E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020 No. 111 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 18, 2020, at 10 a.m. Senate TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020

The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was our political system when all they see RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY called to order by the President pro is legislative gridlock. Yet Iowans were LEADER tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). able to set themselves apart by work- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- f ing together on law enforcement re- jority leader is recognized. forms in the wake of ’s PRAYER . f The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Every step of the way, the Iowa proc- NOMINATION OF JUSTIN REED fered the following prayer: ess was fueled by input from the grass- WALKER Let us pray. roots, including those who dem- Eternal God, have mercy upon this Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, onstrated peacefully. The Republican- land we love. We place our total trust this week, like most weeks for a month led statehouse and senate partnered in You to do for us what we can’t do for and a half now, has brought a study in with the Democrats to unanimously ourselves. You have delivered us in the contrasts to the U.S. Capitol. Over in pass reforms in our State—some of past. You have not failed us. Our faith the Democratic-led House of Rep- them historic reforms. Governor Rey- is in You. Lord, inspire our Senators to resentatives, the lights are off. The nolds signed House File 2647 to bring know that You are still on your throne, doors are locked. There is nobody additional accountability to Iowa’s law working for the good of those who love home. enforcement officers. You. Listen to our prayers, and give us With our country facing a once-in-a- wisdom, courage, and integrity that These are some of the things that century pandemic, a historic economic will enable us to glorify You. they did: created stronger restrictions disruption, a major discussion of racial We pray in Your wonderful Name. on the use of choke holds by law en- justice, and all of the other important Amen. forcement officers; improved the law business we were already set to tackle this year before all of this, the Speaker f enforcement decertification process to ensure that those who have been fired of the House has mostly kept her PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE or who resign after serious misconduct Chamber on the longest running spring The President pro tempore led the do not work in our State; strengthened break in human history—lots of talk Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: the authority of the Iowa attorney gen- about supposed priorities but few I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the eral to prosecute officers whose actions votes; lots of partisan attacks leveled United States of America, and to the Repub- result in the death of another; estab- at the Republicans from a distance but lic for which it stands, one nation under God, lished annual anti-bias and deescala- little action. Over here in the Senate, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tion training requirements for officers. the story has been very different. We The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. are holding hearings. We are legis- We are working on some of these HYDE-SMITH). The Senator from Iowa. lating. We are confirming nominees. very same policies here on the Federal Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I With precautions, we are manning our level. Washington should follow Iowa’s ask unanimous consent to speak for 1 posts for the country. example and pass legislation to help minute in morning business. Tomorrow, the Senate will begin con- correct wrongs and inspire positive The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sidering the President’s nomination of change in our communities across the objection, it is so ordered. Judge Justin Walker to fill a vacancy country. Senator LINDSEY GRAHAM will f on the DC Circuit—the second most im- be leading hearings today on this issue portant Federal bench in the country. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM before the Committee on the Judiciary. As my fellow Kentuckians and I can Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, Hopefully, we can act. attest, Judge Walker is exactly the too often, Americans are cynical about I yield the floor. kind of individual our country deserves

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.000 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 to have in such a role. He graduated ringing endorsements of an impressive RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER from Duke summa cum laude and then cross-section of American recreation The PRESIDING OFFICER. The from Harvard Law magna cum laude. and conservation advocates. Democratic leader is recognized. He clerked on the DC Circuit himself Take, for example, the letter the BOSTOCK V. CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA for an impressive young judge named Democratic leader and I received from Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, Brett Kavanaugh and then on the Su- the last six former Secretaries of the yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled preme Court. Interior. Men and women who served that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does, He has built a national reputation as under Presidents of both parties came in fact, prohibit employment discrimi- a leading academic scholar of the law. together to tell us that ‘‘the Great nation on the basis of sexual orienta- It is no wonder that even the ABA American Outdoors Act will help en- tion and gender identity. It was a land- rates him ‘‘well qualified.’’ He has sure a better, brighter future for na- mark decision that represents a step quickly made a name for himself as a ture and for all of us.’’ forward—a big step forward—on the district judge. Hundreds of advocacy organizations, long march to full equality for LGBTQ A few weeks ago, when the mayor of from the Sierra Club to the American Americans. We salute that decision. Louisville tried to cancel drive-in Sportfishing Association, also approve. That is what the Supreme Court should Easter services with disparate restric- They say the bill ‘‘will ensure that our be doing—moving us in a direction of tions that did not apply equally to parks and other public lands continue equality and fairness. All too often, it other parking lots, Judge Walker won to preserve our nation’s heritage and doesn’t these days. So this was a re- national attention for his eloquent de- recreation opportunities, and that freshing breath of fresh air from that fense of religious liberty. This subject local communities and economies . . . Court. becomes more important by the day. will continue to flourish.’’ The march, of course, is not over. The American people deserve to have It is not often that we are presented Yesterday’s decision, welcomed as it is, strong respect for their First Amend- with the opportunity to take over- reminds us that, even today, even in ment rights, including their rights of whelmingly bipartisan action that will 2020, we have so much work left to do religious exercise and conscience, on affect a monumental part of American to advance the cause of justice and one of our country’s highest courts. So life for so many years to come, and the equality for all Americans. Only a few I look forward to continuing to detail opportunity in front of us this week days ago, our laws didn’t clearly estab- our Kentucky pride for Judge Walker comes thanks to the dedicated work of lish that you couldn’t be fired by your as this week unfolds, and I will take several of our colleagues. employer simply because of who you great pride in voting to advance his In particular, I would like to thank are and whom you love. Yesterday’s de- nomination and to confirm him. Senator DAINES and Senator GARDNER cision is not the end of the fight. It was f once again for their extraordinary one step forward. If it is wrong to dis- criminate against people because of GREAT AMERICAN OUTDOORS ACT leadership. I look forward to seeing their efforts across the finish line, and whom they love and because of who Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, I urge all Members to join me in sup- they are and if it is wrong to discrimi- the Senate will first pass the Great porting this bill and securing our nat- nate against people on the basis of sex- American Outdoors Act. It will be a big ural wonders for generations of Ameri- ual orientation and gender, isn’t it step in the history of our Nation’s pub- cans yet to come. wrong on the job? If it is wrong to dis- lic lands and great news for their fu- f criminate against people on the basis ture. of sexual orientation and gender on This bill is the product of a lot of RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME employment, isn’t it wrong on hous- hard work by many of our colleagues The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ing? Isn’t it wrong on so many other on both sides of the aisle. It has two the previous order, the leadership time issues? clear purposes: It will restore access is reserved. That is why we need the Equality Act and function to parks and facilities f to pass. The decision is certainly not that have been neglected, and it will the end of the fight. Disparities and secure a stable flow of resources to sup- CONCLUSION OF MORNING discrimination on the basis of sexual port recreation and conservation well BUSINESS orientation and gender identity still into the future. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning exist in so many aspects of our lives— I have detailed in recent days just business is closed. education, housing, credit, public how many Americans rely on our Na- f spaces, services, and in many other tion’s public lands—from the guides ways. If it is wrong to discriminate and outfitters who cater to the boom- LEGISLATIVE SESSION against people because of their sexual ing outdoor recreation economy; to the orientation and gender on jobs and em- hotel workers, restaurant owners, and ployment, it is equally wrong in these TAXPAYER FIRST ACT OF 2019— gateway communities that welcome other areas like housing and education. Resumed hundreds of millions of annual visitors; We need to pass the Equality Act, to the researchers who study historic The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under which expands the prohibition of dis- sites and unique habitats; to the hunt- the previous order, the Senate will re- crimination to many other needed ers, anglers, sportsmen, and American sume consideration of H.R. 1957, which areas. families who explore millions of acres the clerk will report. Today, Senate Democrats will send a of open space. The senior assistant legislative clerk letter from our caucus to Leader It is clear that a bright economic fu- read as follows: MCCONNELL urging him to schedule the ture for America is intertwined with A bill (H.R. 1957) to amend the Internal Equality Act for a vote on the floor. this precious resource, so backlogged Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize and im- The House passed it a year ago. It has maintenance and delayed upkeep are a prove the Internal Revenue Service, and for been languishing in MCCONNELL’s legis- real problem. Too often, tough budg- other purposes. lative graveyard. I would say to my Re- etary choices have left important fa- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, publican colleagues: If some of the cilities worn down and natural treas- I suggest the absence of a quorum. most conservative people around, like ures inaccessible. I am proud that this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Justice Gorsuch and Justice Roberts, legislation before us will tackle these clerk will call the roll. can come to the conclusion that we critical missions, but you certainly The senior assistant legislative clerk should stop discriminating, where are don’t have to take my word for it; you proceeded to call the roll. you? The Senate Republicans only can look to the list of no fewer than 60 Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I seem 30 years behind the times on this cosponsors on both sides of the aisle or ask unanimous consent that the order issue for sure. to the 80 Senators who voted to ad- for the quorum call be rescinded. I urge the leader to put the Equality vance consideration of the bill last The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Act on the floor now, and let’s extend week, or you could sample from the objection, it is so ordered. what the Supreme Court did in terms

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:47 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.002 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2983 of employment to so many needed Senate majority to propose anything ardy, and millions who want to see other areas. Wake up, my Republican related to COVID–19. Only a few weeks schools open will not get what they friends. The times, they are changing, ago, Leader MCCONNELL said that an- need? We must act now. When will Re- and discrimination against LGBTQ other coronavirus relief bill was likely publicans in the Senate finally get the Americans should be over once and for during the June work period. Once message? We need to act. all and should be the law of the land in again, in typical fashion of this Repub- I yield the floor. every aspect of our lives. lican majority, the deadline has The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- JUSTICE IN POLICING ACT slipped, and now we have no time to jority whip. Madam President, now, on another consider another COVID bill before Mr. THUNE. Madam President, our issue where the Republican caucus July 4, and this will have very real con- economy has taken a huge hit from the seems to be behind, since the killing of sequences for the American economy. coronavirus, and we have a lot of work George Floyd sparked nationwide pro- Leader MCCONNELL is willing to blow to do to recover. There are encouraging tests, we have been pushing our col- through his own deadlines, but some signs, and one of those has been the leagues in the Senate to respond to our deadlines will arrive whether the Re- success of the Paycheck Protection national pain with collective action. publican leader likes it or not. Whether Program. This is a moment in American history he likes it or not, his inaction is cre- The pandemic has presented a par- where a great mass of our people are ating some very steep cliffs for our ticular challenge for small businesses demanding change in the streets of our economy and for the American worker. that frequently have very limited cash largest cities and smallest towns. Now Funding for the very popular and bi- reserves to draw on. That is why, is the moment to reach for real, last- partisan Paycheck Protection Program thanks to the efforts of Senators ing, strong, comprehensive change. We will run out on June 30. State and local RUBIO, COLLINS, and others, Congress cannot merely make some changes governments need to finalize their established the Paycheck Protection around the margins. budgets by July 4, and many of them Program, which provides forgivable Democrats drafted and proposed com- will be forced to cut back on critical loans to small businesses to help them prehensive police reform legislation public services without public support. keep employees on their payroll during last Monday, the Justice in Policing The moratorium on evictions that we this crisis. Act, led by Senators Booker and Har- passed in the CARES Act expires on So far, more than 4.5 million small ris. With 4 weeks to go in this current July 24. The emergency unemployment businesses nationwide have received re- session, we have asked Leader MCCON- insurance we passed in the CARES Act lief from this program, and the major- NELL to commit to a vote on the Jus- expires on July 31, and K–12 schools ity of the loans have gone to the small- tice in Policing Act before July 4. We est businesses. Nearly 3 million of the didn’t say: ‘‘Do our bill immediately.’’ need over $150 billion and as much time 4.5 million total loans have been at or We asked our Republican colleagues to as possible to safely reopen this fall. So, Leader MCCONNELL and Repub- under $50,000. In my home State of commit to a debate on our bill before South Dakota, more than 21,000 busi- July 4—within the next 4 weeks—but so licans, there are at least five cliffs and nesses have benefited, including some far we haven’t heard any indication many more we face if we don’t act from the Republican majority that we soon: the cliff of funding small busi- of the many seasonal businesses that will take up comprehensive police re- ness, the cliff of helping State and have a limited amount of time each form this month. local governments, the cliff on evic- year to make the money that they Last night, a member of the Repub- tions, the cliff on unemployment insur- need to survive. lican leadership said a bill was un- ance, and the cliff on the need for I am very grateful to the thousands likely before July 4. Of course, Leader schools to reopen in September. of bank and credit union employees MCCONNELL has also reportedly told his Today, Leader MCCONNELL and I re- around the Nation who processed these caucus that the Senate was unlikely to ceived a letter signed by over 100 loans under challenging circumstances do another COVID relief bill until after economists and scholars, including two during the pandemic. All told, millions July 4. When it comes to urgent na- former Chairs of the Federal Reserve, of small business jobs have been saved, tional priorities, the Republican ma- three former Chairs of the Council of and a lot of small businesses that jority is like a broken Magic 8–Ball Economic Advisers, and two Nobel lau- might have gone under during the pan- that keeps saying: ‘‘Ask again later.’’ reates, urging Congress to pass another demic are hanging on thanks to this Peaceful protests have continued for relief package commensurate with the program. 3 weeks, and Republican Senators want $16 trillion hole in our economy caused In fact, the Paycheck Protection to wait another month, maybe even by COVID–19. At a minimum, these dis- Program is undoubtedly one of the longer, to consider reform on the floor tinguished economists wrote: The bill main reasons that the May jobs num- of the Senate? The popular anger over should include ‘‘continued support for bers were not as bad as expected. In- long-simmering issues of police bru- the unemployed, new assistance to stead of net job loss, the economy actu- tality and racial justice has reached a states and localities, investments in ally gained jobs. tipping point. There is no reason to programs that preserve employer-em- Now, that is not to suggest that the wait. There is no reason to delay. By ployee relationships, and additional aid May jobs report was rosy. Our unem- delaying action, Senate Republicans to stabilize aggregate demand.’’ ployment rate is unacceptably high, to are playing the same dangerous polit- It sounds a lot like the Heroes Act, put it mildly, but the fact that we ical games that they played after mass which passed the House of Representa- gained jobs is a positive sign. It is defi- shootings last summer. tives, but, once again, it is sitting in nitely a step in the right direction, and Why is it that, when it comes to con- Leader MCCONNELL’s legislative grave- the Paycheck Protection Program firming rightwing judges who want to yard. Economists from all walks of life helped us get there. roll back the clock on healthcare and are telling Senate Republicans to get So far, Congress has provided $2.5 on voting rights, Senate Republicans off the mat and do something to help trillion to respond to the coronavirus, always make time, but when it comes the economy before it is too late. Gov- including the almost $700 billion allo- to making real changes to police de- ernors from both political parties are cated to the Paycheck Protection Pro- partments, Senate Republicans are al- pleading for aid. Even the Chair of the gram. That is a staggering amount of ready making excuses? Democrats and Federal Reserve, Jay Powell, appointed money, equal to roughly half of the en- the American people who overwhelm- by President Trump, is sounding the tire Federal budget for 2020. These were ingly support real meaningful change alarm about the need for another emer- extraordinary circumstances and ex- and accountability in our Nation’s po- gency relief bill. traordinary action was required. lice departments will not rest until we When will Senate Republicans finally However, Democrats are now pushing achieve comprehensive and bold re- get the message? When will they under- for Congress to rush another massive form. stand that unless we do these things, bill out the door. It is important to re- CORONAVIRUS the economy will decline in the future, member that every dollar Congress has Madam President, of course, we are and that millions who are unemployed, provided to fight the coronavirus has also still waiting for the Republican millions whose businesses are in jeop- been borrowed money. Now, as I said, it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.003 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 is money that we needed to borrow, but As we move forward, I will continue I hope Senator MCCONNELL will con- it is still borrowed money that will to work with my colleagues to respond sider giving them that helping hand— have to be repaid. to the coronavirus, and I will continue but not just in this area. There is also Will we need to provide more money to do everything I can to ensure that included in the bill that passed the to confront the pandemic and its ef- any additional money we spend is care- House of Representatives, the Heroes fects? Probably. But we need to make fully targeted to the real needs, with Act, an extension of COBRA benefits. sure that we are only appropriating an eye to minimizing the burden we are What is COBRA? If you are working what is really necessary. Rushing a $3 putting on future generations. We owe for a company that provides health in- trillion bill through Congress, as younger Americans nothing less. surance, you pay part of the premium, Democrats want to do, before the $2.4 I yield the floor. and they pay the other part. If you lose trillion we have already provided has The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- your job but want to continue that even been fully spent is not a respon- ator from Illinois. health insurance plan, under COBRA sible way to go about providing addi- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, is there you can if you pay both sides, employer tional relief. What we need to focus on an urgent need for us to help America and employee, on the premium. The av- right now is monitoring the implemen- in this time of crisis? I think most peo- erage cost is about $1,700 a month. It is tation of coronavirus funding so we can ple would agree there is. As a result, a pretty hefty sum for anyone who just the House of Representatives more identify where we have spent suffi- lost their job. ciently and where we may need to do than 6 weeks ago passed legislation to Under the bill that passed the House more. continue to provide assistance to of Representatives, there would be 100 The Paycheck Protection Program Americans who are in need. Certainly, percent coverage of the employer’s por- provides a good example of the strat- that would include those who are un- tion of the COBRA premium during the egy that we should be using. Congress employed. We created an unemploy- period of your unemployment. That is ment Federal benefit of $600 a week provided nearly $350 billion for the a helping hand, which most workers over and above the State benefit, ex- Paycheck Protection Program when it desperately need. I am sure they need panded eligibility and the time the was first created. Within a short time, it in the State of Kentucky, just as we benefit would be awarded, and made it after the program’s kickoff, however, it do in the State of Illinois and all across available across this country right at became clear that demand was so great the Nation. that we would need to provide addi- the moment when some 40 million There is a sense of urgency if you Americans were announcing that they tional funding, and that is what we did. don’t have health insurance, isn’t had lost their jobs, were unemployed. We provided an additional $310 billion there? We are more conscious than ever It was a helping hand that was long in late April. about the need for good health insur- overdue and certainly made a dif- Then, just a couple of weeks ago, we ance. I would hope that Senator passed another update to the pro- ference in the lives of many families. I think it is responsible for the fact MCCONNELL would consider that when gram—not additional funding but a he decides whether there is an urgent package of fixes to provide additional that we did see welcome news last week that some 2 million Americans need for us to pass the bill that was en- flexibility to small businesses. acted by the House of Representatives. I have proposed a further refinement have gone back to work. I hope that In addition, there is a major portion to the program that I hope Congress trend continues, but in the meantime, of the House bill that provides assist- will pass in the near future. of the 20 million who are unemployed, While the Paycheck Protection Pro- this helping hand of $600 a week from ance to State and local governments. gram is open to self-employed work- the Federal Government is essential. It We desperately need it across the Na- ers—which describes many farmers—in is not exactly a windfall when you cal- tion. Hardly any State—county, major practice, the program’s guidelines have culate it. The Federal benefit, plus city, even cities of modest size—hasn’t excluded a lot of agricultural pro- State benefit really comes up close to seen the cost of government go up as ducers. the average wage of most Americans. It government revenues from sales tax, Low commodity prices and a chal- is not a major benefit that they can for example, have diminished and the lenging planting season meant that live off of for any long period of time— cost of government related to the many farmers and ranchers had a nega- that is for sure—but it gets them COVID–19 crisis have increased. tive net income in 2019. And right now, through the crisis, we hope, in paying The helping hand to these State and the program’s guidelines exclude farm- their rent, their mortgage, utility bills, local governments is consistent with ers or ranchers without employees with and providing food and clothing for what we did in the first bill, the a negative net income for last year. their family. CARES Act, and is desperately needed. My legislation would allow more Here is the problem: If you want to What is the alternative? I know what it farmers to access the Paycheck Protec- know if there is some urgency involved is, and most everyone does as well: tion Program by allowing them to use in unemployment insurance, consider There will be dramatic layoffs of State their 2019 gross income instead of their the fact that on July 31, the program I and local employees if we don’t provide 2019 net income when calculating their have just described disappears. Do you a helping hand from the Federal Gov- loan award. This is what we should be think unemployment will disappear on ernment. These employees include, of doing when it comes to additional July 31? We should be so lucky, but we course, teachers, medical personnel, coronavirus funding. know better. It is going to take a while law enforcement, and the like. The best way to make sure that we for us to get back on our feet as a na- If we want to make certain that we are spending taxpayer dollars wisely tion. We have to stand by those who maintain the basic protections of gov- and not burdening our economy with are unemployed in the meantime, until ernment at the State and local level, more debt is to carefully monitor the they can get back to work and provide then Senator MCCONNELL should con- implementation of the funds we have for their families. sider supporting the bill that already already provided and use that informa- Unfortunately, the program we cre- passed the House of Representatives. tion to guide further action. That is ated ends July 31. Is there an urgent There is one major stumbling block what we have done with the Paycheck need to extend it in some form? I be- when it comes to this issue of Senator Protection Program, and that is what lieve that is obvious to virtually every- MCCONNELL taking up any measure to we should do with the other one. I can’t understand why Senator help our economy from this point for- coronavirus funding we passed and the MCCONNELL, the Republican leader in ward. It was 6 weeks ago, in April, other coronavirus programs we imple- the Senate, doesn’t feel this sense of when Senator MCCONNELL announced mented. urgency in his home State of Ken- that he was drawing a redline that he It is also important to remember tucky, as I do in my home State of Illi- wouldn’t budge from, and that redline that sometimes what is required is not nois, right across the river. We have said that we had to provide immunity additional money but other types of so- common areas. Downstate Illinois and from liability for businesses and others lutions, like the fixes we passed that Kentucky are somewhat similar in before he would even consider addi- add more flexibility to the Paycheck their economies, and I know there are tional benefits for American businesses Protection Program. people who need a helping hand. and families. We don’t know exactly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.005 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2985 what the Senator had in mind. He an- fendant responsible for your injury? It ney who spent a lot of time in the nounced on several occasions from the is a difficult thing to prove in many courtroom, you have a pretty strong floor here that he wanted to put this lawsuits and very difficult when it defense going for you—first, the issue immunity provision into any future comes to an invisible virus as to what of causation, and secondly, whether package, but as of today, we still circumstances or what individual you have done what is reasonable on haven’t seen it. We are still waiting. would be responsible for the fact that your part to protect people. One of his colleagues, Senator COR- you became infected and are filing this That is what it comes down to. NYN from Texas and my colleague on lawsuit. Causation is hard. Democrats and others argue that we the Senate Judiciary Committee, has Here is what it really gets down to: I should hold businesses to a reasonable given several speeches on the subject. believe—and most people do—that if a standard of responsibility. We cer- There was one that he gave on May 19, business or an entity is really making tainly don’t encourage or defend frivo- which I would like to refer to because a reasonable, good-faith effort to pro- lous lawsuits. But we don’t want bad it is perhaps his longest statement and tect employees and customers, that actors who are ignoring any reasonable the longest Republican statement on should be a defense to any lawsuit. standards or responsibility to get away just what they have in mind. Senator What would that consist of? We had a with murder. They should be held re- CORNYN said that there has been a wave hearing in the Senate Judiciary Com- sponsible, and they should be reliable of COVID–19-related lawsuits rolling in. mittee 3 weeks ago. The star witness in terms of their own activity. That is He called it an avalanche of lawsuits. on the Republican side was a very im- what it comes down to. He went on to use other terms equally pressive individual who represented the Senator MCCONNELL is holding back cataclysmic. He called it a litigation convenience stores of America. He was assistance for State and local govern- epidemic, a tidal wave of lawsuits. He from the same State as Senator COR- ments, money for hospitals, money for went on to talk about those as creating NYN, the State of Texas. His name is the unemployed, because of the so- a need for us to provide some protec- Mr. Smartt. He came in and told the called redline when it comes to immu- tion against lawsuits. story about many facilities that he had nity. Listen, it is human nature. If you I decided to take a look at this ava- which were providing goods and serv- say to businesses across the board lanche, this tidal wave that we heard ices to the people of Texas and how he ‘‘You are immune from lawsuits,’’ I am about so much from Senator MCCON- was making a good-faith effort to pro- afraid some people will take advantage NELL and Senator CORNYN. You see, tect those who work for him and those of that. They will not even try. And there is a law firm tracker service that who did business in his establishment. people get sick as a result of it or takes a look at every lawsuit filed in He talked about plastic shields. He maybe worse. We don’t want that to America to see what they are all about. talked about hand sanitizers. He talked happen in this country. We want people They have a category of lawsuits re- about spacing and distancing. It was to do the right thing—to protect them- lated to COVID–19, and they give reg- really clear from the start that this selves, their families, and to protect ular reports on how many lawsuits are CEO of this major Texas corporation others, and in business, to make sure filed. was doing his best to protect the people they are protecting the public at large. Let’s take a look at the avalanche of who came into his business and his If they live up to a certain standard, I lawsuits that have been filed as of yes- workplace. think they have a good defense to any terday. Remember, 2 million Ameri- I thought it was a good statement lawsuit. cans have been diagnosed with the when, on page 7 of his testimony—and But the so-called avalanche and tidal COVID–19 infection—2 million. I will refer you to it if you would like wave of lawsuits—5 medical mal- Out of 2 million Americans with to look at the Senate Judiciary Com- practice lawsuits after 2 million Amer- COVID–19 infections and over 115,000 mittee testimony—he said that his big- icans have been infected by COVID–19— deaths, as of yesterday, how many gest problem was he didn’t know what really tells the story. medical malpractice lawsuits do you standard he had to live up to, what was I would encourage the Republicans to think have been filed based on COVID– the proper thing for him to do from a finally produce and present to us the 19 against healthcare workers, doctors, public health point of view. He didn’t standard they want to make part of the nurses? How many across the whole know which way to turn. Was it the law of the land. Let’s see what is in it. United States of America? Five. Five. Centers for Disease Control? Was it the Let’s talk about it. And if you are will- Some avalanche. Occupational Safety and Health Ad- ing to establish reasonable standards How many lawsuits have been filed ministration? Was it the State of based on public health to protect the by those who say that they are forced Texas? Was it some Federal agency? He public at large, I want to be at the to work in unsafe working conditions was really begging us: Give me a stand- table. We can find common ground. But because of COVID–19? In this tidal ard to live up to, and I will do my level if you are saying ‘‘We want immunity wave, there have been 49 of those law- best to live up to it. for these businesses. We want to let suits filed—49 across the entire United I don’t think that is an unreasonable them off the hook no matter what they States. position. I salute him. I would like to By way of comparison, how many be, if necessary, in court defending do, even if they do nothing,’’ I am lawsuits have been filed involving him, saying: This is a man who is try- sorry, that is worth a fight. We have to COVID-related disputes between busi- ing his best in the business environ- make sure that people across America nesses and insurance companies? Six ment to be a responsible citizen, both have a reasonable expectation that hundred and thirty-one. for his workers and for his customers, when they enter a business or go to Five hundred and sixteen lawsuits but he doesn’t have a standard to oper- work, they are going to be in a safe en- have been filed by prisoners because of ate by. vironment, and that the people who what they have alleged to be unsafe Why don’t we have this Federal employ them, the ones who want to do living conditions related to COVID–19 standard? Well, you point the finger of business with them, have lived up to and 194 lawsuits challenging govern- responsibility to the White House. that responsibility. ments’ stay-at-home orders across the President Trump and his administra- I yield the floor. board. tion have refused to come forward with I suggest the absence of a quorum. This doesn’t strike me as an ava- enforceable and inspectable standards The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lanche or a tidal wave or some spate of that we can use to take a look at those clerk will call the roll. frivolous lawsuits being filed by work- who are trying to protect others from The senior assistant legislative clerk ers or customers. Part of the reason, public health exposures. Without that proceeded to call the roll. you learn in your first year of law Federal standard, companies like that Mr. BOOKER. Madam President, I school. In tort law classes, one of the one in Texas really don’t know where ask unanimous consent that the order first things you are told is, before you to turn. If OSHA came up with a stand- for the quorum call be rescinded. can recover in a lawsuit, you have to ard and said ‘‘This is what we expect in The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. prove causation. What was it that the workplace’’ and you lived up to LOEFFLER). Without objection, it is so caused your injury? How is that de- that standard, I would say, as an attor- ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.007 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 JUSTICE IN POLICING ACT from accountability when they are vio- gether in a course of conviction to put Mr. BOOKER. Madam President, just lating the civil rights of another Amer- a stop to this nightmare. Now is the over a week ago, Senator HARRIS and ican. time—no half measures, no half steps, myself, with the partnership and sup- We have a bill that calls for change no diluted attempts, no fainting to- port of many of the Democrats in the that will protect lives and address the ward what should be done but not hav- Senate and our Senate leadership, practices that have killed Americans, ing the courage to boldly go in the di- CHUCK SCHUMER, along with colleagues create accountability and transparency rection that one day this bill will pass. in the House, our Congressional Black in departments, and make sure that no But I believe ‘‘one day’’ should be Caucus, and over 250 partners through- one in our country is above the law. today. Congress should act. out the two Chambers, introduced the This is not a time for half steps and I am so proud that I am not alone in Justice in Policing Act, a bill designed half measures. It is not a time to nib- this position. I am so proud that there to take concrete steps to bring long ble around the edges. It is not a time to are others in this body who are joining overdue, long called for, much needed, find the lowest common denominator. with me, with the same sense of ur- real accountability and transparency It is not a time—when so many Ameri- gency to get broad-based reforms done. and oversight to policing in America. cans feel a metaphorical knee on the I see my colleague from Oregon, one We introduced the bill in the wake of neck of justice—for us to pull our knee of the many champions for justice in the killing of George Floyd by law en- halfway off of that neck and call it this body. I am grateful now to yield to forcement officers in , progress. No, this is a time for us to do him. along with what happened to Breonna what is right and necessary to end the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Taylor in her home in Louisville, the kind of violence and murder and ator from Oregon is recognized. killings of other Americans, names unaccountability that we see and that Mr. MERKLEY. Madam President, I who are now known for the wretched, is too endemic in our Nation. am honored today to join Senator awful way in which they died: Eric This is the truth. The measures in BOOKER, Senator HARRIS, and so many Garner, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, this bill will pass. Congress will one of my colleagues to work to take this and so many others. So many others day get this right. I am confident that moment of national outcry and turn it whose names we do not know are all one day in this country the provisions into an opportunity, a moment of na- part of a system that does not reflect in the Justice in Policing Act will ban tional action. our common values and does not re- religious and racial profiling. I am con- For weeks now, in protests across our flect the highest ideals of this Nation. fident that one day in this country we land, millions of fellow Americans have In fact, it is just the opposite. It re- will ban choke holds. I am confident been rising up and speaking out to de- that one day in this country we will flects the darkness of our past and our mand justice, accountability, oppor- have a national registry of police mis- present. It reflects racism and bigotry tunity, and, above all, the equality conduct, of police use of force. I am and not equal justice under the law. promised by our Founders 244 years We are at a point in American his- confident that one day no one who ago. tory that is at a crossroad, where mil- someone in broad daylight in This latest movement may have been lions of Americans in all 50 States are front of cameras will be shielded from sparked by the senseless killing of engaging in some type of action of pro- accountability on the Federal level, in George Floyd, a Black man, at the our civil courts, or in our criminal test, whether it is on social media plat- hands of public safety officers. One of- courts, by impossible standards to forms or in the middle of a pandemic ficer, sworn to protect and defend him, meet. It is clear that one day we shall out in the streets. The question we knelt on his neck for 9 minutes, extin- overcome what is now injustice, that have right now before us in this body is guishing his life. But this movement is this body will do the right thing. about so much more. The pain and this: In the face of Americans of all There will be a time in America when anger and the anguish that have burst backgrounds, races, religions, and par- mental health issues will be treated forth from the hearts of Black Ameri- ties who are calling for reform, what with healthcare and not police and cans everywhere run far deeper than a will this body do? prisons. There will be a time in Amer- A lot of folks want to reduce the ap- single tragedy. It is a pain born of an ica that addiction will be treated with endless string of tragedies, the sense- proaches that are coming forward as a treatment and not police and prisons. less killings of Breonna Taylor, Republican or Democratic approach. I There will be a time in America that am telling you right now that this is the fragile within our society will not Ahmaud Arbery, Eric Garner, Tamir not a choice between one side of the be further hurt and harmed by prac- Rice, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Mi- aisle or another. It is a choice between tices and prisons but will be elevated chael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and meaningful reforms in this moment or and cared for. I know this time is com- more—so many more Black men and making symbolic gestures that will do ing. But I believe that the time is now, women who should be alive today—of nothing to save people’s lives. It is a that justice delayed is justice denied. If Rayshard Brooks, shot in the back by a choice between action and inaction. we do not act and claim this moment, police officer, who died this past Fri- The bill we are proposing is not new. this time, then we, as a country, are day night. It is a pain borne even be- These are reforms that have been put going to find ourselves here again. fore we were yet a country, when more in place in some cities and in some In my short life, I have seen decades than 400 years ago, traders kidnapped States. This is a real effort to hold po- of this. I was born right after the Africans from their own lands, brought licing in America accountable for egre- Kerner report calling out these prac- them here to these shores—American gious behavior. It will create trans- tices and demanding reforms. In that shores—sold them, locked them into parency, as sunlight is the best dis- time, I watched Rodney King get beat- generations of brutal slavery, treated infectant to injustice. It will also bring en and officers who did it be held unac- not as people but as property, chained, about an end to policies and practices countable for their actions. This cycle sold, whipped, raped, treated as some- that should be ended in our country. is continuing in our country every day. thing less than human. They have been called for by President There are so many cases that we Our Nation has never come to terms Bush in his first address to Congress don’t see because we don’t have trans- with this legacy. There is no memorial for an end to racial and religious parency. They explode into the na- on the National Mall. There is no profiling. tional consciousness when someone Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We see, in fact, as to some of the catches on videotape what we know is So, still today, America’s gaping more, so-called, controversial elements wrong but we have not taken the meas- wound of racism bleeds pain and injus- of this bill, like , ures to stop it. Now is the time that we tice, and inequality continues to that conservatives and Democrats on must act and not find ourselves here a plague every system in our country. both sides of the aisle—folks from the month from now, a year from now, 3 Too many Black men and women Cato Institute, Clarence Thomas, and years from now, watching this awful have lost their livelihoods, their lives, you see conservative organization after cycle play over and over. and their dignity to a justice system conservative organization—say the ob- Listen to the American people—all 50 rigged against them: racial profiling, vious, that no one should be shielded States, all backgrounds—joining to- mandatory minimums, stop and frisk,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.009 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2987 acts of racial profiling, and racially That is why I am standing on the this country since its birth; no more driven predatory actions. floor in support of this act, because in- educational content that also We entrust to our public safety offi- action is not acceptable. Let the same downplays the contributions of African cers vast power to serve their commu- not be said about this moment years Americans, Indians, Latinos, and oth- nities, but have we ensured that their from now. ers to our Nation; no more veneration vast power is exercised equally on be- Today is a moment for a day of ac- of the Confederacy in Richmond, in half of all citizens? We have not. tion, for greater investments in afford- Virginia, or anywhere else in the Too often, forces—public safety able housing and decent communities United States. forces, police forces—treat White citi- and in schools and teachers in minority This gathering, this rally, had a lot zens as clients and Black citizens as a communities, for greater investments of police there. The police were there threat. That is systemic racism, and it in Black business owners and early trying to keep the crowd from spilling must change. It is why I am so proud to education programs like Head Start. It from the plaza onto the busy Broad stand here in support of Senator BOOK- is a time to ensure that every Amer- Street, where they would have been en- ER’s and Senator HARRIS’s sweeping ican truly has a right to vote and is dangered by passing vehicles. Some of Justice in Policing Act reform bill. We free from voter suppression and voter the attendees of the rally advocated to need to hold officers accountable for intimidation. , but others disagreed. their actions. We need to change the This Friday, our Nation will, once Some asserted ‘‘all cops are bad,’’ but culture of policing in America, and this again, recognize and celebrate others disagreed. The rally was robust, legislation is the right law at the right Juneteenth, the day when slavery offi- it was raw, it was diverse, and it was moment to begin to do that. cially ended in this country 155 years respectful. It was the epitome—the ab- No one should ever be profiled based ago. Let this Juneteenth stand as a day solute epitome—of peacefully assem- on the color of their skin. Choke holds, for all of us to reflect on the calls for bling to petition government for re- like the one that killed Eric Garner, justice crying out across our land. Now dress of grievances contemplated by must be a thing of the past. No-knock is a time to be agents of change—yes, the First Amendment. warrants, like the one that ended with to listen to the voices of the people, to Just as my young activists urged in Breonna Taylor being shot to death in join with those who have taken to the many different ways to end politics as her bed, should no longer exist. Under streets, enduring rubber bullets and usual, I desperately want to end apathy the Justice in Policing Act, these will the batons and the tear gas, to stand as usual. Apathy of the citizenry is a be gone. chief guarantor of politics as usual. In When a public safety officer misuses up for what is right. Now is a moment the tremendous energy demonstrated the immense power of his or her badge, to stand shoulder to shoulder with our that misuse must be investigated, must fellow Americans who have had enough by these Richmonders and dem- be documented, must be penalized, and of the suffering of inequality and of in- onstrated on the streets of commu- the record of that abuse must be pub- justice, so together we can help our Na- nities all over this country, I am start- lic. That is the essence of account- tion live up to the ideal of a land where ing to be hopeful about the end of apa- ability that goes hand in hand with the everyone, no matter the color of their thy as usual. These young people, they responsibility and the power that goes skin, is treated with the dignity and want action and results, and they de- with wearing the badge. the respect and the opportunity and serve it. That is why I am proud to join Never again should an officer who the equality equal to all others. Senators BOOKER, HARRIS, and many has been fired for abusing their power The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- others in supporting the Justice in Po- be able to go down the road and be ator from Virginia is recognized. licing Act of 2020. hired by another department and be Mr. KAINE. Madam President, on We need to ban choke holds. We need able to continue abusive practices in a Saturday, I attended a rally for justice to ban no-knock warrants. We need to new setting. That is why I have advo- sponsored by two young women—one, a ban racial and religious profiling. We cated for a national database of police high-schooler and one a middle- need to hold police officers and police misconduct, to achieve this outcome. schooler—in my hometown. The rally departments accountable for violent, And it is why I am so pleased that Sen- was one of numerous marches and ral- reckless behavior. We need to promote ator BOOKER has included such a data- lies that have occurred every day, better training and professional ac- base in the Justice in Policing Act. sometimes multiple times a day, in creditation of police departments. Why In 1968, the Kerner Commission, Richmond in the weeks after the hor- do we demand that universities main- which was examining the source of the rific public . tain accreditation to receive Federal demonstrations the year before con- Hundreds of people gathered in the funds but make no such demand of law cluded: ‘‘Bad policing practices, a Maggie L. Walker Plaza, a plaza named enforcement agencies? flawed justice system, unscrupulous after a pioneering African-American We need to do much more within the consumer credit practices, poor or in- woman, a business and civil rights criminal justice system—but also with- adequate housing, high unemployment, leader. in all of our systems—to dismantle the voter suppression, and other culturally They gathered in the plaza to hear structures of racism that our Federal, embedded forms of racial discrimina- from our city’s young people. Many State, and local governments carefully tion all converged to propel violent up- raised their hands when they were erected and maintained over centuries. heaval on the streets of African-Amer- asked if they were graduates of this We know a little bit about this in ican neighborhoods in Americans cit- class of 2020, a class whose senior year Virginia. The first African Americans ies, north and south, east and west.’’ was upended in mid-March and who to the English Colonies came to Point Doesn’t that sound familiar—all too fa- face a future that, frankly, seems very, Comfort, VA, in 1619. They were slaves. miliar—here, 52 years later, half a cen- very frightening to many of them. They had been captured against their tury later? I attended to listen. I used to be the will, but they landed in Colonies that One person testifying at the Commis- mayor and Governor—now a Senator— didn’t have slavery. There were no laws sion said: I read the report of the 1919 but I attended as a neighbor to listen. about slavery in the Colonies at that riot in Chicago, and it is as if I were I wasn’t on the program, and I didn’t time. reading the investigative report on the ask to speak. I wanted to hear how our The United States didn’t inherit slav- Harlem riot of 1935, the reporting of young people view this moment in time ery from anybody. We created it. It got the investigating committee of the riot and what they are asking of us. created by the Virginia General Assem- of 1943, the report of the McCone Com- What I heard in many different ways, bly and the legislatures of other mission on the Watts riot. I must say from speeches and artistic perform- States. It got created by the court sys- in candor to members of this Commis- ances, was no more politics as usual; tems in Colonial America in the sense sion, it is a kind of ‘‘Alice in Wonder- no more police killings of people of that it enforced fugitive slave laws. land,’’ with the same moving picture color; no more empty promises of re- We created it. We created it and shown over and over again, the same form after each new policing outrage; maintained it over centuries. In my analysis, the same recommendations, no more education system that lifetime, we have finally stopped some and the same inaction. downplays the reality of injustice in of those practices, but we have never

