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Tommunication That This Continuation TOMMUNICATIONUS009771363B2 THAT THIS CONTINUATION (12 ) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,771 , 363 B2 Ibrahim et al. ( 45) Date of Patent: Sep . 26 , 2017 ( 54 ) HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AND USES 8 , 119 , 637 B2 2 / 2012 Ibrahim et al . THEREOF 8 , 129 , 404 B2 3 / 2012 Ibrahim et al . 8 ,143 ,271 B2 3 / 2012 Ibrahim et al. 8 , 153 , 641 B2 4 / 2012 Ibrahim et al. ( 71 ) Applicant: Plexxikon Inc. , Berkeley, CA (US ) 8 , 158, 636 B2 4 / 2012 Ibrahim et al . 8 , 198, 273 B2 6 /2012 Ibrahim et al . ( 72 ) Inventors : Prabha N . Ibrahim , Mountain View , 8 , 268, 858 B2 9 / 2012 Wu et al. CA (US ) ; Wayne Spevak , Berkeley , 8 ,367 , 828 B2 2 / 2013 Arnold et al. CA (US ) ; Jiazhong Zhang , Foster City , 8 ,404 , 700 B2 3 /2013 Ibrahim et al. 8 , 415 , 469 B2 4 / 2013 Ibrahim et al. CA (US ) ; Songyuan Shi, Fremont, CA 8 , 461 , 169 B2 6 / 2013 Zhang et al. (US ) ; Ben Powell , Pleasant Hill , CA 8 , 470 , 818 B2 6 / 2013 Ibrahim et al . 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