Effi rfs*a um tfary" fefun'* +r h.B fiqri.Et Lfr.FE, riilu tf"* +ilr di{&{H, Br_8, )iia.B.)fu -., ,rrc1 tr-5 6: 0172-2212221 , sA6:
[email protected] rrsfora tfa rifrE ffiI r,rfonr.nra ,frr= }pe 20fi fHH E1 rn-njrra ffi- 2s.02.18 d aEl E1,a r#lif"p* ff,ffi; - *-= * rffi1rro qTrs -" Effi;fi, * is tr fu mdffira-f€-dT .1 ;s-p-fo3 3 iffi mel ir faJ u-g,-dE DldIfu, .x1.S.nr.,-s.t. s1o fu rimu r zffi:- r. ffi*,-g, eTfun-c 2.7t7xF'frffiilffi-Ir5 -/-r"-' tt Tacher Eligibility Test-2o17 held on ".subJect: PuqJab State 25.o2.2o,.a-EvaluationofTQuestionsofPSTET.I. ,,, This is with reference to Your Memo No. K.W. 6/ 180- 17D(3)/ 508 '.i,, clated 06l006l2Ol8 on the subject cited above vide which it was asked to send the Para-wise comments on the enclosed representation cll some candidatcs. In this connection, it is intimated that in Para 8, somd carrdidates raised objections on 7 questions. The Answers of all these 7 question$ lave been got rechecked- form the subject experts and it was found that the answers as mentioned in the revised answer key are absolutcll' 7 qucstir)Ils ill-e t correct. I-lowevcr, the question-wise comments of these given below: Set Set Rcmarks A C ffi ir rptid b'(st;klr;Gi:"r'riii ii-] thc supported by thc evidances/proof's/inragcs rvith i attachements-fiom page I to 10. =-.--r- . ,-1 .l i / t-'.^.,;,'.'arm,rht,r I I 127 r50 ilr; Co.r*i Ans*e, is option 'cl'([',nviorrtmental---.