A Rectifying Tube

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A Rectifying Tube STATISTICS AND STABILIZATION NUMBER - MARCH, 1933 25 Cents per Copy McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc. INCLUDING SERVICE AND INSTALLATION RADIO SECTION RETAI LI NG Home Entertainment Merchandising Mallory engineering developsnewprinciple 0-oceGONeVoS*S ON,,O anEliminator without a Rectifying Tube LAST YEAR.... Mallory Engineers made auto -radio all -electric by eliminating "B" Batteries. THIS YEA It... Mallory Engineers obsolete the rectifying rube with a self -rectifying Elkonode. As a complete Eliminator - this model will operateaip, automotive radio set now on the market and will function LIST PRICE satisfactorily on any car. Proper installation is a simple matter-and a profitable sale. The market for the Mallory- $175° Elkon "B" Eliminator includes all radio -equippedcars now using "B" Batteries; also all cars now in service The Self- Rectifying whose owners will install radio during the presentyear. ELK ON ODE NoteThese New Features 1. No Tube Required-Eliminates the hazards 5.Higher Efficiency - 60%efficiency - the and expense of a rectifying tube andstarts highest yet attained in any "B" Eliminator. much more quickly. 6.Less Battery Drain-One-third less than 2.No Noise-Silent in operation. tube rectifier eliminators. 3. Simplified Construction-Fewerparts. 7.Smaller - More convenient to handle. 4. More Output - Adjustable to currentre- a. New Low List Price- Placing all -electric quirements of any set. auto -radio within the reach of everyone. MALL9Ry Write for Complete Information . P. R. MALLORY & CO., Inc. 'ES" ELIMIN AT 0R INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA With the Self -Rectifying Elkonode In 1929 Majestic startled the worldwith the first superheterodynes with dynamic speakers at new lowprices....thousands of dealers made fortunes on sales that totaled 1,000,000Radios in one year! History Repeats with an opportunity to cash -in on a perfect"natural" THE NEW ALL -IN -ONE AUTO RADIO 50 Installed Complete with Tubes and Suppressors (less antenna), and Federal Tax Paid Price Slightly Higher on West Coast Here is an opportunity to cash -in on a waitingmarket of more than twenty -million car owners-every one a prospectfor the new Majestic Auto Radio !Priced within the reach of every car owner .. sorevolutionary in design .. sooutstanding in performance .. soquickly and easily installed it will outsell anyother type of auto radio on the market. Here are the features of the amazingNew Majestic Auto -Radio They spell quick, easy sales andadded profit for you Engineered on an entirely new principle-a depart-control unit is attached to the steering column, the ure from all that has gonebefore-this new Auto -battery cable connected to the car battery and the Radio incorporates developments found in no otherantenna to the receiver, and the radio is ready for type of auto radio.It is an all -in -one unit, theoperation.Due to the simplicity of installation, speaker, chassis and the exclusive Duro-Mute "B"very few tools areneeded and it can be installed in eliminator are contained in a metal case which isless than 30 minutes. mounted on the fire wall. Receiver is a six -tube superheterodyne with eight - The installation of the new Majestic Auto -Radiotube performance, and uses Majestic's exclusive is so easily effected that noSpray - Shield tubes. A highly efficient automatic radioexperienceisrequired.volume control does away with blasting and fading. Four small holes are drilled inThis receiver, with its dynamic speaker, not only the fire wall, two for each brack-gives faithful reproduction over a wide range with- et on which the receiver is sus-out distortion, but is also simple to tuneand free pended, the receiver is boltedfrom all complicated and installation troubles, and to these brackets, the remotedoes not mutilate the car in any manner. Thousands of alert dealers will cash -in on this "natural"...WHY NOT YOU? Write or wire us, or your nearest Majestic Distributor,for complete details! GRIGSBY-GRUNOW COMPANY, CHICAGO, and affiliates,with factories at Chicago; Toronto; Bridgeport; Oakland; London, England;and Sao Paulo, Brazil Manufacturers also of MAJESTIC REFRIGERATORS WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERSOF COMPLETE RADIO RECEIVERS 1.11111.1111111&111=1.111.. - McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc., 330 West Forty-second Street, New York, N. y. int Near Radio Retailing, March, 1033.Vol. 17, No.3. Published monthly.Foreign, $3, U. S. Currency, or 15 shillings.Canada (including Canadianduty), 82.50. Filmed, 25 cents per copy.Central and South American countries, $2. - - "A"- class matter April 10, 1925, at the Post Office at New York,N. Y., under the Act of March 3,1879.Printed in U.S. A. Radio Retailing, March, 1933 1 A spectacularvalue in Maj esticRefrigerators To put every Majestic Refrigerator dealer in utmost favorable position to meetdemands for low-priced merchandise, Majestic announces this NEW LIST PRICE Model 450 (Century Line) with shelf area of 10.7 squarefeet. Exterior dimensions: Height, 521%6 inches; width, da 248h6 