Millions Love Her!
Vol. 29-No. 1 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1930 Per Year-$4.00 MILLIONS LOVEHER! > > >and they're SURE to avant this record! .0. STAGE, talkie,radio, and recording star-Lee Morse has more fans to the square inch of Amer- ica than any other crooning songstress. And she's bringing them a -running with her newest Columbia record. She sings two best- sellers from a great talkie in delightful, moderate tempo-and with loads of her familiar charm! You'll see this record move along mighty fast- you'd better hear it as soon as your order arrives! Record No. 2063-D, 10 -inch, 75c A LITTLE KISS EACH MORNING (A Little Kiss at Night) (from Motion Picture "The Vagabond Lover") Vocals Lee Morse and Her Blue Grass Boys I LOVE YOU, BELIEVE ME, I LOVE YOU (The Dream of My Heart) (from MotionPicture "The Vagabond Lover") Columbia p ó ss- Re cord Viva - tonal Recording ~The Records without Scratch Nor. Columbia Phonograph Company, 1819 Broadway, New York City 1 .A._. s.: .._: :'.`,',ri'i W.-.. : Canada: Columbia Phonograph Company, Ltd., Toronto CC:.r:: » «:, First Class of Majestic Radio Sales School 66Majesticretailers and their salesmen whoareattending the Majestic Sales School in the Hotel Stevens, Chicago,areadding at least 100% totheir present selling ability. Your distributor has registration blanks." Mighty Monarch of the Air Vice President and Treasurer eir GRIGSBY-GRUNOW COMPANY, CHICAGO, U.S.A. World's Largst Manufacturers of Complete Radio Receivers Makers of THE TALKING MACHINE & RADIO WEEKLY le published every Wednesday by the Phonograph Poblicatioto Co.,146 Water St., New York.Entered u second t matter April 18.
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