fTTTP. TtTtTF.. nArATTA. 0. - j TTTKSDAY.- - i AlitfUKT ' SIOUX MGERMAH by "Bud" Fisher LAHDJN Jeff Must Have Met Methusaleh's Grandson Drawn for The Bee ; Xcrby White in Fine Torm and In- dians Win Handily. N 1 , iiUilUMttta - . I Ti rXDOR. OH, LOOK AT TH rAN 2p A.W, POOR. OLO BECAUSE TEN TO SEVEN OL-- "DOWN If OV.0 tAAN FINAL SCORE O rAAN THCv. POOR He's ouevr nvan Boo Hoo wivr R.e veto In to the i CR.VN(o TOO. VJHlPPGO r Harris Sent Itellcre llKmnn, eveP-- Ke must tn Stem sfu.' b bnt lie I'roTfn Unnble over a HONoe.e --J : v "N v the Tide Anntnst the ewti iS&gJeZ Ut. llcnrs. BIOUX C1TT, la., Aug. ioux City played an uphill game today and won by a final score of 10 to 7. Kerby White pitched great ball and would have made a much better showing with the avorago support. The locals bunched on Hager-ma- n and Harris. Score: BIOUX C1TT. AB. IV. H. O. A. E. Cooney, 2b 6 Clarke. If S Smith, ss Callahan, 3g 4 Davidson, cf.. ...... Hums, Jb 4 Miller, rf 3 llapp, c. ....... 4 AVhlte. p 4 Totals 35 10 12 27 9 I DENVER. AB. It. II. O. A. E, Qulllln, 3b 4 0 0 0 0 0 Cassldy, rf 4 0 0 Channell. cf 6 1133 - 3 2 0 0 Butcher. 2b 5 1 Elston. If 6 131 2 2130 0 Block, o..... 4 0 3 4 1 BOO HOC? Harris, p 1 0. 0 0 2 FOR TtlRCfrllNfe Coffey, ss 4 0 13 3 -- weuv. vMin T)o Fisher, lb 6 1 1 9 0 rtxxt FATHER STONSS AT f? 'Hagerman, p 2 0 0 0 1 Me Spahr, c 2 0 0 0 0 WHiPPeo ; GRAND FrVW6fc. vco? OV) Totals 41 7 14 24 10 WHIP ? Denver 1 Sioux City 0 00410001073 0 2 3 1 1 -1- 0 Left on bases: Sioux City, G; Denver, 10 zx . First base on errors: Sioux City, u Denver, 1. Sacrifice hits; Hagerman Cassldy. Davidson (2). Two-bas- e hltts Clarke. Channell. Elston. Callahan. Cas eidy. Butcher. Homo run: Channell stolen bases: Davidson, Cooney, Clarke. lilts: Off Hagerman, 10 in six Innings off Harris. 2 In two Innings. Struck out By Hagerman, 4! by white, 10. Bases on balls: Off Harris, li oil Whlto, 2. Passed uaiis: iiiock, ltapp. wnu pitcn: iiagcr man. nit by pitched ball: smith, David con, Miller. Time: 2:15. Umpire: An- dirson. ' ST BOOSTEIIS TAKE, THREE GAMES 3Inke Clenn Sweep of the Wichita Series. DES MOINES, Aug. 4. Des Moines sweep Ami made a clean of the Wichita series this afternoon by winning the last game, b to 3. Manager Maddox of the visitors was put out of the grounds by Umpire eegnsi in ine nimn inning, score diss moines. AB. It. O. A. iHahn, rf 4 i 0 Jjreen, u..... 0 0 i Hunter, 4 0 3L cf... bUHes: Boston. 8; Cincinnati, C. Balk: By Allen. 5; by Moore. 1: by Pierce, Leonard, 3b. 2 3 runs. Smyth and Aaams were onon Time: 1:W. Umpires: Brennan ana 7 1 CARDS PHILLIES Johnson, Rudolph. Bases on balls: Off Jones, lb RUBBER GOES TO KEARNEY crabbing on decisions. Tho Rudolph, . Ilellly, 6 3 fined for LOSEJO Ames, 1; off Johnson, 4; off Jiason. ss.... of Rice. Malm- - z, uy joiiiisuu, Blight, c...... 4 2 of Teams feature was the fielding UtrucK out: liy Aincs, i. Andreas, 2b.. 2 1 Standing qulst and Snapp, each throwing out men by Rudolph. 