U.S. Rep. Jason “Go Farm” offers Smith: Fight is not unique holiday DAYS Foreign & Domestic over shopping 9 ‘TIL Family Owned & Operated Since 1995 CHRISTMAS 2090 Clark Ave West Plains RECORDS >> 2 FARM >> 11 417-256-9452 599324b WEST PLAINS, HOWELL CO., MO | SINGLE COPY 50¢ Plus Tax WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 2020 117TH YEAR #249 /West.Plains.Daily.Quill /@wpquill /@wpquill Willow Springs aldermen Santa stays meet Thursday Thirty-one cases of COVID-19 were report- The Willow Springs connected ed as confirmed in the Board of Aldermen will meet at 5 p.m. Thurs- u COVID-19, PAGE 4 day in city hall council chambers, 900 W. Main Virtual visits delight children MISSOURI St. in Willow Springs. Total COVID-19 cases: All are welcome. in West Plains and beyond 347,603. On the agenda is the Change from last report: approval of minutes members ages 5 through 2,762. from the November By Kim Langston 10 were divided into 50,000+: St. Louis County. meeting, approval of
[email protected] groups of four or less, 25,000-44,999: Kansas bills for payment and and had a minute or two City. receipt of financial re- Necessity has changed each to speak with the 20,000-24,999: Jackson, St. ports, and department many aspects of day-to- jolly old elf. Charles. head and board reports day life in 2020, and hol- The children were en- 10,000-19,999: Boone, from the YMCA. idays and tried-and-true couraged to have a gift Greene, Jefferson, St. Louis Kelly Beets with Mis- celebrations and tradi- or two in mind as a re- City.