Japanese Language Classes by Volunteers in Fukuoka

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Japanese Language Classes by Volunteers in Fukuoka Japanese Language Classes by Volunteers in Fukuoka にほんご Class Map ぼらんてぃあ にほんご きょうしつ あんない ー ボランティアによる日本語教室のご案内 ー About this pamphlet Attention This pamphlet contains information about Due to the effects of novel coronavirus Japanese classes taught by volunteers in infection, there might be some changes in Fukuoka City and surrounding metropolitan the contents. Please contact each class area. The data was compiled with the directly for the current situation. cooperation of each of the language classes. ぱ ん ふ れ っ と ちゅうい このパンフレットについて 注意してください さっし ふくおかし しゅうへんしちょう かいさい しんがた こ ろ な う い る す かんせんしょう えいきょう けいさいないよう この冊子には、福岡市および周辺市町で開催されてい 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により、掲載内容に ぼ ら ん て ぃ あ こうし にほんごきょうしつ へんこう かのうせい げんざい じょうきょう かくきょうしつ る、ボランティアを講師とする日本語教室についての 変更がある可能性があります。現在の状況は各教室に じょうほう けいさい で ー た かくきょうしつ きょうりょく ちょくせつ と あ 情報を掲載しています。このデータは、各教室のご協力 直接お問い合わせください。 え しゅうしゅう を得て収集したものです。 Fukuoka City International Foundation 4-1, Tenyamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City 812-0025 Tel: (092) 262-1744 Fax: (092) 262-2700 October, 2020 こうえきざいだんほうじん ふくおか と ぴ あ こくさいこうりゅうざいだん 公益財団法人 福岡よかトピア国際交流財団 ふくおかし はかたく てんやまち 〒812-0025 福岡市博多区店屋町4-1 Tel: (092) 262-1744 Fax: (092) 262-2700 2020年10月発行 ဪત Higashi-ku ֗ ֎ ׁ ኬ಑ Ծ Contents ֌׆օ֖֣֓ג՛ֺ֪֞ג֚ ג־֋ֱ֖֖ 1 ிࠊൟἍὅἑὊଐஜᛖ૙ܴỉẹỚࠉࠉHigashi Shimin Center / Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Nozomi ֌׆օ֖֣ ֊փ შ໣ત֓גֺ֪֒׃փֽ֖֮׆օ֋֢֒օ ։֖֊ ଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅợỦểờ˟ࠉࠉKashiihama Shogakko