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.010 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 gone back to undo it. Stopping racist cases, the police presence in the com- Through policy, training, and practice, law practices at year 350 of 400 years but munity provoked the violence and enforcement agencies can work to prevent then taking no effort to dismantle added to the harm of the people in the and hold officers accountable for discrimina- them is not the same as truly com- community. tory policing, and reduce and mitigate its disparate impact on marginal communities. bating racism. I wanted to take this opportunity to I am mindful of the challenge laid thank Senator BOOKER and Senator I want to thank her for her testi- down by our young people: no more HARRIS for putting together a bill that mony, and I want to thank Senator politics as usual. we need to take up on the floor of the BOOKER for including those provisions It is one thing to introduce a bill. We Senate as quickly as possible: the Jus- that would end this practice in the Jus- do that all the time here. So often the tice in Policing Act. It contains many tice in Policing Act. introduction of the bill is all that oc- provisions that, quite frankly, should There is a second bill that I have in- curs—no committee hearing, no com- have been enacted well before now. troduced for several Congresses: the mittee markup, no committee vote, no The tragic deaths of George Floyd Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity floor debate, no floor vote, no signa- and Rayshard Brooks just underscore Act. It provides for performance-based ture by a President—merely words on a the importance for us to act now. We standards for police officers. It em- page and a 1-day story and then, pos- need to debate these issues, and we braces accreditation standards based sibly, a blame game about who was at need to pass legislation. upon President Obama’s Task Force on fault for nothing happening. I am grateful for Senator BOOKER in- Policing. It does provide That has been my biggest disappoint- cluding two provisions that I had filed for training and oversight and proper ment in 71⁄2 years in the Senate. Unlike as legislation in several Congresses. investigations for those police officers my service at the State and local lev- One is the End Racial and Religious who have crossed the line. It enhanced els, where we took action and then en- Profiling Act, a bill I filed a while ago. the pattern-and-practice discrimina- gaged in healthy competition about I think many of us remember the tion cases so that consent decrees can who should get credit, in Congress, it is Trayvon Martin tragic loss, profiled be- be effective in ending these wrong too often a story of inaction and then cause of the color of his skin. Racial or practices. an unproductive competition over who religious profiling targets a class of I am pleased that these two provi- should be blamed for nothing getting Americans for discriminatory treat- sions are included in the Justice in Po- done: politics as usual. ment. It is not when you have indi- licing Act, as well as so many other I pray that the engaged activism of vidual information about a specific important changes for reform and ac- our citizens has brought us to a new crime and indicators; it is when you countability in law enforcement: the moment that will compel us to act in target a community for special treat- no-knock warrants, the standard that ways, large and small, in accord with ment. we hold officers accountable who have the equality ideal that we profess to It is wrong. It is wrong because it is lost the trust of the American people, believe. against the values of America of equal- the registry so that law enforcement This bill is a test of our resolve, and ity and justice. It is wrong because it can know by background checks I urge my colleagues to meet the mo- wastes resources which are so valuable whether particular applicants have ment so that we can look our young to keep our communities safe. It is been involved in instances in other ju- people in their faces and tell them that wrong because it turns communities risdictions. we truly heard them. against police. If we are going to have All these are very, very important I yield the floor. effective law enforcement, the commu- provisions that we need to act on and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- nity and police need to work together, we need to act on now. Let us work to- ator from Maryland. not at odds. It is wrong because it be- gether to guarantee equal justice under Mr. CARDIN. Madam President, it comes deadly. Too many innocent peo- law and fulfill the promise of our Con- was 2015, shortly after the death of ple have lost their lives because of dis- stitution in order to form a more per- Freddie Gray in police custody in Bal- criminatory profiling. It is time for fect union, establish justice, and en- timore, that I was in Sand Town, the this practice to end in America. sure domestic tranquility. community in which Freddie Gray I want to applaud the Obama admin- Let this Nation finally guarantee grew up, meeting with community istration because they took action at equal justice under the law. leaders, many of whom I had known for the Federal law enforcement level to I yield the floor. many, many years. make racial profiling illegal, but it Mr. BOOKER. Madam President, be- We had an honest discussion about still takes place in local law enforce- fore the good Senator from Illinois how policing in Baltimore had un- ment. The legislation included in the speaks, I just want to, if I may, express folded. I was surprised to hear that Justice in Policing Act would make my gratitude to the two colleagues these community leaders who wanted that illegal. It would prohibit it, and it who just spoke. The Senator from Vir- safety in their community felt that provides for ways to enforce, to make ginia, who has been a champion on they could not confide with the police sure that police departments comply these issues when he was a Governor because they did not want people from with it. and now as a U.S. Senator, has been in their communities subjected to the dis- It also provides for training so law the Senate much longer than I have. I criminatory policing of the Baltimore enforcement understands what racial have a lot of love for the history that City police force. profiling is all about. It also provides he knows of his own State and the fact I had another meeting during that for us to get the data so we know ex- that he knows that that history of in- time with a group of African-American actly what is happening at all levels of justice has to be confronted. families. Everyone told me the story policing, whether State, local, or auxil- My mom did sit-in events in Char- about how they feared particularly iary. lottesville, VA, when she lived in DC, when their young African-American The Leadership Conference on Civil where I was born, and she went out to sons went into the community because and Human Rights testified on the help integrate lunch counters in his of the fear that they would be discrimi- issue of discriminatory profiling last great State. The fact that he is on this nated against and hurt by the police. week, and I want to share some of the bill and he is a leader on these issues is That fear was real. testimony of Vanita Gupta. She testi- extraordinary to me at this important As a result of the Freddie Gray trag- fied: time—and doing it in such a unifying edy, we requested a pattern-and-prac- The equal treatment of all people, regard- way. I am grateful for that. tice investigation by the Department less of background, class, or characteristic, I wanted to just say to the Senator of Justice, and what was discovered protects and preserves public safety and from Maryland, I am newer to the Sen- during that investigation was that the builds legitimacy in police. Discriminatory ate, and he has components of his bill policing, which targets people of color more policies of the Baltimore City Police often than others, has serious consequences that, after challenges in Baltimore Department’s zero tolerance to crack not only for individuals and communities with Freddie Gray, he helped to lead down on crime were used to profile the but also for law enforcement and society, by and write. It is not a partisan thing African-American community. In many fostering distrust in law enforcement. . . . that he is calling for. There have been

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.011 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2989 many Republicans who have come out expense of many people and their fami- What we are talking about now with and say this idea that you will profile lies and their lives. So 10 years ago, I Justice in Policing is so obvious to the people because of their race or religion started out to try to change it. The 100- world. What has brought us to this is anathema to the very ideals of the to-1 standard, in my mind, was indefen- point of this debate? I think two things Constitution. It is so obvious on its sible. It didn’t work, No. 1. No. 2, there have brought us here, and maybe we face. was no scientific evidence that crack didn’t see it coming: videotapes and I have seen polling where upwards of cocaine was that much more dangerous DNA. That is what brought us here. It 90 percent of Republicans agree that we than powder cocaine. is no longer speculation as to what should not have people profiled based So I set out to make it 1 to 1, where happened in a parking lot. It is no upon their race or religion, and that is it should be. I ran into an adversary by longer conjecture as to what happened one of the ideals of this bill, if you look the name of Senator Sessions from Ala- at the side of a curb in Minneapolis. We at the common views of this; yet he bama. He didn’t like the idea very see it. We see it, and we can’t get the has been fighting for this for years. I much of my change. After long nego- images out of our mind. am grateful to have him as a part of it. tiations, we agreed to drop the stand- A knee on the neck for 8 minutes 46 I just want to say, as an introduc- ard to 18 to 1. I can’t tell you the wis- seconds. Just in case that sounds like a tion, on the Senate floor and for the dom behind the number 18, but it was a short period of time, try kneeling, as record, to Senator DURBIN, who has compromised number. Senator KAINE did in our moment of si- been a partner of mine on criminal jus- It changed a lot of things. Thousands lence in the auditorium just a few tice reform: This whole system of po- of people in prison were able to leave weeks ago. Try imagining someone’s licing and prisons and jails which has early, and many had their sentences re- knee on your neck for 8 minutes 46 sec- swept up millions of Americans and duced. But it wasn’t enough. We needed onds. George Floyd lost his life in that their families and their children is des- to go further. It was clear, when it period of time. picable, that we are the land of the free came to mandatory minimums and I think the image that sticks with and incarcerate so many people. ‘‘Three Strikes, You’re Out’’ and all of me is not only that man on the ground His work on crack cocaine/powder co- the things that led to imprisonments— begging for his life but the image of the caine disparities before I even came to which were almost impossible to de- policeman who was being implored and the Senate has helped to lead to the scribe—we needed another bill. begged by all the people around: Take liberation of so many African Ameri- I joined with Senator MIKE LEE, a your knee off. Let him breathe. And he cans, so I am grateful that he, too, is very conservative Republican in the just looked with those cold, hard eyes on this bill. Senate, and we moved forward with the as he took the life out of that man. With that, I yield to the Senator legislation. Others joined us as well, That image is something I will carry but we were stopped by one man who from Illinois. for the rest of my service in life, as are happened to be the chairman of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the images from the Wendy’s parking Senate Judiciary Committee, CHUCK Democratic whip is recognized. lot in Atlanta, GA. Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I GRASSLEY. Senator GRASSLEY said: I All of these things have brought us to thank the Senator from New Jersey. don’t like this bill. the moment where we realize some- He came to the floor many times and During the course of one of his polit- thing must be done. gave speeches against the bill. So it be- ical campaigns, Abraham Lincoln’s op- I listened, Senator KAINE, when he came obvious to me, if anything was ponent said to him: You have switched talked about the rally he attended in going to happen, I needed to win over your position. You have reversed your Richmond over the weekend. What a CHUCK GRASSLEY. So I sat down with position on an issue. You have changed coincidence that he would talk about him and—literally for 1 whole year— on an issue. the young people who organized it. In negotiated changes in the bill, things Abraham Lincoln said: It is true. You my home State, I have been to several that I didn’t want to give up but were see, I would rather be right some of the rallies in the city of Chicago held by part of the process to move us forward. time than wrong all of the time. We came up with the FIRST STEP leaders in the community, religious Well, I learned that lesson, as many Act, and he, proudly, was the lead and otherwise, but the meetings that I of us have who have served in Congress, sponsor on it, and I was his cosponsor— attended that had the most impact on when you vote for a measure and, happy to be. Then we found an ally in me have been organized by high school many years later, have to reflect on the White House, Jared Kushner, who students. whether it was the right vote. I voted is open about the fact that his father In my hometown of Springfield, for something called the War on Drugs. spent time in prison and who believed Nykeyla Henderson is a junior in high It seemed like a sensible thing to do, in reform. school. She is a tall young woman, and many joined me: Black and White We put together the FIRST STEP kind of rangy, and doesn’t look like the Members of the House of Representa- Act. One of the first people I went to type of person who would ever speak up tives. It was after the death of Len was CORY BOOKER, then a new Senator for anything. But she and her twin sis- Bias, the Maryland basketball star who from New Jersey, and said: I want you ter, Nykia, decided to put together a overdosed. to support this bill. Read it, and tell rally at the State capitol 2 weeks ago In the moment of panic over crack me if you can. in Springfield. Fifteen hundred people cocaine, we did something which was He came back to me with several pro- showed up. No windows were broken. going to just make a very clear public posals. One of them was the incarcer- No curses were thrown around. Nobody statement. The penalty for crack co- ation of juveniles that you wanted to was throwing anything. They made it caine was going to be 100 times the make sure would be changed in Amer- clear that it was going to be a peaceful penalty for powder cocaine—100 times. ica—and several other worthy sugges- rally and all about . We were going to let America know: tions we incorporated in the bill. And I told her later that it is an amazing Don’t mess with crack cocaine. he became part of the team. The team achievement at her stage in life that What a colossal failure it turned out was ultimately successful when, to the she were able to do this. How unusual to be. The price of crack cocaine on the surprise of everyone in Washington, it was that a young woman—a young street went down instead of up; the President Trump signed the FIRST African-American woman—took on number of users on the street went up STEP Act into law. this role of leadership with others. instead of down; and we filled the pris- So those who are skeptical that what This last Sunday, I went to ons of America, over the next 10 years, we are about here cannot result in leg- Jerseyville, IL. I was telling Senator to a level we had never seen before, pri- islation have ignored the obvious— BOOKER about this. I don’t know if marily with African Americans who something that occurred in the last there are many, if any, Black families had been convicted of possessing and year or two with this White House, in Jersey County. I represented this selling crack cocaine. with this President, and with a Repub- area for a long time, and I don’t re- I realized, as I am sure many others lican majority in the Senate. We did member any. They had a rally on the did too, that it was a big mistake. It something significant, and we can do it lawn next to the courthouse at 4 p.m., was an experiment that failed at the again, and we should. Sunday afternoon. I went down there

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.013 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 because of another African-American never be stopped at the door. I am training, and in the review of perform- high school young woman named White. This young woman was Black. ance of all those who are serving in law Lay’Lhany Davis. Lay’Lhany goes to Time and again, the stories they told enforcement. high school about 20 miles away in reminded me that the issue of racism is We need to do so much more. I am Alden. She called for a Black Lives one we have faced in this country, as sure there is much more to be said. I Matter rally in Jersey and asked if I you said, for over 400 years—when slav- want to thank my colleagues, Senators would come. I said I wouldn’t miss it. ery came to our shores, before we were BOOKER and HARRIS, for bringing us to She had done the same thing in known as the United States of Amer- this moment. This is our moment. Edwardsville, another small town. ica, to this day. The greed and racism I beg , whom I dearly love They had a rally, and when they start- behind slavery still challenge us to this as a colleague and a person, to join us ed cruising with banners supporting po- moment. in a bipartisan effort to do something litical candidates and all the derision Can we come up with an approach historic at this moment. they were throwing at her, she said to that is sensible? I hope we can. When Don’t believe we can’t do it. Believe these people: We are not going to be you look at the history of Reconstruc- we can do the right thing that will like that. We are not going to do that. tion, the Black codes, Jim Crow, the stand the test of time. This is going to be peaceful. Great Migration, and everything that I yield the floor. I respect her very much for it. followed, you realize that we are still The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Here are these two 16-, 17-year-old in the midst of this debate. We are as ator from Maryland. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Presi- young African-American women who drawn to it as any moment in Amer- dent, I want to begin where my col- are true leaders and inspiring in their ican history, and we have to face it and league, the Senator from Illinois, left humility. They are not looking for a face it squarely and honestly. I think headline. They wouldn’t know what to off, which is thanking Senator BOOKER, we can, and I think we must. the Senator from New Jersey, Senator do with it. They are wide-eyed at the Let me say one word about the anti- HARRIS, CBC, and the people protesting number of people who are showing up. lynching law. I read about the history around this country for bringing us to The people who show up, by and large, of the anti-lynching law in the U.S. this floor at this moment to demand are young people. White, Black, Brown Congress. I am sure Senator BOOKER people come there begging for freedom urgent change. knows it well. A Congressman from I am pleased to be joined by my col- and liberty and hoping that we can do Missouri, Leonitis Dyer, was not Afri- something in Washington. And why league from the State of Maryland, can American. He was a White Con- Senator CARDIN, from across the Poto- shouldn’t we? The reason we ran for gressman, a veteran of World War I, an these offices is to address the issues of mac River, Senator KAINE, and, of attorney from St. Louis, and a former course, Senator DURBIN from Illinois. the day in our time, to take on the prosecutor who was outraged by the tough chores of finding compromise We are here because, like those mil- East St. Louis race riots. East St. lions of Americans taking to the when it looks like it is impossible. I Louis is my hometown, born and raised think we can do this, and I know that streets around the country, we under- across the river. He was outraged by stand that this is a moment when we we must. the race riots there and people killed. I want to recount one other thing be- must turn the pain into progress. We He introduced the anti-lynching laws. fore I yield the floor. I see others arriv- must transform the pain of George He got it through the House, and it ing here. It was 10 days ago when I Floyd’s death and the unjust deaths of came over here and died in the Senate. asked the African-American members so many other Black Americans into of my staff to get on a conference call. That measure has languished in this deep and lasting change. We must bring We spend a lot of time on conference Chamber ever since. the passionate pleas of the protesters I thought to myself, lynching is a calls. There were quite a few on the across the Nation to the floor of the terrible, Southern phenomena. Boy, am call, and I started talking about their Senate to take action to root out sys- I wrong. I did a little research and experiences. They were a little reluc- temic racism in all its ugly forms. studied the history over the weekend. I tant to volunteer much. Then the dam This is a deeply ingrained problem, was saddened to learn that in my home broke, and one of them said something and it is clear that tinkering around that led another one to say something. county, St. Clair County, on the Belle- the edges is not enough. Systems em- It turned out to be one of the best con- ville Square, an African American was bedded with racism need to be over- versations I have ever had with my lynched. Another African American hauled. The State in the form of the staff. They told me some things that I was lynched in Decatur, IL, a town in police cannot be allowed to continue needed to hear because listening is Central Illinois I represented for years. unjustly taking the lives and liberty of sometimes more important for a Sen- Sadly, other lynchings took place in Black men and women. We must ator than speaking, although I do a lot parts of Illinois that you might not change the nature of policing. We need of speaking. have guessed. to change the culture. I can recall so many of them de- I learned the history of Anna, IL. I Here in the Senate, we must change scribed for me the very first time—and won’t say it on the floor because I laws to compel changes in culture. Let they remember it, and they remember don’t want to put it in the RECORD. Un- us remember that the police as an in- who said it—they were called the N- fortunately, the name ‘‘Anna’’ has stitution are a reflection of the greater word. They remember it. Each went some racial connotations to it, which I society, and we have an obligation to through that experience on the play- will share privately with others. There change all those institutions where we ground or in a school. I am thinking to was a lynching based on a person living find ingrained racist practices, every- myself that I never had an experience in Anna who was lynched in Carroll, where we find it, since the Nation in my life that was that profound that IL. This happened in the land of Lin- stood horrified by the video of George I remember it to this moment of some- coln. It happened in the North. It hap- Floyd gasping for breath, crying out ‘‘I one using a word against me. pened in my home State that I love. It can’t breathe’’ as his life was snuffed Another young woman talked about is a reminder that hatred can be found out of him with a knee to his neck. the fact her mother sat her down at a everywhere. Other Black men have senselessly young age and said: Listen to me. It is our job here with this bill to died at the hands of police. When you go to the store to buy some- move forward and say to the good po- By now, we probably have all seen thing, always ask for a receipt. Always lice: Thank you for serving us. Now the video of Rayshard Brooks. He fell ask for a receipt. You put that receipt join us in making sure we don’t have asleep in his car after drinking. He was in that bag because somebody is going bad police. In your ranks, you know then interviewed by police for over 20 to stop you at the door and say you the people who cannot be trusted with minutes. If you haven’t watched that stole it, and you can show them you their badge and gun to use them re- encounter, I urge you to do so because paid for it because you have the re- sponsibly. You know the people who after that 20-minute conversation, he ceipt. shouldn’t be policemen. Join us in ended up dead with two bullets in his I thought, my mother never gave me making sure your ranks show real back. That encounter should never that lesson. She never had to. I will quality in the recruitment, in the have ended that way.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.014 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2991 Not far from here, in Woodstock, VA, to act with impunity. There must be and really ensure that we have equal we had another recent encounter that consequences for unjustly depriving justice under law, which of course is did not end in violence but exposed citizens of life and liberty. The changes ensconced above the Supreme Court of some of the racist assumptions that called for in the Justice in Policing Act the United States. are too often wired into police re- are necessary to protect individuals, to Let’s get to work. Let’s do it now. sponses and into societal responses. A protect communities, and to protect all I yield the floor. Black pastor and Air Force veteran those police officers who uphold their The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- saw a man and woman disposing of an oath to protect the communities they ator from . old refrigerator on his property. He serve. Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Madam President, told them to stop. The two were upset The police are the agents of the I come to the floor today because it is that the pastor would not let them State. Holding police accountable and time to end systemic racism with sys- dump this refrigerator on his property, requiring justice in policing is just the temic change. So I am calling on my colleagues to work with us to imme- and they grew irate. They went away, first step. We must also confront the diately bring the Justice in Policing and they came back with three others. other manifestations of systemic rac- Act to the floor. Then these five sur- ism and the institutions and societal I thank Senator BOOKER, who is here rounded the pastor, began jostling him, norms that allow them to continue. We with us today, and Senator HARRIS for must dismantle them with the same taunting him, calling him names, and their work on this bill, as well as the deliberate actions that ingrain them in saying they didn’t give a darn about House Members who are leading in the the first place. his life and the Black Lives Matter other Chamber. We must pass this bill, Tinkering with the system will not stuff. and we should do it immediately with be enough. We need dramatic reforms In defense, he drew a gun, which he bipartisan support. legally carried. He called 9–1-1 to get in our criminal justice system. We George Floyd should be alive today, the police to come. The police did have less than 5 percent of the world’s but he isn’t. He was murdered in my come. They arrested and handcuffed population but 20 percent of its prison State. He was murdered in my city. He the Black pastor while the five White population—something that the Sen- was murdered on videotape so the people continued to threaten him and ator from New Jersey has spoken about whole world could see it. The whole wave as the police took him away. often, as have my colleagues. We need world saw as his life evaporated before The sheriff in Woodstock has apolo- to change that. That is a stain on our our eyes. gized, and the proper charges, includ- country. We need to get rid of the pri- Our Nation has been left in pain, ing hate crime charges, have been filed vate prison system that gives some grieving, marching, and demanding against those who trespassed and har- corporations a financial incentive to justice. His murder has galvanized a assed the pastor, but that initial re- propagate a system that locks so many nationwide movement for justice, both sponse tells you what you need to people up, but we need many other for George Floyd and for the Black know. changes as well. community and communities of color Those are the kinds of encounters We know that COVID–19 has dis- across America that have experienced that Black men and women face every- proportionately killed people of color. injustice for far too long—not just in- where in this country on a regular We must address the underlying health justice at the hands of the police, but basis—North, South, East, and West. disparities that lead to radically dif- also economic injustice, educational It reflects the same impulse of the ferent outcomes for the Black commu- injustice. And, if anything, these last woman in Central Park, NY, who was nity from COVID–19 to maternal mor- few months of this pandemic have shed asked by a Black man and birdwatcher tality. a big magnifying glass and put it on enthusiast to obey the law and leash President Trump celebrated the fact top of what has been happening for way her dog. Instead, she called the police that the May unemployment rate was too long. on him to tell them that an African 15 percent. That is nothing in and of As we grieve this loss, we have work American was threatening her life. She itself to celebrate. It means millions to do in our own States, and that is was exploiting the fact that she would and millions of Americans are out of justice in this particular case, includ- likely be believed. work through no fault of their own. ing accountability for the officers in- It is same ingrained and racist im- But he neglected to mention that the volved. Minnesota Attorney General pulses that resulted in five Black Black unemployment rate went up in , whom I have known for youth—now known as the exonerated that May report because we have deep many, many years—I am very sure that five but who were locked up and spent inequities from our systems of income he will have full faith and has forever years and years in prison after being and wealth. in his conviction for justice, and he is falsely accused of a brutal assault in We have deep inequalities in our pursuing this case against the officers. that same Central Park in New York. school systems. Title I is persistently But as lawmakers, we must also It is the same racist narrative of one underfunded by over $30 billion every make systemic change. We cannot an- of the first American films, ‘‘The Birth year. Think about the $2.1 trillion we swer our Nation’s calls for justice with of a Nation,’’ showed by Woodrow Wil- are spending to help keep the economy silence. That would make us complicit. son in the White House. from going underwater in this short pe- We cannot answer with what the Presi- You can draw a straight line from riod of time. My goodness, we could dent called domination. That would slavery to Jim Crow, legal segregation, spend $300 billion over 10 years to fully make us monsters. We must answer de facto segregation, and institutional- fund title I. with action. That is what makes us ized racism to the deaths of George We are seeing continued discrimina- lawmakers. Floyd and so many other Black Ameri- tion in housing and the Department of Since I have come to the Senate 13 cans. Housing and Urban Development has to years ago, I have watched as change Tinkering with the system will not make efforts to advance fairness. has come inch by inch. I see Senator be enough. Calling for more data and We have a lot of work to do in this DURBIN with us today, who led the ef- transparency is necessary, but it will country. We have a lot of work to do in fort on changing the disparity on crack not be enough. We have to take up and the Senate. cocaine. I was a new member of the Ju- pass the Justice in Policing Act. This is a moment of reckoning for diciary Committee when he led that I want to thank Senators BOOKER and this country—another one. This time, work. I see Senator BOOKER here. Both HARRIS and the Congressional Black let’s not allow it to pass and let’s of them, as well as a number of us, Caucus for leading this legislative ef- start—let’s start—right now by taking worked on the FIRST STEP Act. That fort. up and passing the Justice in Policing was really important to reduce sen- The Supreme Court yesterday had an Act. But that is just a start. We have tencing for nonviolent offenders. But, opportunity to take up and change the so much more work to do to build a again, it is inch by inch. We must move doctrine of qualified immunity. They truly more perfect union and to live up by miles. chose not to. Qualified immunity has to the promise of equal rights and There is systemic racism at every allowed police and other State officials equal justice and equal opportunity level of our justice system, and it has

