Chicago's Ninth Annual Radio Show at the Coliseum, Sible
16 PRESTO-TIMES November. l')30 Victor Radio for 1931. The Victor Division of the RCA-Victor Co., Inc., CHICAGO'S NINTH ANNUAL Camden, N. J., had one of the most extensive shows at the exposition. Many styles of the latest Victor radios were shown. Denning a screen-grid micro- synchronous radio, the company says: "It is a highly- RADIO SHOW advanced, highly-developed radio receiver, that does all the things you believe the ideal radio should do— and does them infinitely better than you imagine pos- Chicago's ninth annual radio show at the Coliseum, sible. Such a claim might seem exaggeration, except The Majestic Radio. that it is made deliberately by the company which for which closed on the last Sunday in October, proved "The Million Dollar Radio" was the title of a little that radio is attaining more than a general attention thirty years has been the acknowledged leader in folder passed out at the Majestic booth by the sound reproduction. And the 1931 Victor radio is from the public. The attendance was large every Grigsby-Grunow Co., manufacturers of the Majestic day of the whole week, the interest taken by visitors emphatically Victor's greatest achievement." Radio. This booklet contains illustrations and de- The Graybar Super-Heterodyne. was more than keen curiosity—it was an interest scriptions of several of the Majestic styles, including based mostly upon some knowledge of mechanics, a radio-phonograph combination instrument, model The Graybar corporation, New York, exhibited sev- electricity, sound waves, and, in short, of the proper- 923. Of the Majestic tubes this is said: "Majestic eral of its Super-Heterodyne styles of radio, one of ties and powers of radio itself.
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