Minutes of the Stanbridge Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Hall on Tuesday 12th September 2017

Present: Chairman E Sutton, Parish Councillors P Lidford, R Deville, M Walker, M Waters & G Chamberlain, Clerk M Whiting, Ward Cllr Versallion, 0 members of public

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Parish Councillor M Throsby.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declaration of interests.

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 8th August 2017 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman

4. PROGRESS UPDATE FROM LAST MEETING Items to be discussed on agenda.

5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No members of public present.

6. POLICE Clerk circulated Police crime data spreadsheets link to Councillors. 2 offences reported in July & 6 offences in August. Community Hall are finding small gas canisters in the car park which aren’t illegal, therefore nothing the Police can do. Operation Sentinel is operating in the area 2 days a month and regular speed checks are being carried out. Police are also trying to get a Shop Watch scheme up and running in .

7. CENTRAL COUNCIL Ward Cllr Versallion confirmed his ‘Help & Advice Surgeries’ are drop in and no appointment is necessary, however would appreciate contact prior to the surgery with questions so he can prepare and find information beforehand. CBC are proposing to compulsory purchase the unauthorised site in Billington and relocate nearby to provide a site that will be owned and managed by CBC. The target for this is 2021. Councillors raised concerns about displacement and where will those that don’t wish to move go? Draft Local Plan has not taken into account displacement numbers. Ward Cllr Versallion advised that CBC had recently lost the Mile Tree Road in G&T Planning Appeal case due to lack of G&T sites provided by CBC and agreed until a local plan is adopted, will keep losing appeals.

8. PLANNING CB/17/02729/VOC Motorcycle Track south of, Stanbridge Road, Great Billington Variation of Condition Granted by CBC DMC on 16th August.

CB/15/01784/MW Motorcycle track south of Stanbridge Road, Great Billington, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9JH Raising of existing bunding to motorcycle track to a minimum of 2.0m above the highest part of the existing track level as required by condition 7 of planning permission reference CB/14/03678/VOC. OBJECT on grounds that acoustic fencing will not be suitable to negate the noise as adequately as bunding and therefore will not comply with the decibel level for operating in winter months, making the site not appropriate. Require an independent noise monitoring report and recommendations.

9. CBC DRAFT LOCAL PLAN As agreed at the 8th August meeting, Chairman Sutton circulated a draft response to all Councillors by email and submitted final below comments on CBC website under representation 3084 on behalf of the parish council. It was AGREED for future consultations there would be more in depth discussions between all Councillors and a local planning consultant employed. Stanbridge Parish Council have read and considered the Draft Local Plan, which is extensive so we have focused on key areas which we feel are most relevant to our local residents. We can fully appreciate the time and resources which have gone into developing the plan, however overall, we feel disappointed at the lack of detail in the plan at this stage, especially as this is the third time the Local Plan has been submitted for consultation, as we understand it. We would question if this should not be acknowledged in some way, as

1 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------10th October 2017 Minutes of the Stanbridge Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Tuesday 12th September 2017 previous consultations have been undertaken and scarce Council funding spent obtaining and collating information. We would seek assurance that this has not been wasted and that the information can be incorporated into the next draft? All the blank pages contained within the draft make this an extremely lengthy and tiresome document to page through, which would have been helpful to be removed at this stage, especially for the on-line copy. Can they please be removed for the next consultation? This also makes it expensive or timely to print off for those that didn’t have a pc and needed a hard copy. We would summarise or keys issues as:

