
How can I prevent Where can I find more mosquito-borne ? information about mosquito-borne diseases? 1. Protect Against Mosquito Bites New Jersey Department of Health v Use EPA- Communicable Service: Mosquito- registered www.state.nj.us/health/cd repellent with DEET, New Jersey Department of picaridin, Environmental Protection Office of Borne IR3535, oil of Coordination: www.nj.gov/dep/mosquito lemon (para-menthane-diol) or 2- Centers for Disease Control and undecanone. Always follow the product Prevention Division of -Borne DISEASES label instructions. Diseases: www.cdc.gov/ncezid/dvbd/index.html v Do not use on children younger than 2 months. Do not use Environmental Protection Agency products with oil of lemon eucalyptus Insect Repellents: (para-menthane-diol) on children younger www.epa.gov/insect-repellents than 3 . v Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Cover crib, stroller and baby carrier with mosquito netting.

2. Avoid Mosquito Bites After Travel v Avoid mosquito bites for 3 weeks after travel. This helps to reduce the spread of new diseases to local New Jersey mosquitoes which may then infect other people.

3. Mosquito-Proof Your Home and Yard v Empty or New Jersey Department of Health change outdoor Communicable Disease Service standing water PO Box 369 weekly to stop Trenton, NJ 08625 mosquito (609) 826-4872 breeding. v Use window and door screens. Repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outside and use air conditioning when possible.

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What are mosquito-borne What are the symptoms of Who is at risk for diseases? mosquito-borne diseases? mosquito-borne diseases?

Mosquito-borne diseases are illnesses that are Most people infected with a mosquito-borne Anyone can get a spread to humans by the bite of an infected illness do not show any symptoms. Depending mosquito-borne mosquito. In New Jersey, the most common on the disease, if symptoms do appear, they illness, but people mosquito-borne diseases people can get from may be mild. However, symptoms can who spend more time local mosquitoes are: sometimes be severe and result in death. outside have a higher risk of becoming v Symptoms of a mosquito-borne disease typically infected. Older adults v appear 2-14 days after exposure. Eastern equine encephalitis and people with weak immune systems may In other areas, mosquito-borne diseases Mild Illness develop more severe illness. include: Fever Joint pain v v Chills Body aches v Dengue v St. Louis How are mosquito-borne v Jamestown encephalitis Headache Rash diseases diagnosed? Canyon virus v Visit a healthcare v v provider if you develop La Crosse Zika Severe Illness encephalitis any symptoms of a High fever Paralysis mosquito-borne How do mosquito-borne Stiff neck Coma illness. Make sure to mention recent travel diseases spread? Seizures Heavy bleeding and outdoor activities. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed Confusion Brain swelling A healthcare provider on birds or carrying the disease. can order tests to look for infection based on Infected mosquitoes can then spread the disease your symptoms and exposure. to people and other such as horses.

Rarely, some mosquito-borne diseases can be What is the spread through blood transfusion, organ treatment for transplantation, unprotected sex, breastfeeding mosquito-borne and pregnancy. diseases? There are no vaccines or specific treatments for most mosquito-borne diseases. Mild cases usually improve on their own. In severe cases, patients may need to be hospitalized. If you think you or a member may have a mosquito- borne disease, call or visit a healthcare provider.