Oyako Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Yorutomo Kai܇ఄᚃܖᬐౢාݱ 2 ֌׆֎֎׈֘ Hakata-kuגփ ֒֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ֱ֋֖ׅօֲ֠ ἁἻἋࠉࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Higashi Yubinkyoku Classޅ֋֖ ֎ 3 ݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ᴾிᣁֱ̝ ֎׈֘֠ג֟ ׊ֽ ג֔ ֽ֗֩ ဪӠӠӨત ֠փ ֒֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ἁἻἋࠉࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Najima (San-no-Maru) Danchi ClassעݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ᴾӸ޽ίɤỉɺὸׇ 4 ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ ג֋փ֒֎֗ ׎ʴỉẺỜỉଐஜᛖ૙ܴࠉࠉGaikokujin no Tame no Nihongo Kyoshitsuٳ 5 Higashi-ku ֊֖փ ֎׈֘ 6 ᬐౢỆỖỮắἁἻἋ䚷 Kashi Nihongo Class ֎׈ֵ 7 ỆỖỮᵥᵭἁἻἨӠӠNihon Go Club ཨ࣡ત ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ Chuo-ku ֎ 8 ẰẪỤଐஜᛖ૙ܴ䚷䚷Sakura Nihongo Kyoshitsu ֞ ֊֮ ֎׈֘ ֠ׄօ ֗׆օ֌ׄօ֊փ׎ג֊փ ֒֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ִ֎։֊֖֒֎֔փ֊փ֠ (ࠊ׎ᨥ˟᫾ἁἻἋᴾίɶὉɥኢ˟ᛅὸࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Fukuoka City International Center Class (AdvancedޢშӨ໣Өત 9 ݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ᴾᅦ ֎׈֘ ֊փ׎ג֊փ ֒֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ִ֎։֊֖֒֎֔փ֊փ֠ 10 (ࠊ׎ᨥ˟᫾ἁἻἋᴾί˟ᛅὸࠉࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Fukuoka City International Center Class (ConversationޢHakata-ku ݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ᴾᅦ 11 ỆỖỮắẨỢạẲếẅᾖΆιᾱᾰΆẅᾕ῁Ᾰᾴ᾽ᾳῂᾷᾸ᾿ӠӠNihongo Kyoshitsu Global Friendship ՛֎׈֘ ֊փ׎֞ג֚גփ ֒֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ֒֒׌֠ ݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ẅἅἅἿὅἍὅἑὊἁἻἋί˟ᛅὸࠉࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Cocoroncenter Class (Conversation) ႊત 12 փ֠ ֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ֊փ׎֎׈֘ Minami-ku֒ (ݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ᴾẮẪẰẟọỨịί˟ᛅἁἻἋὸ ࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Kokusai Hiroba Class (Conversation Class 13 փ ֒֎֔փ֒օ׉ׄօ ֊փ ֌֜֎׈֘֠ ݱẰễ׎ᨥʩ්ỉ˟ẅẮẪẰẟọỨịίؕᄽἁἻἋὸࠉࠉChiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Kokusai Hiroba Class 14 ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ 15 ẸợẦặଐஜᛖ૙ܴӠӠSoyokaze Japanese Class ֊փ 16 ẝẴễỨ˟ӠӠAsunaro-Kai ֓גֺ֪ օ։օ ֎ 17 ଐஜᛖὉỐủỮẵӠӠNihongo 䞉 Friendsׄ֠ ֎׈ֵ ඗֓גց֊֔֊ֺ֪ ଐஜᛖ͕ಏᢿӠӠAkasaka Nihongo ClubקཨӨ࣡Өત 18 ហ Jonan-ku ֎ׇօֱ׊ ֎׈֘ Өׁ 19 ỊễẸạὲᴾỆỖỮắᴾίங୴ଷἁἻἋὸࠉࠉHanaso! Nihongo㸦Mokuyo Hiru Class㸧 ႊ փ֊ ֽ֩ ֓גֺ֪ Chuo-ku 20 ଐஜᛖửܖố˟ӠӠ Nihongo wo Manabu Kai Ө ֌׆օ֖֣ ત֓גֺ֪ 21 ợạẮẸଐஜᛖ૙ܴӠӠYoukoso Nihongo Kyoshitsu 22 ỆỖỮắọỨịẅẟẼὉỆὉẰỮӠӠNihongo Hiroba Ichi䞉Ni䞉San ֎׈ֵ֓גֺׁ֪֘֘֒ 23 ἅἋἴἋଐஜᛖἁἻἨӠӠCosmos Japanese Club ວፕત ֓גֺ֪ ׇօ ֎׈ֵ Sawara-kuג֌׆օ֖֣֌ 24 ଐஜᛖ૙ܴ᣿୴ἁἻἨ Japanese Class Friday Club גׇօ ֊փ׎֔׌֪֠ 25 ଐ୴˟ᛅἇἿὅ Sunday Conversation Salon ֎׈֘֓גֺ֪ 26 ỐẪỐẪଐஜᛖἁἻἋ Fuku-Fuku Nihongo Class ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ 27 ảỐảẟẼଐஜᛖ૙ܴӠӠEfueichi Nihongo Kyoshitsu ׈փ־ ֎׈֘֓גֺ֪ 28 ଐஜᛖἁἻἋỚỤẟίசஹὸӠӠNihongo Class - Mirai ฦત ֎ ־֩־ ׃־֊֞ ֓גֺ֪ Nishi-ku ႊӠӠӨત 29 ଐஜᛖἁἻἋ᭗ܷ Japanese Class Takamiya Minami-ku ג֎ ֗׆օ֩ ג׆օ֩֗ ỆỖỮắẨỢạẲếẅ؉ҤӠӠJapanese classroom Jonan 30 ւց֌׆օ֖֣֥ג׈ֻ ֓ג඗ӨႊӨત ֺ֪ Jonan-ku 31 ଐஜᛖ∂∏∙⇬⇉⇈૙ܴⅤ↙↙ⅾↄⅥӠӠJapanese Conversation Class Nanakusa ֋֎֖ׄօ֓גֳ֢՛֘֎՛׊ ֖׆օ֋֎֚փ ֔փ ֺ֪֮ ፼ὸӠӠYWCA Happy School (Japanese for Elementary school students to 18 year olds) ണ႘౦ܖဃẦỤᵏᵖৗộỂỉଐஜᛖܖᵷᵵᵡᵟἡἕἦὊἋἁὊἽίݱ 32 ׇօ Kasuga City֣֑ ג֖֪֗ 33 ởẰẲẟỆỖỮắὉᙱૼίஉ୴ὸӠӠYasashii Nihongo / Nishijin (Mondays) Ө֓גӨӨӨ֪ӨֺӨ 34 