Vision & Objectives Local Character SO4 Create high quality neighbourhoods that have regard for local character and use sustainability principles which are sensitive and responsive to the significance of the local environment, are distinctive, safe, functional and accessible and which reinforce the identity of the area's townscapes, landscape and public places. Response – Accepted that this is the aspiration, however currently this is not always the case when large G&T encampments have happened, which are not fully controlled through the planning policy system. They are also not evenly or fairly distributed throughout the County, with a disproportionate increase in the south of the County. We are also concerned about the lack of necessary enforcement to ensure an equitable planning system for all residents is managed and maintained, and there is not planning rule for the many, and different for a few. How will you stop this in the future? The need for G&T housing is apparent but should not be at the expense of impacting on existing settled communities and ensuring a fair system for all. We would ask for a definition of what the Council mean by ‘high quality neighbourhoods’ as in order to reduce ongoing and raising tensions we would like to see that G&T settlements are considered under the same aspirational ‘high quality’ standards in design, layout, density and enforcement, to ensure equality in the planning system. Environment . The special character of the area’s natural assets have been protected and enhanced, fewer wildlife habitats are at risk, and new higher standards of development, integrating renewable or low energy technology are being delivered. Response – This is not happening where G&T sites are currently. They are becoming a blot on the landscape and changing the nature of the villages where they are placed, which again we would expect the Local Plan to clearly address for the future. SO13 Support the necessary changes to adapt to climate change by minimising emissions of carbon and local air quality pollutants, protecting and enhancing biodiversity. Improving and protecting air and water quality, reducing flood risk and adverse impacts from noise including the safeguarding of quiet areas and reducing the impacts of contaminated land Response: In Stanbridge we are currently having to endure Motor cross noise pollution plus G&T contamination of water and light pollution from strong lighting they use and raw sewerage, known to be expelled into local water course systems due to lack of formal sanitation. We would be delighted if the above was true or could be obtained in the future, again we would like to seek assurance that this will apply to existing and future G&T sites through necessary planning law and enforcement. 7.6 The Proposed Growth Locations Area A – South 7.6. 7.6.2 As the HMA is largely comprised of Green Belt land, this will mean some release of land within the Green Belt where ‘exceptional circumstances’ can be demonstrated. Objection- Expansion in our Green belt but not Luton’s – why? There is a wider concern about the loss of Green Belt, and we would request a clear definition of what is meant and understood by ‘exceptional circumstances’. Should the Local Plan still not focus on the intensification of Luton and brown field sites, rather than the easier option of Green Belt development? Is this clearly explained in the plan? Section 8 Implementation North of Luton Statement- community centres with a mixture of retail uses including A1 (shops), A3 (café/ restaurants) and A4 (drinking establishments) whilst ensuring the viability of Luton, and Town Centres are not undermined; Response: Dunstable’s growth around the theatre resulted in many of the units closed and not filled for years. How will you stop this happening again – its perceived as a waste of money. Town centre killed off by retail parks outside of town and poor parking and traffic issues are only now being addressed.

2 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------10th October 2017 Minutes of the Stanbridge Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Tuesday 12th September 2017

