A Functional Approach to the Choice between Descriptive, Prescriptive and Proscriptive Lexicography Henning Bergenholtz, Centre for Lexicography, Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark (
[email protected]) and Rufus H. Gouws, Department of Afrikaans and Dutch, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa (
[email protected]) Abstract: In lexicography the concepts of prescription and description have been employed for a long time without there ever being a clear definition of the terms prescription/prescriptive and description/descriptive. This article gives a brief historical account of some of the early uses of these approaches in linguistics and lexicography and argues that, although they have primarily been interpreted as linguistic terms, there is a need for a separate and clearly defined lexicographic application. Contrary to description and prescription, the concept of proscription does not have a linguistic tradition but it has primarily been introduced in the field of lexicography. Different types of prescription, description and proscription are discussed with specific reference to their potential use in dictionaries with text reception and text production as functions. Preferred approaches for the different functions are indicated. It is shown how an optimal use of a prescriptive, descriptive or proscriptive approach could be impeded by a polyfunctional dictionary. Consequently argu- ments are given in favour of monofunctional dictionaries. Keywords: COGNITIVE FUNCTION, COMMUNICATION FUNCTION, DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTIVE, ENCYCLOPAEDIC, FUNCTIONS, MONOFUNCTIONAL, POLYFUNCTIONAL, PRESCRIPTION, PRESCRIPTIVE, PROSCRIPTION, PROSCRIPTIVE, SEMANTIC, TEXT PRO- DUCTION, TEXT RECEPTION Opsomming: 'n Funksionele benadering tot die keuse tussen deskriptief, preskriptief en proskriptief in die leksikografie. In die leksikografie is die begrippe preskripsie en deskripsie lank gebruik sonder dat daar 'n duidelike definisie van die terme preskrip- sie/preskriptief en deskripsie/deskriptief was.