ẺỉẲẟଐஜᛖӠӠTanoshii Nihongo ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ ׎׈ ֎ 35 ଐஜᛖ૙ܴỪỤỪỤẪỤốӠӠNihongo Kyoshitsu Warawara Club֔ ֌׆օ֖֣֓ג՛ֺ֪֞ג֚ג־ວӨፕӨત ֔׎׈֖ 36 ଔᑣࠊൟἍὅἑὊଐஜᛖ૙ܴᴾẐẦẬỊẲẑӠӠSawara Shimin Center / Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Kakehashi ֓גֺ֪ 37 ẨỮẲỞẟὲଐஜᛖӠӠKinshai Nihongo ֌׆օ֖֣ ֽ׊ ་ኾ඗౦֓ג֌ִֺ֪֔֗ 38 ᕲ߃ଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅỆỖỮắɺẦẳụӠӠFujisaki Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Nihongo Marukajiri Onojo City ֌׆օ֖֣ ׇ֨օ֓גSawara-ku ֺ֪ ୴ẪỤốӠӠNihongo Kyoshitsu - Doyo Clubםଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅ 39 ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ 40 ଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅờờẼӠӠNihongo Kyoshitsu - Momochi ֌׆օ֖֣֓ג׉ ֺ֪֧֊֞ 41 ᭗ӕଐஜᛖ૙ܴࠉࠉTakatori Nihongo Kyoshitsu ׁ֧ ւց֥ג׈ֻ֓גֺ֪ 42 ଐஜᛖἮἻὅἘỵỴẅẐӐẑẅӠNihongo Volunteer - Tomo ՛֖֩׆֩׊ ֔՛֎׊ ໤௿ᆒ౦֞גփ ֧ փ 43 ˙ᣃỶὅἑὊἜἉἹἜἽὉἇὊἁἽẅӠIto International Circle Dazaifu City օׅօ֊փ֒֓ג֎ ֺ֪ ֖֪ ฦӠત 44 ଐஜᛖʩӐ˟ࠉࠉNihongo Koyu Kai ӨօӨׅӨօ֊փ ֔փ֧֌׆օ֖֣֒֓גֺ֪ 45 ଐஜᛖʩӐ˟ẅᙱᣃ૙ܴẅ Nihongo Koyu Kai Saito Kyoshitsu ג֊ג־֌׆օ֖֣ ց֞֓ ֒օ֓גֺ֪ Nishi-ku 46 ଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅίग़ܩπൟ᫾ὸࠉࠉNihongo Kyoshitsu (Atago Kominkan) ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ ג֊֎։֊ ֒֎֔փ փ֎ևփ֊փ ׉ׄօ֋֎֚փ ֊փִ ဃ˟᫾ὸẅଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅ Fukuoka Kokusaiikueikai (Ryugakuseikaikan) Nihongo Kyoshitsuܖ׎ᨥᏋᒍ˟ίသޢᅦ 47 ֌׆օ֖֣֓גֺ֪ ג֋փ֒֎֗ ͏ɻɻΊ ֋ ֖ Chikushino City འ౹ኾ౦֘֊ ࡝ታ Symbols֭פ׎ʴỉẺỜỉଐஜᛖ૙ܴᴾẦẴầὉỆỖỮắọỨị ؓ՛ٳ ണӨ႘Ө౦ 48 ֱ֧ ׈֩ ֓גGaikokujin no Tameno Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Kasuga䞉Nihongo Hiroba ֖׆֌ׄօ ֮֗ ֺ֪ ೺օ෗ב႘቎୤֥׀ഷੇӱഷ Kasuga City ֎׈֘ 49 ẦẴầᴾẮỄờᴾỆỖỮắἁἻἋӠӠKasuga