ISEM2014 the 5Th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and Their Applications 12-14 November, 2014, Fukuoka, Japan
ISEM2014 The 5th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and their Applications 12-14 November, 2014, Fukuoka, Japan Organized by Japan Explosives Society Chairman : Prof. Mitsuru Arai, The University of Tokyo 火薬学会 Symposium Chairman : Prof. Atsumi Miyake, Yokohama National University Japan Explosives Society SCOPE The scope of the 5th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and their Applications (ISEM2014) includes both fundamental researches and industrial applications related to energetic materials. The objectives are to obtain an overview of the most recent international research efforts and to provide opportunities for scientists and engineers to establish avenues for cooperation and collaboration. VENUE The Luigans Spa & Resort, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, JAPAN (in the North of Kyushu Island). CALL FOR PAPERS All prospective authors for Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation should submit the abstract of about 250 words by 16 June, 2014. Online submission is available on the ISEM2014 website ( As for the full paper, please submit to Editorial Office of the Japan Explosives Society. The deadline for full paper submission is 14 November, 2014. For more questions about the submission, please contact the Secretariat. PUBLICATION Accepted abstracts will be published in the symposium abstracts book. Additional full papers featuring the presentation will be eligible for publication in the journal of the “Science and Technology of Energetic Materials”. LANGUAGE REGISTRATION FEES The official language at the symposium is English. Early Normal IMPORTANT DATES JES Member: 50,000 JPY 55,000 JPY Non-Member: 55,000 JPY 60,000 JPY 16 June, 2014 Abstract Due Student : 20,000 JPY 20,000 JPY 5,000 JPY 5,000 JPY 30 June, 2014 Notification of Acceptance Accompanying Person: 31 August, 2014 Early Registration Due • Registration is available on the ISEM2014 website.
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