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.016 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 taken far too long to right these to conduct a full-scale investigation with, ‘‘We will demand and ultimately wrongs. And it is on us in Congress, es- into the patterns and practices of the force lasting change by shining a light pecially on those of us who have Minneapolis Police Department. We on this and by winning justice.’’ worked in this system—mayors, pros- have waited weeks for a response. I will conclude with this. A few years ecutors, attorneys general. Those of us Under the Obama administration, 25 ago, like so many of my colleagues, I who have seen what is happening have of these pattern and practice investiga- went to Selma, AL, with Representa- a special obligation to make this tions were brought. Under the Trump tive JOHN LEWIS. I stood there on the change. Justice Department, just one unit of bridge where he had his head beaten in. We took an oath as Senators. We one department in Springfield, MA, I was in awe of his persistence, his re- didn’t wave a Bible in the air for a was examined. silience, and his faith that this country photo op. We placed our hand on that Now, just as I headed to the floor could always do better. Bible and swore to support and defend here, we got a letter from the Justice That weekend, after 48 years, the the Constitution against all enemies, Department, but they did not commit White police chief of Montgomery foreign and domestic. That enemy we to this investigation. They said they handed his police badge to Congress- face right now is racism; it is injustice. were going to continue to look at the man LEWIS, and he publicly apologized This is not a time for half measures evidence. on behalf of police for not protecting and equivocation. It is a time for real Meanwhile, the Governor of Min- Congressman LEWIS and the Freedom change and swift action, including nesota and the State human rights de- Marchers 48 years before. holding police officers accountable for partment has had to fill in. They are I don’t want it to take another 48 misconduct and violence, changing po- conducting their own investigation, years for my city to heal. I don’t want lice practices, and making our justice and I have faith that they will do the it to take another 48 years for my system more transparent. right thing. But, again, this should be State to heal or for this country to There are a lot of good police officers coming from the Justice Department. heal or for our Nation to fix a justice out there—a lot of good police offi- We know that Minnesota is not the system that has been broken since it only State whose recent events have cers—but they are brought down, just was built. I want justice now. The shown us misconduct from the police as our entire community is, when you voices you hear from across the coun- and that have experienced a pattern have someone like Derek Chauvin com- try—they want justice now. and practice that need to be examined. mit the murder that he did. When they It is time we delivered, and not just But, again, we wait that investigation watch the videotape, they feel like we in platitudes. It is time we acted, and from the Department of Justice. not just talk about acting. This is our feel. And that is why this bill is so im- After what we saw on the video, is it portant—the Justice in Policing Act. not warranted in this case to have such moment. This is history. So let’s make This comprehensive legislation an investigation? I would ask the Jus- history. I yield the floor. changes Federal law so that officers tice Department under Donald Trump The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. can be held accountable for misconduct and under : What facts CRUZ). The Senator from Wyoming. and increases that transparency and would warrant an investigation if not Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I improves police training. these? First, on accountability, the Justice In addition to improving the tools to come to the floor today to discuss the in Policing Act will hold officers ac- hold police accountable, we also need Senate plan for justice reform. countable for misconduct and violence to ensure that there is transparency so First, it is important to note that by changing the Federal use-of-force we can once again build trust with our justice will not come from any commu- standard from reasonable to necessary communities. What does this mean? nity with lawlessness. It will not come so that force is only used when nec- Well, it means that we have officers from any community with a disregard essary to prevent death or serious in- that actually get in trouble in one de- for law and order. It will not come jury, and it requires States to adopt partment and then they go to another from any community with radical cuts similar stands if they want to receive department and no one even knows in police budgets in cities like New certain Federal funding. what happens. It means that the public York and Los Angeles. It will not come Changing the standard is not just does not have access to information from any community that defunds the some little legalese word that makes a about serious issues of misconduct that police. change. It will save lives. are held tightly within city depart- These are not the solutions that When these changes have been adopt- ments and city archives in some place, Americans are seeking. Yet I see head- ed at the local level, there has been a when in fact it is a matter of life and lines from around the country with pic- significant drop in the use of force. death for the people of this country. tures of those demonstrating and ap- These words can be the difference be- And, of course, we need wholesale plauding Democrat politicians who are tween whether a prosecutor can prove changes to the way policing happens. I calling for defunding of the police—the a case against a police officer or not. worked with Senators SMITH and GILLI- Democrat politicians who are demand- People ask what has happened BRAND to include provisions in the bill ing not just defunding but also disman- around the country with some of these to require States to ban the use of tling the police in their own commu- cases—some of these blatant things choke holds in policing to receive cer- nities. that people recently have seen on vid- tain Federal funding and to ban them That will not work. That will not eotape. overall. work, and the American people see it In my State, Philando Castile, who This would be an important change and they know it. In fact, a new ABC was in a neighboring jurisdiction to that actually would help with prosecu- poll finds that 64 percent of Americans Minneapolis—look at what these stand- tions across the country, if this prac- oppose these dangerous, liberal ideas ards are. Lawmakers have control over tice was actually banned. like defunding the police, and 60 per- these standards. Even when a case like George Floyd’s murder, at the hands cent oppose police department budget that was prosecuted with excellent of police officers, was horrific and in- cuts. prosecutors, who did their all, they humane and, sadly, as we know, not Liberal leaders, meanwhile—look, were not able to get a guilty verdict. the first or last time a Black man was they have let anarchists occupy part of Look at the standards. taken too soon by those in uniform. We Seattle. You turn on the TV, and you In addition to improving the way must stop this cycle of violence to get can see what is happening there. They that individual officers are held ac- something done. have actually burned down a police countable for misconduct, the bill We have an opportunity to make real precinct. holds police departments accountable, change here, and if Leader MCCONNELL They called this area CHAZ—C-H-A- because we know that there are sys- refuses to bring this bill to the floor, Z—the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. tematic changes that are needed at po- he and his colleagues who support him Can you imagine such a thing? Well, lice departments. are on the wrong side of history. now they have renamed it to CHOP, I have called on the Department of In the words of George Floyd’s fam- which stands for the Capitol Hill Occu- Justice, along with 26 of my colleagues, ily, whom I had the honor to speak pied Protest. Whatever they want to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.017 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2993 call it, to me and to Americans all warrants. These warrants will allow of- serving in law enforcement agencies. across the country, it is still criminal ficers to enter homes without announc- We need to hear from all of them. lawlessness. ing their presence. In recent weeks, African Americans Democrats and Republicans need to Our bill creates two commissions to across the country have shared their stand up to these dangerous radicals. report back to Congress. A new com- experiences with law enforcement—sto- We must never defund or disband the mission on civil rights will study and ries we have heard of being profiled, police—never. Defunding police depart- report on ways to address issues affect- discriminated against, targeted, and ments is a dangerous idea. Violent ing Black men and boys, and a criminal having a negative perception of law en- crime will spike. Call 911, and no one justice commission, modeled on the forcement that even in dangerous situ- will be there to respond to your emer- 9/11 Commission, will recommend ations they are afraid to call the po- gency. criminal justice reforms. lice. Really, the way it was described I believe that rather than defund, we Now, the Senate has already passed in a meeting I had on Friday in Dallas must defend the police as appropriate this commission, and we have done it by Chief Hall and Sheriff Brown is that and make sure that we invest more in unanimously. We sent it to the House they called it a wedge between law en- law enforcement, not less. We need to and they have failed to act. forcement and some minority commu- improve police training, account- Our bill also requires police training nities for lack of trust. John Crusoe, ability, transparency, recruiting, and on deescalation tactics and alter- the district attorney, said because of community engagement, and that is natives to the use of force. the number of offenses for which mi- what the Republican bill does. I believe the JUSTICE Act is impor- norities are arrested and prosecuted, it House Democrats have written a very tant legislation. I would like to see it seemed to be disproportionate. They partisan bill, aimed at making over on the floor in the very near future. have the impression that somehow and taking over—not just making over Still, there are limits to Federal ac- they are being targeted unfairly. We but also taking over—policing in Amer- tion. Law enforcement is governed by know that even our friend, TIM SCOTT, ica. The Democrats’ plan would nation- State laws and is largely managed by an African-American Senator, has said alize the police—nationalize it—18,000 local officials. State and local leaders he knows what it is like to be driving police units and 800,000 police officers— must step up and do their part. while Black and to be stopped, where nationalize the police and, of course, With the JUSTICE Act, we have somebody who looks like me would not without adequate funding. taken an essential step forward in what be stopped by the police. The truth is that the House isn’t we all realize is a necessary process. We need to work our way through even in session. Their plan was written So I urge all my colleagues—on both this. We know that Black parents have in secret. House Democrats didn’t con- sides of the aisle—to support this plan spoken openly about their concerns for sult Republicans and, apparently, for necessary justice reform. their own sons and daughters and that didn’t even consult a number of their I yield the floor. lessons that they have given them of own Members. They didn’t plan to de- I suggest the absence of a quorum. what they should do if pulled over by bate the bill and don’t plan to debate it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the police: turning off the car, rolling for a couple of weeks. clerk will call the roll. down the windows, placing their hands As you know, Republicans, on the The senior assistant legislative clerk on the dashboard, and explaining what other hand, have been working and lis- proceeded to call the roll. they are doing before reaching in their tening, and we are leading. Our effort, Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask pocket for their driver’s license. of course, is led by Senator TIM SCOTT unanimous consent that the order for Well, the lack of trust between law of South Carolina. We have developed the quorum call be rescinded. enforcement and our communities isn’t what I believe is a smart plan and a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unfounded, but it is unsustainable. In workable solution. The bill is called objection, it is so ordered. order for every American to not only the JUSTICE Act. It is written to gar- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask be safe but feel safe, we need to enact ner bipartisan support, and I hope some unanimous consent to complete my re- long overdue reforms to our Nation’s of our colleagues on the other side of marks before the lunch recess. police departments. Mostly, these are the aisle will join in this effort. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without not prescriptive in nature. These are in This is a sensible measure that will objection, it is so ordered. the realm of being an assistance to our make bipartisan justice reform a re- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, as the law enforcement officials and not ality that we need. It is not a political Nation discusses the need for police re- somehow assuming, as some do, that exercise. It is practical legislation, and forms, our work in the Senate to de- racial discrimination is rampant it deserves to become law. So I hope liver those reforms is ramping up. This among law enforcement. I don’t believe Democrats will join in the effort. afternoon, the Judiciary Committee, that. I don’t believe that there is sys- The JUSTICE Act includes a number on which the Presiding Officer and I temic racial discrimination in our law of very important reforms. It provides serve, will be holding a hearing to ex- enforcement officers where they target for every police officer in the country amine the use of force and community minorities. I just don’t believe that. to use body cameras to curb the unnec- relations. I do believe there are some bad actors essary use of force. I will tell you that I am glad that our witnesses include who abuse their power and violate even I believe that body cameras have made two outstanding Texas witnesses—Erin the status of their own police depart- a difference in changing the hearts of Nealy Cox, the U.S. Attorney of the ment. And, unfortunately, in the exam- Americans all across the country. Northern District of Texas, and Chief ple of the officer who had his knee on It requires States that receive Fed- Art Acevedo, Chief of the Houston Po- the neck of George Floyd, we know eral grants to report details of all uses lice Department and also the chair of that there have been 17 separate com- of force causing death or serious in- the Major Cities Chiefs Association. I plaints made against him in their in- jury. For the first time, we will have know they will be able to help shed ternal affairs division there, but, ap- real, actionable data. some light on the changes that need to parently, neither the police depart- It promotes greater access to officer be made to restore trust between offi- ment nor the city leadership—the employment records to improve hiring cers and the communities they serve, mayor and city council—did anything practices. This prevents bad officers and I appreciate their willingness to about it, or if they did, we have not yet from moving from one department to share their perspectives with us. learned about it. another. It is important, I believe, for us to Well, we know that Senator SCOTT It provides funds to help police de- hear from a variety of sources as we de- has been leading the effort in our con- partments recruit and hire officer can- bate what those potential reforms ference to try to come up with a rea- didates that better reflect the diversity might look like: those who represent sonable package of legislative re- of the communities in which they law enforcement, community and sponses, and it is really kind of sur- serve. faith-based organizations, and the men prising to me to see the overlap be- It requires higher standards for po- and women who get up every day and tween the political parties and also our lice to obtain and use no-knock search put on the uniform to protect us by colleagues in the House.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.019 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 Now, there are some things that I lease body camera or dash camera foot- will finally move to passage of the leg- don’t think we should do. For example, age and overall increased transparency. islation, the Great American Outdoors there are some who call for reforming Similar changes are being made in cit- Act, tomorrow. I urge my colleagues to qualified immunity, a judicial doctrine ies across Texas and across the coun- support this bill. that protects the discretionary acts of try, and I think transparency is an im- We had the opportunity over the last a government employee or government portant area where changes can and several weeks—last week, in par- official and holds them financially re- should occur. A one-size-fits-all Fed- ticular—to talk about what it means sponsible only if they violate an estab- eral approach to policing would be, I for every State in the country, what it lished standard. Well, the same legal think, a mistake. means for every county in the country, doctrine that protects police officers But here in Washington, we do have a and the significant opportunity for protects school teachers as well, and I role to play. We have both the oppor- conservation, which is the crown jewel will bet that a number of our col- tunity and the responsibility to ensure of conservation programs and, of leagues who are calling for wholesale that America’s police departments are course, our national parks. It is not reform of qualified immunity didn’t helping public safety and are not con- just national parks, of course. It is our even know that. sidered to be a threat by the commu- forests, and it is our BLM grounds and Well, as I said, it is important that nities they serve. The bill being led by the efforts we have with the Bureau of we hear from a variety of voices, and Senator SCOTT would take major steps Indian Education. that is why I appreciate Mayor John- in the right direction. While the final I thought I would talk specifically son in Dallas hosting a roundtable with details are being ironed out, our discus- about some Colorado projects today a group of law enforcement leaders and sions have included a range of pro- and what the Land and Water Con- faith leaders who are committed to de- posals that would address everything servation Fund has meant for Colo- livering real change. I spent a few min- from training to transparency, to mi- rado. utes talking about what we are doing nority hiring. This is a photo of Wilson Peak in Col- here in Washington, but I spent most of I am not interested in passing a bill orado. It rises over Telluride in south- my time listening. I think that is for the sake of just checking a box and west Colorado. Wilson Peak is one of something we need to do more of—to the 54 mountains in Colorado that top listen. We are all pretty good at talk- saying we have done something signifi- cant. That route is sure to lead to even 14,000 feet. Climbers and hikers eager ing, but we need to do more listening. to summit the 14,500-foot peak, located Everyone agrees that there is a prob- more problems. I am interested in de- livering real reforms, as I am confident in the Lizard Head Wilderness, have lem—a big one—that will not go away been frustrated for years by key land if we ignore it. As the mayor acknowl- all of my colleagues here in the Senate are, and I think our legislative efforts access routes being blocked, which edged, the fact that everyone agrees made it impossible to get to. In addi- that the status quo is not sustainable can produce a product that will be re- sponsive to the crisis we are now expe- tion, Wilson Peak long remained the represents progress in and of itself. last ‘‘fourteener’’ in Colorado without That is the first step toward solving a riencing—a crisis largely of trust. Of course, for those changes to reach public access. problem—recognizing that you have Through 9 years, very complex land one. But now it is time to turn that communities in Texas, they also need to be able to pass not only a Repub- exchange negotiations, and work to as- consensus into collective action. semble suitable exchange properties We know that many of the changes lican-controlled Senate but a Demo- and funding, the Trust for Public Land that need to be made will happen at cratic-controlled House and be signed purchased 25 patented mining claims, the local and State level. At the U.S. by President Trump, and I believe the including the summit and key portions Congress, we have a Capitol Police, but legislation we will unveil tomorrow of the main summit trail from multiple we don’t control what happens in the could deliver in each of those bodies. I private owners. In 2011, the Trust for Minneapolis Police Department or the think each of us has a responsibility to Public Land formally transferred own- Dallas Police Department or San Anto- take action to repair and address the ership of land to the U.S. Forest Serv- nio or any other locally run and con- fear, the anger, and the lack of trust ice, ensuring in perpetuity the public trolled law enforcement agency. We between law enforcement and our com- know that they are not all the same. munities, and this bill does an impor- access to Wilson Peak summit. If you go to the next one, this is a Most major law enforcement agencies, tant first step. photograph of the Big Thompson River. like the one in Dallas, have deescala- I am proud to have worked with Sen- In 1976, rains began to pour near Estes tion training. It has been mandatory ator SCOTT and all of our colleagues in Park, CO, and caused one of the biggest for years. this effort, and we all will make our So when people talk about doing that contribution before we are through. I natural disasters in Colorado’s history. and mandating it here from Wash- am looking forward to sharing those A remarkable 12 inches of rain fell in ington, the fact is that most of our details tomorrow during the press con- about 4 hours. As a reminder, there are major law enforcement agencies are al- ference. areas of Colorado that only get about ready doing a lot of these things, like With that, I yield the floor. 14 inches of moisture a year. A remark- able 12 inches of rain fell in about 4 banning choke holds, for example. One f of the participants in our roundtable hours, bringing the Big Thompson was Frederick Frazier, a longtime law RECESS River to 19 feet above its normal level, and sending 31,000 cubic feet per second enforcement officer who actually The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under trains officers in deescalation. of water racing downstream, down the the previous order, the Senate stands canyon, carrying with it everything More recently, the Dallas Police De- in recess until 2:15 p.m. partment banned choke holds, as I and anything in its path. The flood Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:31 p.m., claimed 145 lives, 418 homes, 52 busi- mentioned, and any use of force in- recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- tended to restrict a person’s airways. nesses, and caused millions and mil- bled when called to order by the Pre- They have also embraced a policy re- lions of dollars of damage in 1976. siding Officer (Mrs. CAPITO). quiring officers to intervene in a situa- In the aftermath of the disaster, tion where use of force is unnecessary f Larimer County recognized that simply and inappropriate. For example, if a rebuilding new homes in harm’s way TAXPAYER FIRST ACT OF 2019— within the floodway didn’t make sense. law enforcement officer sees another Continued officer use excessive force or dealing The county turned to the Land and with that use of force inappropriately, H.R. 1957 Water Conservation Fund as an impor- the Dallas Police Department requires Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, tant part of the solution. With just the other officers who witnessed that yesterday, we had a series of successful over $1 million from Land and Water to intervene—something we did not see votes to move forward on the Great Conservation Fund and some other happen in Minneapolis. American Outdoors Act. I am excited matching resources, the county ac- During our discussion, Chief Hall also with the votes we have taken last week quired a number of properties along the discussed steps they are taking to re- and the votes last night and that we Big Thompson River, which provided

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.020 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2995 new outdoor recreation opportunities ‘‘This is a historic opportunity for us, in a [From the Denver Post, June 9, 2020] to residents and visitors on 156 acres of bipartisan fashion, to pass the most signifi- WITH CORY GARDNER LEADING THE CHARGE, land along the river, highlighted by cant conservation measure in over 50 years,’’ SENATE TAKES UP GREAT AMERICAN OUT- Gardner said. DOORS ACT four new county parks. This has been More than 800 conservation and outdoor (By Bruce Finley) an incredible recreation opportunity, recreation groups have signed on to a letter but it has certainly led to greater safe- published in March supporting the bill, argu- Colorado senators are leading a congres- ty for Coloradans. ing that it was a permanent fix to a long-ne- sional push to pass landmark conservation The Blanca Wetlands Area of Critical glected issue. The Outdoor Alliance, one of legislation that would deploy $9.5 billion to Environmental Concern is another in- the nonprofit organizations that signed the maintain overrun national parks and perma- letter, pushed to expand the legislation to nently direct $900 million a year for outdoor credible area of Colorado. The Bureau recreation on public lands. of Land Management has benefited. include the Bureau of Land Management and other public agencies in addition to the Na- President Donald Trump has said he will After decades of water overappropria- tional Park Service. sign this Great American Outdoors Act if tion caused the lowering of the valley’s ‘‘This is definitely the biggest investment lawmakers get it to his desk. Senators this water table, the rapid disappearance of in parks and public lands that we’ve seen in week took up the issue, aiming for a vote wetlands and plummeting bird popu- years, in decades,’’ said Tania Lown-Hecht, next Tuesday, and around 200 House mem- lation, State and Federal agencies ini- spokeswoman for the Outdoor Alliance. bers have said they’ll support similar legisla- ‘‘This is not to be underestimated.’’ tion. tiated the Wetland Restoration Effort Conservationists for decades have in the 1960s, including this wetlands If passed, the bill would mandate $1.9 bil- lion in money raised from offshore oil and prioritized these measures as crucial steps to area. You can see the work we have gas leases, and other energy projects would ensure healthy public lands, increasingly done with the Land and Water Con- go toward outdoor maintenance and recre- seen as essential for a booming recreation in- servation Fund on this. ation projects through 2025. It would also dustry that has become an economic main- Red Mountain Pass is another exam- fully fund the about $900 million budget of stay, especially in Colorado and the West. ple. It is a multiphased project com- the LWCF, with the money split between the Congress has failed to provide the full $900 pleted by the Trust for Public Lands National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, million a year for land acquisition and other spending that the 1965 Land and Water Con- and Colorado Partners with funding Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Edu- servation Act requires. Lawmakers have ap- from the LWCF. It is a scenic property proved spending between $255 million and lying above the town of Ouray that cation, with the bulk of the money going to national parks. $450 million a year since 2008 and only twice forms portions of the panoramic back- Lown-Hecht and others have been making in 55 years provided the full $900 million. drop used by motorists from Highway the pitch that conservation spending is a National Park Service officials have esti- 550’s Red Mountain Pass and on Ouray strong job creator: One study found that mated deferred maintenance as land and fa- and San Juan Counties’ rugged alpine every $1 million spent on the LWCF could cilities deteriorate will cost more than $20 loops. It is an incredible experience. support between 16.8 and 30.8 jobs. billion. ‘‘It will put people to work in public lands, ‘‘We’ve been trying for decades to get this You can see the work we have done done. Now we have an historic window to ac- with it here. and that’s an investment that will bring back more than a dollar for every dollar tually achieve it. This is a moment where we If you go to the Uncompahgre Na- spent,’’ Lown-Hecht said. need to capitalize to get this great achieve- tional Forest, over the years, LWCF The LWCF was created in 1964 and was ment accomplished,’’ Sen. Cory Gardner said has invested nearly $27 million into the based on the idea that the depletion of one in an interview Tuesday. Uncompahgre[-]San Juan National For- natural resource, offshore oil and gas, should On March 3, Gardner, of Yuma, went to the est of Colorado to protect this valley, be offset by the care of other natural re- White House and, in a discussion with sources protected as parks. Trump, showed a photo he’d taken on his which is a 10-year-long process that ul- iPhone of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison timately resulted in the conservation Since that time, however, Congress has often failed to appropriate the full amount of National Park in Colorado. Trump said it of thousands of acres surrounding the money that the fund could have received was beautiful. Gardner also said he pointed town. It is incredible for recreation and each year, creating a logjam of maintenance to a portrait of President Teddy Roosevelt, a preservation—this critical habitat and projects in national parks across the country leading conservationist, in suggesting that environmental treasure and conserva- that have totaled to more than $30 billion in Trump support could lead to a major tion accomplishment for all of the deferred maintenance, according to the achievement. He said Trump gazed up at the country. fund’s own account. portrait and said he would sign the legisla- I also want to point out some of the The bill gained momentum after Sens. tion. Gardner and Steve Daines, R–Mont., visited Sen. Michael Bennet of Denver is one of great news about this bill back in Colo- the White House in March to convince Presi- some 60 Senate sponsors of the Great Amer- rado. dent Donald Trump to support the bill. Since ican Outdoors Act but is proposing amending Madam President, I ask unanimous then, the bill has earned the attention of it to include the Colorado Outdoor Recre- consent to have printed in the RECORD Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as ation and Economy (CORE) Act, which would this article from the Durango Herald, well as other Republican senators eager to protect about 400,000 acres of public land in which was written on June 13, and an support a bipartisan bill during an election Colorado, establishing new wilderness and article from the Denver Post, dated year. recreation opportunities. ‘‘This week, we have an opportunity to se- June 9, 2020. Gardner also noted that the timing of the bill is especially prescient as rural commu- cure new protections for public lands in Col- There being no objection, the mate- nities in Southwest Colorado and elsewhere orado that were left out of the public lands rial was ordered to be printed in the have been hard hit by a drop in tourism and bill Congress passed last year,’’ Bennet said, RECORD, as follows: job losses during the pandemic. Advocates urging colleagues to incorporate the CORE [From the Durango Herald, June 13, 2020] agree, arguing park projects could be part of Act ‘‘or to quickly pass’’ it on its own. Gardner said, regarding the amendment, ‘HOLY GRAIL’ CONSERVATION BILL ADVANCES a broader plan for recovery. ‘‘We see this as a way to not only address that Bennet ‘‘may try to get a vote on that. IN U.S. SENATE the maintenance backlog on these lands but That is his bill. The GAOA certainly will (By Jacob Wallace) to put jobs on the ground for people where help the CORE Act.’’ A new bill funding maintenance and im- they’ve lost them,’’ said Tom Cors, policy di- A June 3 letter to congressional leaders provement projects for public lands is gain- rector for The Nature Conservancy. from six former Department of Interior sec- ing steam in the U.S. Senate. The Senate will continue to debate the bill retaries, including Ken Salazar (2009–2013) The Great American Outdoors Act would throughout the week. Sen. Michael Bennet, and Gale Norton (2001–2006) of Colorado, permanently fund the Land and Water Con- D–Colo., has also announced his support of urged swift passage of the GAOA ‘‘without servation Fund, a trust set up by the U.S. the bill. If it passes, the House of Represent- any amendments.’’ government to pay for park maintenance atives will then have the option to vote on This push to provide permanent full fund- projects, and establish a consistent source of an identical companion bill introduced last ing for the Land and Water Conservation revenue for park conservation that would re- week. Fund and step up public lands maintenance duce years of maintenance backlog through- Cors is cautiously optimistic about the reflects years of wrangling in Congress to out public lands. bill’s chances, saying it is a conservation win support outdoors recreation on public land. The bill, spearheaded by Sen. Cory Gard- 55 years in the making. The Land and Water Conservation Act, ner, R–Colo., and Sen. Joe Manchin, D– ‘‘We’ve been working on this for years and passed in 1965, says money should go to fed- W.Va., passed on an 80–17 vote Monday, al- years and this is the holy grail of the con- eral agencies to acquire land and to states lowing it to proceed to floor debate in the servation community,’’ Cors said. ‘‘We’re ec- for acquisition of land and waters and to de- Senate. static that this is happening’’ velop recreation facilities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:47 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.022 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 The Great American Outdoors Act com- doors through full funding of the Land and nison Gorge Anglers, Montrose; Jack bines two previous bills that each had strong Water Conservation Fund {LWCF}. We ask Llewellyn, Executive Director, Durango majority bipartisan support. One part would that you lend your full support to passing Chamber of Commerce; Rob Schmidt, Man- provide full and permanent funding of $900 the Land and Water Conservation Fund Per- ager, Duranglers, Durango; Grant Smith, million each year, the amount the fund is manent Funding Act, so that our nation’s Owner, Riverwalk Theater, Edwards, authorized to receive, from offshore oil and most successful conservation program can Edwards Supply Company, Edwards; Kirk gas revenues—not tax dollars. The other continue its long track record of success. Klancke, President, Colorado River Head- aims for parks restoration by investing $1.9 LWCF is built on a simple idea: that a por- waters Chapter, Fraser; Cole Glenn, Man- billion annually for the next five years to tion of offshore drilling fees should be used ager, San Juan Angler, Durango; Karla maintain land managed by the National to protect important land and water for all Baise, CSR Community Engagement Spe- Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wild- Americans. Through its over 50-year history, cialist, Odell Brewing Company, Ft. Collins; life Service, Bureau of Indian Education and LWCF has invested more than $278 million in Jake Jones, Managing Director, Eleven Out- Bureau of Land Management. Colorado’s public lands and outdoor recre- doors, Crested Butte. Conservation groups have welcomed the ation. Funds have gone toward public lands Charlie Craven, Owner, Charlie’s Fly Box, bill. including Colorado crown jewels like the Arvada; Jackson Streit, Owner, The Moun- ‘‘This will be a remarkable gift for the fu- Black Canyon of the Gunnison and Rocky tain Angler, Breckenridge; Kyle Perkins, ture and also is important for the present. Mountain National Parks, toward healthy Fishing Manager, Golden River Sports, Gold- It’s going to put up to 100,000 people to work working forests through the public-private en; Allen Adinoff, President Cutthroat Chap- each year fixing our national parks,’’ said partnerships of the Forest Legacy Program, ter, Littleton; Jeff Poole, President, North Tracy Stone-Manning, associate vice presi- and toward local parks and trail projects in Fork Ranch Guide Service, Shawnee; Ed dent for public lands at the National Wildlife communities across the state. Calmus, President, West Denver Chapter, Federation, a conservation group with 6 mil- These investments not only benefit the Golden; Bill Dvorak, Owner, Dvorak Expedi- lion members. public lands and outdoor opportunities that tions, Nathrop; Greg Hardy, President, Gore Beyond national parks and forests, the are a valued part of our Colorado way of life, Range Anglers, Silverthorne; Dennis congressional spending each year could help but also promote tourism and the outdoor Steinbeck, President/Co-owner, Blue Quill cities such as Denver and Missoula, where recreation industry which are among our Angler, Evergreen; Jeremy Dakan, Owner, urban voters are pushing leaders to acquire state’s most important economic drivers. Pine Needle Mountaineering, Durango; more land for parks and other open space. The Outdoor Industry Association reports Shaun Hargerave, Partner, Boulder Boat ‘‘Our parks and open space set-asides need that active outdoor recreation in Colorado Works, Carbondale; Peter Stitcher, Owner, to grow with our population. We’ve seen, generates $28 billion in consumer spending, Ascent Fly Fishing, Littleton; Greg Felt, during the pandemic, the importance of the supporting 229,000 Colorado jobs. Our great Chaffee County Commissioner. outdoors isn’t just good fun—it’s good busi- ability to be safely outside in parks,’’ Stone- Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, Manning said. ness. ‘‘Denver could identify property that is Congress last year passed permanent reau- this is signed by David Nickum, execu- worth acquiring and use Land and Water thorization of the LWCF; now it is time to tive director of Colorado Trout Unlim- Conservation Fund dollars to help acquire ensure that it is fully funded now and into ited; Suzanne O’Neill, executive direc- it,’’ she said. ‘‘Humans have to have access the future. Please support passage of the tor of Colorado Wildlife Federation; to nature for our health, and we have a long- Land and Water Conservation Fund Perma- and Colorado Mountain Club, term need to protect our larger landscapes.’’ nent Funding Act, to benefit Colorado’s vital Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Odell Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, outdoor recreation economy and the quality of life we enjoy as Coloradans. Brewing Company in Fort Collins, on this article is entitled the ‘‘ ‘Holy Sincerely, and on, talking about the LWCF being Grail’ conservation bill advances in David Nickum, Executive Director, Colo- built on a simple idea and the fact that U.S. Senate.’’ If you take a look at the rado Trout Unlimited; Suzanne O’Neill, Ex- we can help restore our national parks article, it quotes conservationists and ecutive Director, Colorado Wildlife Federa- and our greatest treasures with the people across the country who are tion; Don Holmstrom, Co-chair, Backcountry combined efforts of the Land and Water working on the legislation, and it ends Hunters & Anglers; April Archer, CEO, Conservation Fund and the Great with this: SaraBella Fishing LLC; Ben Kurtz, Presi- dent, Fishpond; David Dragoo, President, American Outdoors Act in this legisla- ‘‘We’ve been working on this for years and Mayfly Outdoors; Julie Mach, Conservation tion. years and this is the holy grail of conserva- Director, Colorado Mountain Club; Matt As Members prepare for this vote to- tion community,’’ Cors said. We’re ecstatic Rice, Director, Colorado River Basin Pro- morrow, I hope they will consider the that this is happening. gram, American Rivers; Corinne & Garrison impact this will have on generations to That is from a member of the Nature Doctor, Co-owners, Rep Your Water; Henry come. Conservancy. Wood, VP of Sales & Marketing, Upslope Yesterday, we talked about a letter The article from the Denver Post Brewing; Randy Hicks, Owner, Rocky Moun- written by the great-grandson of Presi- talks about the legislation and, again, tain Anglers, Boulder; Buck Skillen, Presi- dent Teddy Roosevelt. The fact that we dent, Five Rivers Chapter, Durango; Mark the conservation community that sup- are continuing today that legacy to ports the legislation. Seaton, President, San Luis Valley Chapter, Alamosa. build on the conservation and the envi- ‘‘This will be a remarkable gift for the fu- Michele White, Owner, Tumbling Trout Fly ronmental successes that started well ture and also is important for the present. Shop, Lake George; Pete Ashman, President, over 100 years ago in this country and It’s going to put up to 100,000 people to work Grand Valley Anglers, Grand Junction; our public lands is an incredible treas- each year fixing our national parks,’’ said Johnny Spillane, Owner, Steamboat Fly ure that this country has and that we Tracy-Stone Manning, associate vice presi- Fishers, Steamboat Springs; Erik Myhre, dent for public lands at the National Wildlife can build on for generations to come. Founder & President, Basin + Bend, Ever- I yield the floor. Federation, a conservation group with 6 mil- green; Allyn Kratz, President, Pikes Peak lion members. Chapter, Colorado Springs; Christopher The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- It goes on to point out ‘‘cities such as Smith, Board President, Left Hand Water- ator from New York. Denver and Missoula, where urban vot- shed Group, Longmont; Dan Chovan, Presi- JUSTICE IN POLICING ACT ers are pushing leaders to acquire more dent, Yampa Valley Fly Fishers, Steamboat Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Madam Presi- land for parks and other open space.’’ Springs; Nick Noesen, President, Eagle Val- dent, I rise to speak about an over- ley Chapter, Eagle; Mike Larned, President, This is an opportunity for us to whelming and urgent need to reform Alpine Anglers, Estes Park; Brandon Mathis, the way our country approaches polic- achieve those goals in our urban areas. Marketing Coordinator, Backcountry Expe- Finally, Madam President, I ask rience, Durango; Tucker Ladd, President/ ing. The death of Eric Garner, Michael unanimous consent to have printed in Owner, Trouts Fly Fishing, Denver; Brendan Brown, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, the RECORD a letter from a number of Besetzny, President, Boulder Flycasters; Tony McDade, Andrew Kearse, and Coloradans in support of the Great Mike Kruise, Owner, Laughing Grizzly Fly countless others are deeply disturbing American Outdoors Act sent to Con- Shop, Longmont. and, most unfortunately, nothing new. gress a few weeks ago. Mickey McGuire, President, Rocky Moun- The truth is, for every name we tain Flycasters, Ft. Collins; Barbara Luneau, There being no objection, the mate- know, there are countless more that we President, St. Vrain Anglers, Longmont; don’t. This type of oppression and bru- rial was ordered to be printed in the Steve Wolfe, President, Southern Colorado RECORD, as follows: Greenbacks Chapter, Pueblo; Chris Keeley, tality has been part of Black-American DEAR SENATORS & REPRESENTATIVES: As Principal, Anglers All, Littleton; David lives for far too long. It should not hap- Colorado-based businesses and organizations, Leinweber, Owner, Angler’s Covey, Colorado pen, and in the horrific instances when we urge you to support our state’s great out- Springs; Trent Hannafious, President, Gun- it does, it should not take a viral video

