Theosophical Quarterly—Volume 11
1' - Theosophical Quarterly \ ,, I I VOLUME XI JULY; OCTOBER, 1913 JANUARY; APRIL, 1914 4, , 1._0� . �3,,,-,;z ct PUBLISHED BY THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY NEW YORK 1 l I \ ·' I The Theosophical Quarterly Published by the Theosophical Society at 159 Warren Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. In Europe single numbers may be obtained from and subscriptions sent to Dr. Archibal d Kei�htley, 46 Brook Street, London, W., England. Price for non-members, $1.00 per annum; single copies, 25 cents THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY The principal aim and object of this Society is to form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, with out distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color. The subsidiary objects are: The study of ancient and modern religions, philosophies and sciences, and the demonstration of the importance of such study; and the investigation of the unexplained laws of nature and the psychical powers latent in man. Entered July 17, 1903, It Brooklyn, N.Y., 11 second-clan matter, under Act of Concre11 of Joly 16, 1894. Copyright, 1914, 1915, by The Theosophical Society. INDEX TO VOLUME XI. A PAGE Adepts and Modem Science, The (Reprint); William Q. Judge... 356 Allison, Susan W. .. .. 323 Antiquity of Man, The; John Charlton......................... 144 B BERGSON's PHILOSOPHICAL PosiTION ; John Blake, Jr ..... 114, 224, 328 Blake, John, J�. .......... .................... .. 114, 224, 328 Boehme, Jacob; Susan W. Allison ...................... ........ 323 c Cave ...............................................161, 203, 294 Charlton, John .... ............................ ..32, 144, 215, 306 Chickering, Julia . 346 Concerning the Real and Concerning Shadows; . Louise Edgar Peters ... ..... ..... .. .... .21, 139 Convention Notices-See T. S. Activities. Creighton, Justin .
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