in.; depth, 21%8 in.; depth overall, T. 0 23% inches; net capacity 4.8 cubic feet. List price, at factory, tax paid Prominent display of this model in your window, with price featured, will attract prospects inside your store where aconvincing presentation can be madeELECLED of Majestic REFRIGERATION In the new Majestic models the refrigerating unit is safely sealed beneath a metal dome - not merely "hermetically sealed" but ELECTRO-SEALED for life, against moisture, dirt, and abuse. Interior food compartment is isolated from exterior kitchen heat by Majestic's Isolator -Wall Construction with its triple -type insula- tion, and asphalt -sealed joints. Here is proved refrigeration!Here is a refrigerator that will give service and not require service. Here are a score and more of im- portant features every housewife wants in her refrigerator-and a delivered price that will unquestionably tempt her to buy. If you are not already stocked with Majestic's new line, write or wire your distributor today.And don't forget that Majestic's new low prices put you right out in front with incomparable values. GRIGSBY-GRUNOW COMPANY, CHICAGO, and affiliates, with factories at Chicago; Toronto; Bridgeport; Oakland; London, England; and Sao Paulo, Brazil Manufacturers also of MAJESTIC RADIOS De Luxe Model 500(Electro-Sealed) -Food storage area, 9.68 sq. ft. Exterior dimensions: Height, 54YL in.; width, 24X in.; depth, 20% in.; depth overall, 251110 in. Two ice trays -42 ice cubes -4 pounds EL E C _TP D of ice per freezing. "Isolator wall" cab- inet construction."Stay-Kold" Defroster. Chromium plated hardware.Cabinet finish: Exterior, Elasto; interior, Acid -re- REFRIGERATION sisting Porcelain, with rounded corners. 2 Radio Retailing, A McGraw-HillPublication dvance Release jtartling developmentannounced by Yfromberg-Carlson laboratories brings new sparkle and lifetoRADIO! RADIO WITH an illusion of "presence"greater than ever known before.Radio beyond whateven Stromberg-Carlson No.48 engineers hoped for a yearago. Radio New audio tubes (just announced);a new circuit and a new speaker combine to give new realism to reproduction.Double push-pull audio amplification using two of thenew Super -Triodes No.2A3 results in six times more power than with any previous Strom- berg -Carlson. There isa new vacuum rectifier, No. 5Z3(not the troublesome Mercury Arc) ofunprecedentedreserve for sudden surges of distortion -freepower when needed. No. 49 Radio All in all, by taking advantage ofpresent day economieswe have been able to createeven greater values in these receivers,and the Stromberg-Carlson merchandisingplan will make dealer happy. every Prices of Stromberg-Carlsons range from No. 50 $143 to $567.50.(East of Rockies). Radio In addition, Stromberg- Carlson presents a NEW radio, No. 43.This is STROMBERG-CARLSON TELEPHONE a strikingly beautiful MANUFACTURING COMPANY model. Handsome burled Walnut with its ROCHESTER, N. Y. exquisite grain lends beautytothefinely proportioned cabinet. gracefulSix legs give stability. an effect of No. 51 Equipped with the pop- Radio and ular No.38type chassis. Automatic "There is nothing finer than Phonograph a Stromberg-Carlson" 1894 MAKERS OFVOICE TRANSMISSION AND VOICE RECEPTION APPARATUS FOR MORETHAN THIRTY-FIVE YEARS Radio Retailing, March, 1933 3 STURDY WHEN you buy merchandise of a rience; Hygrade Sylvania is an old-timer manufacturer you automatically in the electrical field. begin a partnership that does not end You want a partner who will work with until the goods have been sold. Naturally, you; Hygrade Sylvania gives you a quality then, you want to know what kind of a product - consistent national advertising man you're taking into your business! And - whole -hearted selling help. here is how the Hygrade Sylvania Corpo- Last- you want a partner who is strong ration measures up: - who brings support, not weakness to You want a partner who is financially your business. Hygrade Sylvania has sound; Hygrade Sylvania has a credit increased its dealer and financial strength rating of AAA1- the highest granted. during 1930, '31 and '32. When you sell You want a partner who is loyal; Sylvania Tubes you share a part of this Hygrade Sylvania is owned by themen strength and this success. You take who manage it.Its only goalis in a partner who helps build greater success for their company your profits! Hygrade Sylvania and its customers. Corporation, Sylvania Division, You want a partner with expe- Emporium, Penna. (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) THE SET -TESTEDRADIO TUBE 4 Radio Retailing, A McGraw-Hill Ptiblication W1933 Grebe here....by FIVE TUBE SUPERHET . 3 GANG CONDENSER, a.c.-d.c. listing at Complete with RCA tubes Grebe's matchless tone and startling discounts assure NEW PROFITS for Grebe Dealers Yes the 1933 "Synchronette" is here-ready for alert dealers to cash in on "GREBE"-a name that has always stood for tone quality unrivaled in naturalness-a name in which upwards of five million dollars in advertising has been invested in winning and holding publicacceptance. The public demanded this NEW GREBE "Synchronette" and here it is.
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