Section 8 implementation. Statement - Integrated community hub with a “Health and Social Care Hub”, to serve both the development and the catchment area; preschool/ nursery/ early years facilities; enlargements to existing schools and the provision of new schools/ educational facilities as required to support the identified need of future residents including any existing unmet need, including a new secondary school. Response : essential this in place as early as possible so as to make living and working here successful and workable. All too often we are seeing key infrastructure not being provided by major developers early enough resulting in added pressure on existing infrastructure and facilities. Necessary S106 commitments should be strongly enforced and committed to in the planning of any new developments. GREEN BELT 9.2.4 Statement - Evidence produced in support of this Plan demonstrates that locating all growth beyond the Green Belt would have serious consequences for the sustainability of settlements both within and outside the Green Belt. For example, over development in the north of threatens the character and identity of existing communities, and risks putting excessive pressure on existing services and facilities, and harming habitats and landscape which surround them. In addition, large areas of north Central Bedfordshire lack transport infrastructure and there is limited east/west– Green Belt Cont: Response: The south of the County has seen large towns expand into once open countryside, becoming much larger as more and more green belt is eroded and taken up. This has made these urban areas densely populated, yet Houghton Regis, Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard all surrounded by Green Belt are still being developed further. This runs the risk of the rural communities being swallowed up into these urban expansions. Whilst it is accepted that more housing is needed and the Council are obligated to take on housing from other areas this should not be at the expense of losing more Green Belt and spoiling the openness of the countryside in the south. We would agree that you should learn from past mistakes and stop over developing particularly in the south. 9.2.6 Statement - Whilst we have considered ways in which we can maximise the sustainable development sites beyond the Green Belt, including through site layout and optimising densities, nevertheless, given the scale of growth it will be necessary for some limited release of land from the Green Belt in order to ensure the delivery of balanced sustainable growth across Central Bedfordshire as a whole. These are the ‘exceptional circumstances’ which the Council believe justify the limited release of some Green Belt land Objection: Whilst we understand the need to release some Green Belt why is it we are doing this in an area to meet to meet Luton’s unmet need. We feel that whilst it may be necessary to expand in some areas into Green Belt, this should not be at the expense of the character of existing settlements. The plan needs to commit that any release of Green Belt retains openness and existing character without being extensive over development of housing estates. Again we would ask for a definition of ‘exceptional circumstances’ 9.3 Green Belt release 9.3.1 In order to accommodate the growth required up to 2035 in a sustainable and controlled manner, sustainable growth location options in Green Belt have been identified as listed in Policy SP1. Green Belt release will be guided by the principle of creating ‘sustainable patterns of development’ as per NPPF paragraph 84. This means that we will identify the most sustainable locations for development, unless this is outweighed by effect on the overall integrity and performance of the wider Green Belt. This work will be guided by the Central Bedfordshire and Luton Green Belt Study (November 2016), and a future Stage 3 Green Belt Study for Central Bedfordshire to help us determine which Green Belt land could be released for development. This work will inform our identification of preferred sites in the next version of this Plan. Where sites are allocated, the Green Belt boundaries will be redrawn around them and other committed sites; Objection: Land North of Houghton Regis, Land East of Leighton Buzzard. Land north of Luton all makes further loss of Green Belt in the south of the county. 9.9 Important Countryside Gaps & New Green Belt 9.9.1 In acknowledging increasing pressures for development appropriate to the countryside, the Council is conscious of the relatively sensitive and narrow gaps of undeveloped countryside lying between some of the authority area’s settlements outside of Green Belt. It is considered essential that the open nature of countryside in these gaps is maintained in order to retain the character of these settlements and prevent the potential loss of their individual identity. Agree : this is very important for the small villages so they do not lose identity and rural character. Gypsy & Traveller Policy - 12.8.3 Applications will be considered on their merits in the context of site size and location, and the characteristics of the surrounding area. Planning permissions might restrict the size of sites and where appropriate recommend a “cap” on the number of people allowed to live on the site on a permanent basis or the number

