 1 Blue Hlldreth yesterday OI. 1AJUIB i ... at Hawaii, '4 0 2 0 ODoktwIU. lb t Hill deefated .h.! Three-bas-e hit; if.. 4 rt'I nuT-- I.1M. satisfaction is dependa- Homo run: Buscher. ney at superior, uremoiii ui xur&. BmllfT, 4 1 0 OOUt. 9b 1 t 1 0 deciding of 0 1. Inning fP oUier In Two-bas- e o... . o by a score to Hlldreth Initial and the the Ochs. hits 4 0 1 0 Beheld, e.... J I z I erUS. XIUIIIU .UllO. uonv., " Ward, 9b.... In- - seventh, when he scored Fisher and tjurv: Fvur.ch. PRchlfice hit; Schang. p.... 0 0 1 0r.lmmon, p i 0 0 2 0 used six salaried players, while Blue Hill nravnt, hub; off Doak. 6 In seven ble fabrics, handsome pat Drown, I NnAt nnenri nr mm. Bacrfflce fly: McLarry. Double play: Hatch, D....J i u 2 u uavri tl. nltrher. Wrlrht. and Sneaks, the nlmrm! ntt Harmon. 4 In twd Innings. s error on s Stolen Rapp, T)tlinrfiKnn. 5: oil vocreoun. 54 a Bhortstor Fisher iacn terns, farft colors, perfect fit. Fornythe to Rapp. bases: m, Total MiMrpfK Mowrey. Stolen rt 2; by Cocr-ha- ion i 27 i ih.tn.m Sociifico hits: Knabe. grounder paved tho way to Chicago s t. Buscher. Hits: Off Richard Struck out: By Richardson, Totla.....3 11 If - I ,.... ,,, n,,.il,l nlav; Doak to innings; Cocreham, 1 3; by Buscher, !; by Jenkins, 1. 8 0 st teams w,,,:.,.. , lone run. Score: Here's your chance to son) 6 In six off By 3: by Grand Island 2 0 0 Konetchv. Left on bases: Bt. nimnKi.TN. In three Innings; oft Buscher, 7, in five Hit by Pitched ball: Buscher. u v v by Uluo I j.nT. f.. 1'i.iiniiBlnlilH. 2. Mayer. uhilauu. -- Huncrlor i t i Balk: All. 11. A. K. AU.II.U.A.U. two-thir- .vu. 0. their Innings; off Jenkins. 3 In J. lime; xnree-nas- e , 4 make acquaintance! and Richardson, uiiiv'" TTnmn i,n. Mrinert. mis HI1L of Wright, striking Bases on balls: Off Doak, 2; oit Mayer, rt 0I4ra.rH, cr... 0 11 2 one-thir- d innings.uase on Dans Glnnln. The pitching Bhf,r 9110a 2 4 and rtoekewltz. Two-bas- e hits: Ward. Struck b... 114 out: Bv Brown. 6: by Clemmons, i; oy out fifteen men, fast fielding and By Mayer, (Whlttedj Konetchy). Struck Bianral. cf.. 4 110 PSchalte. rt.. 4 0 1 0 r; j nn hnlla:, Brown, Score 2. Wli.at t 4 2 2 0 ('Ztmrtnin, lb 4 1 0 1 1 TOPEKA KAWS WILL PLAY tin Off i ting of Blue Hill featured. out: By Mayer. 3; by Doak, Time: 2 0 carefully selected ffMf--n..k a T 4. Double 2 T 0 OHaler. lb..,. 11 Our - nff Hatch. H.II.E. Umpires: Klem and Orth. ?Mh a 0 4 0 v 2b. 2 0 0 Mitchell, If, 0 2 of IN OMAHA THIS AFTERNOON niavn' mrrv la riLriey Hlldreth 0 01 aa.. 9 9 a 4 Ulrldwtll. I I I stock imported and nnricvwits. Stolen bases 1000000 o- 76 lleds tvervlieliu Urnves. rtrtirr, u,l Lupus Worst Form .n uiub iiiu o - 6 e Millar, e.,,, a 1 oWMdfiam. e. a 0 2 4 001031 www Aiiir. 4 New York won 17 2 Rnhnnnnvcr.. - - , MOWeil. QIHWHl Batteries: Hlldreth, McKensey nna vnnv Allen, p.... 9 innan'han. 0 0 0 0 domestic sailor straw hats - Hchoonovcr. game from Detroit 110 2 0 Tho Toueka Kaws are the next bunch cV.ir hit.: -a- xey; u the first of the series Moor, p.... 12 of Skin Diseases Mand"Umpire.:- Myers and y'wrigTt; Totals.. 90 12 27 10 2arrldn ..1 0 0 0 $2 to $4 straws now will meet Charlie Babb'a Omaha BvX bffi 0 0 0 0 which QulBey- - McKensey, 2; &i fe? plere. p.... Kansans ar . .... 15; Basesion balls; off off wrSip'y Archer .... 