3. Wild pitch: Ames. Time: Assoclnllon nesalta. Becker Starts St. Louis to Defeat 2:24. Umpires: Tllgler and Byron. BrH-n- i Laf forty, p.. 0 0 0. Champion Beds Unable to Make on looked to be safo hits. At Toledo at first what with Homer. Urmnrce wins ro ruinnia, Columbus i 5 5 Totals 30 S 8 27 10 WESTERN L.EAGQE. Headway Against Plympton. In the eighth Malmqulst 'beat Rondcnu piTTsnuito. Pa.. Auir. 4. Demaree'B Toledo 6 7 0 WICHITA. P. W. V. Pet. out of a two-bagg- by jumping In the great pitching won for New York from Batteries: coiumDua, vjook, t)r AB. R. H. o. A. E. Denver 101 63 37 .601 air and spearing a lino drive. Score: SECURES TWO SINGLES BESIDES Pittsburgh this afternoon by tho scoro Murphy; Toledo, Baskette and Lujd. app. ss 6 l 2 2 Des Moines 103 69 44 .673 WILLEY TOUCHED EIGHT TIMES of 2 to 1. Singles by Snodgrass, Burns At Minneaoiis Nicholson, If. 4 1 3 .510 COLUMBUS. YORK. Lincoln 104 S3 51 AB.II.O.A.C. All. 11.6. A. E. and Fletcher gavo the visitors their first Milwaukee J J Middleton, cf . 4 1 6 10G 63 52 .605 Stcntlr Knll Until the Minneapolis ,. St. Joseph ICnpltnl' nmJMU, lb 4 1 0 1 Oltlre, 3b 1 0 Donk Pitches run In tho Blxth. in the aevcnw, wnen ... ; ,.i Hughes, 2b... 3 0 1 107 54 .4S5 Mnkea Tvro llnna for 1 MllwauKee, wuiung, oyiir Omaha 13 tirnr Ptoplfi, tb. S 1 i utmipp, id... j 001 Seventh' When Four Hum Are Murray and Snodgrass started a double Batteries: Burke, 3b.... 3 0 0 Tooeka 103 47 56 .456 Utn, Scoring One rrlth 1IU smrth. c(... i 0 1 OCtll", lb... 1 1 1J stoal, Simon bluffed Murray ten feet off and MarBhall; Minneapolis, uurn ana ICoerner, . 3 1 6 45 5S .437 4- -4 0 OCltrke. I 1 1 Phllndelphliuit Olv. lb.. Sioux aty 103 Cran, If It... Scoretl third, but threw wild to loft field, giving Owens. ... Davis, rf . 3 2 2 Wichita ,...107 40 67 :374 Homer Superior on (IUmMT, rf, 4 1 1 OMumqlit, Ml 1 1 lr the winning run. Chief Wil- At Lou svlllo Wacob, c . 3 1 4 I 1 OMulrrr, rf.. i 1 0 liiK Them Lend of One. tho Giants 1 AMER. Dl, lb t threo-bagg- cr nnd out gavo Indianapolis 5 i? . MAT I.EAftHE. LEAGUE Toboggan, 0 1 1 Letnf, 3 1 2 son's Vlox's 4 Maddox, p... 3 0 0 69 30 .637 Acjimi. B..iS cf.... Loulsvlllo 1V 1 Mow Vnrlt ..fiS 29 .701 Phila. I, OUrown. o.,.. 4 1 7 tho Pirates their only tun in the eighth. 2 Bills . 