3 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------10th October 2017 Minutes of the Stanbridge Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Tuesday 12th September 2017 of caravans being stationed on a site. Proposals for mixed residential and business uses should have regard to the safety and amenity of the occupants and neighbouring residents. Comment: The cap on numbers is essential. We hope that past and present issues, currently being experienced on a regular basis, will be considered and lessons learnt. The criminal activity, cost to the police and Council is of such great proportions now that great thought should be placed on the locating of additional pitches required. The south of CBC already heavily populated by G&T has to cope with the existence of shoplifting and anti social behaviours being experienced by the settle community on a large scale . This should mean that no further expansion in and around the Tilsworth, Stanbridge, Egginton, Billington, , and Leighton Buzzard area should occur. CBC should also consider in light of past problems the proximity of one site to another and how this impacts on settled community and G&T communities alike. They should be placed at suitable distances and to consider the dominance they might prevail upon the surrounding area. The number of G&T should not out number those in settled communities in the same village or surrounding villages. Working closely with local communities to find suitable solutions. Knowing that the few managed Council sites work better than many of the privately owned sites, that are now subletting and a cause for human trafficking and slavery. Some G&T prefer the countryside where they are not policed and out of sight. However, this causes issues for settled communities due to the lack of policing in rural areas. Not everyone can afford to live where they want and with fairness and equality, why should G&T be treated differently to anyone else? Experience and knowledge gleaned from Consultation reports should be considered and the expert opinions that state no more than 5 - 6 pitches should be adhered to. Further more if the council fail to supply sites of small sizes in the county, even if they are not where the Council believe the G&T would wish to be, then the inspectorate will continue to increase sites already too large. We would question whether these increases are for financial gain or for family as stated in appeals. We also need a transient site very quickly. Wherever G&T sites are to be recommended we would like planning policy to ensure that the necessary facilities and amenities are also provided such as adequate school places, sewerage and safe highway networks. These can’t be just words in statements they need to be enforced. There is so much pressure put through planning policy on every site development and detail, should not the same level of design, visual character, impact on views etc be fully considered and applied to G&T site developments as well? Policy H8: Assessing planning applications for Gypsy and Traveller sites for “Gypsies and Travellers”, including extensions to existing sites will be subject to the following considerations in addition to other relevant policies within this Plan: Satisfactory evidence is submitted to justify local need for the scale and nature of the accommodation proposed; The scale of the site and the number of pitches would not dominate the nearest settled community and would not place undue pressure on local infrastructure; Site design demonstrates that the pitches are of a sufficient size to accommodate trailers/caravans, parking, and storage and amenity space for the needs of the occupants. Adequate schools, shops, healthcare and other community facilities are within reasonable travelling distance; and Suitable arrangements can be made for drainage, sanitation and access to utilities. Question: How will you measure dominance what does this mean what scale will you use percentage or numbers 1 – 3 ratio? If it’s not measurable then how will it be monitored or adhered to. This must be defined as early as possible. There needs to be an understanding of what is reasonable to ensure that sites are planned in future rather than accommodated through retrospective consents. Statement – RE Leighton Buzzard The town has a good comparison retail offer, largely focused around the High Street, Market Square and Waterborne Walk. The percentage of convenience floorspace in the town centre (24%) is above the national average (18%). Notably, vacancy rates are significantly below the national average……..Land South of High Street will create an extension to the High Street with a proposed new retail circuit, which will have the capacity to accommodate high quality complimentary uses and enhance Leighton Buzzard’s sense of place. ………will strengthen the links between the combined towns of and Leighton Buzzard. Support: The current high street is good and the variety of shops and market enjoyed. Further development would be exemplar, and we need to ensure that the future safety and experience for shoppers and retailers alike is a good one. Current shoplifting and anti-social behaviour could risk this so please ensure measures are put in place to safe guard all. There is the opportunity for the design principles to be established to ensure the successful growth of the town centre and achieve a high quality market town experience. Policy EE4: Trees, woodlands and hedgerows Support: We hope the same rules will apply to G&T as it does to developers/anyone building a new home. Hedgerows and trees must be protected and kept especially in rural areas and must be a condition when planning is given and then implemented without any question. Enforcement must be used to ensure this

4 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------10th October 2017 Minutes of the Stanbridge Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Tuesday 12th September 2017 happens. 16.6.6 The Council will protect landscapes against inappropriate development and work to ensure new development is of a high quality that respects landscape character, including tranquillity. The LCA is critical in this process and particular note should be taken of the key sensitivities and the related development guidelines. Development proposals will be expected to include plans for landscape improvements in accordance with the findings of the LCA, and identify and respond to landscape character at the site level. Support: But how will you do this for ALL planning. What levels of enforcement and conditions will apply. Currently this has not happened at G&T sites and too much landscape has been lost and far too much hard landscaping (why not ensure SUDs measures for G&T areas?) has been allowed to be put down and no enforcement to remove it. We are losing large areas of countryside in the south due to this lack of enforcement and a concerning lack of respect in some instances for the rural countryside. Policy CC5: Sustainable Drainage Support: We hope this will apply to ALL future G&T sites and plots allocated, without exception. No foul drainage to be allowed anywhere near a ditch or a road but into a suitable drainage system same as any other development and all before habitation of the site. Stanbridge Parish Council would be happy to participate in future meetings with the Council, and we would welcome a constructive open dialogue with planning officers going forward to ensure we have a local plan we can all sign up to. We are equally keen to ensure we have a fully validated local plan by the National Inspector and Secretary Of State to avoid a further iteration, time, money, resources and most importantly a lack of clear direction for the local planning system.

10. CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON The light switch on will take place on Saturday 9th December at 5:30pm and Cllr Sutton has confirmed this with the Choir. Cllr M Throsby to contact Five Bells Pub to arrange switch on and also write article for next newsletter.

