Male Name Female Name Date of Marriage # Aabling, Antoni
King County Marriage Index, 1853-1900 Alphabetical by male name Male Name Female Name Date of Marriage Certificate # Transcription Return # License Affid. License Application License Notes Aabling, Antoni Sorensen, Mathilda March 11, 1896 Certificate 6007 Vol. F Pg. 284 Return 2322 Aaro, George R. Knudsen, Helga October 11, 1897 Certificate 6903 Vol. F Pg. 567 Return 2813 Aas, Carl Otto Johnson, Inga April 29, 1899 Certificate 8112 Vol. G Pg. 351 Return 3519 Abbe, Fred U. Comer, Nellie J. July 7, 1897 Certificate 6826 Vol. F Pg. 542 Abbott, L. B. Harmon, Leonora February 6, 1861 Certificate 25 Vol. 1/2APg. 25 Abbott, M. L. Woodward, Clara April 24, 1886 Certificate 400 Vol. B Pg. 183 Abbott, Robert David Kelly, Mabel Glum May 29, 1898 Certificate 7335 Vol. G Pg. 99 Abbott, Thomas K. Freeman, Lillian March 22, 1900 Certificate 8953 Vol. H Pg. 23 Abegg, James Welten, Sophia November 9, 1884 Certificate 260 Vol. B Pg. 113 Abelset, John Olson, Ida O. November 14, 1891 Certificate 3237 Vol. D Pg. 406 Abernathy, Robert Quay, Susie A. May 15, 1884 Certificate 192 Vol. B Pg. 79 Abert, Gus McGee, Annie September 20, 1892 Certificate 3869 Vol. E Pg. 112 Return 702 Aborn, Chas. Culver, Josie November 23, 1889 Certificate 1643 Vol. C Pg. 408 Abraham, Louis S. Davis, Rose September 5, 1897 Certificate 6850 Vol. F Pg. 550 Return 2768 Abrahamson, Alfred Anderson, Annie June 12, 1894 Certificate 5024 Vol. E Pg. 480 Return 1585 Abrahamson, Johannes Lundal, Agnes January 27, 1894 Certificate 4748 Vol. E Pg. 393 Return 1451 Abrahamson, O.
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