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.003 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2997 and a nationwide protest to get some eral crime. After the killing of Ahmaud timately lead as county executive for measure of justice. Arbery, it is clear that this problem the last 16 years of his life. We are at a moment of moral reck- must be addressed. We can never bring Will County is a great cross-section oning in this country, and we must back those who we have been lost in of Illinois. It is where the farmlands of take action. Our country needs bold re- these horrific killings or even begin to Central and Southern Illinois converge forms to address the systemic and in- make these families whole. But we can with the industry of Chicago and Jo- stitutional racism that plagues our and must take steps toward making liet. It is not only home to over 100,000 criminal justice system. The Justice in sure that these tragedies never happen acres of farmland, but it is also a Policing Act of 2020, introduced by my again. booming transportation hub anchored colleagues Senators BOOKER and HAR- An Executive order that merely re- by North America’s largest inland port, RIS, would make crucial and much states the law that Congress passed in the CenterPoint Intermodal Center—a needed changes to address our Nation’s 1994 is clearly not enough. Establishing project that Larry helped to land. policing practices and policies. We justice is at the heart of the preamble Larry was one of the few Illinois politi- should pass this bill as soon as pos- of our Constitution, and we must de- cians who could credibly represent and sible. liver on the promise that we made as a be an advocate for both Illinois’s farm- We were reminded, sadly, of the ur- nation. We must match the efforts of ing community and understand the re- gency of this legislation on Friday, those working to change the system gion’s need for industrial expansion. when Rayshard Brooks was shot in the from the outside with the efforts of Throughout his career in public serv- back by police in Atlanta. It is clear those who are changing the system ice, he was steadfastly committed to that we don’t have time to waste. Lives from the inside, with efforts to change bipartisanship—an absolute must for a are on the line today. We need reform it for good. We have a lot of work leader who would help guide Will Coun- now. We need accountability, and we ahead of us, and this bill will ensure ty’s development into the fastest grow- need it to happen now. that we start on the right foot. ing county in our State. The Justice in Policing Act of 2020 I would like to read a passage of Before he returned to the county would ban the no-knock warrant police Scripture that informs me on this board in 2004, Larry served in the Illi- used to enter Breonna Taylor’s apart- issue. Matthew 25, verse 44: nois Senate, representing the 43rd Dis- ment before killing her. It would pre- They also will answer: Lord, when did we trict. In Springfield, he befriended a vent unnecessary deaths like Rayshard see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or fellow freshman Senator and seatmate Brooks by requiring that officers use needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did on the floor, Barack Obama. Their deescalation techniques and resort to not help you? friendship would prove critical, as deadly force only as the last resort. He will reply: Truly, I tell you, whatever Larry helped introduce him to the It also includes a provision that I you did not do for one of the least of these, farming community in Will, Kankakee, you did not do for me. worked on with Congressman HAKEEM and Iroquois Counties and then became Then, they will go away to eternal punish- JEFFRIES, the Eric Garner Excessive ment but the righteous to eternal life. the first State senator to endorse him Force Prevention Act. It would ban the in what was then considered a long- types of choke holds and carotid holds We have a moral obligation. We have shot run for the U.S. Senate in 2004. that killed George Floyd and Eric Gar- an obligation given our shared commit- Larry’s list of accomplishments is ner by making the use of these dan- ment to upholding the Constitution. quite long and spans a crucial time in gerous maneuvers a Federal civil rights We have a moral responsibility to not Will County’s development. During violation. let this moment pass. Larry’s time in the State senate and Black Americans are killed by police Who are we? What defines us? What his return to lead the Will County at more than twice the rate of White kind of people are we? If we refuse to Board, the county experienced a 53-per- Americans, despite accounting for less act now when the country is raging— cent growth in size and now is the than 13 percent of our population. This rightfully so—we decline to do what is fourth largest county in the State. legislation would not only end racial right. Throughout his 16-year tenure as Will and religious profiling, but it would I yield the floor. County executive—the longest Will mandate training on racial bias and on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- County executive tenure ever—he re- an officer’s duty to intervene. ator from Illinois. doubled his commitment to bipartisan, The bill would also improve account- REMEMBERING LARRY WALSH, SR. responsible community development. ability by requiring Federal uniform Ms. DUCKWORTH. Madam President, In addition to helping land CenterPoint police officers to wear body cameras earlier this month, Illinois lost a local Intermodal, he helped establish the and require State and local law en- legend after a courageous 5-year battle Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Re- forcement to use existing Federal fund- against cancer. serve, championed the construction of ing to ensure their officers use body A lifelong Illinoisan and a 50-year a new Will County sheriff’s office law cameras as well. public servant, Larry Walsh, Sr., was enforcement center, and broke ground Too often, after these unthinkable known for his booming voice and big on the new Will County Courthouse incidents of brutality, we learn that smile. He was a warm, welcoming pres- that will open this fall. law enforcement officers responsible ence in my life and the lives of his fam- Beyond elected service, he remained had a history of misconduct. This bill ily, friends, and countless others. deeply rooted in and dedicated to his would collect better and more accurate Larry, much like the communities he community. He was a member of the data on police misconduct and the use would come to represent on the local, Joliet Exchange Club, the Elwood of force and create a national registry county, and State levels, embodied the Lions Club, Friends of Hospice, and that would track officers’ complaint spirit and ethos of Illinois. He was born many local chambers of commerce. He records throughout their careers. And in Elwood, into a family with deep passionately contributed to local char- it would improve the use of pattern and roots in the farming community. Dedi- ities, like MorningStar Mission, Make- practice investigations into unconsti- cating his early life to the family A-Wish Foundation, Boy Scouts of tutional and discriminatory policing trade, he graduated Joliet Junior Col- America, and Cornerstone, among practice at the Federal, State, and lege, class of 1968, earning his associ- many others. local levels. ate’s degree in agriculture. He was a lifelong parishioner of St. The fact is that 99 percent of killings In 1970, at only the age of 21, he made Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Wil- by police do not result in any charges. his foray into politics, winning an elec- mington. He attended daily Mass and Convictions on those charges are even tion to the local school board. Just 3 was a Eucharistic minister and a mem- rarer. This bill would amend the Fed- years later, he was elected as Jackson ber of the Knights of Columbus. eral criminal statute that has made it Township supervisor—a position he I can’t begin to do justice to the leg- extremely difficult to prosecute law took great pride in and continued to acy that Larry leaves behind, but to enforcement officers. hold until December of 2004. his wife, Irene, of 50 years, his six chil- Finally, the bill would take the long He was first elected to the Will Coun- dren, and all the rest of his loved ones, overdue step of making lynching a Fed- ty Board in 1974—a county he would ul- please know how much we all cared for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.024 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S2998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 and how much we all respected Larry Everyone here is familiar with the I yield the floor. and how greatly he will be missed. Chinese Communist Party’s shameless I suggest the absence of a quorum. Thank you. use of political violence against the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The I yield back. Uighurs, the Tibetans, and the Hong clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Kong freedom fighters, but what many The senior assistant legislative clerk ator from Tennessee. don’t know is that the Chinese Com- proceeded to call the roll. SENATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA munist Party has been using their Con- Mr. HAWLEY. Madam President, I Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Presi- fucius Institute program to fly under ask unanimous consent that the order dent, as I do every week, this past the radar at American colleges and for the quorum call be rescinded. weekend, I went back to Tennessee. I universities and to suppress informa- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. will tell you, it really did my heart a tion about the true nature of the Chi- BLACKBURN). Without objection, it is so lot of good to see people who are out nese Government’s role. ordered. and about and enjoying beautiful These so-called institutes are pitched BOSTOCK V. CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA weather and enjoying our beautiful as opportunities to promote cultural Mr. HAWLEY. Madam President, I State. Nashville is beginning to open studies, but in reality they are propa- rise today to offer a few thoughts the doors of our music venues. Our ganda mills directly funded by the Chi- about the Bostock case handed down church bells are ringing, people are at- nese Communist Party. By design, they by the Supreme Court yesterday. I tending services, and our hikers are threaten academic liberty and free have it here. I have now had a chance back exploring our beautiful State speech. But somehow Beijing has man- to read the case, the decision by the parks and the Smokies. aged to place 72 Confucius Institutes on majority of the Court, and the two dis- Here on Capitol Hill, though, things American college campuses. It is hard senting opinions. really do look a lot different. When we to believe, but 72 of our Nation’s col- I have to say I agree with the news come back into town, we still return to leges and universities are hosts to reports that have said that this is truly empty offices and emptier hallways. I these Chinese Communist Party-funded a seismic decision. It is truly a historic will tell you, I have had a lot of people Confucius Institutes. They even say decision. It is truly a historic piece of ask me: What in the world is happening that this is part of their soft power and legislation. This piece of legislation changes the in Washington these days? Well, even their propaganda. scope of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It though the Chamber will look empty to American students deserve to know changes the meaning of the 1964 Civil those who are watching on TV, I want who is really talking to them at these Rights Act. It changes the text of the everybody who is watching to know institutes. Last week, we took the first 1964 Civil Rights Act. In fact, you that the Senate is here, and the Senate step toward protecting the integrity of our universities by passing the bipar- might well argue it is one of the most is at work. significant and far-reaching updates to Before the pandemic sent everyone tisan CONFUCIUS Act by unanimous that historic piece of legislation since home, we had made great progress re- consent. The bill would grant full man- agerial authority to the universities it was adopted all of those years ago. pairing our Nation’s judiciary and fill- Make no mistake, this decision, this ing empty seats at important Federal that host Confucius Institutes and pro- hibit the application of any foreign law piece of legislation will have effects agencies. The Senate has placed 198 that range from employment law to well-qualified, constitutionalist judges on any campus of a host institution. This is one piece of a larger effort to sports to churches. on the Federal bench. This week, we There is only one problem with this are going to hit that 200 number. We expose the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to pollute the minds of our piece of legislation. It was issued by a will be considering more of our district court, not by a legislature. It was writ- court nominations in coming weeks. young people. We thank Senator KEN- NEDY for his leadership in passing this ten by judges, not by the elected rep- We are also preparing to consider the resentatives of the people. And it did nomination of a former member of our legislation last week. Earlier this year, I introduced the what this Congress has pointedly de- House Republican Study Committee clined to do for years now, which is to team. Russ Vought has been serving as Transparency for Confucius Institutes Act, which would require ‘‘program change the text and the meaning and OMB’s Acting Director since January the application and the scope of a his- of 2019, and soon we will decide whether participation agreements’’ between these institutes and their American toric piece of legislation. to make that position permanent. I hosts to address the way Chinese offi- I think it is significant for another will tell you, I think Russ is more than cials influence what can and cannot be reason as well. This decision, this worthy of that honor, and I encourage taught in these programs. Bostock case and the majority who my colleagues to support his confirma- I also led a group of colleagues in wrote it, represents the end of some- tion when the time comes for that urging Education Secretary Betsy thing. It represents the end of the con- vote. DeVos to increase agency oversight of servative legal movement or the con- CHINA these programs so that we—the Amer- servative legal project as we know it. At this point, we know for a fact that ican people, the American taxpayer, After Bostock, that effort as we know the Chinese Government withheld in- students, and their families—know it, as it has existed up to now, is over. formation about the novel coronavirus what is being taught and the programs I say this because if textualism and that could have spared the American that are being offered in these insti- originalism give you this decision, if people a lot of heartache and even pre- tutes and, also, know who is paying for you can invoke textualism and vented the COVID–19 outbreak from es- this. originalism in order to reach a deci- calating into a global pandemic. Their Since March, life in America has sion, an outcome fundamentally that lies have already had catastrophic ef- changed dramatically, but the chal- changes the scope—meaning and appli- fects on the American economy, on loss lenges and threats this country faces cation of statutory law—then of life, on people’s livelihoods, and on have not gone away. Because of that, it textualism, originalism, and all of their well-being. But I think it is im- is important that, yes, we keep our at- those phrases don’t mean much at all. portant to reiterate that this kind of tention on these issues that are still Those are the things we have been behavior from China is not new. It is out there. Even though our attention fighting for. That is what I thought we not new. It is just newly realized. has been placed on the crisis and the had been fighting for. Those who call For a long time now, corporations, matter at hand, we still have a duty to ourselves legal conservatives, if we educational institutions, and even govern and to protect the country and have been fighting for legalism and Members of this body have been happy her institutions from destructive influ- textualism and this is the result of to ignore the problem because of prof- ences at home and those that come that, then I have to say that it turns its. I have spoken at length about the from far away. out we haven’t been fighting for very many ways that Big Tech’s entangle- I encourage my colleagues to remem- much, or maybe we have been fighting ment with Beijing has jeopardized our ber this and to stay focused as we begin for quite a lot, but it has been exactly privacy, intellectual property, and our another week of negotiations and the opposite of what we thought we Nation’s security. votes. were fighting for.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.025 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2999 This is a very significant decision. It made by this body. Why not? Because be pro-constitutional religious liberty marks a turning point for every con- this body doesn’t want to make law, judges—except that there aren’t; ex- servative, and it marks a turning point that is why not. In order to make law, cept that these judges don’t follow the for the legal conservative movement. you have to take a vote. In order to Constitution; except that these judges The legal conservative project has al- vote, you have to be on the record, and invoke textualism and originalism in ways depended on one group of people to be on the record is to be held ac- order to reach their preferred outcome. in particular, in order to carry the countable, and that is what this body I want to be clear. I am not person- weight of the votes, to actually support fears above all else. This body is terri- ally criticizing any Justice who joined this out in public, to get out there and fied of being held accountable for any- the majority opinion or wrote it. I be- make it possible electorally, and those thing on any subject. So can we be sur- lieve 100 percent that the Justice who are religious conservatives. I am one prised that where the legislature fears principally offered this—Justice myself. to tread, where the article I body—this Gorsuch—and those who joined him are Evangelicals, conservative Catholics, body that is charged by the Constitu- sincere and were writing to the best of conservative Jews—they are the ones— tion for legislating—refuses to do its their ability, reasoning to the best of let’s be honest—they are the ones who job, courts rush in and bureaucrats their ability. Whatever else you might have been the core of the legal conserv- too? Are they accountable to the peo- say about the opinion, it is not sloppily ative effort. The reason for that is—it ple? No, not at all. Do we have any re- reasoned. I think they were doing what dates back decades now, back to the source? Not really. What should we do? they thought was best and using all of 1970s. The reason for that is these reli- Now we must wait to see what the the skills and gifts they have. gious conservatives are from different super-legislators will say about our I question how we got here. I ques- backgrounds, but what they have con- rights in future cases. tion how judges who hold to this phi- If this case makes anything clear, it sistently sought together was protec- losophy ended up on that bench. I ques- is that the bargain that has been of- tion for their right to worship, for tion the bargain that people of faith fered to religious conservatives for their right to freely exercise their have been offered and asked to hold to years now is a bad one. It is time to re- faith, as the First Amendment guaran- for all of these years. ject it. The bargain has never been nec- The truth is, to those who have ob- tees, for their right to gather in their essarily explicitly articulated, but reli- communities, for their right to pursue jected to my own questioning of judi- gious conservatives know what it is. cial nominees in this body, to those the way of life that their scriptures The bargain is that you go along with who said I was wrong to question variously command and that the Con- the party establishment, you support judges who came before the Judiciary stitution absolutely protects. That is their policies and priorities—or at least Committee, to those who chided me for what they have asked for, that is what keep your mouth shut about it—and in asking tough questions even of nomi- they have sought all these years. return, the establishment will put Yet, as to those religious conserv- some judges on the bench who sup- nees by a Republican President, to atives, how do they fare in yesterday’s posedly will protect your constitu- those who said I was slowing down the decision? What will this decision mean, tional right to freedom of worship and process and I was out of line, and to the this rewrite of Title VII? What will it freedom of exercise. That is what we supposedly conservative groups who mean for churches? What will it mean have been told for years now. We were threatened to buy television time in for religious schools? What will it told that we are supposed to shut up my own State to punish me for asking mean for religious charities? while the party establishment focuses questions about conservative judges, I Well, in the many pages of its opin- more on cutting taxes and handing out just have this to say: This is why I ask ion—33 pages to be exact—the majority favors to corporations—multinational questions. This is why I won’t stop. does finally get around to say some- corporations that don’t share our val- And I wish some more people would ask thing about religious liberty on one ues, that will not stand up for Amer- some harder questions because this page. What does it say? Here is the sub- ican principles, and that are only too outcome is not acceptable, and the bar- stance of the Court’s analysis: How happy to ship American jobs overseas. gain religious conservatives have been ‘‘doctrines protecting religious liberty But we are supposed to say nothing offered is not tenable. interact with Title VII,’’ as reinter- about that. I would just say it is not the time for preted now by the Court, ‘‘are ques- We are supposed to keep our mouths religious conservatives to shut up. We tions for future cases.’’ Let’s have that shut because maybe we will get a judge have done that for too long. It is time again. How ‘‘doctrines protecting reli- out of the deal. That was the implicit for religious conservatives to stand up gious liberty interact with Title VII bargain. We are supposed to keep our and to speak out. It is time for reli- are questions for future cases.’’ No mouths shut while the party establish- gious conservatives to bring forward doubt they are huge questions. ment opens borders and while the party the best of our ideas on every policy af- We eagerly await what our super-leg- establishment pursues ruinous trade fecting this Nation. We should be out islators across the street in the Su- policies. We are supposed to keep our in the forefront leading on economics, preme Court building there at One mouths shut while those at the upper on trade, on race, on class, on every First Street will legislate on this ques- end of the income bracket get all of the subject that matters for what our tion. What will become of church-hir- attention while working families and Founders called the ‘‘general welfare’’ ing liberty? What will become of the college students and those who don’t because we have a lot to offer, not just policies of religious schools? What will want to go to college but can’t get a to protect our own rights but for the become of the fate of religious char- good job—they get what attention? good of all of our fellow citizens. ities? Who knows? Who is to say? They Workers. Children. What about par- As religious believers, we know that are questions for future cases. ents looking for help with the cost of serving our fellow citizens—whatever I will say this in defense of the Court: raising children; looking for help with their religious faith or whatever their It is difficult to anticipate in one case the culture in which they have to raise commitments may be—we know that all future possible implications. That children; looking for help with the serving them, aiding them, working for is why courts are supposed to leave leg- communities, rebuilding the commu- them is one of the signature ways we islating to legislators. That is why ar- nities in which they must carry out show a love of neighbor. It is time for ticle III does not give the U.S. Supreme their family life? What about college religious conservatives to do that. It is Court or any Federal court the power students trying to find an education time for religious conservatives to to legislate but only the judicial power that isn’t ruinously expensive and then take the lead rather than being pushed to decide cases and controversies, not trying to figure out some way to pay to the back. It is time for religious to decide policies. back that ruinous debt? What about conservatives to stand up and speak I will also say this: Everybody those who don’t have a college degree out rather than being told to sit down knows—every honest person knows and don’t want one but would like to and shut up. that the laws in this country today are get a good job? What about them? I am confident that people of faith made almost entirely by unelected bu- We are supposed to stay quiet about and good will all across this country reaucrats and courts; they are not all of that and more because there will are ready to do that and want to do

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.028 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 that and have something to offer this end was that we should stand up now similar concern for the conditions that country and every person in this coun- for all the issues facing our Nation— brought about the demonstrations. I am sure try, whatever their background or in- the economic issues, the racial issues. that none of you would want to rest content I thought it important and appro- with the superficial kind of social analysis come or race or religion, and because of that deals merely with effects and does not that, I am confident in the future. I am priate that following that speech, you grapple with underlying causes. It is unfor- also confident that the old ways will have the reading of the letter from the tunate that demonstrations are taking place not do. Let this be a departure. Let Birmingham jail to the leaders, the re- in Birmingham, but it is even more unfortu- this be a new beginning. Let this be the ligious leaders, to become involved and nate that the city’s white power structure start of something better. engaged in this current struggle. That left the [African-American] community with I yield the floor. is how change comes to America. no alternative. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- In any nonviolent campaign there are four Thank you for leading this process. basic steps: collection of the facts to deter- ator from Alabama. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- mine whether injustices exist; negotiation; DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.’S LETTER FROM ator from Louisiana. self purification; and direct action. We have BIRMINGHAM JAIL Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, gone through all these steps in Birmingham. Mr. JONES. Madam President, one of with me today is one of my colleagues There can be no gainsaying the fact that ra- the greatest indictments I believe ever from my office, Mr. Blain Callas. cial injustice engulfs this community. Bir- written was written on scraps of paper In the words of Dr. King’s letter from mingham is probably the most thoroughly in a lonely jail cell in Birmingham, a Birmingham jail: segregated city in the United States. Its ugly record of brutality is widely known. [African AL, in 1963. The letter from a Bir- APRIL 16, 1963. Americans] have experienced grossly unjust mingham jail written by Dr. Martin MY DEAR FELLOW CLERGYMEN: treatment in the courts. There have been Luther King is a call to action. While confined here in the Birmingham more unsolved bombings of [African-Amer- Last year, for the first time in the city jail, I came across your recent state- ican] homes and churches in Birmingham history of this body, the entire letter ment calling my present activities ‘‘unwise than in any other city in the nation. These was read on the Senate floor by three and untimely.’’ Seldom do I pause to answer are the hard, brutal facts of the case. On the criticism of my working ideas. If I sought to Republicans, three Democrats—a bipar- basis of these conditions, [African-American] answer all of the criticisms that cross my leaders sought to negotiate with the city fa- tisan effort, a bipartisan reading of a desk, my secretaries would have little time thers. But the latter consistently refused to letter that is so important, the words for anything other than such correspondence engage in good faith negotiation. of which still resonate today. in the course of a day, and I would have no Then, last September, came the op- time for constructive work. But since I feel Today, we do it again. I am pleased portunity to talk with leaders of Bir- that we have once again three Repub- you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I will mingham’s economic community. In licans and three Democrats to take the course of the negotiations, certain part in this historic reading. At this try to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms. promises were made by the mer- point, as we get to that letter, I would I think I should indicate why I am here in chants—for example, to remove the like to yield the floor to my friend Birmingham, since you have been influenced stores’ humiliating racial signs. On the from South Carolina, Senator SCOTT, by the view which argues against ‘‘outsiders basis of these promises, the Reverend for a special introduction for this im- coming in.’’ I have the honor of serving as Fred Shuttlesworth and the leaders of portant reading. president of the Southern Christian Leader- the Alabama Christian Movement for ship Conference, an organization operating The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Human Rights agreed to a moratorium ator from South Carolina. in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. We have some eighty on all demonstrations. As the weeks Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. and months went by, we realized that Madam President, we are at a critical five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama we were the victims of a broken prom- time in our Nation’s history. I think Christian Movement for Human Rights. Fre- ise. A few signs, briefly removed, re- we can all sense the opportunity that quently we share staff, educational and fi- turned; the others remained. As in so is before us. Through the challenges of nancial resources with our affiliates. Several many past experiences, our hopes had COVID and the death of George Floyd months ago the affiliate here in Birmingham been blasted, and the shadow of deep and its aftermath, we can affect real, asked us to be on call to engage in a non- disappointment settled upon us. We lasting change. violent direct action program if such were deemed necessary. We readily consented, and had no alternative except to prepare Perhaps the most famous line in Dr. for direct action, whereby we would King’s letter from Birmingham jail is when the hour came we lived up to our prom- ise. So I, along with several members of my present our very bodies as a means of ‘‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to jus- staff, am here because I was invited here. I laying our case before the conscience tice everywhere.’’ Let me say that one am here because I have organizational ties of the local and the national commu- more time. ‘‘Injustice anywhere is a here. nity. Mindful of the difficulties in- threat to justice everywhere.’’ More But more basically, I am in Birmingham volved, we decided to undertake a proc- than at any time I can remember, peo- because injustice is here. Just as the proph- ess of self purification. We began a se- ple of all ages and races are standing ets of the eighth century B.C. left their vil- lages and carried their ‘‘thus saith the Lord’’ ries of workshops on nonviolence, and up together for the idea that Lady Jus- we repeatedly asked ourselves: ‘‘Are tice must be blind. far beyond the boundaries of their home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his you able to accept the blows without Although COVID has delayed this village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of retaliating?’’ ‘‘Are you able to endure now-annual reading of Dr. King’s let- Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco the ordeal of jail?’’ ter, it has truly never been more im- Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the We decided to schedule our direct action portant than it is right now. gospel of freedom beyond my home town. program for the Easter season, realizing that I want to thank all of my colleagues Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the except for Christmas, this is the main shop- from both sides of the aisle for reading Macedonian call for aid. ping period of the year. Knowing that a today and Senator JONES for putting Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelat- strong economic-withdrawal program would this together again. edness of all communities and states. I can- be the by product of direct action, we felt Every time we hear them, the words not sit idly by in Atlanta and not be con- that this would be the best time to bring cerned about what happens in Birmingham. of Dr. King teach us something new. I pressure to bear on the merchants for the Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice ev- needed change. hope the Nation hears these words with erywhere. We are caught in an inescapable Then it occurred to us that Birmingham’s an open mind and an open heart and we network of mutuality, tied in a single gar- mayoral election was coming up in March, all come together unified for a bigger ment of destiny. Whatever affects one di- and we speedily decided to postpone action purpose. rectly, affects all indirectly. Never again can until after election day. When we discovered Senator JONES, let me close by say- we afford to live with the narrow, provincial that the Commissioner of Public Safety, Eu- ing that the letter from the Bir- ‘‘outside agitator’’ idea. gene ‘‘Bull’’ Connor, had piled up enough mingham jail was a letter written to Anyone who lives inside the United States votes to be in the run off, we decided again can never be considered an outsider any- the clergy of the time. As Senator to postpone action until the day after the where within its bounds. run off so that the demonstrations could not HAWLEY was speaking about the impor- Now, you deplore the demonstrations tak- be used to cloud the issues. tance of standing up for our religious ing place in Birmingham. But your state- Like many others, we waited to see Mr. liberties, the one thing he said at the ment, I am sorry to say, fails to express a Connor defeated, and to this end, we endured

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:47 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.029 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3001 postponement after postponement. Having almost always meant ‘‘Never.’’ We must false sense of superiority and the segregated aided in this community need, we felt our di- come to see, with one of our distinguished a false sense of inferiority. Segregation, to rect action program could be delayed no jurists, that ‘‘justice too long delayed is just use the terminology of the Jewish philoso- longer. denied.’’ pher Martin Buber, substitutes an ‘‘I it’’ re- The words of Dr. King. A letter from We have waited for more than 340 years for lationship for an ‘‘I though’’ relationship and our constitutional and God given rights. The ends up relegating persons to the status of a Birmingham jail, April 16, 1963. nations of Asia and Africa are moving with things. Hence, segregation is not only politi- I yield the floor. jetlike speed toward gaining political inde- cally, economically and sociologically un- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- pendence, but we still creep at horse and sound, it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul ator from Alabama. buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at Tillich has said that sin is separation. Is not Mr. JONES. Madam President, con- a lunch counter. Perhaps it is easy for those segregation an existential expression of tinuing reading the letter from Bir- who have never felt the stinging darts of seg- man’s tragic separation, his awful estrange- mingham jail: regation to say, ‘‘Wait.’’ But when you have ment, his terrible sinfulness? Thus it is that seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and I can urge men to obey the 1954 decision of You may well ask: ‘‘Why direct action? fathers at will and drown your sisters and the Supreme Court, for it is morally right; Why sit ins, marches and so forth? Isn’t ne- brothers at whim; when you have seen hate and I can urge them to disobey segregation gotiation a better path?’’ You are quite right filled policeman curse, kick and even kill ordinances, for they are morally wrong. in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the your black brothers and sisters; when you Let us consider a more concrete example of very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent di- see the vast majority of your twenty million just and unjust laws. An unjust law is a code rect action seeks to create such a crisis and Negro brothers smothering in an airtight that a numerical or a power majority group foster such a tension that a community cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent compels a minority group to obey but does which has constantly refused to negotiate is society . . . when you take a cross country not make binding on itself. This is difference forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to drive and find it necessary to sleep, night made legal. By the same token, a just law is dramatize the issue that it can no longer be after night, in the uncomfortable corners of a code that a majority compels a minority to ignored. My citing the creation of tension as your automobile because no motel will ac- follow and that it is willing to follow itself. part of the work of the nonviolent resister cept you; when you are humiliated day in This is sameness made legal. Let me give an- may sound rather shocking. But I must con- and day out by nagging signs reading other explanation. A law is unjust if it is in- fess that I am not afraid of the word ‘‘ten- ‘‘white’’ and ‘‘colored’’; when your first flicted on a minority that, as a result of sion.’’ I have earnestly opposed violent ten- name becomes [an expletive], your middle being denied the right to vote, had no part in sion, but there is a type of constructive, non- named becomes ‘‘boy’’ (however old you are) enacting or devising the law. Who can say violent tension which is necessary for and your last name becomes ‘‘John,’’ and that the legislature of Alabama which set up growth. Such as Socrates felt that it was your wife and mother are never given the re- that State’s segregation laws was democrat- necessary to create a tension in the mind so spected title ‘‘Mrs.’’; when you are harried ically elected? Throughout Alabama all sorts that individuals could rise from the bondage by day and haunted by night by the fact that of devious methods are used to prevent Ne- of myths and half truths to the unfettered you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe groes from becoming registered voters, and realm of creative analysis and objective ap- stance, never quite knowing what to expect there are some counties in which, even praisal, so must we see the need for non- next, and are plagued with inner fears and though Negroes constitute a majority of the violent gadflies to create the kind of tension outer resentments; when you are forever population, not a single Negro is registered. in society that will help men rise from the fighting a degenerating sense of Can any law enacted under such cir- dark depths of prejudice and racism to the ‘‘nobodiness’’—then you will understand why cumstances be considered democratically majestic heights of understanding and broth- we find it difficult to wait. structured? erhood. The purpose of our direct action pro- Sometimes a law is just on its face and un- I yield the floor. just in its application. For instance, I have gram is to create a situation so crisis packed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that it will inevitably open the door to nego- been arrested on a charge of parading with- tiation. I therefore concur with you in your ator from Oklahoma. out a permit. Now, there is nothing wrong in call for negotiation. Too long has our be- Mr. LANKFORD. ‘‘There comes a having an ordinance which requires a permit loved Southland been bogged down in a trag- time when the cup of endurance runs for a parade. But such an ordinance becomes ic effort to live in a monologue rather than over, and men are no longer willing to unjust when it is used to maintain segrega- dialogue. be plunged into the abyss of despair. I tion and to deny citizens the First Amend- One of the basic points in your statement hope, sirs, you can understand our le- ment privilege of peaceful assembly and pro- is that the action that I and my associates test. gitimate and unavoidable impatience. I hope you are able to see the distinction I have taken in Birmingham is untimely. You express a great deal of anxiety Some have asked: ‘‘Why didn’t you give the am trying to point out. In no sense do I advo- new city administration time to act?’’ The over our willingness to break laws. cate evading or defying the law, as would the only answer that I can give to this query is This is certainly a legitimate concern. rabid segregationist. That would lead to an- that the new Birmingham administration Since we so diligently urge people to archy. One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willing- must be prodded about as much as the out- obey the Supreme Court’s decision of ness to accept the penalty. I submit that an going one, before it will act. We are sadly 1954 outlawing segregation in the pub- individual who breaks a law that conscience mistaken if we feel that the election of Al- lic schools, at first glance it may seem tells him is unjust, and who willingly ac- bert Boutwell as mayor will bring the mil- rather paradoxical for us consciously cepts the penalty of imprisonment in order lennium to Birmingham. While Mr. Boutwell to break laws. One may well ask: ‘How to arouse the conscience of the community is a much more gentle person than Mr. Con- over its injustice, is in reality expressing the nor, they are both segregationists, dedicated can you advocate breaking some laws highest respect for the law. to the maintenance of the status quo. I have and obeying others?’ The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of Of course, there is nothing new about this hoped that Mr. Boutwell will be reasonable kind of civil disobedience. It was evidenced enough to see the futility of massive resist- laws: Just and unjust. I would be the sublimely in the refusal of Shadrach, ance to desegregation. But he will not see first to advocate obeying just laws. One Meshach, and Abednego to obey the laws of this without pressure from devotees of civil has not only a legal but a moral re- Nebuchadnezzar, on the ground that a higher rights. My friends, I must say to you that we sponsibility to obey just laws. Con- moral law was at stake. It was practiced su- have not made a single gain in civil rights versely, one has a moral responsibility perbly by the early Christians, who were without determined legal and nonviolent willing to face hungry lions and the excru- pressure. Lamentably, it is an historical fact to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law ciating pain of chopping blocks rather than that privileged groups seldom give up their submit to certain unjust laws of the Roman privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see is no law at all.’’’ Empire. To a degree, academic freedom is a the moral light and voluntarily give up their Now, what is the difference between the reality today because Socrates practiced unjust posture; but as Reinhold Niebuhr has two? How does one determine whether a law civil disobedience. In our own nation, the reminded us, groups tend to be more im- is just or unjust? A just law is a man made Boston Tea Party represented a massive act moral than individuals. code that squares with the moral law or the of civil disobedience. We know through painful experience that law of God. An unjust law is a code that is We should never forget that everything freedom is never voluntarily given by the op- out of harmony with the moral law. To put Adolf Hitler did in Germany was ‘‘legal’’ and pressor; it must be demanded by the op- it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An everything the Hungarian freedom fighters pressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a unjust law is a human law that is not rooted did in Hungary was ‘‘illegal.’’ It was ‘‘ille- direct action campaign that was ‘‘well in eternal law and natural law. Any law that gal’’ to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s timed’’ in the view of those who have not uplifts human personality is just. Any law Germany. Even so, I am sure that had I lived suffered unduly from the disease of segrega- that degrades human personality is unjust. in Germany at the time, I would have aided tion. For years now I have heard the word All segregation statutes are unjust because and comforted my Jewish brothers. If today ‘‘Wait!’’ It rings in the ear of every Negro segregation distorts the soul and damages I lived in a Communist country where cer- with piercing familiarity. This ‘‘Wait’’ has the personality. It gives the segregator a tain principles dear to the Christian faith