0 0 $2.00 team at Rourke park. The 1 Wright. S. 10 $1.00 to morning and In Urntrlce win" t.1 rimnfpy tn ncore bv Door base running, Here is a Home Treatment live in Omaha this Beatrice, weo., Aug. but a muff by Cobb enabled them to win Totala 1 4 27 19 V open a three-gam- e mi. it.o.HA t p. m won from Ileal Quine. flvo Remaining Kensington tli afternoon will by score of 3 IlcnnlnKton Wants In tho seventh, when they scored Batted for Moore In the seventh. Overcomes even a Bpe- high-qualit- y that series. Following Topeka some the Den Fremont this .afternoon BENNINGTON, Neb., Aug. runs lour of tnem coming In after Cobb's Batted for Pierce In the ninth. and to 2, onlv singles in claL)-T- he local team here won Its tenth which should have retired the side. 0--7 Cases. Grizzlies, playing Friday, Saturday h muf, .... Worst ver Innings by Tappon and"","';--"uatcn1",on-w- here yesterday by de- - Willetf started the game for Detroit, but 102000310. 0--1 Following Is lineup for 8 1 up to consecutive - In .... 00 spring and summer suits and Sunday. the score was to 'irvlngton team by the re- was knocked out of the box the 'ch, 00100(2). neartylng it.on nus fi , , runs; cutshaw mts: uu One-Fourt- game; the visitors eame " innlnir. Dubuc relieved Mm nnd .ome.. h. the Topeka Iiwinituii avuic u. .iin nvnh .,V"j.. 1.1.. r now discounted rimnhn. Position Torek DU ..!.. iiot, First 1 lappa umpire. klYJin-olff- i rninhnw. Smith. Htoleu bases: Fisher. McLarry off the field for abusing the ft! feV') - craVS fichlpke.i 1 Second Scora: &nome. ieam, uui nor ,".'- .ih ,n tint nut nf thn limn Miller. Double plays: t'lsner to uuisnaw or game were nome Orubb Third Cochran trnEMONT. BEATTUCT. The features tne tiie " ,h' iSZlni tm protesting a tn Duubert. Moore to Brldwell to Phelan 1 -- - . - Justice Short. French AJl.H.O.A.E. Au.ii.u.A.n. runs oy iuiminn pi irvu.B.u nu ".-- Th., was IntcrruDted tn Knl at- l.Mnlirr tn Daubert. Phelan to 9 9 0 imme Brook-als- o 8c DEEMER Coyle...... Left .... Smith 4 0 2 0 0TPPn, 19 gold and F. Petersen of the home team; ?fr7i0' ninitci T inning by Brldwell to Baler. Left on bases: MAGEE If... Ollutcalra, 1 5 z tho fourth , Tnomoson.. Center... Lee Wallaoa, aa. 4 1 9 1 Jb the three men caught on steals to '"'.i JPr icore" 6. CncaBOi 9. naaes on balls; Off Forsythe 1 A nUm. If 1 Inning by local 6. by pitched Congolton...... Right.... 9 1X000 second In one the team. nosTON. CINCINNATI. Allen, 7; off Moore, Hit 413 So. lGtk Catcher. McAllister 3 1 11 0 muck. rf,... 11 J w. I BtrucK out Johnson tlnrv. lb... 2 OCoe. 9 0 10 0 a Batteries; Irvlngton, Carnahan, 0. ad.II.O.A.B. AU.H.O.A.E. ball: By Allen (Brcsnahan). Reynolds nela. 2b 4 0 0 lb ! 0 Closman.... Pitcher.. ft Olllcklln. cf.. 2 0 4 0 0 Felix and Hazard; Bennington, Kelly, Maranrll, i.iteacner, ir.. Btanxa, 1 0 2b 4 2 ... a 12001 z 0 0 rf... 1 a ltranruin. lb 2 0 0 2 1 Mangold and Petersen. . McPonld, 19 oiwvore. Welch, o... 1 1 0 If. 4 1 1 1 OOroh. 2b. ... 1 0 LnntiB y Skin Disease wUl 9b. 3 1 At'otaet. .... The. Bennlnxton base bail team will Oonnl!r. 110 r other HENNESSY Ottchell, 9111100 rf 4 2 OKcan. 2b.... 4 11 o INFIELDER 1 1 IBrratt. p.... 2 0 0 picnic on August 17 ana Ionl. 114 i.-- Skulking Away If Ton NVIf. e give its annual Col 0 0 Ollobllttel. 0 0 1 Una. rf. I p. 2 0 11 iiko dpok a game wun some 4 UII1 2 4 use S. S. S. J0INSTHE R0URKES Thalaaen, JL Totala.. 7 27 19 2 would to 8wenejr, 2b. OTlnkar, IU,. 0 0 ..3 class A team. Mjtri, lb... 4 OHheckart, rf 4 a 3 0 0 91 ! 4 of Total. 4U . A Mano. cf 2 1 ObrxhnMr, as 1 1 2 0 A tiny pimple spreads to the side 4 whom Fremont Colleclans Win. JUtlden, c . 