Chicago's Ninth Annual Radio Show at the Coliseum, Sible

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Chicago's Ninth Annual Radio Show at the Coliseum, Sible 16 PRESTO-TIMES November. l')30 Victor Radio for 1931. The Victor Division of the RCA-Victor Co., Inc., CHICAGO'S NINTH ANNUAL Camden, N. J., had one of the most extensive shows at the exposition. Many styles of the latest Victor radios were shown. Denning a screen-grid micro- synchronous radio, the company says: "It is a highly- RADIO SHOW advanced, highly-developed radio receiver, that does all the things you believe the ideal radio should do— and does them infinitely better than you imagine pos- Chicago's ninth annual radio show at the Coliseum, sible. Such a claim might seem exaggeration, except The Majestic Radio. that it is made deliberately by the company which for which closed on the last Sunday in October, proved "The Million Dollar Radio" was the title of a little that radio is attaining more than a general attention thirty years has been the acknowledged leader in folder passed out at the Majestic booth by the sound reproduction. And the 1931 Victor radio is from the public. The attendance was large every Grigsby-Grunow Co., manufacturers of the Majestic day of the whole week, the interest taken by visitors emphatically Victor's greatest achievement." Radio. This booklet contains illustrations and de- The Graybar Super-Heterodyne. was more than keen curiosity—it was an interest scriptions of several of the Majestic styles, including based mostly upon some knowledge of mechanics, a radio-phonograph combination instrument, model The Graybar corporation, New York, exhibited sev- electricity, sound waves, and, in short, of the proper- 923. Of the Majestic tubes this is said: "Majestic eral of its Super-Heterodyne styles of radio, one of ties and powers of radio itself. tubes are manufactured with the same high degree of them with a phonograph combination. Talkie tests for screen talent were among the skillful accuracy as Majestic radios. Special con- Gulbransen Champion. secondary activities of the big show, this sideline being struction of Majestic tubes protects them against un- The Gulbransen Champion and the Champion, Jr., under the personal supervision of Lionel West, pro- usual line surges." ducer, actor and director. Another sideline was a were both exhibited at the big show. The exhibit gabfest for a prize of $100. Four men and two girls Ehlert Radio Cabinets. was in charge of the Chicago distributors, the H. entered this contest to see who could talk the longest Channon Co.. 149 North Wacker drive. The Gul- The Ehlert Radio Furniture Co., manufacturer of bransen "Champion"' is built to a consistently high continuously. It was really a reading contest—read- radio cabinets, 2468 Lincoln avenue, Chicago, which ing aloud from books or magazines. has been making 26 models for radio men, had a fine standard, through precision manufacturing methods. show at the exposition. Only extremely close tolerances are allowed in mak- Many Makes of Radio. ing each set. Each set must conform in every detail Some of the 1931 receivers displayed at the show Philco Radios. with the master laboratory model, thereby insuring a were the Clarion, Story & Clark, Majestic, Lyric, Philco Balanced Unit radios were among the finer high standard of performance from every set made. Brunswick, Zenith, General Electric, Sparton, How- exhibits. Radio-phonographs, highboys, lowboys and The Oxford Chromatrope. ard, Kellogg, Kennedy, Apex, Edison, Atwater Kent, Console styles were shown. Frank Reichtnann is the designer of the Oxford Tatch-A-Radio, Silver-Marshall, Steinite, Philco, Gen- Kennedy Royal Models. Chromatrope, a radio-phonograph combination, man- eral Motors, Gloritone, Amrad, Stromberg Carlson, ufactured by the Oxford Radio Corporation, 2035 Sentinel, Grebe, Crosley, Victor, Radiola, Westing- The Colin B. Kennedy Corporation, South Bend, Ind., showed several styles of Kennedy Royal Models West Pershing road, Chicago. Mr. Reichmann is house, Stewart-Warner, Gulbransen, Graybar, Ster- in radio. chief engineer and sales manager of the Oxford con- ling, Bosch and Fada. Among the midget styles Bosch Motor Car Radio. cern. The Oxford Chromatrope is much more than shown were the Jackson-Bell, the Pilot, and the a speaker, it is a sound machine involving many other Clarion, Jr. The American Bosch Magneto Corporation. Spring- factors found necessary for perfect sound recreation. field, Mass., exhibited its Motor Car Radio. Baldwin Piano in Broadcasting. The Chromatrope incorporates all of the features of Broadcasts made from the Crystal Studio in the Atwater Kent Radio. Mr. Reichmann's achievement in perfecting sound re- show each afternoon and evening included those of Among the styles shown by the Atwater Kent production and actually introduces a new era in radio the National Broadcasting Co., Columbia Broadcast- corporation. Philadelphia, were Model 70 lowboy. reception. ing Co., and those of the Chicago stations. The Bald- Model 74 table, Model 76 highboy and Model 75. The Lyric Radio. win piano was used exclusively at the Crystal Studio. which is a radio-phonograph combination, finished in The Studio Model was one of the designs in radio Value of Exhibits Over $1,000,000. American walnut with rubbed top. Matched butt shown in the Lyric radio booth. Lyric radio is built walnut front panels and apron. The display of radio receivers and devices and radio- in the great Wurlitzer factories where superior crafts- phonograph combinations at the show totaled in value The Silver-Marshall Radio. manship and fine artistry has long been an accepted more than $1,000,000. It revealed that the screen Silver-Marshall, Inc., 6401 West 65th street, Chi- symbol of great accomplishments in the field of music. grid tube had this year come into almost universal cago, showed the Silver-Marshall superheterodyne All the background of this wonderful experience is use. radio. These claims are made for it: "It will select embodied in the creation of Lyric radio. Jubilee Sparton Radio. one program, and only one, absolutely without inter- The Clarion Radio. The new 30th anniversary Sparton radios were ference from other stations—even if the program you The Clarion radio and the Clarion, Jr., were shown among the prominent makes shown. The Sparks- want be only one dial division away from a powerful in different beautiful styles. One of the claims made Withington Co., Jackson, Mich., manufacturers of the local station. It will give perfect tone, with all ot for the Clarion radio, which is manufactured by the Sparton radio, said on their cards: "We celebrate the musical and vocal notes given prooer emnhasis, Transformer Corporation of America at 2309 South our 30th anniversary by presenting the marvelous new no more, no less, and at any volume from a whisper Keeler avenue, Chicago, is that "Clarion selectivity Jubilee Sparton." to enough to fill a ballroom." (Continued on page 17) ADAM SCHAAF, Inc. HALLET & DAVIS PIANO CO Established 1839—Boston REPRODUCING GRANDS AND UPRIGHTS PLAYER PIANOS PIANOS FACTORIES - - NEW YORK CITY Established Reputation and Quality Since 1873 Executive Offices and Wholesale Warerooms FACTORY OFFICES & SALESROOMS 4343 Fifth Avenue 319-321 So. Wabash Ave., 100 Southern Boulevard Corner of Kostner Avenue New Adam Schaaf Building New York City CHICAGO, ILL. TH E CO MSTOCK, C HE NETY & CO. IVORYTON, CONN IVORY CUTTERS SINCE 1834 MANUFACTURERS OF Grand Keys, Actions and Hammers, Upright Keys Actions and Hammer . Pipe Organ Keys Piano Forte Ivory tor tie Trade STARR PIANOS STARR PHONOGRAPHS GENNETT RECORDS 'Represent the ffiqhertcdttainment in oMusical (Worth ^eSTARR PIANO COMPANY Established 1872 Richmond. Indiana Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at
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