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.031 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 are suppressed, I would openly advocate dis- ored people will receive equal rights eventu- sciously or unconsciously, he has been obeying that country’s antireligious laws. ally, but it is possible that you are in too caught up by the Zeitgeist, and with his I must make two honest confessions to great a religious hurry. It has taken Christi- black brothers of Africa and his brown and you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. anity almost two thousand years to accom- yellow brothers of Asia, South America and First, I must confess that over the past few plish what it has. The teachings of Christ the Caribbean, the United States Negro is years I have been gravely disappointed with take time to come to earth.’’ Such an atti- moving with a sense of great urgency toward the white moderate. tude stems from a tragic misconception of the promised land of racial justice. If one I have almost reached the regrettable con- time, from the strangely irrational notion recognizes this vital urge that has engulfed clusion that the Negro’s great stumbling that there is something in the very flow of the Negro community, one should readily block in his stride toward freedom is not the time that will inevitably cure all ills. Actu- understand why public demonstrations are White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux ally, time itself is neutral; it can be used ei- taking place. The Negro has many pent up Klanner, but the white moderate, who is ther destructively or constructively. More resentments and latent frustrations, and he more devoted to ‘‘order’’ than to justice; who and more I feel that the people of ill will must release them. So let him march; let prefers a negative peace which is the absence have used time much more effectively than him make prayer pilgrimages to the city of tension to a positive peace which is the have the people of good will. We will have to hall; let him go on freedom rides—and try to presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘‘I repent in this generation not merely for the understand why he must do so. If his re- agree with you in the goal you seek, but I hateful words and actions of the bad people pressed emotions are not released in non- cannot agree with your methods of direct ac- but for the appalling silence of the good peo- violent ways, they will seek expression tion’’; who paternalistically believes he can ple. Human progress never rolls in on wheels through violence; this is not a threat but a set the timetable for another man’s freedom; of inevitability; it comes through the tire- fact of history. who lives by a mythical concept of time and less efforts of men willing to be coworkers So I have not said to my people: ‘‘Get rid who constantly advises the Negro to wait for with God, and without this hard work, time of your discontent.’’ Rather, I have tried to a ‘‘more convenient season.’’ Shallow under- itself becomes an ally of the forces of social say that this normal and healthy discontent standing from people of goodwill is more stagnation. We must use time creatively, in can be channeled through into the creative frustrating than absolute misunderstanding the knowledge that the time is always ripe outlet of nonviolent direct action. And now from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance to do right. Now is the time to make real the this approach is being termed extremist. But is much more bewildering than outright re- promise of democracy and transform our though I was initially disappointed at being jection. pending national elegy into a creative psalm categorized as an extremist, as I continued I had hoped that the white moderate would of brotherhood. Now is the time to lift our to think about the matter I gradually gained understand that law and order exist for the national policy from the quicksand of racial a measure of satisfaction from the label. Was purpose of establishing justice and that when injustice to the solid rock of human dignity. not Jesus an extremist for love: ‘‘Love your You speak of our activity in Birmingham they fail in this purpose they become the enemies, bless them that curse you, do good as extreme. At first I was rather dis- dangerously structured dams that block the to them that hate you, and pray for them appointed that fellow clergymen would see flow of social progress. which despitefully use you, and persecute my nonviolent efforts as those of an extrem- I had hoped that the white moderate would you.’’ Was not Amos an extremist for justice: ist. I began thinking about the fact that I understand that the present tension in the ‘‘Let justice roll down like waters and right- stand in the middle of two opposing forces in South is a necessary phase of the transition eousness like an ever flowing stream.’’ Was the Negro community. One is a force of com- from an obnoxious negative peace, in which not Paul an extremist for the Christian gos- placency, made up in part of Negroes who, as the Negro passively accepted his unjust pel: ‘‘I bear in my body the marks of the a result of long years of oppression, are so plight, to a substantive and positive peace, Lord Jesus.’’ Was not Martin Luther an ex- drained of self respect in the sense of in which all men will respect the dignity and tremist: ‘‘Here I stand; I cannot do other- ‘‘somebodiness’’ that they have adjusted to worth of human personality. Actually, we wise, so help me God.’’ And John Bunyan: ‘‘I segregation; and in part of a few middle-class who engage in nonviolent direct action are will stay in jail to the end of my days before Negroes who, because of a degree of aca- not the creators of tension. We merely bring I make a butchery of my conscience.’’ And demic and economic security and because in to the surface the hidden tension that is al- Abraham Lincoln: ‘‘This nation cannot sur- some ways they profit by segregation, have ready alive. We bring it out in the open, vive half slave and half free.’’ And Thomas become insensitive to the problems of the where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a Jefferson: ‘‘We hold these truths to be self masses. The other force is one of bitterness boil that can never be cured so long as it is evident, that all men are created equal . . .’’ and hatred, and it comes perilously close to covered up but must be opened with all its So the question is not whether we will be ex- advocating violence. It is expressed in the ugliness for the natural medicines of air and tremists, but what kind of extremists we will various black nationalist groups that are light, injustice must be exposed, with all the be. Will we be extremists for hate or for springing up across the nation, the largest tension its exposure creates, to the light of love? Will we be extremists for the preserva- and best known being Elijah Muhammad’s human conscience and the air of national tion of injustice or for the extension of jus- Muslim movement. Nourished by the Negro’s opinion before it can be cured. tice? In that dramatic scene on Calvary’s hill frustration over the continued existence of three men were crucified. We must never for- With that, I yield the floor. racial discrimination, this movement is get that all three were crucified for the same The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- made up of people who have lost faith in crime—the crime of extremism. Two were America, who have absolutely repudiated ator from Ohio. extremists for immorality, and thus fell Christianity, and who have concluded that Mr. BROWN. Madam President, a let- below their environment. The other, Jesus ter from Birmingham jail by Dr. Mar- the white man is an incorrigible ‘‘devil.’’ I have tried to stand between these two Christ, was an extremist for love, truth and tin Luther, Jr.: forces, saying that we need emulate neither goodness, and thereby rose above his envi- In your statement you assert that our ac- the ‘‘do nothingism’’ of the complacent nor ronment. Perhaps the South, the nation and tions, even though peaceful, must be con- the hatred and despair of the black nation- the world are in dire need of creative ex- demned because they precipitate violence. alist. For there is the more excellent way of tremists. But is this a logical assertion? Isn’t this like love and nonviolent protest. I am grateful to I yield the floor. condemning a robbed man because his pos- God that, through the influence of the Negro The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- session of money precipitated the evil act of church, the way of nonviolence became an ator from Utah. robbery? Isn’t this like condemning Socrates integral part of our struggle. If this philos- Mr. ROMNEY. Madam President, I because his unswerving commitment to ophy had not emerged, by now many streets continue reading the letter from the truth and his philosophical inquiries precip- of the South would, I am convinced, be flow- itated the act by the misguided populace in ing with blood. And I am further convinced Birmingham jail by Dr. Martin Luther which they made him drink hemlock? Isn’t that if our white brothers dismiss as ‘‘rabble King, Jr.: this like condemning Jesus because his rousers’’ and ‘‘outside agitators’’ those of us I had hoped the white moderate would see unique God consciousness and never ceasing who employ nonviolent direct action, and if this need. Perhaps I was too optimistic; per- devotion to God’s will precipitated the evil they refuse to support our nonviolent efforts, haps I expected too much. I suppose I should act of crucifixion? We must come to see that, millions of Negroes will, out of frustration have realized that few members of the op- as the federal courts have consistently af- and despair, seek solace and security in pressor race can understand the deep groans firmed, it is wrong to urge an individual to black nationalist ideologies—a development and passionate yearnings of the oppressed cease his efforts to gain his basic constitu- that would inevitably lead to a frightening race, and still fewer have the vision to see tional rights because the quest may precipi- racial nightmare. that injustice must be rooted out by strong, tate violence. Society must protect the Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed persistent and determined action. I am robbed and punish the robber. I had also forever. The yearning for freedom eventually thankful, however, that some of our white hoped that the white moderate would reject manifests itself, and that is what has hap- brothers in the South have grasped the the myth concerning time in relation to the pened to the American Negro. Something meaning of this social revolution and com- struggle for freedom. I have just received a within has reminded him of his birthright of mitted themselves to it. They are still all letter from a white brother in Texas. He freedom, and something without has re- too few in quantity, but they are big in qual- writes: ‘‘All Christians know that the col- minded him that it can be gained. Con- ity. Some—such as Ralph McGill, Lillian

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.033 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3003 Smith, Harry Golden, James McBride Dabbs, interposition and nullification? Where were faith that right defeated is stronger than Ann Braden and Sarah Patton Boyle—have they when Governor Wallace gave a clarion evil triumphant. Their witness has been the written about our struggle in eloquent and call for defiance and hatred? Where were spiritual salt that has preserved the true prophetic terms. Others have marched with their voices of support when bruised and meaning of the gospel in these troubled us down nameless streets of the South. They weary Negro men and women decided to rise times. have languished in filthy, roach infested from the dark dungeons of complacency to They have carved a tunnel of hope through jails, suffering the abuse and brutality of po- the bright hills of creative protest?’’ the dark mountain of disappointment. I hope licemen who view them as ‘‘dirty Yes, these questions are still in my mind. the church as a whole will meet the chal- niggerlovers.’’ Unlike so many of their mod- In deep disappointment I have wept over the lenge of this decisive hour. But even if the erate brothers and sisters, they have recog- laxity of the church. But be assured that my church does not come to the aid of justice, I nized the urgency of the moment and sensed tears have been tears of love. There can be have no despair about the future. I have no the need for powerful ‘‘action’’ antidotes to no deep disappointment where there is not fear about the outcome of our struggle in combat the disease of segregation. Let me deep love. Yes, I love the church. How could Birmingham, even if our motives at present take note of my other major disappointment. I do otherwise? I am in the rather unique po- are misunderstood. We will reach the goal of I have been so greatly disappointed with the sition of being the son, the grandson and the freedom in Birmingham and all over the na- white church and its leadership. Of course, great grandson of preachers. Yes, I see the tion, because the goal of America is freedom. Abused and scorned though we may be, our there are some notable exceptions. I am not church as the body of Christ. But, oh! How destiny is tied up with America’s destiny. unmindful of the fact that each of you has we have blemished and scarred that body Before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth, we taken some significant stands on this issue. through social neglect and through fear of were here. Before the pen of Jefferson etched I commend you, Reverend Stallings, for your being nonconformists. the majestic words of the Declaration of Christian stand on this past Sunday, in wel- There was a time when the church was Independence across the pages of history, we coming Negroes to your worship service on a very powerful—in the time when the early nonsegregated basis. I commend the Catholic were here. For more than two centuries, our Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy forebears labored in this country without leaders of this state for integrating Spring to suffer for what they believed. In those Hill College several years ago. wages; they made cotton king; they built the days the church was not merely a thermom- homes of their masters while suffering gross But despite these notable exceptions, I eter that recorded the ideas and principles of must honestly reiterate that I have been dis- injustice and shameful humiliation—and yet popular opinion; it was a thermostat that out of a bottomless vitality they continued appointed with the church. I do not say this transformed the mores of society. Whenever as one of those negative critics who can al- to thrive and develop. If the inexpressible the early Christians entered a town, the peo- cruelties of slavery could not stop us, the op- ways find something wrong with the church. ple in power became disturbed and imme- I say this as a minister of the gospel, who position we now face will surely fail. We will diately sought to convict the Christians for win our freedom because the sacred heritage loves the church; who was nurtured in its being ‘‘disturbers of the peace’’ and ‘‘outside bosom; who has been sustained by its spir- of our nation and the eternal will of God are agitators.’’ But the Christians pressed on, in embodied in our echoing demands. Before itual blessings and who will remain true to it the conviction that they were ‘‘a colony of closing I feel impelled to mention one other as long as the cord of life shall lengthen. heaven,’’ called to obey God rather than When I was suddenly catapulted into the point in your statement that has troubled man. Small in number, they were big in com- leadership of the bus protest in Montgomery, me profoundly. You warmly commended the mitment. They were too God-intoxicated to Alabama, a few years ago, I felt we would be Birmingham police force for keeping ‘‘order’’ be ‘‘astronomically intimidated.’’ By their supported by the white church. I felt that and ‘‘preventing violence.’’ I doubt that you effort and example they brought an end to the white ministers, priests and rabbis of the would have so warmly commended the police such ancient evils as infanticide and glad- South would be among our strongest allies. force if you had seen its dogs sinking their iatorial contests. Things are different now. teeth into unarmed, nonviolent Negroes. I Instead, some have been outright opponents, So often the contemporary church is a weak, doubt that you would so quickly commend refusing to understand the freedom move- ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So the policemen if you were to observe their ment and misrepresenting its leaders; all too often it is an arch defender of the status quo. ugly and inhumane treatment of Negroes many others have been more cautious than Far from being disturbed by the presence of here in the city jail; if you were to watch courageous and have remained silent behind the church, the power structure of the aver- them push and curse old Negro women and the anesthetizing security of stained glass age community is consoled by the church’s young Negro girls; if you were to see them windows. In spite of my shattered dreams, I silent—and often even vocal—sanction of slap and kick old Negro men and young boys; came to Birmingham with the hope that the things as they are. if you were to observe them, as they did on white religious leadership of this community But the judgment of God is upon the two occasions, refuse to give us food because would see the justice of our cause and, with church as never before. If today’s church we wanted to sing our grace together. I can- deep moral concern, would serve as the chan- does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of not join you in your praise of the Bir- nel through which our just grievances could the early church, it will lose its authen- mingham police department. reach the power structure. I had hoped that ticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be It is true that the police have exercised a each of you would understand. But again I dismissed as an irrelevant social club with degree of discipline in handling the dem- have been disappointed. onstrators. In this sense they have con- I have heard numerous southern religious no meaning for the twentieth century. Every day I meet young people whose disappoint- ducted themselves rather ‘‘nonviolently’’ in leaders admonish their worshipers to comply public. But for what purpose? To preserve with a desegregation decision because it is ment with the church has turned into out- right disgust. the evil system of segregation. Over the past the law, but I have longed to hear white min- few years I have consistently preached that isters declare: ‘‘Follow this decree because Perhaps I have once again been too opti- mistic. Is organized religion too inextricably nonviolence demands that the means we use integration is morally right and because the must be as pure as the ends we seek. I have Negro is your brother.’’ In the midst of bla- bound to the status quo to save our nation and the world? Perhaps I must turn my faith tried to make it clear that it is wrong to use tant injustices inflicted upon the Negro, I immoral means to attain moral ends. But have watched white churchmen stand on the to the inner spiritual church, the church within the church, as the true ekklesia and now I must affirm that it is just as wrong, or sideline and mouth pious irrelevancies and perhaps even more so, to use moral means to sanctimonious trivialities. In the midst of a the hope of the world. But again I am thank- ful to God that some noble souls from the preserve immoral ends. Perhaps, Mr. Connor mighty struggle to rid our nation of racial and his policemen had been rather non- and economic injustice, I have heard many ranks of organized religion have broken loose from the paralyzing chains of con- violent in public, as was Chief Pritchett in ministers say: ‘‘Those are social issues, with Albany, Georgia, but they have used the which the gospel has no real concern.’’ And I formity and joined us as active partners in the struggle for freedom. They have left moral means of nonviolence to maintain the have watched many churches commit them- immoral end of racial injustice. As T. S. El- selves to a completely other worldly religion their secure congregations and walked the streets of Albany, Georgia, with us. They liot has said: ‘‘The last temptation is the which makes a strange, un-Biblical distinc- greatest treason: To do the right deed for the tion between body and soul, between the sa- have gone down the highways of the South on tortuous rides for freedom. wrong reason.’’ cred and the secular. I wish you had commended the Negro sit I have traveled the length and breadth of I yield the floor. inners and demonstrators of Birmingham for Alabama, Mississippi and all the other The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- their sublime courage, their willingness to southern states. On sweltering summer days ator from Illinois. suffer, and their amazing discipline in the and crisp autumn mornings I have looked at Ms. DUCKWORTH. Madam President, midst of great provocation. One day the the South’s beautiful churches with their I continue with the reading of the let- South will recognize its real heroes. They lofty spires pointing heavenward. I have be- will be the James Merediths, with the noble held the impressive outlines of her massive ter from Birmingham jail, Dr. Martin sense of purpose that enables them to face religious education buildings. Over and over Luther King, Jr. jeering and hostile mobs, and with the ago- I have found myself asking: ‘‘What kind of Yes, they have gone to jail with us. Some nizing loneliness that characterizes the life people worship here? Who is their God? have been dismissed from their churches, of the pioneer. They will be old, oppressed Where were their voices when the lips of have lost the support of their bishops and battered Negro women symbolized in a sev- Governor Barnett dripped with words of fellow ministers. But they have acted in the enty two year old woman in Montgomery,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.036 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 Alabama, who rose up with a sense of dignity the floor today and picture him in a ing Dr. King’s call for action today— and with her people decided not to ride seg- small, dirty jail cell, writing in my greatest fear at this moment, quite regated buses, and who responded with longhand on napkins and scraps of frankly, is that so many people who ungrammatical profundity to one who in- paper and newspaper to a group of min- have felt powerless or unaffected who quired about her weariness: ‘‘My feets is tired, but my soul is at rest.’’ They will be isters who were not hateful as much as are willing to march and speak out, the young high school and college students, they were questioning the need for ac- ready to change the fairness of our the young ministers of the gospel and a host tion at that particular moment in 1963. laws and society—my greatest concern of their elders, courageously and non- There are some who would say that, is that these good people will get dis- violently sitting in at lunch counters and to share my thoughts on our situation tracted. It is easy to be overwhelmed willingly going to jail for conscience’ sake. today, I need to move beyond a letter by the magnitude of the problem. It is One day the South will know that when written in 1963, beyond a call of action understandable to not know where to these disinherited children of God sat down so long ago. Certainly, it is true that begin. But it is not enough to simply at lunch counters, they were in reality there are more contemporary voices agree any longer, to simply have a con- standing up for what is best in the American dream and for the most sacred values in our and writings that explain how we versation. Judeo Christian heritage, thereby bringing should see our times and what actions Remember, Dr. King confesses to the our nation back to those great wells of de- are needed today, now and in the ministers to whom he is responding mocracy which were dug deep by the found- present. After all, although it was un- that he has been gravely disappointed ing founders in their formulation of the Con- certain in the spring of 1963, Dr. King, with what he terms, in 1963, the ‘‘White stitution and the Declaration of Independ- in a movement, would go on to achieve model.’’ ence. historic changes with the signing of If a conversation is all that comes Never before have I written so long a let- from the moment we are in, then our ter. I’m afraid it is much too long to take the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and so many other society will have lost the greatest your precious time. I can assure you that it chance of our lifetime to remedy would have been much shorter if I had been legislative victories. writing from a comfortable desk, but what But I believe we are at a similar mo- wrongs that have compounded for cen- else can one do when he is alone in a narrow ment today, in this time, in this place, turies. jail cell, other than write long letters, think and that Dr. King’s words are as con- It is time for both our institutions long thoughts, and pray long prayers? temporary as they are powerful. You and our society to meaningfully re- If I have said anything in this letter that see, in 1963, Alabama had become the verse the degenerating sense of overstates the truth and indicates an unrea- focal point of the racism and division nobodiness. sonably impatience, I beg you to forgive me. In this moment, we have a critical and hatred that existed throughout our If I have said anything that understates the mass of society that understands the Nation. Bombings and fires in Black truth and indicates my having a patience legitimate and unavoidable patience of that allows me to settle for anything less neighborhoods were commonplace; sus- which Dr. King spoke. The last few than brotherhood, I beg God to forgive me. pects never apprehended; a Governor months have made the truths of being I hope this letter finds you strong in the promising segregation now, segrega- Black in America clear to all. faith. I also hope that circumstances will tion tomorrow, segregation forever; soon make it possible for me to meet each of We have watched somewhat help- you, not as an integrationist or a civil-rights Bull Connor shocking the Nation when lessly as a pandemic killed Black peo- he unleashed vicious police dogs and leader but as a fellow clergymen and a Chris- ple at the rate of almost 21⁄2 times that tian brother. Let us all hope that the dark firehoses on innocent children engaged of other Americans, not from a muta- clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away in a peaceful protest; and later in that tion of the virus but from an under- and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be year, a church bombing that killed four funded health system that too often de- lifted from our fear drenched communities, young girls simply because of the color prives Black Americans care for diabe- and in some not too distant tomorrow, the of their skin. radiant stars of love and brotherhood will tes, heart disease, and other health The question on the day Dr. King was issues that are now described as pre- shine over our great nation with all their arrested was, Why now? Why the risk scintillating beauty. existing conditions. Yours for the cause of Peace and Brother- of jail and perhaps death to protest We have watched an economic toll as hood, conditions in a city that Dr. King had Black-owned businesses failed at twice MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. described as the most segregated in the rate of others, and unemployment I yield the floor. America—a city, though, that had just for Black Americans grows faster and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. elected a new city government that will stay higher than those of the rest BOOZMAN). The Senator from Alabama. had promised change? It is a question of America. Mr. JONES. Mr. President, I want to Dr. King and all Black Americans had Of course, through this pandemic, we first thank my colleagues who joined heard for too long, and it was time for have also seen the heroes: Black work- me today. an answer. ers delivering packages, stocking gro- As Senator SCOTT said, we had hoped I believe the wisdom of this letter is cery stores, and serving on frontlines to do this in April on the anniversary perhaps the best frame to view how we in hospitals and as first responders. of the writing of this letter. Unfortu- move forward during this moment, the But the economic reality of being nately, the pandemic overtook us. But, movement of this time, the movement Black in America remains a sin of our as Senator SCOTT said, I don’t think of this generation. In passage after pas- Nation. the timing could be any better than sage, Dr. King warns us how easily peo- There have certainly been many today. ple can fall back to accepting the sta- Black Americans who have pushed Just as last year when we did this, I tus quo, how easily people can hear the through a system weighted against am sure that each of my colleagues word ‘‘wait’’ when, in fact, the word them to prosper, to find the American today will leave the floor with an even means ‘‘never.’’ dream. We celebrate those folks but greater appreciation of Dr. King’s leg- From a jail cell in Birmingham in must face the fact that discrimination acy and I hope a better understanding 1963, Dr. King told us that action in and institutional racism push much of where America finds itself today. that moment was critical so that too hard against the health, education, When we think of Dr. King, we usu- issues of racism and inequality job opportunities, and financial secu- ally see him on the steps of the Lincoln throughout the land would no longer be rity of those whom this Government of Memorial eloquently and passionately ignored. And here we are, 57 years the United States of America once describing his dream for America or be- later—57 years later—and his words are counted as only three-fifths of a per- hind a pulpit in Memphis urging his au- still just as timely. The action in this son. dience to press forward, to not be dis- moment, our moment, is likewise crit- Then, while in the course of this pan- couraged in their quest for civil and ical so that issues of systemic racism demic, as we were seeing the truths of equal rights because he had been to the and inequality can finally be erased. this system and society that have been mountaintop and he had seen the While so many seem to be heeding easy to pretend did not really exist, on Promise Land. Dr. King’s call for action—across the our screens came a video of a Black It is, frankly, somewhat astounding country, we see it time and again: hun- man being killed with the knee of a po- to read his thoughts that were read on dreds, if not thousands, of people heed- lice officer on the back of his neck.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:59 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.038 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3005 The image of George Floyd on the from congressional leaders on both apathy and disinterest rise to the surface ground—as low as one could possibly, sides of the political aisle, and in both when the next logical steps are to be taken. physically get in life—with the knee of Houses of the U.S. Congress. I am hope- Laws are passed in a crisis mood after a Bir- mingham or a Selma, but no substantial fer- a police officer—an agent of the ful—even optimistic—that we can find vor survives the formal signing of legisla- State—on his neck, keeping him on the the common ground necessary to tion. The recording of the law in itself is ground, was far more than just an achieve meaningful reform, but we will treated as the reality of the reform. image of the legalities of a violation of need to do more for this country. The point is simply, but signifi- George Floyd’s civil rights and the As Dr. King reminds us, sometimes a cantly, to those of you who have suf- color of law; it was an image of a soci- law is just on its face and unjust in its fered long for equality and for oppor- ety and a culture that keep the knee application. I would add to that that a tunity: Keep this moment alive. Keep on the necks of Black Americans law that seemed to hold such promise it alive beyond the crisis mood we find through systemic racism and discrimi- at one time can be eroded to the point ourselves in today by continuing to en- nation. where it becomes unjust. gage those who have more recently George Floyd’s cries of ‘‘I can’t To that end, I respectfully submit seen your plight through new eyes. De- breathe’’ were not just the cries of an that we should review the Voting mand that we not just meet this mo- innocent man pleading for his life but Rights Act to make sure that easy suc- ment with more division, intolerance, the cries of so many of our fellow cess at the ballot box is a reality, espe- and anger at one another that pulls us Americans who are choked by cially in the midst of a healthcare cri- farther apart and deeper into chaos healthcare systems that deny them ac- sis. We should examine existing laws where we have failed to heal. That can- cess to quality and affordable and practices in education to make not be America’s future. healthcare; who are, in Dr. King’s sure everyone has equal access to a Demand that it not be, as Dr. King’s words, ‘‘smothering in an airtight cage quality education. We should examine letter warned, simply a moment for an- of poverty,’’; who can’t breathe the existing laws to ensure that everyone other conversation that makes it sound fresh air of affordable housing, edu- has equal economic opportunities, in- like something is changing but it never cation, and economic opportunities; or cluding protections from employment does. who simply have to hold their own discrimination. The path from the first slave ship to To that extent, I should add that, breath when they or their sons or their land on these shores, to the lone, bar- with the historic Supreme Court deci- daughters venture away from their ren jail cell in Birmingham, AL, where sion yesterday—one which I applaud, home, fearing a police encounter that Dr. King wrote his letter that we read even though some in this body may will take their life. today, to the deaths of George Floyd Perhaps even more than the dogs and not—we should immediately bring the and Breonna Taylor and Rayshard the firehoses in Birmingham or the Equality Act to the floor of the Senate Brooks—that path is a long one—too State trooper beatings on the Edmund and affirm our commitment to ending long. It is a path of a multigenera- discrimination in the workplace in any Pettus Bridge in Selma, AL, the video tional failure to be the America of our form, against any individual. of George Floyd’s last moments on ideals, where the Civil War is actually We should examine again existing over and we are truly one Nation, with Earth was a confluence of events that laws that continue to deny quality, af- gave our Nation an image of itself that liberty and justice for all. fordable healthcare to poor and low-in- I will tell you, as a son of the South— it could no longer bear. come households, including giving I truly—I truly and fully believe that the Deep South—that we should not States like Alabama the incentives the soul of America has come to the lose this moment. We in the South necessary to expand Medicaid to get streets of America looking for a way have been at the center of this divide those Federal dollars to help lift those for all of her people to live in a more for too long, and we can be at the cen- individuals who not only struggled be- just society; that we are at a time ter of healing it and leading the Nation fore this pandemic but have lost their to a more just society. when what I have called a crisis healthcare during this pandemic. trifecta of health, economic, and in- Since our country’s inception, we We need to examine laws like the have said the words: ‘‘All are created equality has resulted in a careful ex- Fair Housing Act, signed only a week amination and introspection of our be- equal.’’ We have pledged that we are a after Dr. King’s assassination, in order nation with justice for all—all, not liefs and our priorities about race and to ensure that that act fulfills the about poverty; that we have come to some—all. But we know that we have promise upon which it was enacted. never lived up to that ideal. We all understand more than at any time in We spend billions of dollars each year the history of our country that what- know it. to perpetuate housing that keeps peo- In response to many of the protests ever affects one directly affects all in- ple without means, especially Black that are taking place across this coun- directly. families, trapped in places where it is Standing on the floor of the U.S. Sen- try today, where voices and T-shirts difficult to access education, healthy and face masks proclaim that ‘‘Black ate, though, I know that this moment food, and economic opportunities. Un- requires more than introspection on lives matter,’’ some insist on saying fortunately, all signs are pointing to a that ‘‘all lives matter.’’ Of course they our part. We in this body and in gov- worsening housing crisis because of the ernment as a whole have the power to do, but we will not be a country where pandemic. we are all truly equal and where justice effect actual change. To not do so with As a people and as a Congress, we is for all until we can all say the words speed would be forever unpardonable. cannot let this moment pass. By saying As a person, as an individual, as a ‘‘Black lives matter’’ and mean it. that, I mean more than just passing re- We have to mean it now. All of us citizen of the United States, I know forms. Surely reforms are needed, but must reject the voices of hatred and in- that I must, like everyone in this coun- the greater need is not just to reform tolerance and division. All of us must try, open my heart and my mind to lis- but to transform, to make a dramatic embrace taking action to root out in- ten with concern and empathy and to change in the nature and character of justice and to seek justice and oppor- act as an individual. But I also know our institutions and our culture toward tunity for all. The road to racial jus- that as a U.S. Senator, I am ready to a more just government and society. tice in America has taken far too long, act, freely admitting that I might not To that end, as we focus on heeding but it is a path we must walk together have the ideal solution or all of the an- Dr. King’s call to action written in if we are to reach the mountaintop. swers but not letting the theoretical 1963, we should also remember his To my colleagues, I say: Join me and perfect be the enemy of tangible words written just 3 years after the others. To the people of Alabama and change that we must see, not asking passage of the Civil Rights Act and 2 our Nation I say: Join together. our citizens to wait any longer than years after the passage of the Voting It is time, America. It is time. they already have. Rights Act. In his 1967 final book I yield the floor. As a body, we have acted before, and ‘‘Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos Or The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- we should act again. To that end, we Community?’’ Dr. King wrote: ator from Texas. are seeing proposals for law enforce- [America] has been sincere and even ardent Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, today is ment reform from the administration, in welcoming some change. But too quickly the second time in the last 2 years that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.041 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 I have had the opportunity to join the and murdered in violent and angry pro- owned a lot of the land out West and Senator from Alabama, coming to- tests and riots and looting, the words carved a bunch of it up to make na- gether with a bipartisan group of Sen- of Dr. King calling out to resist vio- tional parks—Yellowstone, Yosemite, ators to read Dr. King’s letter from the lence and to speak for justice—those Grand Canyon, and other places that Birmingham jail. words—should be heard by all of us. we know. So they looked around the I want to thank the Senator from A third observation, in calling for United States in the east and said: Alabama for his leadership and bring- justice, Dr. King appealed to our found- Where can we have a national park? ing this group together. I have read ing principles. There are some, particu- And they settled on the Great Smoky that letter many times before, but I larly young people, today, who are Mountains. So they created a park that had never read it out loud. I had never angry, who are being peddled, I think, is half in Tennessee and half in North heard the words spoken, much less what is a bill of goods—a lie—that Carolina. It wasn’t easy to do in the heard them spoken in this historic America is fundamentally unjust, that midst of the Great Depression. Chamber. it is an evil society built upon racism. Governor Austin Peay of Tennessee I think today is a time when every That is simply not true. Is there evil brought the legislature—mostly Demo- American should listen to those words. in the world? Yes. Is there racism in crats—to Republican East Tennessee Today is a time that every American the world? Yes. Is there oppression in twice by train to see this 500,000 acres should look back at the incredible call the world? Yes. Is all of that present in of land. The State of Tennessee to justice that Dr. King gave us. the United States? Absolutely. couldn’t come up with enough money This is a time where our Nation is But Dr. King, in this letter, didn’t en- to buy it, and neither could North grieving. This is a time where there is deavor to tear down the foundations of Carolina. Then John D. Rockefeller, anger, division, rage. This is a time our Nation. Instead, he made an ex- Jr., offered $5 million in honor of his where our country is divided on racial plicit appeal that the promises this Na- mother, Laura Spelman Rockefeller, if lines in a way it hasn’t been in a long, tion was founded upon—the promises of anybody would match it. So the State long time. This is a time where we need freedom, the promises of equality—we legislatures in both States—Tennessee to hear a call to unity—a call to unity have not yet fully achieved that, but and North Carolina—appropriated $2 and a call to justice. Dr. King’s call we can. million each, and then the remaining was powerful for both, for unity and for That is the beauty of this American million was raised by public subscrip- justice. experiment. We are a nation founded tion—schoolchildren, teachers. People I would like to just briefly make on the proposition that all men are cre- all over the region raised the money, three observations about this historic ated equal, even though our history and that $10 million bought 500,000 letter. The first is that this was a let- has been troubled in achieving that ob- acres that today is visited by 12 million ter from a pastor written to pastors. jective. Americans every year. It is by far the We refer to Dr. King as ‘‘Dr. King,’’ and So I thank my colleagues, both Re- most visited national park, attracting it is easy to forget that he was also publicans and Democrats, who came two, three—four times as many visitors Reverend King. He was a Christian today to reread this letter. We need to as many of our most popular western minister who preached the Gospel. hear these words. We need to hear this parks because it is located in the east The very first words of this letter are message. We need to stand for justice and because it has the highest moun- ‘‘My Dear Fellow Clergymen.’’ That is and stand for unity. tains in the east. to whom this was addressed, the lead- I yield the floor. But here is the problem with the ers in the church, where he had a mes- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- Great Smoky Mountains National sage of get off your rear ends and stand SIDY). The Senator from Tennessee. Park: The 12 million visitors a year are for justice. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, about to use it up. Too many of the 800- If you are a person of faith, then, jus- there is a reason why 800 conservation plus miles of trails are worn, so when tice, defeating racial discrimination, organizations, every U.S. Secretary of you walk on them, you stumble. Too defeating bigotry is not just a matter Interior from Babbitt to Zinke, and the many of the roads are potholed. Too of truth, but it is a matter of morality. President of the United States, Presi- many of the roofs leak. Here is what Dr. King said about it in dent Trump, support the legislation we There is one campground that I can the opening paragraphs of the letter: ‘‘I are going to be voting on at about noon see from my house almost on am in Birmingham because injustice is tomorrow, and that is because, in my Chilhowee Mountain at the edge of the here.’’ view and in the view of many others, it park called the Look Rock Camp- Understand how much this was a call is the most important piece of con- ground that has been closed for 5 or 6 to church leaders. He says: ‘‘Just as the servation legislation this country will years because the sewage system won’t prophets of the eighth century B.C. left have passed in at least half a century. work—5,000 families want to go up their villages and carried’’. . . . their And why is that? It is because it takes there and can’t, and the sewage system message.... ‘‘just as the Apostle Paul nearly $14 billion—up to $14 billion— won’t work. Obviously these aren’t just left his village of Tarsus and carried over the next 5 years from energy ex- Tennessee families; they are from all the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far ploration on our public lands and over the country. We have 6 or 7 mil- corners of the Greco Roman world, so spends it to cut in half the deferred lion people living in Tennessee. We am I compelled to carry the gospel of maintenance backlog in our national have 14 million visitors a year. freedom beyond my own home town.’’ parks, our national forests, and our na- So what this bill does is it says to the At a time when our Nation is griev- tional refuges, and also to rebuild In- Great Smoky Mountains: All right. ing, is in anguish, is in anger, is in di- dian schools. You have $224 million of deferred main- vision, Dr. King’s—Reverend King’s— In addition to that, it does something tenance—of potholes, of worn trails, of message to church leaders to stand up that Congress has been trying to do for sewage systems, of leaky roofs—$224 for justice, to stand up for truth reso- 60 years, since the midsixties. It per- million. Your operating budget is only nates clear as a bell today. manently funds the Land and Water $20 million a year. This deferred main- As a second observation, Dr. King, in Conservation Fund, which supplies to tenance is 10 to 12 times the amount of this letter and throughout his min- both the Federal Government and your operating budget. It will never get istry, throughout his public leadership, States money to create national parks done. It will never get done without a called over and over and over to resist and routes to fishing access and to bill like this or this bill, which will say violence. Against the voices of those other places in the country that we all to the Smokies and to the National who agreed with him about the injus- treasure. Mall and to the Pearl Harbor Visitor tices, he was calling out where he said In the middle of the Great Depression Center and to the Grand Canyon and to violence is not the way. in the 1930s, the people of eastern Ten- all 419 of our national parks: We are As we have seen rioting in our cities, nessee and western North Carolina going to cut half of the $12 billion de- as we have seen small businesses looked around and said: Why are all ferred maintenance bill—we are going burned to the ground, as we have seen the national parks out West? Well, it to cut half of that out over the next 5 police officers assaulted and wounded was because the Federal Government years, and we are going to take money