2 2 OKllni. e 2 2 0 the race and orten covers ine cn Infleldcr Hennessey, Pa Rourke .1 Nebraska 0 0 0 Ainu, p 0 0 0 0 0 B. (8pe- bridge nose. Is very de- - n.....hn,.Ml from the Detroit Tigers. Beatrice 0200000 '3 D.. Auif. '"'Dhp' 0 OJotmaon, p., 2 1 0 0 0 and of the It hu e Collegian, J Btructlve to the tissues of the skin. No Monday afternoon. St01 X0J h.,I.T?J)--lhi- Nebraaka 0 0 0 O'Ualea 0 0 ... Omaha club Ling, Black, Cos, Hlckiitu WOn close game from Hot Springs by 1 1 0 110 J Tappan. a Clirmar .... 0 0 wilt overcome It. on balls:"o; . 1 external treatments .traDDlnc fellow' ano i,n hit? Qetchell. Bases of t0 0. Baker won his third Trier 0 0 0 0 U Totala 99 It 27 12 1 Thlesslng, 1; off Krrett, 3. BtrucK oxil. .hut-o- ut game and altnough In danger fn" 'Vhnlynown an 'athlete al, the way through. . th, Bv Thlesslng, o; oy " u limes, wouia iignien anu noi an Total 99 7 24 II 1 cure lr to get Diooa sup- - 1 win De i " Fremont, 6; Beatrice,Mm S. Double ponent could cross the plate. The South f. of the u uku Ames In second. method 1:2S. Umpire: Batted for the ti1 S. 6. B.. the Topeka, Bill Sohlpx rirJr, -- tn Coe. Time: Dakota school of Mines battery worked 111' ninth, unrtor the eonrrol of day's game with Tr,n.n 1, V. .. ,. 1,11, Batted for Barlden the 1 " rv. Uit u famous blood specific Its action going on the bencn. Batted for Noyes In the ninth. quite remarkable and has direct influ- Williams' Holds Columbus. unable to win. a large crowd entnusi Ran for Titus In tho ninth. Aug. aatlcallr witnessed carh nlsv 1 2 0 ence upoa the network of small blood Persistent and Judicious Use of YOItK. Neb.. Batteries: Nebraska Collegian. Baker Boston 0 0 0 0 0 14 The hiU well 0 4 0 2 0 J 1 -1- vessels and glands In the skin. Newspaper Advertising is the Road to kept the and Dlncen; Hot Springs, 1 arson and Cincinnati i 3 minerals or drugs is Two-bas- e hits: Mann, .Tinker. Three Not one drop of Success. scattered and the slugging Discoverer Murphy. used In Its preparation. Ask for S. & 8. Business him the first base hit: Kgan. Home runs: Bates, illus- could do nothing with after IMnfn Tl rf Hits: Off Hudolph, 13 In six and Insist upon having It For steady throughout tho Nlnli.l in Johnson. FAMILY TRADE SUPPLIED BY book on skin diseases write Mike Dunlin Idle. inning-- He woa from Chicago to New Tork Innings; off Noyes 7 Ui two nlnw ott trated York we learn pass. He sells ticket 4 In Innings; Johnson, The Swift Bpeclflo Co- - 183 Swift Labo- From the New "Sun". whole game, not Issuing a also and return, $27. Boston and return, $21 Ames, two off Omaha: Omaha; some the once great player, Mike Donlln. fielding chances, some of In seve innings, nacniice nusi 1 inner, South ratory, Atlanta. Oa. Do not allow thatv. . Mike re accepted nine Reduced rates to other eastern points. atmosphere Hr..nnd out 0f lcht. has Also variable routes. Liberal stopovers. nhrknrd. Johnson. Sacrifice fly; 2502 N Hugo P. 3ilz, 1324 Dougla xealoua clerk to larrup the fused to go to a Western league club at which vera of the whirlwind variety. Iludolph. Stolen bases: McDonald. Con- Wm. Jetter, Street. In eloquence over something "Just as ,. and Is idle Inquire local agent or address John T. play: - in.i.niD of the Phillies Artley walked five men and was touched 'nlutian AlBtnnt nnAr&l Pnjuenifer nelly, Devore. Bheckard. Double Pboue So. 863. Phono Dong. 3M0, good" a a a a Beware of all substl- organized base ball will not aU McDonald to Sweeney to Myers. ft on .because. nat-- t In up In lively fashion when hits meant Agc-- t, 68 Weat Adaina Street, Chicago. ' OW mm w 'i.ml.nrn. .ramnt