1 0 KitnlnCr, I 4. Becker, be Indianapolis, Burk and ihMn fji 35 .6241 cieveiana ..M si .oia Artier, p....tl1 1 1 OWlllliml, p. 4 0 0 ST. LOUIS. Aug. Beals With Hyatt up In n. pinch nnd Butlor on Batteries: Toney HASTINGS, Neb., Aug.. right-han- Casey; Louisville, Woodbum, and Totals .32 3 9 24 Chicago .....51 48 .5161 Washington 66 43 .wb cause of his ability to hit d first In this Inning Mcuraw took out uv 41 two, Tolal 10 1 ToU! 11 15 0 left-hand- Mar- - Bovcroid, ciemons. Batted for Maddox In ninth. 1'ittnhtireii .43 .biui (jnicaco .....oj oi .oiu Telegram.) Kearney made it out of l! pltcherB, was In left field for tho Phlla murno and sent In the Brooklyn ..43 w .4 uoston oi .y being Columbus 01 (Uiard. Clarke, also switched, sending Des --6 42 61 three on Hastings, today, the Reds 100000002 lived Moines.. 41 5.427 Detroit .403 York ....,. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 delohla club this afternoon, and he to In place Hyatt. Mar-nua- rd 000210021 1- -3 Tfnn whoso '4 Ilendrlx bat of Wichita against Plympton, balls Threo-.base.hl- 0010000 Cincinnati .40 62 1K Bt. LOUIS 41 I .tJV powerless t: Rondeau. Stolen. basest un to his reputation. It waa hla home struck him out. Camnltz pitched Two-bas- e hits: Nicholson, Slight, St. Louis 33 62 .380 New York.. .32 63 .337 were batted .hard, but always straight to Ramsey, Snapp (2), Clarke, Mulvey. Rice. Inning the a good game. Chief Meyers had hla ' Lafferty, Davis. Home run: "Andreas. LEAGUE. run in the Bovonth that atarted AMER. ASS'N. NEB. his pals. Gray made two of 'Kearney'd unuuifl niavs: itica iu AiuiinuuinL iu second game of tho right thumb split by a foul tip in the Sacrifice hits: Breen, Duvls, Wacob, W.UPct. W.L.FCU Chase; Smyth to Kranlnger: Peoplea to locals to defeat In the to retire, score: Double play: .44 32 .579 runs, scoring Scheuren with his homer. Off Artley, E. 3 two sin-gi- tniru and had Leonard, Nicholson. Jones Milwaukee 66 45 .595 Kearney Deal. Bases on balls: series, scoro to 6. He secured YORK. to. on Off Lafferty. .544 Columbus, 4; York. 8. NEW PITTS uuito it. Blleht. Bases balls: Louisville 63 46 .677 Hastings ..43 36 The score: Left on bases: In to tho homo run. All. II. O. A. n. AU.H.O.A.E B; Maddox, 6. Struck out: By .35 .551 By Williams, 6: by Artley, addition off Mlnneaplls 61 48 .560,' Superior ..43 KEARNEY. 1UBTTN08. Struck out: 9 a: Dy jtiaaaox, a. 2. 1:25. Umpire: Pontius. Willie Doak pitched steady ball until nurni. If..,, 3 unrrpt. b... iaiierty, stolen bases: Columbus 69 60 ..541 York ..41 36 .532 AU.H.O.A.E. AD.H.O.A.t. Time: 3b.. 1 0 oorer, If.,.. 4 Hellly, 4 1 2 Hro(, Middleton. Burke, Hunter. Left ..60 57 . 467 Columbus .39 39 .500 I McKnl'ht. If 1 ODechtold. rfj tho seventh Inning, when after Knabe Klttcher. 4 I AKnmmrrt, cf 3 8; 7. St. Paul.. 4 - 4 0 1 on bases: Des Moines, Wichita, 60 455 .23 41 .481 I Sjrntk, 0 1 S OFortman,- zb singled (lTOVO Doric, 4 0 Kelly 1 - Kan.
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