Kodomo Nihongo Class Basic: Studying Japanese for the first time ֱ֧ ׎ ֒֘ ֓גօ֌ׄօ ֺ֪ׄ֠ ։։֭֗׆օ֖ ֒օ׉ׄօ ཨੇӱ႘቎୤֋൛֖ᇀ֊׊෗ 50 Ắểịỉʩ්ọỨịӠӠKotoba no Koryu Hiroba ་ኾ඗౦ ֌׆օ֖֣ Intermediate: Understand Japanese to a certain extent ֱ֧ ׎ ֓ג׆օ֌ׄօ ֺ֪֗ 51 Onojo City ỆỖỮắ૙ܴᴾẨỮẲỞẟӠӠNihongo Kyoshitsu - Kinshai එੇӱ႘቎୤֋ׇ֎ᇀ֊׊෗ ֌׆օ֖֣ ֊փ Advanced: Understand Japanese well ౨ኘྎ֓גփִ ֖ Ө֟Ө֕ӨփӨִӠ ֺ֪֕֟ ࡅଐஜᛖ૙ܴẅẮểẻộỉ˟ Shime Townܸٽ ໤௿ᆒ౦ 52 ֞֎֗ Dazaifu Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Kotodama no Kai ༛ಋ֦֌ֽ֘ Dazaifu City Child care available ӨӨӨ ӨӠӨ֮֯֘փ֎ӨӨӨӨ֧֥֘גӨְ՛֥ւӨӨӨӨ ӨӨӨӨֳ֘՛֠֒ ֓ג֎֖֖֭ ֌׆օ֖֣ ׎փ׎փֺ֪֠ ֨֩פי׻׮׽Ւ؅׮؄بרՒ׮؉՛׶ט֎֖֖֭ ሇከ᣼ࠊỆỖỮắ૙ܴẐὁỶὁỶଐஜᛖẼẪẲỉẑ ؆՛׻֠ འ౹ኾ౦ 53 Parties, speech contests, bus trips, etc. ׆օ֊փ֖ ֊גֵ גChikushino City Chikushino Nihongo Kyoshitsu-Waiwai Nihongo Chikushino փ ֯֩ ֔֨օ ֖׆֨օ ֺ֪ ׽ب؎יภ֐चՒཥၗՒിၗ֩֨႘቎ᇌँ֭ൾऴ օ֕֒֓ג֋փ֒֎ ֌ ֱ֧ ֺ֪ ׎ẦỤஹẺʴỉẺỜỉଐஜᛖᜒࡈ Events introducing Japanese culture, includingٳ ֽ֠׀֖ ౨ӨኘӨྎ 54 flower arranging, tea ceremony, and calligraphy ౷ဥ౦ Shime Town Gaikoku kara Kitahito no Tameno Nihongo Koza ΗΞΔ͚͘͠ Itoshima City ᎌጛ๐֪֣փ֥ӠGetting in contact with the classes ֖ ֽ֖ փ֧ ΓΖ ͕ͨ ͍͠ ͺΏ ΗΞΔ͚ ֓גֺ֪ ౷ӨဥӨ౦ 55 ଐஜᛖọỨịὉẟểẲộӠӠNihongo Hiroba Itoshima ኻཛ֎֧ྋວ֎֪֮ᎌጛ֖֩փ֦֎֟֔փՓ Itoshima City Please do not contact the classes late at night or early in the morning. ဪત Higashi-ku 䜂䛜䛧䛧䜏䜣 䛫䜣䛯䞊 䛻䜋䜣䛤䛝䜗䛖䛧䛴 ־՛Ӡ႘቎୤ੱಬ֭֝״بװ㻝 ӨӨဪ౦ኁ Higashi Shimin Center / Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Nozomi 䛻䛱 䛨 䛝䜣䜘䛖䜃 ଐẅ଺ ẅ᣿୴ଐᴾᴾᵟᵫᵏᵎᵘᵑᵎ῍ᵮᵫᵏᵐᵘᵎᵎẆᵮᵫᵏᵘᵑᵎ῍ᵮᵫᵑᵘᵎᵎ Time Friday 10:30am䡚12:00pm, 1:30pm䡚3:00pm 䛛䛔 䜂 䛤䛬䜣 䛤䛤 䛛䛟 䛘䜣 䛢䛴 ˟ẅᝲ ẅҜЭὉҜࢸẅӲᵓᵎᵎόẅίᾀẦஉὸ Fee 䢠500/month for each class (morning/afternoon) 䜀 䛧䜗 䛩䛟䛘䛒䛺䛔 䜅䛟䛚䛛 䛧䜚䛴䜂䛜䛧 䛧䜏䜣 䛫䜣䛯䞊 (ࠊᇌிࠊൟἍὅἑὊ Venue Higashi Shimin Center (Namiki