Gaming, Culture Intersect at ILLC

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Gaming, Culture Intersect at ILLC OREGON STATE WEDNESDAY UNIVERSITY JUNE 3, 2015 CORVALLIS, OREGON 97331 The Daily Barometer VOL. CXVII, NO. 149 DAILYBAROMETER.COM • 541-737-2231 DAILYBAROMETER @DAILYBARO, @BAROSPORTS Parking Services looks into mobile options n benefit is being able to track what you spend Parking Services hopes to ‘‘ on parking in a year.” increase payment options for According to Parking Manager Mark One of Parking campus meters via online service Zandonella, the Passport Parking app is Services’ objectives is available on both iOS and Android mobile By Abigail Erickson operating systems, and the services that can to supply customers with THE DAILY BAROMETER be accessed on the app can also be accessed parking choices. With summer around the corner and from any web browser on any device. Passport Parking will Implementing the service is still in the a new academic year on the horizon for allow us to offer more Oregon State University, Parking Services is works for Parking Services, but Williams is hoping to have Passport Parking in place for ‘‘ looking at another way to provide multiple of those choices. parking-related services to commuters who the next school year. park on campus. “Our plan is to have the service ready for Meredith Williams An idea that is in the works, and set to use on all campus parking meters by the Associate director of Parking Services debut in the fall of this year, is the implemen- beginning of fall term,” Williams said. “As tation of Passport Parking’s mobile payment soon as the service is live, customers can feature for parking meters on campus. download the app, create an account and Passport Parking is a company that offers begin using the features right away.” The only physical changes that will be alternative payment options for parking According to the Passport Parking website, made to the parking meters on campus will meters. Payments can be made through the customers who wish to sign up for an account be new stickers with Passport meter IDs Passport Parking app, the Passport Parking can even do so with a Facebook login to placed on the existing meters. These IDs will mobile website, as well as phone calls and bypass filling out the form. Additionally, the help identify the space where a customer’s text messages. mobile application and website for Passport vehicle is parked. Signs will also be placed in According to Meredith Williams, associ- Parking can detect which language the device the lots to assist users who are new to the sys- ate director of Parking Services, and Hank accessing the service is using, and, through tem and explain how Passport Parking works. Kemper, field manager for Parking Services, an integrated voice system, provide multiple “One of Parking Services’ objectives is to the service will provide additional conve- language options for users. supply customers with parking choices,” nient options for parking payments overall. Williams added that with the imple- Williams said. “Passport Parking will allow “Customers may pay for metered parking mentation of the Passport Parking system, us to offer more of those choices.” without carrying a bunch of coins around,” Parking Services will reduce the cost of the More information on Passport Parking can Kemper said. “The service will also send a first hour of parking at meters in A zones. be found at the official Passport website at ABIGAIL ERICKSON text message to the customer when their “If the Passport services are popular, it THE DAILY BAROMETER time is about to expire and allow them to may be expanded to other types of parking, Abigail Erickson, news reporter purchase more time if they need to. Another such as daily or event parking,” Williams said. Gaming, culture intersect at ILLC n Video games part of participated in the recent tour- “I kind of have a love-hate nament that was held in the opinion about technology,” culture at the International International Living-Learning Borchers said. “I think they are Learning and Living Center Center. fun for some people, and I think “(My friends and I) joined the it’s great that people can really By Arturo W. R. Segesman game, and we lost the second get into them.” game,” Xu said with a laugh. THE DAILY BAROMETER Some people do not agree that With only two years of expe- eSports should be considered a In an age where technology is rience playing “LoL,” he ven- sport because of its absence of growing at a rapid pace, video tures into competitive gaming in physical involvement. games are developing into some- small tournaments like the most “It definitely is strategic, and thing more than just a hobby. recent one. Other online games it engages your mind, but