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:34 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.043 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3007 from energy exploration on public So since the midsixties, good people tionships among the sponsoring Sen- lands and use some of it for that. in this body and good people outside of ators. And one is a superior staff. We Not just our national parks, Presi- this body have been working to make have had all three of those, and I would dent Trump agreed—in fact, I talked to the Land and Water Conservation Fund like to place into the RECORD—or I him about it on his trip to Tennessee permanent and haven’t been able to do think I will read them—the names of when he came to visit after the torna- that, but now we can. some of the staff members who have does. Now let’s talk about the money for a been so helpful to us: Curtis Swager I said: Mr. President, the sponsors of minute. and Jennifer Loraine of Senator GARD- our bill, Democrats and Republicans, Senator PORTMAN, a former director NER’s office; Jason Thielman, Joshua would like to add to the bill our other of the budget office, points out that we Sizemore, and Holly Hinojosa of Sen- public lands. We would like to add the are spending real money to reduce an ator DAINES’ office; Lance West, David national forests. unpaid debt. This isn’t like just adding Brooks, and Renae Black of Senator The Cherokee National Forest, for to the budget, which we do sometimes MANCHIN’s office; Pam Thiessen and example, is in Tennessee and North without paying for it. This is real Sarah Peery of Senator PORTMAN’s of- Carolina. It is even bigger than the money. If we don’t produce enough oil fice; Elizabeth Falcone and Micah Smokies. It has 3 million visitors a this year—and last year we produced Barbour of Senator WARNER’s office; year. It also has about $27 million of about 11.6 billion by selling energy pro- David Cleary, Lindsay Garcia, Allison deferred maintenance. It will never be duced on our public lands—if we don’t Martin, and Anna Newton of my staff; able to do that without this bill or produce the money, we don’t spend it. Chad Metzler, Morgan Cashwell, and something like it. Some have objected that it is manda- Kate Durost of Senator KING’s office; I said: How about our wildlife ref- tory and not paid for. That is a dif- Amit Ronen of Senator CANTWELL’s of- uges, Mr. President? We have the Ten- ference of opinion. The Office of Man- fice; Maya Hermann and Virgilio nessee Wildlife Refuge. It has $8 mil- agement and Budget has approved it, lion in deferred maintenance. It won’t Barrera of Senator HEINRICH’s office. and the President’s budget has ap- be able to get the boat ramps right so We thank them for their work. proved it. I think it is paid for because And then there are the advocates. people can go fishing over by Kentucky it is real money to reduce unpaid debt. Not many bills have more than 800 Lake. For example, we take some of the The President said: I will support it. groups in its support. It is quite a coa- money from energy exploration, and if Put it in if the Democrats and Repub- lition when you get President Trump you live in Wyoming, you get 50 per- licans cosponsoring the bill want it in and virtually all of the conservation, cent of it right off the top. If you live there. sportsmen, angler, and environmental Because he did, it is in there. in Alaska, you get 90 percent right off groups behind the same bill. We owe all It is in there just like the House of the top. If you live in Louisiana, you of them thanks for that. Sally Jewell, Representatives brought the bill out of get 271⁄2 percent, or in any other coast- the former Secretary of the Interior, its committee—it had those public al State, or you might get 371⁄2 percent has been at the forefront of much of lands in there. We didn’t when it came from another area. All that money is that. We hope that once this passes the out of our committee. It had the Land mandatory in the sense that it has to Senate tomorrow with a big vote, they and Water Conservation Fund in the be paid to those States every year. We will carry it across the finish line in House, just as we did when it came out. are just taking some of that kind of the House of Representatives. Let’s talk about the Land and Water money out of that pot, after the others The Federal Government is not al- Conservation Fund for a minute. That have been paid, and spending it for this ways the most popular entity in the was supposed to be $900 million a year purpose. United States, but sometimes we are. from oil and gas revenues that are This would not have happened if it When our military keeps our country spent by the Federal Government and weren’t for an unusual group of Sen- safe, we are grateful for that. When the by State governments to buy treasured ators who worked on this for a long National Institutes of Health creates lands. time: Senators BURR and CANTWELL; medical miracles, we are grateful for The Senator from Montana, Senator Senators GARDNER, MANCHIN, and that. We are grateful when the Federal DAINES, says that in his State, 80 per- DAINES on the Land and Water Con- Government creates 419 properties— cent of the fishing accesses have been servation Fund; and then on the parks, from the National Mall to Pearl Har- purchased by the Land and Water Con- Senator WARNER and Senator bor, to the Grand Canyon, to the Great servation Fund. PORTMAN, who went to work early. Smokies—for us to enjoy and preserve. In my State, the Governor opened a Secretary Zinke came to see me in England has its history, Italy has its new park, Rocky Fork, a magnificent Tennessee 3 years ago and asked me to art, and Egypt has its pyramids. But place in Upper East Tennessee, much of work on the parks bill, and I was de- the United States of America has the it purchased by Land and Water Con- lighted to find, when Senators KING great American outdoors. It is an es- servation Fund money—$221 million and HEINRICH and I began working on sential part of the American character, into Tennessee since 1964. it, that there were a number of us with and the Great American Outdoors Act But that is not as much as it was the same idea. is an essential part of being good stew- supposed to be because when this was As I mentioned, President Trump has ards of what Ken Burns has called our enacted by Congress in 1964, at the rec- been behind it from the beginning and best idea, so that the next generation ommendation of the Rockefeller Com- behind the expansion of it, and he is can enjoy the outdoors as this genera- mission—the first outdoor recreation the first President that has allowed us tion has been privileged to do. review commission—it was supposed to to use money from energy exploration I yield the floor. be $900 million a year. Environmental for this purpose, and he should deserve The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. burden—that is the oil and gas drilling; credit for that. MCSALLY). The Senator from Lou- environmental benefit—that is the pur- Senator MCCONNELL deserves credit. isiana. chase of conservation land. The money He has a lot that he could put on the Mr. CASSIDY. Madam President, I gets credited over in the Treasury De- floor, and he put this bill on the floor rise to speak about the Great American partment, but it doesn’t get spent for 2 weeks. Only the majority leader Outdoors Act or, more particularly, every year. This changes that. can do that, and he did it. about the absence of a coastal resil- This is not just an idea of the Law- I am grateful to Senator SCHUMER iency amendment that I wish to have rence Rockefeller Commission in the and the Democratic leadership for cre- included. sixties. In 1985 and 1986, President ating an environment in which we Let me begin by congratulating Sen- Reagan appointed the President’s Com- could pass this bill in a bipartisan way. ators CORY GARDNER and STEVE mission on Americans Outdoors. I It is said that if you want to pass a DAINES, from Colorado and Montana, chaired that Commission, and the No. 1 big piece of legislation in the U.S. Sen- respectively, of their pending success recommendation of the Commission ate, you need three things. One is that in passing the Great American Out- was permanent funding for the Land it is an important objective that is doors Act. It takes lots of work to and Water Conservation Fund. good for the country. One is good rela- build enough support to get legislation

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.045 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 to this floor for a vote, and even more Kivalina, located on an island that is According to NOAA, peak floods can to see that it passes. The people of literally vanishing because of sea level be reduced by up to 60 percent in wa- Montana and Colorado should be proud rise. There you see kind of a rock jetty tersheds that contain 15 percent wet- of how their Senators fought and deliv- around it, but the rock jetty is kind of lands. These wetlands act as natural ered billions to restore their national missing over here. But you can imag- sponges for floodwaters and buffer parks. I commend my colleagues. ine, as sea levels rise, and waves, which storm surges. The wetland vegetation Those who have followed the debate in this picture are not there but you holds sediment in place with their know that I have opposed the bill as know in that area of the world are high roots, and this preserves the land and written. National parks are national at times, this will fulfill the Army further helps to absorb waves. treasures, but what led to my opposi- Corps of Engineers’ prediction that in What I just described is a dire fore- tion is, I believe, that the Senate had 10 years, this island will be uninhabit- cast, but it is also a reality that is the opportunity to help the more than able. playing out. We had a storm a week 135 million Americans who live in a Alaska’s Senator, LISA MURKOWSKI, ago. Tropical Storm Cristobal struck coastal parish or county by concomi- recognizes the threat to her State Louisiana. Here we see images of a tantly funding flood mitigation and should barrier islands disappear. I damaged levee system in Grand Isle, coastal resiliency projects. I fought thank her for her support during the where storm surge completely washed hard to include a provision that would debate on the Great American Out- away 2,000 feet of protection. have invested in the coast to fortify doors Act for increased funds for coast- Yes, those are buildings. Yes, that is against hurricanes and other cata- al resiliency. a street. Yes, that is water in the mid- strophic flooding events. Funding That is our northern part. Let’s go to dle of the street between the buildings. coastal resiliency would have passed as the Virgin Islands. I will add that Grand Isle has lost part of this legislation. It is an oppor- Erosion has eliminated many trees about 9 feet of elevation over the past tunity lost, but I have been reassured and water vegetation that are vital to decades. that enough Senators care about the absorbing storm surge. These problems When this washed away, it exposed issue, and perhaps they care about the were compounded by Hurricane Irma, what is called a burrito levee under- issue because of the arguments that I meaning that the next major hurricane neath, and that was damaged as well. have made. could be worse. Could it be worse than Mayor David Camardelle recently I will review these arguments first that? Look at the American Virgin Is- told the Times-Picayune—the news- for the Nation and then for the area of lands after Hurricane Irma. If it is paper in New Orleans—that the damage the Nation most affected by coastal worse than that, then this may be as Grand Isle suffers ‘‘is a crisis situation. erosion, which is Louisiana, and then the island is in Alaska—threatening to I’m worried this island will be cut in speak about possible solutions. be uninhabitable. half.’’ First, over 272 million Americans live Rising sea levels are threatening Cristobal also flooded the old in coastal States, and 134 million beaches up and down the coast of Cali- Mandeville neighborhood. This is Americans live in a parish or county fornia, eliminating barrier islands in Mandeville, and this is Cristobal. This directly on the coast, and they know North Carolina and Georgia, and caus- shows how Lake Pontchartrain, which sea levels are rising. Because sea levels ing property values to fall and insur- is the lake north of New Orleans, and are rising, they are increasingly ex- ance rates to rise where cases are at the streets ashore basically merged for posed to flooding. Now, if Congress their worst. this storm event. does not act on coastal resiliency, But let me speak of the worst-case This is just from a tropical storm. these Americans, their lives, their scenario of sea level rising and land re- Imagine if a bigger hurricane had land- communities, and livelihood will be in- ceding. Unfortunately, from my per- ed instead—except we don’t have to creasingly in danger. spective, the worst area is in Lou- imagine. We can look at what hap- By the way, the American taxpayer isiana. By the time I am through with pened. And unfortunately it will hap- will spend billions in disaster recovery this speech, Louisiana will have lost pen again. because the Federal Government de- about half a football field of land from What is at stake in Louisiana with- clined to invest in prevention on the the coast; it is washing away that fast. out more investment in resiliency? front end. Just to make this point, I To date, we have lost land equal to the Let’s start with lives. Hurricane will show my first poster. size of Delaware. At the current rate, Katrina killed 1,833 people and dam- These are major coastal flood events Louisiana will lose about 640,000 more aged or destroyed 800,000 homes. That since 2003, and these are only the acres by 2050. That is like cutting was in Louisiana, in Mississippi, in named storms. It does not include the Rhode Island out of the eastern coast. Alabama, and in Florida. That is just flood events that were not named, and I mention Rhode Island and will take one storm. We have actually seen loss some everybody remembers. Ivan was that opportunity to thank SHELDON of life worse since then in Puerto Rico, $20.5 billion. Katrina was $125 billion. WHITEHOUSE from Rhode Island for rec- where Hurricane Maria claimed 3,057 Ike was $30 billion. Sandy was $65 bil- ognizing the challenges coasts face and lives. As I mentioned earlier, the dollar lion. Isaac was $10 billion. Harvey was working with me to provide more sup- amount was greater in Sandy, which $125 billion. Irma was $50 billion. And port for more resiliency. He actually hit New York and New Jersey, and the Maria was $90 billion. If you are in one came down and looked at our plan. most recent flooding events—Hurricane of the States affected by one of these Wherever you see red, in a very rea- Harvey, for example, in the Houston storms, to say that name brings to sonable scenario, that land will be gone area flooded so many homes. It is not mind friends that were lost, commu- by year 50. And you can see that New just my home State; it is across the nities that were devastated, and lives Orleans effectively becomes an island. Nation. that were overturned. This is merely Can you imagine what the Federal By the way, impacting my home the accounting, which totals, since Government would have to pay if a big State impacts the rest of the Nation. 2003, that the Federal Government has storm came through without any wet- This is a picture from Hurricane spent $617.9 billion in recovery after lands to decrease the intensity? That Katrina. This Congress was very help- these storms, and that does not include would damage not just New Orleans ful in the aftermath. But let me speak unnamed flood events. but all the ports that inland United about what will happen if we don’t ad- Just as examples, people along the States depend on to get their goods to dress these issues. coast, wherever you are on the coast in the rest of the world. I will have more The Nation’s energy infrastructure is the United States, including the Great on the importance of that port system threatened. The Gulf of Mexico gen- Lakes, are at increased risk for large later. erates about 90 percent of the funds scale devastation, in part, because of As the marshes sink into the gulf, used to pay for the Great American sea levels rising, and natural barriers Louisiana is losing more than our Outdoors Act. Oil and gas development, to absorb storm surge are eroding treasured wetlands and the wildlife particularly in the Outer Continental away. that call them home; we are losing nat- Shelf, is that which funds this bill. Let’s just go around the Nation. Let’s ural barriers that save populated areas Failing to secure the energy infrastruc- first look at the Alaskan village of from the full brunt of hurricane forces. ture can result in devastating damage

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.047 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3009 to the heart of America’s energy pro- got about $400 million or $500 million. on Saturday and play ball, and people duction center should a major storm So the Gulf Coast States split between still go to their jobs on Monday. In- destroy the roads, ports, wells, and them $375 million from a total of about vesting on the front end saved a heck pipelines that keep America running. $4.8 billion. New Mexico gets 50 percent of a lot on the back end—lives, commu- There is a certain irony that this of the money generated in their inland nities, and money for the Federal tax- bill, which chose not to fund coastal re- areas, and so they get close to $1.25 bil- payer. siliency, relies upon funding from an lion. Louisiana could do so much with Let’s look at a coastal rebuilding infrastructure that is endangered by $1.25 billion to protect and to rebuild project we have. Davis Pond is an area the lack of coastal resiliency. But this, its wetlands, the infrastructure for en- along the Mississippi that has eroded. in turn, threatens America’s heartland. ergy, the infrastructure for ports, and I This is Google pictures. Here, you can Trade from America’s heartland to could go on. see that in February of 1998, erosion the rest of the world flows. Agricul- So folks are right. We do currently had occurred such that all of this, tural products are shipped down the participate in revenue sharing. It is a which is along the coast, had eroded. Mississippi River to the Louisiana shadow of what other States get with You can see kind of a big lake right ports and then internationally—that far less of a total amount. there, and you can see kind of a break- is, so long as the ports keep func- By the way, our amendment, which I up of the land. You have a sense of an tioning. have written with Senator WHITE- unhealthy nature. Even though this is Again, let’s look at the results of the HOUSE, is based upon what is called a black-and-white photo, nonetheless damage to those ports—just the Port of GOMESA, the Gulf of Mexico Energy you have that sense. New Orleans—after Hurricane Katrina. Security Act. In that, Gulf States keep A diversion was built so that Mis- Damage to the Port of New Orleans 37.5 percent of the revenues, up until a sissippi River water could flood this after Hurricane Katrina resulted in cap of $375 million. I have mentioned area. In the 20 years since, you can see corn exports falling 23 percent from the that cap already. Additionally, there is that the lake has filled in, that it is heartland—not from Louisiana but $125 million put into the Land and still wetland, it is still marsh, but here from Iowa, from the heartland, from Water Conservation Fund, that which you have vegetation growing. Back Missouri, et cetera. Barley exports fell is now going to receive an additional here, if you stepped out of the boat, 100 percent. Wheat exports fell 54 per- $900 million annually from the Great you sank into water. Now, you step out cent. Soybean exports were down 25 American Outdoors Act. My coastal of the boat, and the vegetation is so percent. Total grain exports were down amendment would remove that cap, thick that it supports you as you walk 24 percent. meaning that Gulf States would have a along. This is what can happen with It is clear that the United States more equitable share of the revenue we wise management. benefits as a whole when Louisiana’s produce. Look at this community. This com- coastline is fully functional and secure, The LWCF would continue to get the munity is now protected because we both its energy supply—its funding for $125 million it would receive, but there now have a barrier of wetlands. So re- the Great American Outdoors Act—as would be another amount of money building wetlands saves communities. well as the ability of farmers in the that would go into the LWCF portion It allows nature to do its work. It saves heartland to ship their goods inter- of this that would, under our amend- the taxpayer dollars in the long run. nationally. But now the coastline is ment, go into a coastal resiliency fund. I am going to show another exam- not secure. Aggressive action is needed That coastal resiliency fund would be ple—Mardi Gras Pass, a naturally to save the coastline—not just in my used all around the Nation. It could be forming distributary of the Mississippi State but all around—to protect it used in Florida, in Georgia, in Maine, River that is building new land. Mardi from erosion and to protect it from in Alaska, in Washington State, in Ha- Gras Pass has grown by 13 acres since flooding. waii—you name it. Where we have 2012. In Louisiana, the money generated beach communities threatened and Let’s see if I have my pictures from revenue sharing of offshore en- coastal parishes and counties regularly straight here. Here is the Mississippi ergy production by an amendment in flooding, this money would be avail- River, and here is where the river kind the Louisiana State Constitution is in- able. vested into coastal resiliency. I am try- What I am asking for is fair treat- of spontaneously broke through right ing to make sure that we have the re- ment for the States that put in the in this area right here. sources to continue to do so. work and contribute so mightily to the Since then, as it continues to flow That brings us to revenue sharing. As rest of the country. Hopefully with through, we have something which I have said before, oil and gas develop- this, we can turn the tide of land loss. doesn’t look very healthy here, which ment in the Gulf of Mexico generates 90 By the way, the amendment we have increasingly has vegetation. Here is a percent of the funding for the Great is also combined with revenue sharing bayou, which increasingly is building American Outdoors Act, and the gulf for offshore wind. This is SHELDON up vegetation. I am not sure these pic- coast contributes billions of revenue to WHITEHOUSE’s idea. So in the imme- ture do it justice, but now you actually the Treasury annually, but the amount diate and intermediate, there would be have trees growing, and you have such of money that is shared with our coast- revenue sharing from oil and gas devel- a density of land being built that you line is quite small relative to what in- opment, and in the long term, there now again have oak trees, which Lou- land States receive. would be revenue sharing from offshore isiana is famous for. I bring this up because someone said: wind as our Nation transitions to more We can rebuild our coastline. The Well, Louisiana does get money from of that as an energy source. Mardi Gras Pass delivers fresh water, the coast. I have talked a lot about gloom and nutrients, and sediments to 15,000 acres Let me just kind of explain this slide. doom in this speech. Let’s end on a of coastal marsh. In this slide, this is the total amount hopeful note. Not all is lost. With These projects take time, but they of revenue for the Federal for fiscal smart strategies in funding, we can never get started without the type of year 2018 from oil and gas development turn the tide on erosion, rebuild land, funding I advocated to be included in in the Gulf of Mexico. You can see and strengthen the coastline. the Great American Outdoors Act—the there is close to $5 billion generated. There are examples of what is work- amount we could spend on the front These States here—Alabama, Lou- ing. Terrebonne Parish is in South end and save lives and dollars for the isiana, Mississippi, and Texas—share Louisiana. It is right on the Gulf of Federal taxpayer compared to the ex- $375 million of that money. Mexico. It has a new flood wall, which penses required for storm recovery. Let’s look at the inland States. Here recently saved 10,000 households from Let me conclude. I end the day by is all of the revenue from the inland flooding. We invested in flood protec- once again commending my colleagues, States. The best I can tell, in that tion, and we saved 10,000 families from Senator GARDNER and DAINES, for get- same year, New Mexico got about $1.25 flooding. We saved money for the Na- ting their bill passed, but I also end by billion. Wyoming got $1.15 billion. Col- tional Flood Insurance Program. A saying that we must continue to fight orado did pretty well; it looks like they community is intact. Kids still go off for dollars for coastal resiliency. The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.048 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 need is far too great around the coun- to issue a news release to notify the public of (38) APG–79(V)4 Active Electronically try. Lives and our economy depend on this proposed sale. Scanned Array (AESA) radar units; thirty- finding that solution. Sincerely, eight (38) APG–79(V)4 AESA Radar A1 kits; I hope the Senators who said they CHARLES W. HOOPER, twenty (20) Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) C, Lieutenant General, USA, Director. AGM–154C; forty-six (46) F/A–18A Wide Band recognize coastal needs will join the bi- TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–42 RADOMEs. Also included are additional partisan coalition of Senators who now technical and logistics support for the AESA Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of are asking that we invest in the coast- radar; upgrades to the Advanced Distributed Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the al parishes and counties where 82 per- Combat Training System (ADCTS) to ensure Arms Export Control Act, as amended cent of Americans live in the States flight trainers remain current with the new and 42 percent of Americans live in a (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of technologies; software development to inte- Canada. grate the systems listed into the F/A–18A parish or county, where spending (ii) Total Estimated Value: money now can save lives, commu- airframe and install Automated Ground Col- Major Defense Equipment *, $204.50 million. lision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS); thir- nities, and billions in taxpayer dollars Other, $657.80 million. ty (30) Bomb Release Unit (BRU)—42 Triple later. Total, $862.30 million. Ejector Racks (TER); thirty (30) Improved With that, I yield the floor. (iii) Description Quantity or Quantities of Tactical Air Launched Decoy (ITALD); one I suggest the absence of a quorum. Articles or Services under Consideration for hundred four (104) Data Transfer Device/Data The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Purchase: Transfer Units (DTD/DTU); twelve (12) Joint Major Defense Equipment (MDE): clerk will call the roll. Mission Planning System (JMPS); one hun- Fifty (50) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Tac- dred twelve (112) AN/ARC–210 RT–2036 (Gen 6) The bill clerk proceeded to call the tical Missiles. roll. radios and F/A–18 integration equipment; Fifty (50) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Cap- support equipment; tools and test equip- Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- tive Air Training Missiles (CATMs). ment; technical data and publications; U.S. sent that the order for the quorum call Ten (10) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Spe- Government and contractor engineering, be rescinded. cial Air Training Missiles (NATMs). technical, and logistics support services; and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Ten (10) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Tac- other related elements of logistical and pro- objection, it is so ordered. tical Guidance Units. gram support. The total estimated program Ten (10) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II cost is $862.3 million. f CATM Guidance Units. This proposed sale will support the foreign Thirty-eight (38) APG–79(V)4 Active Elec- policy and national security objectives of MORNING BUSINESS tronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar. the United States by helping to improve the Thirty-eight (38) APG–79(V)4 AESA Radar Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I military capability of Canada, a NATO ally A 1 Kits. that is an important force for ensuring polit- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Twenty (20) Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) ate be in a period of morning business, ical stability and economic progress and a C, AGM–154C. contributor to military, peacekeeping and with Senators permitted to speak Forty-six (46) F/A–18A Wide Band humanitarian operations around the world. therein for up to 10 minutes each. RADOMEs. This sale will provide Canada a 2-squadron The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Non-MDE: Also included are additional bridge of enhanced F/A–18A aircraft to con- objection, it is so ordered. technical and logistics support for the AESA tinue meeting NORAD and NATO commit- radar; upgrades to the Advanced Distributed ments while it gradually introduces new ad- f Combat Training System (ADCTS) to ensure vanced aircraft via the Future Fighter Capa- flight trainers remain current with the new bility Program between 2025 and 2035. ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION technologies; software development to inte- The proposed sale of the capabilities, as Mr. RISCH. Madam President, sec- grate the systems listed into the F/A–18A listed, will improve Canada’s capability to airframe and install Automated Ground Col- tion 36(b) of the Arms Export Control meet current and future warfare threats and lision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS); thir- provide greater security for its critical infra- Act requires that Congress receive ty (30) Bomb Release Unit (BRU)—42 Triple prior notification of certain proposed structure. This sale will provide Canada the Ejector Racks (TER); thirty (30) Improved ability to maximize the systems’ employ- arms sales as defined by that statute. Tactical Air Launched Decoy (ITALD); one ment and sustainment, significantly enhanc- Upon such notification, the Congress hundred four (104) Data Transfer Device/Data ing the warfighting capability of the Royal has 30 calendar days during which the Transfer Units (DTD/DTU); twelve (12) Joint Canadian Air Force’s F/A–18 aircraft. Canada sale may be reviewed. The provision Mission Planning System (JMPS); one hun- will have no difficulty absorbing this equip- stipulates that, in the Senate, the noti- dred twelve (112) AN/ARC–210 RT–2036 (Gen 6) ment into its armed forces. radios and F/A–18 integration equipment; The proposed sale of this equipment and fication of proposed sales shall be sent support equipment; tools and test equip- to the chairman of the Senate Foreign support will not alter the basic military bal- ment; technical data and publications; U.S. ance in the region. Relations Committee. Government and contractor engineering, The prime contractors will be Raytheon In keeping with the committee’s in- technical, and logistics support services; and Corporation, El Segundo, CA; General Dy- tention to see that relevant informa- other related elements of logistical and pro- namics Mission Systems, Marion, VA; The tion is available to the full Senate, I gram support. Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO; and Collins ask unanimous consent to have printed (iv) Military Department: Navy (CN–P– Aerospace, Cedar Rapids, IA. The purchaser LKZ, CN–P–LKW, CN–P–LLE, CN–P–LLA, in the RECORD the notifications which typically requests offsets. Any offset agree- CN–P–LKY, CN–P–LKX, CN–P–LDD, etc.). have been received. If the cover letter ment will be defined in negotiations between (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: CN–P–FFE; the purchaser and the contractor(s). references a classified annex, then such CN–P–FEL; CN–P–LKS; CN–P–LKT. Implementation of this proposed sale will annex is available to all Senators in (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- require the assignment of contractor rep- the office of the Foreign Relations fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. resentatives to Canada on an intermittent Committee, room SD–423. (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained basis over the life of the case to support de- There being no objection, the mate- in the Defense Article or Defense Services livery and integration of items onto the ex- rial was ordered to be printed in the Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. isting F/A–18A aircraft and to provide supply (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: RECORD, as follows: support management, inventory control and June 15, 2020. equipment familiarization. DEFENSE SECURITY * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- COOPERATION AGENCY, Export Control Act. fense readiness as a result of this proposed Arlington, VA. POLICY JUSTIFICATION sale. Hon. JAMES E. RISCH, TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–42 Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Canada—Hornet Extension Program Related United States Senate, Washington, DC. FMS Acquisitions Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- The Government of Canada has requested Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of to buy fifty (50) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Arms Export Control Act the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, Tactical missiles; fifty (50) Sidewinder AIM– Annex Item No. vii we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. 9X Block II Captive Air Training Missiles (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: 20–42 concerning the Navy’s proposed Let- (CATMs); ten (10) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block 1. The following are included in this sale: ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- II Special Air Training Missiles (NATMs); a. The AIM–9X Block II and Block II+ ment of Canada for defense articles and serv- ten (10) Sidewinder AIM–9X Block II Tactical (Plus) SIDEWINDER Missile represents a ices estimated to cost $862.3 million. After Guidance Units; ten (10) Sidewinder AIM–9X substantial increase in missile acquisition this letter is delivered to your office, we plan Block II CATM Guidance Units; thirty-eight and kinematics performance over the AIM–

