©Malacological Society of Japan Short Notes A New Species of the Genus Cornisepta McLean, 1988 (Gastropoda: Fissurellidae) from Japan Mitsuo Chino 6-23-18-202 Arima, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0003, Japan;
[email protected] The fissurellid genus Cornisepta was established extremely high shell profile and overall resemblance by McLean (1988) to accommodate Fissurisepta to the type species. antarctica Egorova, 1972 (type species, by original designation) and 11 other small and high conical Cornisepta monsfuji n. sp. species. Only one representative, C. soyoae (Habe, (Figs. 1–6) 1951), has hitherto been recorded from Japanese waters. A new species, Cornisepta monsfuji n. sp., is Description: Shell small for genus, translucent, here added to this genus from southwestern Japan. thin and fragile, with highly elevated conical profile, The description and comparative remarks are given anterior slope convex; posterior slope concave; in the following lines. aperture oval, rim with regular projections. Apical whorl lost; foramen present at summit, sharpened at Abbreviations: MC — Mitsuo Chino collection, both anterior and posterior end, narrowed at centre; Kawasaki, Japan; MNHN — Muséum National septum thin, high, straight across, slightly concave d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; MY — Masaumi posteriorly. Sculpture of 40–42 dense, raised, Yada collection, Ushibuka, Japan; NSMT — National sawtooth-shaped pustules running down towards Museum of Nature and Science, Japan. aperture, looking like stairs in lateral view, studded by acute notches, aligned in 24–28 curving rows, Taxonomy intercalated by 14–16 short interstitial rows and 38– 44 white lines, running towards and sharpened at Family Fissurellidae Fleming, 1822 aperture. Genus Cornisepta McLean, 1988 Type material: Holotype, NSMT-Mo 76806, SH (shell height) 2.2 mm, SL (shell length) 2.0 mm, Remarks: The genus Cornisepta was originally SW (shell width) 1.4 mm.