it Electronic sports, also known similar to “LoL” have become shouldn’t be called a sport,” as eSports, have existed ever popular around the world. Borchers said. since video games like “Space “I use to play ‘DOTA’ (‘Defense Just like athletic sports, Invaders” and “Pac-Man” were of the Ancient’),” Xu said. “I had released. eSports can benefit people’s lives a match in a Chinese university, in many different ways. This spring term, an eSports but I lost it against the team who tournament was held in the “I can control my emotions got first place.” better because of video games,” International Living Learning Just last year, the “LoL” World Center, having students from Xu said. “Because when you lose Championship was hosted in your match you can’t get angry, if international students compet- Seoul, South Korea, and was ing against each other in “League you get angry you may lose the the biggest eSports event in his- next match.” of Legends,” one of the world’s tory. With more than 67 million Playing video games since he most popular online game. users playing every month, the was 4 years old, Xu has an emo- Here at Oregon State best “LoL” players have reached tional connection with video University, students play it as a celebrity status and earned games. hobby. For some it’s more of a enough money to make a living lifestyle. out of it. “They taught me many things, Tiancheng Xu, a Chinese inter- For people like Katherine it followed me as I grew up,” Xu national student getting his mas- Borchers, a resident assistant said. ters in Business Administration, in the ILLC, video games play a Arturo W. R. Segesman is a regular “LoL” player who different role in her life. Students involved with spring Top moments that defined Editorial: Put efforts into term One-Act Festival a season: Wrestling saving honeybees News, page 2 Sports, page 5 Forum, page 7 2•Wednesday, June 3, 2015 • 541-737-2231 Burglary I Calendar A Corvallis police officer responded to a report of a burglary at a residence. One of the Need to Know Wednesday, June 3 residents reported she had returned home to Meetings find the door open and several items missing Concealed weapons: ASOSU House of Representatives, 7pm, MU Journey Room. from the residence. The reporting resident House meeting. stated that entry was not forced and it was Section of the City of College Republicans, 7pm, Gilkey 113. Join the College believed that her roommate left the door open Corvallis Code of Ordinances states that Republicans for friendly conversation on current events and when she left. There is currently no suspect no person “shall carry concealed on or politics. information and no fingerprints were located. about the person, or carry concealed Dixon Recreational Sports, 1-2pm, Dixon Rec Center Confer- and readily accessible about the person ence Room. Recreational Sports Board Meeting. Friday, May 31 Theft III within any vehicle, any firearm; any gun; Events A Corvallis police officer responded to a any knife having a blade that projects or Craft Center, 1-3pm, Craft Center, Student Experience Center Basement Level. Watercolor Wellness. Supplies provided. Marijuana report of shoplifting. The manager of a store swings into position by force of a spring, College of Business - School of Design & Human Envi- A man was cited for possession of less than reported that an intoxicated male stole two commonly known as a switchblade; any dirk or dagger; any metal knuckles; any ronment, Noon-2pm, Austin Hall Events Room 126. OSU one ounce of marijuana. The man was called 40-ounce bottles of Olde English beer on Senior Graphic Design Show. An open house for students in by Corvallis police because he was walking separate occasions over the course of an hour. nunchaku sticks; any sling shot; or any to present their projects they have been working on for two around with a “handgun” in his hand as he Based on the description given and store sur- similar instrument by the use of which terms. walked. The marijuana was seized with the veillance provided, the suspect was identified injury could be inflicted upon the person consent of the man and placed into evidence. and later located in a skate park. The suspect or property of any other person.” Thursday, June 4 was placed in custody for third-degree theft The Daily Barometer Meetings Burglary II, theft I and transported to jail. Baha’i Campus Association, 12:30pm, MU Talisman Room. Open consultation as a key to well being. A discussion. An unknown person unlawlfully entered Thursday, May 30 the storage shed of a building. The shed’s Friday, June 5 owner reported that her bike had been stolen pearl necklaces. Her laptop was also stolen. The and nothing else had been taken.
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