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.050 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3011 9M and replaces the AIM–9X Block I Missile reduce the capability of the AESA and the Planning Environment (JMPE) mated with a configuration. The missile includes a high user would gain very little advantage with Unique Planning Component (UPC) provided off-boresight seeker, enhanced counter- the AESA. by the aircraft program. In addition, UPCs measure rejection capability, low drag/high e. The Upgrades to the Advanced Distrib- will be required for specific weapons, com- angle of attack airframe and the ability to uted Combat Training System (ADCTS), pro- munication devices, and moving map dis- integrate the Helmet Mounted Cueing Sys- vides an aggressive program upgrade the plays. The JMPS will be tailored to the spe- tem. The software algorithms are the most warfighting capability of the F/A–18. The cific releasable configuration for the F/A– sensitive portion of the AIM–9X missile. The program will introduce new systems and 18A, with maximum commonality with the software continues to be modified via a weapons to the aircraft. In order to have pi- most advanced United States Marine Corps preplanned product improvement (P3I) pro- lots ready to utilize the new technologies, it configuration of these aircraft. gram in order to improve its counter-coun- is imperative that the user’s Pilot Trainer i. The AN/ARC–210 RT–2036 (Gen 6) Radio’s termeasure capabilities. No software source (ADCTS) undergoes a parallel upgrade effort. Line-of-sight data transfer rates up to 80 code or algorithms will be released. The mis- The ADCTS is an integral part of the user’s kb/s in a 25 kHz channel creating high-speed sile is classified as CONFIDENTIAL. The Pilot Training Syllabus and this procure- communication of critical situational aware- AIM–9X will result in the transfer of sen- ment will address this requirement. It will ness information for increased mission effec- sitive technology and information. The provide pilots the ability to train with the tiveness. Software that is reprogrammable in equipment, hardware, and documentation new systems that will be resident in the air- the field via Memory Loader/Verifier Soft- are classified CONFIDENTIAL. The software craft in a simulated environment. This pro- ware making flexible use for multiple mis- and operational performance are classified curement will provide pilots the ability to sions. The AN/ARC–210 has embedded soft- SECRET. The seeker/guidance control sec- maximize use of the new capabilities that ware with programmable cryptography for tion and the target detector are CONFIDEN- will eventually translate to the operational secure communications. Relative to the 5th TIAL and contain sensitive state-of-the-art environment and make the users Air Force a Generation AN/ARC–210 radios, the 6th gen- technology. Manuals and technical docu- significant contributor to international coa- eration AN/ARC–210 RT–2036 adds, in addi- mentation that are necessary or support lition initiatives. tion to newer hardware, the Mobile User Ob- f. Software Development. The challenge operational use and organizational manage- jective System (MUOS) capability. Access to facing the user nation is that in order to add ment are classified up to SECRET. Perform- the MUOS satellite constellation can be ef- all the new capabilities and weapons to the ance and operating logic of the counter- fectively controlled by withholding the rel- platform there is a parallel software effort countermeasures circuits are classified SE- evant order wire keys from RT–2036 users. required to ensure all the new capabilities CRET. The hardware, software, and data 2. If a technologically advanced adversary have a software model that will support identified are classified to protect were to obtain knowledge of the specific their integration and use. The success of the vulnerabilities, design and performance pa- hardware or software in this proposed sale, aggressive procurement of the systems and rameters and similar critical information. the information could be used to develop b. The AN/APG–79 Active Electronically capabilities for the program will be depend- countermeasures which might reduce weapon Scanned Array (AESA) Radar System is clas- ent on the ability to develop and test the system effectiveness or be used in the devel- sified SECRET. The radar provides the F/A– requisite software. This is a significant ef- opment of a system with similar or advance 18A Hornet aircraft with all-weather, multi- fort that will rely on Naval Air Weapons Sta- capabilities. mission capability for performing Air-to-Air tion China Lake to develop the required 3. A determination has been made that the and Air-to-Ground targeting and attack. Air- products. This will entail development of the recipient country, the Government of Can- to-Air modes provide the capability for all- product, lab testing and eventually flight ada can provide substantially the same de- aspect target detection, long-range search testing of the software loads. There will be gree of protection for the classified and sen- and track, automatic target acquisition, and some mutual software development, but the sitive technology being released as the tracking of multiple targets. Air-to-Surface end result will depend on U.S. Government United States Government. This sale is nec- attack modes provide high-resolution ground engineers to provide final check and ap- essary in furtherance if the United States mapping navigation, weapon delivery, and proval of all software profiles. This FMS Foreign Policy and National Security objec- sensor cueing. The system component hard- case funds this effort. Additionally, the soft- tives outlined in the Policy Justification. ware (Antenna, Transmitter, Radar Data ware effort will support Automatic Ground 4. All defense articles and services listed in Processor, and Power Supply) is UNCLASSI- Collision Avoidance System (A–GCAS). This this transmittal have been authorized for re- FIED. The Receiver-Exciter hardware is system is also referred to as Automatic Ter- lease and export to the Government of Can- CONFIDENTIAL. The radar Operational rain Avoidance Warning System (A–TAWS). ada. Flight Program (OFP) is classified SECRET. This is flight control software that uses a Documentation provided with the AN/APG– terrain elevation database to calculate the f 79 radar set is classified SECRET. aircraft’s relative position above the ground. c. The AGM–154 Joint Standoff Weapon If it senses that the aircraft is on a collision ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS (JSOW) is used by Navy, Marine Corps, and course with the ground that is outside of Air Force, and allows aircraft to attack well- normal parameters, it automatically com- defended targets in day, night, and adverse mands the aircraft to roll wings level and re- RECOGNIZING BEST MEMORIES weather conditions. AGM–154C carries a cover away from a ground collision ACADEMY BROACH warhead. The BROACH warhead in- g. The ADM–141C Improved Tactical Air- ∑ corporates an advanced multi-stage warhead. Launched Decoy (ITALD) is unclassified. The Mr. RUBIO. Madam President, as JSOW–C uses the GPS Precise Positioning ITALD vehicle is intended to be delivered by chairman of the Senate Committee on System (PPS), which provides for a more ac- sea- and land-based tactical aircraft, to Small Business and Entrepreneurship, curate capability than the commercial cause an increase in the number of apparent each week I recognize a small business version of GPS. The JSOW–C incorporates targets to enemy defenses prior to or during that exemplifies the American entre- components, software, and technical design air strikes. The ITALD system consists of preneurial spirit at the heart of our information that are considered sensitive. the flight vehicle, launch rack (Improved country. It is my privilege to recognize The following JSOW–C components being Triple Ejector Rack (ITER)), Improved a woman-owned small business that conveyed by the proposed sale that are con- Decoy Tester/Programmer (IDTP), Radio sidered sensitive and are classified CON- Frequency Payload System Tester (PSST), provides an enriching environment for FIDENTIAL include the GPS/INS, IIR seek- and shipping/storage container. The ITALD children and serves a diverse commu- er, OFP software and missile operational is capable of functioning in the vehicle test nity. This week, it is my pleasure to characteristics and performance data. These mode, mission programming mode (using honor Best Memories Academy of Or- elements are essential to the ability of the JMPS with ITALD UPC), GPS almanac lando, FL, as the Senate Small Busi- JSOW–C missile to selectively engage hostile uploading mode, captive carriage mode, ness of the Week. targets under a wide range of operational, launch mode, jettison mode, and free-flight For 20 years, Best Memories Acad- tactical, and environmental conditions. mode. d. The Wide Band RADOME (WBR) is a h. The Joint Mission Planning System emy has provided quality childcare for high performance nose radome designed for (JMPS) is classified SECRET. JMPS will families in Orlando, FL. When her son use with the Active Electronically Scanned provide mission planning capability for sup- was 2 years old, Lyana Vazquez, origi- Array (AESA) Radar. The WBR is required to port of military aviation operations. It will nally from Puerto Rico, began search- leverage the full capability of the AESA also provide support for unit-level mission ing for a daycare program that would Radar. The Radome will provide superior RF planning for all phases of military flight op- provide instruction in English and performance over broader AESA Radar oper- erations and have the capability to provide Spanish, but options were limited in ational bands which will give the user an ad- necessary mission data for the aircrew. the Orlando area. Undeterred, Lyana vantage in operational scenarios. Specifi- JMPS will support the downloading of data cally, the WBR will provide improved target to electronics data transfer devices for trans- founded Best Memories Academy, to detection with less interference and reduce fer to aircraft and weapon systems. A JMPS provide daycare and preschool pro- jamming vulnerability. Purchasing the for a specific aircraft type will consist of grams with an emphasis on bilingual AESA without the WBR would significantly basic planning tools called the Joint Mission education.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:34 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.016 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 Over the years, Best Memories Acad- Insurance Corporation, transmitting, pursu- mercial air tour operators, and for other pur- emy has expanded its services. Lyana ant to law, the report of a rule entitled poses; to the Committee on Commerce, developed a bilingual curriculum and ‘‘Regulatory Capital Rule: Revised Transi- Science, and Transportation. tion of the Current Expected Credit Losses By Mr. COTTON: built strong relationships with S. 3968. A bill to create an award for law Orlando’s growing Latino community. Methodology for Allowances; Correction’’ (RIN3064–AF46) received in the Office of the enforcement officers who exemplify best She hired educators who spoke English President of the Senate on June 11, 2020; to practices to reduce the excessive use of force and Spanish, incorporating the LENA the Committee on Banking, Housing, and or improve community policing, and for Grow Program into their training. This Urban Affairs. other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- research-based program enabled staff EC–4822. A communication from the Direc- diciary. to begin conversational language tor of Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit By Mr. WICKER (for himself and Ms. teaching during critical stages of lan- Insurance Corporation, transmitting, pursu- CANTWELL): ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘In- S. 3969. A bill to amend title 49, United guage learning. In 2019, Best Memories States Code, to reform the Federal Aviation Academy began offering kindergarten terim Final Rule - Regulatory Capital Rule: Temporary Exclusion of U.S. Treasury Secu- Administration’s aircraft certification proc- and first grade instruction in addition rities and Deposits at Federal Reserve Banks ess, and for other purposes; to the Com- to voluntary prekindergarten and from the Supplementary Leverage Ratio for mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- after-school care. They partnered with Depository Institutions’’ (RIN3064–AF44) re- tation. the Early Learning Coalition of Orange ceived in the Office of the President of the By Mrs. LOEFFLER: S. 3970. A bill to amend the Department of Senate on June 11, 2020; to the Committee on County, ELCOC, to host educational Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to workshops and community outreach Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. promote an American agriculture first agen- EC–4823. A communication from the Chair- events, becoming one of the premier da and establish the position of Domestic man and President of the Export-Import daycare centers in the area. Agriculture Supply Chain Administrator in Bank, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Like many other small businesses, the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture to port relative to transactions involving U.S. connect United States farmers with Best Memories Academy experienced a exports to Turkey; to the Committee on sharp decline in revenue due to the foodbanks, grocers, and nonprofit food dis- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. tributors during periods of food scarcity, and coronavirus pandemic. As student en- EC–4824. A communication from the Chair- for other purposes; to the Committee on Ag- rollment dropped, Lyana modified her man and President of the Export-Import riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. business operations to comply with the Bank, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- latest best practices from the Center port relative to transactions involving U.S. f for Disease Control, Florida Depart- exports to various countries; to the Com- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND ment of Health, and Florida Depart- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- SENATE RESOLUTIONS fairs. ment of Children and Families. To- EC–4825. A communication from the Chair- The following concurrent resolutions gether, she and her team assembled man, Federal Maritime Commission, trans- and Senate resolutions were read, and and dropped remote-learning packets mitting, pursuant to law, the Commission’s referred (or acted upon), as indicated: for students, taking special care with Semiannual Report of the Inspector General By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. for the period from October 1, 2019 through the materials for children whose fami- BROWN): lies lacked internet access. Despite the March 31, 2020; to the Committee on Home- S. Res. 623. A resolution commemorating challenges, Lyana was determined to land Security and Governmental Affairs. Otto Frederick Warmbier and condemning stay open to care for the children of es- EC–4826. A communication from the Presi- the North Korean regime for their continued dent and Chief Executive Officer, National sential workers and keep her employ- human rights abuses; to the Committee on Railroad Passenger Corporation, Amtrak, Foreign Relations. ees paid. transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- When the U.S. Small Business Ad- By Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. ative to Fiscal Year 2020 emergency funding RUBIO): ministration launched the Paycheck in the CARES Act; to the Committee on S. Res. 624. A resolution expressing the Protection Program PPP, Lyana im- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. sense of the Senate that the activities of mediately applied. The PPP provides f Russian national Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his forgivable loans to impacted small affiliated entities pose a threat to the na- businesses and nonprofits who main- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND tional interest and national security of the tain their payroll during the COVID–19 JOINT RESOLUTIONS United States; to the Committee on Foreign pandemic. Nine days after she sub- The following bills and joint resolu- Relations. mitted an application, Best Memories tions were introduced, read the first f Academy received funding for a PPP and second times by unanimous con- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS loan in early April. As a result, Lyana sent, and referred as indicated: S. 631 was able to keep her 12 employees paid By Mr. COONS (for himself, Mr. At the request of Mr. CARPER, the and keep her business open until Flor- WICKER, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. GRAHAM, name of the Senator from Montana ida began to reopen and students re- Mr. REED, Mr. RUBIO, Ms. (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor turned. For Lyana and her team, the DUCKWORTH, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Ms. of S. 631, a bill to provide for the ad- Paycheck Protection Program didn’t HARRIS, Mr. CASSIDY, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. KING, and Ms. COL- mission of the State of Washington, just provide a salary—it provided hope. LINS): D.C. into the Union. Best Memories Academy is a notable S. 3964. A bill to amend the national serv- S. 2417 example of the role of relationship- ice laws to prioritize national service pro- At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the driven small businesses in building grams and projects that are directly related community. I commend their work to to the response to and recovery from the name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. provide high-quality bilingual edu- COVID–19 public health emergency, and for YOUNG) was added as a cosponsor of S. cation to children ranging from in- other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- 2417, a bill to provide for payment of fancy to elementary school. Congratu- nance. proceeds from savings bonds to a State lations to Lyana and the entire team By Mr. HEINRICH (for himself and Mr. with title to such bonds pursuant to PORTMAN): the judgment of a court. at Best Memories Academy. I look for- S. 3965. A bill to accelerate the application S. 3748 ward to watching your continued of artificial intelligence in the Department At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the growth and success in the Orlando of Defense and to strengthen the workforce area.∑ that pertains to artificial intelligence, and name of the Senator from Montana (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor f for other purposes; to the Committee on Armed Services. of S. 3748, a bill to award a Congres- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER By Mr. CRUZ: sional Gold Medal to the United States COMMUNICATIONS S. 3966. A bill to provide a tax credit to Army Dust Off crews of the Vietnam The following communications were businesses that provide testing for COVID–19 War, collectively, in recognition of to their employees; to the Committee on Fi- laid before the Senate, together with their extraordinary heroism and life- nance. saving actions in Vietnam. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself and Ms. uments, and were referred as indicated: HIRONO): S. 3756 EC–4821. A communication from the Direc- S. 3967. A bill to reform Federal Aviation At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the tor of Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Administration safety requirements for com- names of the Senator from Nebraska

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.004 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3013 (Mrs. FISCHER), the Senator from Mis- was added as a cosponsor of amend- Whereas, on June 19, 2017, Otto Warmbier souri (Mr. BLUNT) and the Senator from ment No. 1643 intended to be proposed died in the hospital as a result of his mis- South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS) were added to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- treatment at the hands of the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; as cosponsors of S. 3756, a bill to direct nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize Whereas, on December 24, 2018, the United the Secretary of Agriculture to estab- and improve the Internal Revenue States District Court for the District of Co- lish a renewable fuel feedstock reim- Service, and for other purposes. lumbia concluded that the Government of bursement program. AMENDMENT NO. 1646 the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea S. 3933 At the request of Mr. LEE, the name was responsible for the ‘‘torture, hostage taking, and extrajudicial killing’’ of Otto At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) Warmbier; name of the Senator from New York was added as a cosponsor of amend- Whereas, on December 18, 2019, in an an- (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- ment No. 1646 intended to be proposed nual resolution, the United Nations General sponsor of S. 3933, a bill to restore to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- Assembly condemned ‘‘the long-standing and American leadership in semiconductor nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize ongoing systematic, widespread and gross manufacturing by increasing federal and improve the Internal Revenue violations of human rights in and by’’ North incentives in order to enable advanced Service, and for other purposes. Korea; and research and development, secure the Whereas, on December 20, 2019, the Otto AMENDMENT NO. 1647 Warmbier North Korea Nuclear Sanctions supply chain, and ensure long-term na- At the request of Mr. LEE, the name and Enforcement Act of 2019 (title LXXI of tional security and economic competi- of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) Public Law 116–92), was enacted: Now, there- tiveness. was added as a cosponsor of amend- fore, be it S. 3955 ment No. 1647 intended to be proposed Resolved, That, in recognition of the 3rd anniversary of Otto Warmbier’s passing on At the request of Mr. PAUL, the name to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- June 19, 2020, the Senate— of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize (1) remembers and celebrates the life of BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. and improve the Internal Revenue Otto Frederick Warmbier, a young man with 3955, a bill to prohibit no-knock war- Service, and for other purposes. great potential; rants, and for other purposes. AMENDMENT NO. 1650 (2) condemns the Government of the Demo- cratic People’s Republic of Korea, which is S. RES. 509 At the request of Mr. LEE, the name responsible for the unjustified arrest, mis- At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) treatment, and death of Otto Warmbier; names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. was added as a cosponsor of amend- (3) calls for the United States Government WYDEN) and the Senator from Okla- ment No. 1650 intended to be proposed to continue to use its voice and vote in the homa (Mr. LANKFORD) were added as to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- United Nations to condemn systematic cosponsors of S. Res. 509, a resolution nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize human rights violations in North Korea; and calling upon the United Nations Secu- and improve the Internal Revenue (4) calls for the sanctions enacted in the rity Council to adopt a resolution on Service, and for other purposes. Otto Warmbier North Korea Nuclear Sanc- Iran that extends the dates by which tions and Enforcement Act of 2019 (title f LXXI of Public Law 116–92) to remain fully Annex B restrictions under Resolution implemented until such time that the Gov- 2231 are currently set to expire. SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS ernment of the Democratic People’s Repub- S. RES. 615 lic of Korea commits to the verifiable sus- At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the pension of its proliferation and testing of name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. SENATE RESOLUTION 623—COM- weapons of mass destruction, and has agreed MEMORATING OTTO FREDERICK to multilateral talks, including the United CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. WARMBIER AND CONDEMNING States Government, with the goal of perma- Res. 615, a resolution recognizing the nently and verifiably limiting North Korea’s 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the THE NORTH KOREAN REGIME FOR THEIR CONTINUED HUMAN weapons of mass destruction and ballistic Korean War and the transformation of missile programs. RIGHTS ABUSES the United States-South Korea alliance f into a mutually beneficial, global part- Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. nership. BROWN) submitted the following resolu- SENATE RESOLUTION 624—EX- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE AMENDMENT NO. 1639 tion; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations: SENATE THAT THE ACTIVITIES At the request of Mr. LEE, the name OF RUSSIAN NATIONAL S. RES. 623 of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) YEVGENIY PRIGOZHIN AND HIS was added as a cosponsor of amend- Whereas Otto Frederick Warmbier was AFFILIATED ENTITIES POSE A ment No. 1639 intended to be proposed born on December 12, 1994, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to parents Fred and Cindy Warmbier; THREAT TO THE NATIONAL IN- to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- TEREST AND NATIONAL SECU- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize Whereas, upon his graduation as Salutato- rian from Wyoming High School in 2013, Otto RITY OF THE UNITED STATES and improve the Internal Revenue attended the University of Virginia; Service, and for other purposes. Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. Whereas, on December 29, 2015, Otto flew to RUBIO) submitted the following resolu- AMENDMENT NO. 1640 North Korea as part of a guided tour; tion; which was referred to the Com- Whereas, on January 2, 2016, the Govern- At the request of Mr. LEE, the name mittee on Foreign Relations: of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) ment of the Democratic People’s Republic of S. RES. 624 was added as a cosponsor of amend- Korea arrested Otto Warmbier on false charges of ‘‘subversion’’ and committing a Whereas Yevgeniy Prigozhin is a Russian ment No. 1640 intended to be proposed ‘‘hostile act’’; national who has maintained close personal to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- Whereas, on March 16, 2016, Otto Warmbier ties with Russian Federation President nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize was convicted and sentenced to 15 years of Vladimir Putin since the early 2000s; and improve the Internal Revenue hard labor; Whereas Yevgeniy Prigozhin is the pre- Service, and for other purposes. Whereas, as a result of his mistreatment at sumed financier of the Wagner Group, also AMENDMENT NO. 1641 the hands of North Korean authorities, Otto known as the Private Military Company Warmbier suffered a serious medical emer- (PMC) Wagner, a Russian mercenary organi- At the request of Mr. LEE, the name gency which placed him into a comatose zation staffed by current and former mili- of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) state, and the North Korean authorities tary and intelligence officers, and is the fin- was added as a cosponsor of amend- failed to report the deterioration of Otto ancier of the Internet Research Agency and ment No. 1641 intended to be proposed Warmbier’s physical condition to United other organizations engaged in online influ- to H.R. 1957, a bill to amend the Inter- States authorities; ence operations; nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize Whereas, on June 13, 2017, after 17 months Whereas entities such as Wagner have been and improve the Internal Revenue in captivity, the United States Department linked to the Government of the Russian Service, and for other purposes. of State announced that it had secured the Federation and are used to conduct military release of Otto Warmbier, whereupon he was action, subversive operations, and AMENDMENT NO. 1643 medically evacuated from North Korea in a disinformation campaigns on the Govern- At the request of Mr. LEE, the name comatose state to the University of Cin- ment’s behalf while giving it an appearance of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) cinnati Medical Center; of plausible deniability;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.019 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 Whereas the Wagner Group was involved in support of, senior officials of the Russian AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO the Russian Federation’s military takeover Federation’’; MEET and illegal annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Whereas, on June 20, 2017, the Department region in February and March 2014, and in of the Treasury designated the Wagner Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I have the subsequent insurgencies in the eastern Group under Executive Order 13660, ‘‘Block- 4 requests for committees to meet dur- Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk; ing Property of Certain Persons Contrib- ing today’s session of the Senate. They Whereas the Wagner Group has been pro- uting to the Situation in Ukraine,’’ ‘‘for have the approval of the Majority and viding military support to the regime of being responsible for or complicit in, or hav- Minority leaders. Bashar al-Assad in Syria since 2015, fighting ing engaged in, directly or indirectly, ac- Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph alongside its forces and helping it recapture tions or policies that threaten the peace, se- 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- significant parts of the country; curity, stability, sovereignty, or territorial ate, the following committees are au- integrity of Ukraine’’; Whereas, on February 7, 2018, the Wagner thorized to meet during today’s session Group led an armed assault on United States Whereas, on March 15, 2018, the Depart- troops near the city of Deir al-Zour in east- ment of the Treasury designated Yevgeniy of the Senate: ern Syria, prompting a United States coun- Prigozhin, his affiliated entities, including COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN terattack, in what has the Internet Research Agency, and his subor- AFFAIRS described as ‘‘the deadliest United States- dinates under Executive Order 13694, ‘‘Block- The Committee on Banking, Housing, Russia clash since the Cold War’’; ing the Property of Certain Persons Engag- and Urban Affairs is authorized to Whereas the Wagner Group has supported ing in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled meet during the session of the Senate Khalifa Haftar and his ‘‘Libyan National Activities,’’ for being ‘‘involved in inter- on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 10 a.m., to fering with [United States] election proc- Army’’ by providing mercenaries, artillery, conduct a hearing. tanks, drones, and ammunition in violation esses or institutions’’; COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND of a United Nations arms embargo, with Whereas, on February 16, 2018, the Depart- TRANSPORTATION Yevgeniy Prigozhin personally attending a ment of Justice announced the indictment of meeting between Haftar and Russian Defense Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his affiliated enti- The Committee on Commerce, Minister Sergei Shoigu in Moscow on No- ties, including the Internet Research Agen- Science, and Transportation is author- vember 7, 2018; cy, for engaging in ‘‘operations to interfere ized to meet during the session of the Whereas a United Nations report made with the United States political system, in- Senate on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at public on May 6, 2020, concluded that the cluding the 2016 United States presidential 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing on election’’ and conducting ‘‘information war- Wagner Group has operated up to 1,200 mili- nominations. tary contractors in Libya, including snipers fare’’ against the United States; COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL and specialized military teams, serving ‘‘as Whereas, on September 20, 2018, the De- RESOURCES an effective force multiplier’’ for Haftar’s partment of State added Prigozhin, his affili- army; ated entities, including the Internet Re- The Committee on Energy and Nat- Whereas Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his affili- search Agency, and the Wagner Group to the ural Resources is authorized to meet ated entities have been tied to influence op- list of persons identified as part of, or oper- during the session of the Senate on erations on behalf of the Government of the ating for or on behalf of, the defense or intel- Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 10 a.m., to Russian Federation in Africa, with entities ligence sectors of the Government of the conduct a hearing. associated with Prigozhin reportedly oper- Russian Federation under section 231 of the COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY ating in at least 20 countries, including the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Central African Republic, Madagascar, Mo- Sanctions Act (22 U.S.C. 9525); The Committee on the Judiciary is zambique, and Sudan; Whereas, on September 30, 2019, under Ex- authorized to meet during the session Whereas about 235 Russian military and ecutive Order 13848, the Department of the of the Senate on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, private security personnel have deployed to Treasury took additional steps to increase at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. pressure on Prigozhin by designating phys- the Central African Republic since 2017, some f of whom are reportedly employed by the ical assets—3 aircraft and a yacht—and 3 as- Wagner Group, and some of whom provide sociated front companies of his; RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE personal security for President Faustin- Whereas, on February 15, 2019, Gavin OF THE YOUNG SOUTHEAST Archange Touade´ra; Williamson, then-United Kingdom Defense ASIAN LEADERS INITIATIVE TO Whereas Russian national Valery Zak- Secretary, said that the ‘‘clandestine use of THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN harov, who is reportedly a former intel- proxies, mercenary armies like the infamous and unaccountable Wagner Group, allows the THE UNITED STATES AND THE ligence official, has served as a top national MEMBER STATES OF THE ASSO- security advisor to Central African Republic Kremlin to get away with murder while de- President Faustin-Archange Touade´ra since nying the blood on their hands’’; CIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN at least 2018; Whereas, on December 13, 2018, John NATIONS AND TO ADVANCING Whereas, in July 2018, Russian journalists Bolton, then-Assistant to the President for THE POLICY OF THE UNITED Orkhan Dzhemal, Kirill Radchenko, and National Security Affairs, affirmed that ‘‘the STATES IN THE INDO-PACIFIC Alexander Rastorguyev were murdered in the predatory practices pursued by China and REGION Russia. . . in Africa. . . pose a significant Central African Republic while working on a Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I documentary about the activities of the threat to United States national security in- Wagner Group in that country; terests’’; and ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Whereas neither the Government of the Whereas General Stephen J. Townsend, ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- Central African Republic nor the Govern- Commander of the United States Africa endar No. 465, S. Res. 392. ment of the Russian Federation are con- Command, on April 2, 2019, expressed great The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ducting credible and thorough investigations ‘‘concern’’ about the Wagner group, and, on clerk will report the resolution by into the murder of these 3 journalists; January 30, 2020, noted that private military title. Whereas, according to an investigation by contractors such as Wagner, are ‘‘leading the The bill clerk read as follows: the London-based Dossier Center, the jour- fight in Libya against the UN-backed and A resolution (S. Res. 392) recognizing the nalists had been tracked by officers of the U.S.-recognized Government of National Ac- importance of the Young Southeast Asian Central African Republic gendarmerie who cord’’: Now, therefore, be it Leaders Initiative to the relationship be- were in close communication with Russian Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate tween the United States and the member nationals with ties to Prigozhin, including that— states of the Association of Southeast Asian Alexander Sotov, who in turn was reportedly (1) the activities of Russian national Nations and to advancing the policy of the in contact with Zakharov; Yevgeniy Prigozhin, his affiliated entities, United States in the Indo-Pacific region. Whereas companies owned by Yevgeniy and the Wagner Group pose a threat to the Prigozhin reportedly had made regular pay- national interests and national security of There being no objection, the Senate ments to senior Central African Republic of- the United States; and proceeded to consider the resolution, ficials, including the Police Chief and the (2) the President, in addition to maintain- which had been reported from the Com- Minister of National Security; ing sanctions on Yevgeniy Prigozhin, his af- mittee on Foreign Relations, with an Whereas, on December 20, 2016, the Depart- filiated entities, and the Wagner Group, amendment to strike all after the re- ment of the Treasury designated Yevgeniy should work with Congress to develop and solving clause and insert the part Prigozhin under Executive Order 13661, execute a strategy drawing on the multiple ‘‘Blocking Property of Additional Persons instruments of United States national power printed in italic, and with an amend- Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine,’’ available to the President, to counter the ment to strike the preamble and insert ‘‘for having materially assisted, sponsored, malign influence and activities of Prigozhin, the part printed in italic, as follows: or provided financial, material, or techno- the entities linked to him, and the Wagner Whereas the Young Southeast Asian Leaders logical support for, or goods or services in Group. Initiative (YSEALI) was created in 2013 to build

