WESSINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Adrian Anderson Clerk 12 Nether Close Wingerworth Chesterfield S42 6UR Telephone: 07740 018584 Email
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WESSINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Adrian Anderson Clerk 12 Nether Close Wingerworth Chesterfield S42 6UR Telephone: 07740 018584 Email: [email protected] 10 September 2019 Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Wessington Parish Council which are to be held in the Meeting Room, Christ Church, Church Street, Wessington, on Tuesday 17th September 2019 at 7.00pm. All members of the Parish are welcome to attend Yours sincerely Adrian Anderson Clerk to Wessington Parish Council AGENDA 1.0 The Chair will invite members of the public to ask questions or comment on any matters relating to the business of the Council (10 minutes). 2.0 If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. Members of the Council however will restrict Police matters they raise to those relating to Wessington Parish Council. 3.0 To receive and note apologies for absence 4.0 Nature reserve update 5.0 Declaration of members Interests and Dispensations To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance Wessington Parish Council – Agenda 17th September 2019 with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. To receive and approve requests for dispensations from Members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest 6.0 Variation of the Order of business 7.0 Minutes To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Annual meeting held on 16th July 2019 8.0 To Consider the following Planning Applications Application Number: 19/00709/LB Proposal: Application for listed building consent for replacement of existing windows and external doors, conservation rooflight, repointing and repairs to external stonework and roof tiles, restoration of internal doors and features, installation of new underfloor heating, re-open historic aperture and relocate existing oil tank. Address: Hay Farm Slack Lane Wessington Alfreton Applicant: Mr & Mrs N. Matthews Application Number: 19/00849/FLH Proposal: Application for single storey rear extension, removal of existing metal roof and construction of a new traditional pitched tile roof, internal alterations to form a utility/boot room and ground floor WC/shower room and new electrical wiring (Listed Building) Address: Hay Farm Slack Lane Wessington Alfreton Applicant: Mr And Mrs Matthews Application No: NED 19/00829/LB Parish: Wessington Parish Ward: Shirland Ward Officer: Aspbury Planning Application for listed building consent for single storey rear extension, removal of existing metal roof and construction of a new traditional pitched tile roof, internal alterations to form a utility/boot room and ground floor WC/Shower room and new electrical wiring (Listed Building) at Hay Farm Slack Lane Wessington for Mr & Mrs N. Matthews 9.0 To note the following Planning decisions Application No: NED19/00508/FLH Parish: Wessington Parish Officer: Miss Emily Roper Responsibility: Delegated Agent: NTR Design And Build Ltd Application for two storey rear extension at Hillsborough House Back Lane Brackenfield Alfreton for Mr Joel Stringfellow CONDITIONALLY APPROVED - 18 July 2019 Wessington Parish Council – Agenda 17th September 2019 Application No: NED19/00632/CUPDMB Parish: Wessington Parish Officer: Aspbury Planning Responsibility: Delegated Agent: Miss Charlotte Stainton Prior approval of proposed change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house at Springslane Farm Lindway Lane Brackenfield for Mr Henry Cooper REFUSED - 7 August 2019 Application No: NED19/00664/FL Parish: Wessington Parish Officer: Aspbury Planning Responsibility: Delegated Agent: Mr Martin Tucker Application for extensions proposed to an existing planning approval for a barn conversion (Private Drainage System)(Revised scheme of 18/01276/FL) at Barn East Of Lindway House Lindway Lane Brackenfield for Mr Graham Wright REFUSED - 20 August 2019 Application No: NED19/00746/FLH Parish: Wessington Parish Officer: Miss Emily Roper Responsibility: Delegated Agent: Application under the neighbour notification scheme for single storey rear extension. at Meri's Back Lane Wessington Alfreton for Steve Brown PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT - 27 August 2019 10.0 Finance i) To approve the Bank reconciliations for July and August (to be circulated prior to the meeting) ii) To approve the following payments and any other payments properly received by the Council at the meeting Date Cheque Payee Description Amount Number 17.09.2019 524 MVIS Ltd Matrix sign £300.00 “ 525 NEDDC Dog bin £334.15 emptying April – June “ 526 Iansprint Newsletter £85.00 “ 527 A Anderson Clerks Salary £317.50 and expenses “ 528 A Anderson Clerks Salary £317.50 and expenses “ 529 PCC Room Hire £25.00 Wessington Parish Council – Agenda 17th September 2019 iii) To note any income received – £75.00 Headstone, £17.08 Western Power 11.0 Update from the Clerk Item Update 1 Website Works ongoing. Agreement required regarding Cllrs contact details on the website 2 S106 Agreement for required works to be discussed at the meeting 3 Planters Quotes for new planters to be discussed at the meeting 4 Noticeboards Quotes for noticeboards to be discussed at the meeting 5 Bank Mandate Forms have been completed and submitted to the bank to update the mandate 6 Boot Camp Discussion regarding inquiry from an individual regarding running of a boot camp on the green 7 Forest Furniture Clerk has contacted the installer to see if they provide maintenance 12.0 To receive any updates on the action plan Actions Priority Who Update Completion Weekly Ongoing Cllr Bower & Playground Cllr Turner Inspection Monthly Burial Ongoing Cllr Shingleton Ground Inspection Quarterly Ongoing Cllr Bower Parish Inspection Footpaths Ongoing Cllr Parkes Report EMIB Event Review Cllr Bower 13.0 Village Green i) Maintenance of Amber Green ii) Amber Green lock iii) Amber Green “No Parking Sign” iv) Openreach works on main green v) Brambles on main green vi) Mowing Contract vii) Dog waste signs 14.0 To receive updates from Councillors on any issues in the Parish 15.0 To receive correspondence and agree any actions Wessington Parish Council – Agenda 17th September 2019 i) Email from DCC re poppies on lamp posts ii) DALC Circular 10/2019 (circulated prior to the meeting) iii) Email from Derbyshire Police regarding contact moving forward iv) Email from DCC regarding road closure notifications v) Email from a resident regarding a footpath issue vi) Email from NEDDC regarding Polling Places and stations consultation vii) Email from DCC re Parish Liaison Forum viii) Email from DCC re health and wellbeing consultation ix) DCC Snow Warden scheme x) Email re the launch of Clay Cross branch of U3A 16.0 Items for next agenda 17.0 Date of next meeting The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 15th October 18.0 To Resolve that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw. Wessington Parish Council – Agenda 17th September 2019 .