Squareޢẅ৑ ẅễỚẨἋἁỺỴϋẅᅦئ 䛨䜕䛖 䛧䜗 䜅䛟䛚䛛䛧䜂䛜䛧䛟䛱䛿䜔 䜖䛖䜃䜣䜆䛴 䛖䛡䛸䜚 䜅䛛 4-21-45 Chihaya, Higashiku, Fukuoka City Address ˰ẅ৑ ẅᅦޢࠊிғҘଔᵒᵋᵐᵏᵋᵒᵓẅίᣁ̝ཋỉӖӕɧӧὸ (No personal deliveries accepted) 䛻䛧䛶䛴䛱䛿䜔䛘䛝 䛒䜛 䜇䜣 䐟 3 mins walk from Nishitetsu & JR Chihaya station 䛔 䛛䛯 ṞᵨᵰẆᙱᤧҘଔᬜẦỤഩẟềᾂЎ Directions ᘍẨ૾ 䛱䛿䜔䛘䛝 䜀䛩䛶䛔 䛒䜛 䜇䜣 䛺 䛛 䛾 䜀䛩䛶䛔 䛒䜛 䜅䜣 䐠 1 min walk from Chihayaeki bus stop, ṟҘଔᬜἢἋͣẦỤഩẟềᾀЎẆӸᬐ᣼ἢἋͣẦỤഩẟềᾂЎ 3 mins walk from Nakano bus stop ẅᵲᶃᶊᾉᵎᵗᵐᵋᵔᵒᵓᵋᵏᵏᵒᵒẅᵤᵿᶖᾉᵎᵗᵐᵋᵔᵒᵓᵋᵏᵎᵒᵐ Tel: 092-645-1144䚷Fax: 092-645-1042 䜜䜣䜙䛟䛥䛝 Email: [email protected] ᡲዂέ ẅᵣᶋᵿᶇᶊᾉᶅᵿᶉᶓᶑᶆᶓᵌᵦᵧᵵᵭᵞᶁᶇᶒᶗᵌᶄᶓᶉᶓᶍᶉᵿᵌᶊᶅᵌᶈᶎ Contact 䜂䛜䛧䛟䛧䜗䛖䛜䛔䛜䛟䛧䜕䛖 䛩䛔䛧䜣䛛 Higashi Ward Office/Lifelong Learning Promotion ᴾᴾிғဃ෨ܖ፼ਖ਼ᡶᛢ Section 䛨䜕䛣䛖䛧䜓 䛻䞊䛪 䛣䜎 䛯䛔䛚䛖 䛣䛣䜝 .ӖᜒᎍỉἝὊἌỆẝỪẶẺኬởẦễݣࣖử࣎ầẬềẟộẴẇ Every effort is made to conduct classes that meet student needs 䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎䛧䜗䛖䛜䛳䛣䛖 䛚䜔䛣䛻䜋䜣䛤䛝䜗䛖䛧䛴 䛛䛔 㻞 ӨӨஷྦྷᆃ൚ॺ஑ැ౤႘቎୤ੱಬӠׇ׊ׁ֧व Kashiihama Shogakko Oyako Nihongo Kyoshitsu - Yorutomo Kai 䛻䛱 䛨 䜒䛟䜘䛖䜃 ଐẅ଺ ẅங୴ଐᴾᴾᵮᵫᵔᵘᵑᵎ῍ᵮᵫᵖᵘᵑᵎ Time Thursday䚷6:30pm䡚8:30pm 䛛䛔 䜂 䛘䜣 ˟ẅᝲ ẅ὿ό Fee FREE 䜀 䛧䜗 䜅䛟䛚䛛䛧䜚䛴 䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎䛧䜗䛖䛜䛳䛣䛖 ఄ Venue Kashiihama Elementary Schoolܖࠊᇌẅᬐౢාݱޢẅ৑ ᴾᅦئ 䛨䜕䛖 䛧䜗 䜅䛟䛚䛛䛧䜂䛜䛧䛟䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎 ˰ẅ৑ ẅᅦޢࠊிғᬐౢාᵐᵋᵐᵋᵐ Address 2-2-2 Kashiihama, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City 䛔 䛛䛯 䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎 䛱䜗䛖䜑 䜀䛩䛶䛔 䛒䜛 䜇䜣 ᘍẨ૾ ẅᬐౢාᾂɠႸἢἋͣẦỤഩẟềᾂЎ Directions 3 mins walk from Kashiihama 3-chome bus stop 䜘䛧䛯䛻 䜜䜣䜙䛟䛥䛝 ẅᵲᶃᶊᾉᵎᵗᵎᵋᵓᵗᵐᵏᵋᵕᵕᵗᵖẅίӴ᜿ὸ䚷 Tel: 090-5921-7798 (Mr. YOSHITANI) ᡲዂέ Contact ẅᵣᶋᵿᶇᶊᾉᶒᶍᶋᶍᶇᶉᶇᶄᶓᶉᶓᶍᶉᵿᵞᶅᶋᵿᶇᶊᵌᶁᶍᶋ Email: [email protected] 䛻䜋䜣䛤 䛜䛟䛧䜕䛖 䛻䜋䜣䛤 䛣䛖䜚䜕䛖 䛩䜉 䛛䛯䛜䛯 䛛䜣䛢䛔 ଐஜᛖửܖ፼ẲẺẟẆଐஜᛖỂʩ්ẲẺẟμềỉ૾ẉửടᡇẲộẴẇ We welcome all people who want to learn Japanese, also who want 䛜䛟䛧䜕䛖 䜘䛖䛩 䜋䞊䜐䜊䞊䛨 䛡䛔䛥䛔 to use Japanese with various people. Please take a look at our ܖ፼ỉಮ܇ửἭὊἲἬὊἊỆਫ਼᠍ẲềẟộẴẇ website. ᶆᶒᶒᶎᶑᵘᵍᵍᶗᶍᶐᶓᶒᶍᶋᶍᶀᶊᶍᶅᵌᶕᶍᶐᶂᶎᶐᶃᶑᶑᵌᶁᶍᶋᵍ https://yorutomoblog.wordpress.com/ 䛱䛔 䛣䛟䛥䛔䛣䛖䜚䜕䛖 䛛䛔 䜂䛜䛧䜖䛖䜃䜣䛝䜗䛟䛟䜙䛩 ؞׮פ㻟 ӨӨ൚֔֩ே఑୪ጺ֭वӠဪዧᇬઅ Chiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai / Higashi Yubinkyoku Class 䛻䛱 䛨 䛹䜘䛖䜃 ୴ଐᴾᴾᵟᵫᵏᵎᵘᵎᵎ῍ᵮᵫᵏᵐᵘᵎᵎ Time Saturday 10:00am䡚12:00pmםଐẅ଺ ẅ 䛛䛔 䜂 䛢䛴 䛘䜣 䛛䛔 䛯 䛥䜣䛛 䢠 Fee 5,000 for 6 months ˟ẅᝲ ᴾᴾᵔẦஉẅᵓᵊᵎᵎᵎόẅίẮỉ˟ỉ˂ỉἁἻἋỆờӋьỂẨộẴὸ (You can join all other classes of Chiisana Kokusai Koryu no Kai) 䜀 䛧䜗 䜖䛖䜃䜣䛨䛞䜗䛖䛛䜆䛧䛝䛜䛔䛧䜓䜅䛟䛚䛛䜂䛜䛧䛧䛶䜣 䛛䛔䛞䛧䛴 Fukuoka Higashi Branch, Japan Post Service Co., Ltd Venue ிૅࡃᾁᾕẅ˟ᜭܴ 2F Conference Roomޢẅ৑ ᴾᴾᣁ̝ʙಅఇࡸ˟ᅈᅦئ 䛨䜕䛖 䛧䜗 䜅䛟䛚䛛䛧䜂䛜䛧䛟䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎 䜖䛖䜃䜣䜆䛴 䛖䛡䛸䜚 䜅䛛 1-9-5 Kashiihama, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City Address ˰ẅ৑ ᴾᅦޢࠊிғᬐౢාᾀᵋᾈᵋᾄᴾᵆᣁ̝ཋỉӖӕɧӧᵇ (No personal deliveries accepted) 䜅䛟䛚䛛 䛖䜣䜖䛧䛝䜗䛟䜎䛘 䜀䛩䛶䛔 䛒䜛 䜇䜣 䛔 䛛䛯 Ṟᅦޢᢃ᠞ૅޅЭἢἋͣẦỤഩẟềᾂЎ 䐟 3 mins walk from Fukuoka Un'yushikyoku-mae bus stop Directions ᘍẨ૾ 䛔䛚䜣䜒䞊䜛䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎 䜀䛩䛶䛔 䛒䜛 䜇䜣 䐠 ṟỶỼὅἴὊἽᬐౢාἢἋͣẦỤഩẟềᾅЎ 6 mins walk from AEON MALL Kashiihama bus stop Tel & Fax: 092-662-7690 ẅᵲᶃᶊὉᵤᵿᶖᾉᵎᵗᵐᵋᵔᵔᵐᵋᵕᵔᵗᵎ Email: [email protected] 䜜䜣䜙䛟䛥䛝 䛾䛠䛱 䛶䜛䜘 ᡲዂέ ẅᵣᶋᵿᶇᶊᾉᶁᶆᶇᶇᶑᵿᶌᵿᶇᶌᶄᶍᵞᶅᶋᵿᶇᶊᵌᶁᶍᶋᴾᴾᴾ᣼ӝẅༀˊ Contact Ms. NOGUCHI Teruyo 䜖䛖䛭䛖䛥䛝 䜅䛟䛚䛛䛧䜂䛜䛧 䛟 䛛䛧䛔䛿䜎 Postal address: 2-5-3-1001, Kashiihama, Higashi-ku, ẅᣁᡛέᾉᅦޢࠊிғᬐౢාᵐᵋᵓᵋᵑᵋᵏᵎᵎᵏ Fukuoka City 䛻䛱䛨䜗䛖 䛛䛔䜟 䛯䛾 䛟䜙䛩 䛸䛟 䛻䜋䜣䛤 䛯䛰 䛿䛴䛚䜣 䛟 䛛䛘 䜜䜣 ଐࠝ˟ᛅỉಏẲẟἁἻἋỂẴẇཎỆଐஜᛖỉദẲẟႆ᪦ửጮụᡉẲጀ Fun classes for daily conversation
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