11. VILLAGE GREEN PROTECTION Cllr Sutton advised that estimates to fully protect the village green with bollards would be in the region of £7,000 and access road £3,000, therefore total of approx. £10,000. Bunding and short wooden posts would be a cheaper solution. Clerk to contact W Roff, contractor used for play area equipment fencing, to give quote for posts with a 2m gap in line with trees and appox 6” width and 2’ above ground. It was AGREED to include an article in the newsletter asking for residents’ opinions and feedback.

12. NEWSLETTER Draft newsletter to be discussed at the October meeting and approved for print end of October with delivery early November. Articles to include Broadband (PL), Speedwatch & signs (MWalker), Website (GC), Draft Local Plan (RD), School (MWaters), Focus Group, Motocross & HGV signs (ES), Christmas lights (MT)

13. STANBRIDGE LOWER SCHOOL Chair of the School Governors advised it is best to speak to the Head and Cllr M Waters is awaiting a response.

14. PLAY AREA Clerk awaiting quotes for Ropsa recommendations. Cllr Lidford to oil swings and put bolt on gate.

15. SPEED WATCH Cllr M Walker reported a new volunteer has joined and awaiting training. No checks have been carried out over summer, however has had conversations with the Police and a new admin person has been recruited and Police have held more speed checks using either their van or hand held guns. If using hand held guns, they must stop the vehicle. Mill Road continues to be a speeding problem and Police believe chicanes are the answer. Cllr Sutton will chase CBC highways as they were to look at speed calming measures there in the autumn and also consult the parish council and Speedwatch. 2 new sites have been approved in Tilsworth (in front of community hall and near Goodwood joinery) Stanbridge Speedwatch will carry out checks as Tilsworth not yet set up and invite Tilsworth volunteers to attend. Cllr Walker will also try to get own equipment as had difficulty obtaining from Leighton Buzzard co coordinator.

16. 2016/17 ANNUAL RETURN COMPLETED CERTIFICATE FROM BDO EXTERNAL AUDITORS The completed 2016/17 Annual Return and certificate from BDO External Auditors was approved and accepted. There were no matters which came to their attention. The annual return and notice of conclusion of audit has been published on the notice board and website and is available to the public.

5 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------10th October 2017 Minutes of the Stanbridge Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Tuesday 12th September 2017

17. CORRESPONDENCE Clerks & Councils Direct September issue CPRE Beds final response to CBC’s draft local plan – email fwd Cllrs 4/9 Beds Police Crime & Commissioner Sept newsletter – email fwd Cllrs 4/9 BATPC Training programme autumn 2017 – email fwd Cllrs 29/8 Beds Bugle Sept issue – email fwd Cllrs 29/8 CBC link to final Community Plans – email fwd Cllrs 29/8 Insp Annita Clarke Details of second community engagement evenings – email fwd Cllrs 16/8 Beds Police Crime & Commissioner Invitation to Annual Parish Council Forum 20th Sept – email fwd Cllr 9/8 BATPC AGM invitation 19th October – email fwd Cllrs 9/8 Highways autumn maintenance schedule – emailed fwd Cllrs 7/8

18. AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS It was RESOLVED by full council to authorise the following accounts for payment and two authorised signatories were instructed to sign the below cheques: 01/08/2017 SO Maxine Whiting Clerk salary & expenses £ 650.00 07/08/2017 DD PWLB Loan repayment £ 748.40 01/09/2017 SO Maxine Whiting Clerk salary & expenses £ 650.00 12/09/2017 101156 Maxine Whiting Balance Clerk salary & expenses £ 24.92 12/09/2017 101157 Bedfordshire Pension Fund Pension contributions £ 196.22 12/09/2017 101158 HMRC PAYE £ 11.64 12/09/2017 101159 Maxine Whiting Balance Clerk salary & expenses £ 24.92 12/09/2017 101160 Bedfordshire Pension Fund Pension contributions £ 196.22 12/09/2017 101161 HMRC PAYE £ 11.64 12/09/2017 101162 Village Garden Services Grass cut July & Aug £ 630.00 12/09/2017 101163 BDO LLP 2016/17 External Audit Fee £ 120.00 12/09/2017 101164 Smith of Derby St John Church service visit £ 240.00 12/09/2017 101165 Elaine Sutton Reimburse mileage to CBC £ 23.40

Meeting Closed at 9:40pm

6 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------10th October 2017