Innovative Autonomously-Driven Offshore Wind Turbines: a pre- feasibility analysis DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Xavier Martínez Beseler Kongens Lyngby, August 2019 Innovative Autonomously-Driven Offshore Wind Turbines: a pre- feasibility analysis February 2019 - August 2019 Author: Xavier Martínez Beseler Supervisor: Spyros Chatzivasileiadis Cover illustration: Cèlia Císcar DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Ørsteds Plads Building 348 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Phone +45 4525 3800
[email protected] i Abstract This M Sc Thesis describes a disruptive technology inexistent up to date envisioned by the author of this M Sc Thesis called “Autonomously-Driven Off- shore Wind Turbines” (ADO-WTs). Two integrated models independent from each other plus a costs analysis pave the way for future research. The two models presented are the Wind Energy Yield Assessment model and the Power Losses model. The Wind Energy Yield Assessment model constitutes three models used to quantify potential benefits from moving wind turbines (WTs) on the North Sea: the first model is the reference to assess the extra energy from theother two. The second model sets an upper bound for the proposed technology and the third represents a more realistic implementation. Neither of these models account for the energy losses required to move the WTs nor model the energy system storage. Results for a simulation ran in the Southern North Sea for the whole 2018 historical data shown 45.19% of extra AEP for Upper-Bound model, and 20.98% for Reachable Area model, both compared with the energy produc- tion based on the Conventional model, which was verified based on results from other research.