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.022 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3015 a cadre of emerging leaders in member states of (2) recognizes the importance of the Young States allow visiting leaders to experience the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) the culture and values of the United States (ASEAN) with the goal of fostering regional co- to— first-hand, while establishing personal and operation and partnership with the United (A) advancing the soft power of the United professional ties to experts, institutions, or- States; States in Southeast Asia; and ganizations, companies, and local govern- Whereas YSEALI is composed of influential (B) promoting human rights, democracy, and ments in the United States; young leaders between 18 and 35 years of age good governance in the Indo-Pacific region; Whereas participants in YSEALI ex- from ASEAN countries (Brunei, Burma, Cam- (3) emphasizes the key role of YSEALI in— changes, upon returning to their countries, bodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Phil- (A) strengthening the relationship of the help promote a positive understanding of the ippines, , Thailand, and Vietnam) and United States with the member states of the As- United States; Timor-Leste who are making a difference in sociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN); Whereas YSEALI allows United States ex- their communities, countries, and the region; and perts to visit ASEAN countries to share Whereas 65 percent of the population of the (B) elevating the profile and standing of the their expertise and work with YSEALI alum- ASEAN region is under 35 years of age, and United States as a major partner in the region; ni on projects that advance common goals; these 400,000,000 youth will determine the future (4) stresses the importance of YSEALI in Whereas YSEALI programs in the Indo-Pa- of the region for decades to come; building leadership capacity among civil society, cific region build the capacity of civil soci- Whereas YSEALI aims to further strengthen governments, and private enterprises in ASEAN ety in the fields of human rights, good gov- the enduring partnership between the United member states and across Southeast Asia; and ernance, anti-corruption and transparency, States and ASEAN; (5) encourages the Department of State to pro- social entrepreneurship, and media literacy, Whereas YSEALI bolsters the ASEAN Socio- mote the YSEALI program to the maximum ex- which are key to the Indo-Pacific efforts of Cultural Community pillar that seeks to build a tent possible as a valuable tool to advance mu- the United States Government; people-centered, people-oriented ASEAN commu- tually beneficial cooperation with partners in Whereas YSEALI programming increases nity, as reiterated at the 52nd ASEAN Foreign the Indo-Pacific region. the visibility of the United States in the Ministers’ Meeting in Bangkok in July 2019; Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I Indo-Pacific region; Whereas YSEALI encourages its leaders to ask unanimous consent that the com- Whereas, in seven years, YSEALI has partner with each other and the United States mittee-reported substitute amendment grown into a thriving community of more Government to address common challenges, in- than 5,000 alumni and more than 140,000 vir- cluding economic growth, sustainable develop- to the resolution be agreed to; that the tual network participants; ment, education, and civic engagement; resolution, as amended, be agreed to; Whereas YSEALI alumni are already dis- Whereas YSEALI academic and professional that the committee-reported amend- tinguishing themselves as influential gov- exchange programs in the United States allow ment to the preamble be agreed to; ernment officials, entrepreneurs, human visiting leaders to experience the culture and that the preamble, as amended, be rights activists, journalists, social entre- values of the United States first-hand, while es- agreed to; and that the motions to re- preneurs, and educators; tablishing personal and professional ties to ex- consider be considered made and laid Whereas outstanding YSEALI alumni in- clude two former Malaysian cabinet min- perts, institutions, organizations, companies, upon the table. and local governments in the United States; isters and a Pulitzer Prize-winning Burmese Whereas participants in YSEALI exchanges, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without journalist imprisoned for investigating upon returning to their countries, help promote objection, it is so ordered. human rights violations against the a positive understanding of the United States; The committee-reported amendment, Rohingya; Whereas YSEALI allows United States experts in the nature of a substitute, was Whereas YSEALI alumni are valuable part- to visit ASEAN countries to share their expertise agreed to. ners to embassies and agencies of the United and work with YSEALI alumni on projects that The resolution (S. Res. 392), as States overseas; Whereas the Asia Reassurance Initiative advance common goals; amended, was agreed to. Whereas YSEALI programs in the Indo-Pa- Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–409; 132 Stat. 5387) cific region build the capacity of civil society in The committee-reported amendment (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘ARIA’’) em- the fields of human rights, good governance, to the preamble was agreed to. phasized the importance of ASEAN to the anti-corruption and transparency, social entre- The preamble, as amended, was United States and supported the elevation of preneurship, and media literacy, which are key agreed to. the relationship between the United States to the Indo-Pacific efforts of the United States The resolution, as amended, with its and ASEAN to a strategic partnership; and Government; preamble, as amended, reads as follows: Whereas ARIA authorized $25,000,000 to be Whereas YSEALI programming increases the appropriated for each of fiscal years 2019 S. RES. 392 visibility of the United States in the Indo-Pa- through 2023 to support Indo-Pacific young cific region; Whereas the Young Southeast Asian Lead- leaders initiatives, including YSEALI, the Whereas, in seven years, YSEALI has grown ers Initiative (YSEALI) was created in 2013 ASEAN Youth Volunteers Program, and into a thriving community of more than 5,000 to build a cadre of emerging leaders in mem- other people-to-people exchange programs alumni and more than 140,000 virtual network ber states of the Association of Southeast that focus on building the capacity of democ- participants; Asian Nations (ASEAN) with the goal of fos- racy, human rights, and good governance ac- Whereas YSEALI alumni are already distin- tering regional cooperation and partnership tivists in the Indo-Pacific region: Now, guishing themselves as influential government with the United States; therefore, be it officials, entrepreneurs, human rights activists, Whereas YSEALI is composed of influen- Resolved, That the Senate— journalists, social entrepreneurs, and educators; tial young leaders between 18 and 35 years of (1) celebrates the partnership of the United Whereas outstanding YSEALI alumni include age from ASEAN countries (Brunei, Burma, States with young leaders in Southeast Asia; two former Malaysian cabinet ministers and a Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, the (2) recognizes the importance of the Young Pulitzer Prize-winning Burmese journalist im- Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet- Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative prisoned for investigating human rights viola- nam) and Timor-Leste who are making a dif- (YSEALI) to— tions against the Rohingya; ference in their communities, countries, and (A) advancing the soft power of the United Whereas YSEALI alumni are valuable part- the region; States in Southeast Asia; and ners to embassies and agencies of the United Whereas 65 percent of the population of the (B) promoting human rights, democracy, States overseas; ASEAN region is under 35 years of age, and and good governance in the Indo-Pacific re- Whereas the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act these 400,000,000 youth will determine the fu- gion; of 2018 (Public Law 115–409; 132 Stat. 5387) (re- ture of the region for decades to come; (3) emphasizes the key role of YSEALI in— ferred to in this preamble as ‘‘ARIA’’) empha- Whereas YSEALI aims to further strength- (A) strengthening the relationship of the sized the importance of ASEAN to the United en the enduring partnership between the United States with the member states of the States and supported the elevation of the rela- United States and ASEAN; Association of Southeast Asian Nations tionship between the United States and ASEAN Whereas YSEALI bolsters the ASEAN (ASEAN); and to a strategic partnership; and Socio-Cultural Community pillar that seeks (B) elevating the profile and standing of Whereas ARIA authorized $25,000,000 to be to build a people-centered, people-oriented the United States as a major partner in the appropriated for each of fiscal years 2019 ASEAN community, as reiterated at the 52nd region; through 2023 to support Indo-Pacific young ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bang- (4) stresses the importance of YSEALI in leaders initiatives, including YSEALI, the kok in July 2019; building leadership capacity among civil so- ASEAN Youth Volunteers Program, and other Whereas YSEALI encourages its leaders to ciety, governments, and private enterprises people-to-people exchange programs that focus partner with each other and the United in ASEAN member states and across South- on building the capacity of democracy, human States Government to address common chal- east Asia; and rights, and good governance activists in the lenges, including economic growth, sustain- (5) encourages the Department of State to Indo-Pacific region: Now, therefore, be it able development, education, and civic en- promote the YSEALI program to the max- Resolved, That the Senate— gagement; imum extent possible as a valuable tool to (1) celebrates the partnership of the United Whereas YSEALI academic and profes- advance mutually beneficial cooperation States with young leaders in Southeast Asia; sional exchange programs in the United with partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.005 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVER- also help enhance global health security by re- once the immediate crisis is over, catch-up im- SARY OF THE AMPHIBIOUS ducing the incidence of deadly and debilitating munization campaigns can begin and COVID–19 LANDING ON THE JAPANESE IS- diseases and containing the spread of infectious vaccines can be introduced; LAND OF IWO JIMA DURING diseases before they become pandemic health Whereas, in April 2020, GAVI joined the Ac- threats; cess to COVID–19 Tools Accelerator, a collabo- WORLD WAR II AND THE Whereas, prior to 2000, resources for and ac- ration of global health organizations aimed at RAISINGS OF THE FLAG OF THE cess to vaccines for children in the developing accelerating development, production, and equi- UNITED STATES ON MOUNT world were declining, immunization rates were table access to new COVID–19 technologies, SURIBACHI stagnant or decreasing, and nearly 10,000,000 serving as the co-lead of the vaccines work Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I children were dying each year before reaching stream within the initiative; their 5th birthday; Whereas, on June 4, 2020, the United Kingdom ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Whereas, prior to 2000, it was common for new will host an online virtual Global Vaccine Sum- ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- life-saving vaccines to take up to 15 years to be mit, GAVI’s third replenishment conference, endar No. 468, S. Res. 502. introduced in the world’s least developed coun- with an ambitious goal to raise $7,400,000,000 in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tries; new donor commitments; clerk will report the resolution by Whereas, in 2000, the United States Govern- Whereas, with these additional resources, title. ment joined forces with the Bill & Melinda GAVI plans to support the immunization of The bill clerk read as follows: Gates Foundation, the United Nations Chil- 300,000,000 children against potentially fatal dren’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Orga- diseases and save an additional 7,000,000 to A resolution (S. Res. 502) recognizing the nization, the World Bank, other donor govern- 8,000,000 lives between 2021 and 2025; and 75th anniversary of the amphibious landing ments, and representatives of developing coun- Whereas the United States has been a leading on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima during tries, faith-based organizations, civil society, supporter of GAVI since its inception, and its World War II and the raisings of the flag of and the private sector, including the vaccine in- continued commitment will be essential to the the United States on Mount Suribachi. dustry, to create the Global Alliance for Vac- achievement of the alliance’s goals for 2021 There being no objection, the Senate cines and Immunization (now known as GAVI through 2025: Now, therefore, be it proceeded to consider the resolution, or GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance), a public-private Resolved, That the Senate— which had been reported from the Com- partnership to expand access to new and (1) commends the work of GAVI and its part- mittee on Foreign Relations. underused vaccines, reduce the incidence of ners for their efforts to expand access to vac- Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I deadly and debilitating diseases, prevent cines and immunizations for the most vulnerable epidemics, and save lives; men, women, and children in developing coun- ask unanimous consent that the reso- Whereas GAVI has since supported country- tries; lution be agreed to; that the preamble led vaccine initiatives in 73 countries, enabled (2) affirms the continued support of the be agreed to; and that the motions to immunizations for more than 760,000,000 of the United States Government for GAVI as an effi- reconsider be considered made and laid world’s most vulnerable children, helped avert cient and effective mechanism to advance global upon the table. an estimated 13,000,000 deaths, and contributed health security and save lives by— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to a 70-percent reduction in the number of (A) reducing the incidence of deadly and de- objection, it is so ordered. deaths due to vaccine-preventable diseases; bilitating diseases; The resolution (S. Res. 502) was Whereas country ownership and sustain- (B) leveraging donor, partner country, and ability are at the core of the GAVI model, which private sector investments in health systems ca- agreed to. requires each eligible country to commit their pable of sustainably delivering vaccines and im- The preamble was agreed to. own domestic resources to vaccination and im- munizations; and (The resolution, with its preamble, is munization programs; (C) reducing the cost of vaccines while pro- printed in the RECORD of February 13, Whereas 15 countries have transitioned from moting supply chain security and sustainability; 2020, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) GAVI support and are now self-financing their (3) affirms the support of the United States Government for the goal of securing at least f own vaccination and immunization programs, 3 more are expected to transition by the end of $7,400,000,000 in donor commitments for GAVI’s SUPPORTING THE ROLE OF THE 2020, and an additional 10 countries are ex- third replenishment conference, to be held on UNITED STATES IN HELPING pected to transition by 2025 (in total, 40 percent June 4, 2020, hosted by the United Kingdom; SAVE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN of the original set of GAVI-eligible countries); (4) urges donor countries and private sector AND PROTECTING THE HEALTH Whereas GAVI has transformed the market for partners to step up the fight against vaccine- preventable deaths and increase their pledges OF PEOPLE IN DEVELOPING vaccines by pooling demand from developing countries, securing predictable financing, ex- for the third replenishment conference; COUNTRIES WITH VACCINES AND panding the global supplier base, enhancing the (5) urges GAVI partner countries to continue IMMUNIZATION THROUGH GAVI, competitiveness and security of supply chains, to make and meet ambitious co-financing com- THE VACCINE ALLIANCE and creating efficiencies that are expected to mitments to sustain progress in ending vaccine- Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- generate an estimated $900,000,000 in savings be- preventable deaths; and (6) encourages the United States Agency for sent that the Senate proceed to the tween 2021 and 2025; Whereas, in addition to its current portfolio of International Development (USAID) and the consideration of Calendar No. 469, S. vaccines, GAVI is working to support the roll- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Res. 511. out and scale-up of newly approved vaccines for cooperation with GAVI, to continue their work The PRESIDING OFFICER. The diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) boost- to strengthen public health capacity to intro- clerk will report the resolution by ers, hepatitis B birth dose, multivalent duce and sustain the use of new and underused title. meningococcal, respiratory syncytia (RSV), rou- vaccines in routine immunization programs. The bill clerk read as follows: tine oral cholera, and rabies; Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- Whereas GAVI also collaborates with the A resolution (S. Res. 511) supporting the sent that the committee-reported sub- Global Polio Eradication Initiative to bring role of the United States in helping save the polio vaccines into routine immunization pro- stitute amendment to the resolution be lives of children and protecting the health of grams, strengthen health systems, and imple- agreed to. people in developing countries with vaccines ment additional polio protections; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and immunization through GAVI, the Vac- Whereas GAVI has made significant progress objection, it is so ordered. cine Alliance. in supporting the development and stockpiling The committee-reported amendment, There being no objection, the Senate of an effective vaccine to combat Ebola; in the nature of a substitute, was proceeded to consider the resolution, Whereas GAVI is participating in efforts to agreed to. which had been reported from the Com- test and implement an effective vaccine to pre- Mr. GARDNER. I know of no further vent malaria, a disease that kills more than mittee on Foreign Relations, with an debate on the resolution, as amended. amendment to strike all after the re- 270,000 children a year; Whereas GAVI is already helping countries The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there solving clause and insert the part maintain life-saving immunization programs in further debate? printed in italic, and with an amend- the midst of the ongoing COVID–19 pandemic to Hearing no further debate, the ques- ment to strike the preamble and insert prevent multiple outbreaks and further loss of tion is on agreeing to the resolution, as the part printed in italic, as follows: life from vaccine-preventable diseases; amended. Whereas access to vaccines and routine immu- Whereas GAVI also is working to help coun- The resolution (S. Res. 511), as nizations can protect children from deadly but tries meet the threat of COVID–19 by providing amended, was agreed to. preventable diseases, reduce poverty, and con- vital resources, training, and supplies to help tribute to economic growth by enabling people to protect health workers and expand access to di- Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- live longer, healthier, and more productive lives; agnostic testing; sent that the committee-reported Whereas investments in the development and Whereas GAVI will play a critical role in amendment to the preamble be agreed deployment of vaccines and immunizations can helping to rebuild immunization systems so that to; that the preamble, as amended, be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16JN6.054 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3017 agreed to; and that the motions to re- Whereas GAVI also collaborates with the tion, in cooperation with GAVI, to continue consider be considered made and laid Global Polio Eradication Initiative to bring their work to strengthen public health ca- upon the table. polio vaccines into routine immunization pacity to introduce and sustain the use of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without programs, strengthen health systems, and new and underused vaccines in routine im- objection, it is so ordered. implement additional polio protections; munization programs. The committee-reported amendment Whereas GAVI has made significant to the preamble was agreed to. progress in supporting the development and f The preamble, as amended, was stockpiling of an effective vaccine to combat Ebola; agreed to. EXPRESSING THE SENSE OF THE The resolution, with its preamble, as Whereas GAVI is participating in efforts to test and implement an effective vaccine to SENATE THAT THE UNITED amended, was agreed to as follows: prevent malaria, a disease that kills more STATES SHOULD CONTINUE TO S. RES. 511 than 270,000 children a year; SUPPORT THE PEOPLE OF NICA- Whereas access to vaccines and routine im- Whereas GAVI is already helping countries RAGUA IN THEIR PEACEFUL EF- munizations can protect children from dead- maintain life-saving immunization programs FORTS TO PROMOTE THE RES- ly but preventable diseases, reduce poverty, in the midst of the ongoing COVID–19 pan- TORATION OF DEMOCRACY AND and contribute to economic growth by ena- demic to prevent multiple outbreaks and fur- bling people to live longer, healthier, and ther loss of life from vaccine-preventable dis- THE DEFENSE OF HUMAN more productive lives; eases; RIGHTS, AND USE THE TOOLS Whereas investments in the development Whereas GAVI also is working to help UNDER UNITED STATES LAW TO and deployment of vaccines and immuniza- countries meet the threat of COVID–19 by INCREASE POLITICAL AND ECO- tions can also help enhance global health se- providing vital resources, training, and sup- NOMIC PRESSURE ON THE GOV- curity by reducing the incidence of deadly plies to help protect health workers and ex- ERNMENT OF DANIEL ORTEGA and debilitating diseases and containing the pand access to diagnostic testing; spread of infectious diseases before they be- Whereas GAVI will play a critical role in Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I come pandemic health threats; helping to rebuild immunization systems so ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Whereas, prior to 2000, resources for and that once the immediate crisis is over, ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- access to vaccines for children in the devel- catch-up immunization campaigns can begin endar No. 471, S. Res. 525. oping world were declining, immunization and COVID–19 vaccines can be introduced; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The rates were stagnant or decreasing, and near- Whereas, in April 2020, GAVI joined the Ac- ly 10,000,000 children were dying each year cess to COVID–19 Tools Accelerator, a col- clerk will report the resolution by before reaching their 5th birthday; laboration of global health organizations title. Whereas, prior to 2000, it was common for aimed at accelerating development, produc- The bill clerk read as follows: new life-saving vaccines to take up to 15 tion, and equitable access to new COVID–19 A resolution (S. Res. 525) expressing the years to be introduced in the world’s least technologies, serving as the co-lead of the sense of the Senate that the United States developed countries; vaccines work stream within the initiative; should continue to support the people of Whereas, in 2000, the United States Gov- Whereas, on June 4, 2020, the United King- Nicaragua in their peaceful efforts to pro- ernment joined forces with the Bill & dom will host an online virtual Global Vac- mote the restoration of democracy and the Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Na- cine Summit, GAVI’s third replenishment defense of human rights, and use the tools tions Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World conference, with an ambitious goal to raise under United States law to increase political Health Organization, the World Bank, other $7,400,000,000 in new donor commitments; and economic pressure on the government of donor governments, and representatives of Whereas, with these additional resources, Daniel Ortega. developing countries, faith-based organiza- GAVI plans to support the immunization of tions, civil society, and the private sector, 300,000,000 children against potentially fatal There being no objection, the Senate including the vaccine industry, to create the diseases and save an additional 7,000,000 to proceeded to consider the resolution, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immuniza- 8,000,000 lives between 2021 and 2025; and which had been reported from the Com- tion (now known as GAVI or GAVI, the Vac- Whereas the United States has been a lead- mittee on Foreign Relations, with cine Alliance), a public-private partnership ing supporter of GAVI since its inception, amendments and an amendment to the to expand access to new and underused vac- and its continued commitment will be essen- preamble, as follows: cines, reduce the incidence of deadly and de- tial to the achievement of the alliance’s (The parts of the resolution intended bilitating diseases, prevent epidemics, and goals for 2021 through 2025: Now, therefore, save lives; be it to be stricken are shown in boldface Whereas GAVI has since supported coun- Resolved, That the Senate— brackets and the parts of the resolu- try-led vaccine initiatives in 73 countries, (1) commends the work of GAVI and its tion intended to be inserted are shown enabled immunizations for more than partners for their efforts to expand access to in italics. 760,000,000 of the world’s most vulnerable vaccines and immunizations for the most (The part of the preamble intended to children, helped avert an estimated 13,000,000 vulnerable men, women, and children in de- be inserted is shown in italic.) deaths, and contributed to a 70-percent re- veloping countries; duction in the number of deaths due to vac- (2) affirms the continued support of the S. RES. 525 cine-preventable diseases; United States Government for GAVI as an Whereas the government of Daniel Ortega Whereas country ownership and sustain- efficient and effective mechanism to advance has concentrated power and brought about ability are at the core of the GAVI model, global health security and save lives by— the progressive deterioration of democratic which requires each eligible country to com- (A) reducing the incidence of deadly and conditions in Nicaragua; mit their own domestic resources to vaccina- debilitating diseases; Whereas recent elections in Nicaragua, in- tion and immunization programs; (B) leveraging donor, partner country, and cluding the 2016 presidential election, have Whereas 15 countries have transitioned private sector investments in health systems been marred by irregularities and character- from GAVI support and are now self-financ- capable of sustainably delivering vaccines ized by significant restrictions on the par- ing their own vaccination and immunization and immunizations; and ticipation of opposition political parties and programs, 3 more are expected to transition (C) reducing the cost of vaccines while pro- the absence of credible international and by the end of 2020, and an additional 10 coun- moting supply chain security and sustain- local electoral observers; tries are expected to transition by 2025 (in ability; Whereas Nicaraguan security forces, para- total, 40 percent of the original set of GAVI- (3) affirms the support of the United States military, police, and other actors working eligible countries); Government for the goal of securing at least under the direction of the Ortega regime Whereas GAVI has transformed the market $7,400,000,000 in donor commitments for committed gross violations of human rights for vaccines by pooling demand from devel- GAVI’s third replenishment conference, to be and acts of repression, resulting in more oping countries, securing predictable financ- held on June 4, 2020, hosted by the United than 325 deaths, over 2,000 injuries, and at ing, expanding the global supplier base, en- Kingdom; least 800 arbitrary detentions during the hancing the competitiveness and security of (4) urges donor countries and private sec- peaceful protests that took place in 2018, ac- supply chains, and creating efficiencies that tor partners to step up the fight against vac- cording to the Organization of American are expected to generate an estimated cine-preventable deaths and increase their States; $900,000,000 in savings between 2021 and 2025; pledges for the third replenishment con- Whereas a report by the Interdisciplinary Whereas, in addition to its current port- ference; Group of Independent Experts, appointed by folio of vaccines, GAVI is working to support (5) urges GAVI partner countries to con- the Organization of American States Inter- the roll-out and scale-up of newly approved tinue to make and meet ambitious co-financ- American Commission on Human Rights, de- vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus and per- ing commitments to sustain progress in end- termined that the Ortega regime used delib- tussis (DTP) boosters, hepatitis B birth dose, ing vaccine-preventable deaths; and erate, lethal force against protesters and multivalent meningococcal, respiratory (6) encourages the United States Agency committed acts of torture that meet the syncytia (RSV), routine oral cholera, and ra- for International Development (USAID) and international legal standard of crimes bies; the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- against humanity;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:59 Jul 30, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\JUNE\S16JN0.REC S16JN0 abonner on DSKJLXR7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S3018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020

Whereas an estimated 82,000 Nicaraguans Rosario Murillo, Daniel Ortega’s sons, Rafael S. RES. 525 fled the country between April 2018 and Octo- Ortega Murillo and Laureano Ortega Murillo, Whereas the government of Daniel Ortega ber 2019, according to the United Nations and Nicaragua’s Banco Corporativo has concentrated power and brought about High Commissioner for Refugees; (Bancorp); the progressive deterioration of democratic Whereas the Government and people of Whereas, in June 2019, the Government of conditions in Nicaragua; Costa Rica have graciously accepted nearly Canada imposed sanctions on 12 members of Whereas recent elections in Nicaragua, in- 70,000 Nicaraguans, including enrolling chil- the Government of Nicaragua engaged in cluding the 2016 presidential election, have dren in public primary schools, allowing ac- gross and systemic human rights violations; been marred by irregularities and character- cess to legal employment, and making ef- and ized by significant restrictions on the par- forts to strengthen the capacity of Costa Whereas, in advance of any future election, ticipation of opposition political parties and Rica’s asylum system; the Government of Nicaragua urgently needs the absence of credible international and Whereas the Ortega government failed to to undertake electoral reforms, including local electoral observers; comply with its commitment to release all the appointment of independent new mag- Whereas Nicaraguan security forces, para- political prisoners, releasing just 392 people, istrates to the Supreme Electoral Council, military, police, and other actors working of which 286 were released to house arrest the restoration of a 50 percent plus one under the direction of the Ortega regime with charges still pending; threshold for the presidential election, the committed gross violations of human rights Whereas Nicaragua’s Civic Alliance for establishment of a second round of voting if and acts of repression, resulting in more Justice and Democracy alleges that there re- the electoral threshold is not reached, the than 325 deaths, over 2,000 injuries, and at main over 150 political prisoners held in Nic- establishment of a detailed electoral cal- least 800 arbitrary detentions during the araguan prisons as of November 29, 2019; endar, and stronger observation by political peaceful protests that took place in 2018, ac- Whereas a United States citizen and Navy parties: Now, therefore, be it veteran, 57-year-old Eddy Montes, was shot Resolved, That the Senate— cording to the Organization of American and killed while in the custody of the Nica- (1) calls on the Government of Nicaragua States; raguan police at La Modelo Prison on May to immediately release all political prisoners Whereas a report by the Interdisciplinary 16, 2019; without conditions and cease all acts of vio- Group of Independent Experts, appointed by Whereas the Government of Nicaragua has lence, repression, and intimidation against the Organization of American States Inter- failed in its national response to prevent the dissenting voices in Nicaragua; American Commission on Human Rights, de- spread and transmission of COVID–19, includ- (2) urges the Ortega government to respect termined that the Ortega regime used delib- ing through its refusal to implement COVID–19 Nicaraguans’ constitutional rights and im- erate, lethal force against protesters and precautions or allow widespread testing for local plement the electoral reforms mentioned committed acts of torture that meet the transmission; above in order to permit the holding of free, international legal standard of crimes Whereas, on May 8, 2020, according to Am- fair, and transparent elections; against humanity; nesty International, over a dozen people who re- (3) encourages the United States Govern- Whereas an estimated 82,000 Nicaraguans main in detention after being arrested for par- ment to align United States sanctions with fled the country between April 2018 and Octo- ticipating in the 2018 protests have now dem- diplomatic efforts to advance electoral re- ber 2019, according to the United Nations onstrated symptoms consistent with COVID–19; forms that could lead to free, fair, and trans- High Commissioner for Refugees; Whereas the government of Daniel Ortega parent elections in Nicaragua; Whereas the Government and people of has severely restricted freedom of the press (4) expresses full support for the people of Costa Rica have graciously accepted nearly by closing five local television stations, at- Nicaragua, Nicaraguan independent media, 70,000 Nicaraguans, including enrolling chil- tacking independent radio stations, arbi- and Nicaraguan civil society organizations dren in public primary schools, allowing ac- trarily detaining journalists, and arbitrarily that are working for a peaceful return to cess to legal employment, and making ef- restricting print supplies from entering the democratic order in Nicaragua; forts to strengthen the capacity of Costa country; (5) supports the efforts of the United Rica’s asylum system; Whereas, beginning on November 14, 2019, States Government to apply pressure on the Whereas the Ortega government failed to Nicaraguan police conducted attacks on Ortega government in order to hold account- comply with its commitment to release all churches throughout the country, cut water able those actors involved in human rights political prisoners, releasing just 392 people, to hunger strikers barricaded inside a church abuses, acts of significant corruption, and of which 286 were released to house arrest in Masaya, and arrested 13 people attempting the undermining of democratic institutions with charges still pending; to bring them water; in Nicaragua; Whereas Nicaragua’s Civic Alliance for Whereas doctors, lawyers, academics, and (6) urges the international community to Justice and Democracy alleges that there re- other professionals in Nicaragua face perse- hold the Ortega government accountable for main over 150 political prisoners held in Nic- cution and, in some cases torture, based on human rights abuses and to restrict its ac- araguan prisons as of November 29, 2019; suspicion of aiding or sympathizing with cess to foreign financing unless or until it al- Whereas a United States citizen and Navy protestors; lows for free, fair, and transparent elections Whereas the Ortega regime has violated veteran, 57-year-old Eddy Montes, was shot monitored by credible international and and killed while in the custody of the Nica- the economic and political rights of indige- ø ¿ nous communities, Afro-descendent popu- local electoral observers; and observers; raguan police at La Modelo Prison on May lations, rural campesinos, land rights defend- (7) urges the United States Government to 16, 2019; ers, and individuals living in the Caribbean investigate and hold accountable those re- Whereas the Government of Nicaragua has Autonomous Regions of Nicaragua; sponsible for the death of Eddy Montes, a failed in its national response to prevent the Whereas, on November 27, 2018, Executive United States citizen and Navy veteran, who spread and transmission of COVID–19, includ- Order 13851 was issued, which blocks the was shot and killed while in the custody of ing through its refusal to implement COVID– property of certain persons involved in the the Nicaraguan police at La Modelo Prison 19 precautions or allow widespread testing ø ¿ Nicaraguan crisis, and its application was on May 16, 2019. 2019; and for local transmission; (8) urges the Ortega government to implement expanded by the Office of Foreign Asset Con- Whereas, on May 8, 2020, according to Am- measures consistent with public health guidance trol of the Department of the Treasury on nesty International, over a dozen people who to limit the spread of coronavirus in Nicaragua. September 4, 2019; remain in detention after being arrested for Whereas the bipartisan Nicaragua Human Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- participating in the 2018 protests have now Rights and Anticorruption Act of 2018 (Pub- sent that the committee-reported demonstrated symptoms consistent with lic Law 115–335; commonly referred to as the amendments to the resolution be COVID–19; ‘‘NICA Act’’) was signed into law on Decem- agreed to; that the resolution, as Whereas the government of Daniel Ortega ber 20, 2018, imposing restrictions on lending amended, be agreed to; that the pre- has severely restricted freedom of the press to the Nicaraguan government by inter- amble, as amended, be agreed to; and by closing five local television stations, at- national financial institutions and requiring that the motions to reconsider be con- tacking independent radio stations, arbi- the President to sanction non-United States sidered made and laid upon the table. trarily detaining journalists, and arbitrarily persons implicated in egregious human The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without restricting print supplies from entering the rights abuses and corruption in Nicaragua; objection, it is so ordered. country; Whereas the NICA Act expresses the sup- The committee-reported amendments Whereas, beginning on November 14, 2019, Nicaraguan police conducted attacks on port of Congress for a negotiated solution to were agreed to. churches throughout the country, cut water the Nicaraguan crisis and includes an annual The resolution (S. Res. 525), as certification to waive sanctions if the Ortega to hunger strikers barricaded inside a church government takes steps to restore demo- amended, was agreed to. in Masaya, and arrested 13 people attempting cratic governance and uphold human rights; The committee-reported amendment to bring them water; Whereas, in the absence of such steps, the to the preamble was agreed to. Whereas doctors, lawyers, academics, and Department of State and the Department of The preamble, as amended, was other professionals in Nicaragua face perse- the Treasury have imposed targeted sanc- agreed to. cution and, in some cases torture, based on tions on Nicaraguan officials and entities, The resolution, as amended, with its suspicion of aiding or sympathizing with including First Lady and Vice President preamble, as amended, reads as follows: protestors;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.008 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3019 Whereas the Ortega regime has violated monitored by credible international and quirements for a government-wide ‘‘Women, the economic and political rights of indige- local electoral observers; Peace, and Security Strategy’’ to promote and nous communities, Afro-descendent popu- (7) urges the United States Government to strengthen the participation of women in peace lations, rural campesinos, land rights defend- investigate and hold accountable those re- negotiations and conflict prevention overseas, ers, and individuals living in the Caribbean sponsible for the death of Eddy Montes, a enhanced training for relevant United States Autonomous Regions of Nicaragua; United States citizen and Navy veteran, who Government personnel, and follow-up evalua- Whereas, on November 27, 2018, Executive was shot and killed while in the custody of tions of the effectiveness of the strategy; Order 13851 was issued, which blocks the the Nicaraguan police at La Modelo Prison Whereas the United States Strategy on property of certain persons involved in the on May 16, 2019; and Women, Peace, and Security, dated June 2019, Nicaraguan crisis, and its application was (8) urges the Ortega government to imple- recognizes that— expanded by the Office of Foreign Asset Con- ment measures consistent with public health (1) the ‘‘[s]ocial and political marginalization trol of the Department of the Treasury on guidance to limit the spread of coronavirus of women strongly correlates with the likelihood September 4, 2019; in Nicaragua. that a country will experience conflict’’; Whereas the bipartisan Nicaragua Human (2) there is a ‘‘tremendous amount of un- f Rights and Anticorruption Act of 2018 (Pub- tapped potential among the world’s women and lic Law 115–335; commonly referred to as the SUPPORTING THE GOALS OF girls to identify, recommend, and implement ef- ‘‘NICA Act’’) was signed into law on Decem- INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY fective solutions to conflict’’, and there are ber 20, 2018, imposing restrictions on lending ‘‘benefits derived from creating opportunities for to the Nicaraguan government by inter- Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I women and girls to serve as agents of peace via national financial institutions and requiring ask unanimous consent that the Sen- political, economic, and social empowerment’’; the President to sanction non-United States ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- and persons implicated in egregious human endar No. 472, S. Res. 533. (3) barriers to the meaningful participation of rights abuses and corruption in Nicaragua; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The women and girls in conflict prevention and reso- Whereas the NICA Act expresses the sup- clerk will report the resolution by lution efforts ‘‘include under-representation in port of Congress for a negotiated solution to title. political leadership, pervasive violence against the Nicaraguan crisis and includes an annual women and girls, and persistent inequality in certification to waive sanctions if the Ortega The bill clerk read as follows: many societies’’; government takes steps to restore demo- A resolution (S. Res. 533) supporting the Whereas, according to the United Nations En- cratic governance and uphold human rights; goals of International Women’s Day. tity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment Whereas, in the absence of such steps, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. There of Women (commonly referred to as ‘‘UN Department of State and the Department of being no objection, the Senate pro- Women’’), peace negotiations are more likely to the Treasury have imposed targeted sanc- ceeded to consider the resolution, end in a peace agreement when women and tions on Nicaraguan officials and entities, women’s groups play a meaningful role in the including First Lady and Vice President which had been reported from the Com- negotiation process; Rosario Murillo, Daniel Ortega’s sons, Rafael mittee on Foreign Relations, with an Whereas, according to a study by the Inter- Ortega Murillo and Laureano Ortega Murillo, amendment to strike all after the re- national Peace Institute, a peace agreement is and Nicaragua’s Banco Corporativo solving clause and insert the part 35 percent more likely to last at least 15 years if (Bancorp); printed in italic, and with an amend- women participate in the development of the Whereas, in June 2019, the Government of ment to strike the preamble and insert peace agreement; Canada imposed sanctions on 12 members of the part printed in italic, as follows: Whereas there are 83 national action plans re- the Government of Nicaragua engaged in lating to the empowerment of women around the S. RES. 533 gross and systemic human rights violations; world, 11 regional action plans, and at least 9 and Whereas, as of March 2020, there are approxi- additional national action plans in develop- Whereas, in advance of any future election, mately 3,764,000,000 women and girls in the ment; the Government of Nicaragua urgently needs world; Whereas the joint strategy of the Department to undertake electoral reforms, including Whereas women and girls around the world— of State and the United States Agency for Inter- the appointment of independent new mag- (1) have fundamental human rights; national Development (USAID) entitled ‘‘De- istrates to the Supreme Electoral Council, (2) play a critical role in providing and caring partment of State & USAID Joint Strategy on the restoration of a 50 percent plus one for their families and driving positive change in Countering Violent Extremism’’ and dated May threshold for the presidential election, the their communities; 2016— establishment of a second round of voting if (3) contribute substantially to food security, (1) notes that women can play a critical role the electoral threshold is not reached, the economic growth, the prevention and resolution in identifying and addressing drivers of violent establishment of a detailed electoral cal- of conflict, and the sustainability of peace and extremism in their families, communities, and endar, and stronger observation by political stability; and broader society; and parties: Now, therefore, be it (4) must have meaningful opportunities to (2) commits to supporting programs that en- Resolved, That the Senate— more fully participate in and lead the political, gage women ‘‘as key stakeholders in preventing (1) calls on the Government of Nicaragua social, and economic lives of their communities; and countering violent extremism in their com- to immediately release all political prisoners Whereas the advancement and empowerment munities’’; without conditions and cease all acts of vio- of women and girls around the world is a for- Whereas, according to the Bureau of Inter- lence, repression, and intimidation against eign policy priority for the United States and is national Narcotics and Law Enforcement Af- dissenting voices in Nicaragua; critical to the achievement of global peace and fairs of the Department of State, the full and (2) urges the Ortega government to respect prosperity; meaningful participation of women in criminal Nicaraguans’ constitutional rights and im- Whereas 2020 marks the anniversary of sig- justice professions and security forces vastly en- plement the electoral reforms mentioned nificant milestones toward advancing the hances the effectiveness of the security forces; above in order to permit the holding of free, human rights and equality of women and girls, Whereas, despite the contributions of women fair, and transparent elections; including— to society, hundreds of millions of women and (3) encourages the United States Govern- (1) the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage girls around the world continue to be denied the ment to align United States sanctions with in the United States; and right to participate freely in civic and economic diplomatic efforts to advance electoral re- (2) the 20th anniversary of the Women, Peace, life, lack fundamental legal protections, and re- forms that could lead to free, fair, and trans- and Security Agenda, which was established main vulnerable to exploitation and abuse; parent elections in Nicaragua; through the unanimous adoption of United Na- Whereas, every year, approximately 12,000,000 (4) expresses full support for the people of tions Security Council Resolution 1325 in Octo- girls are married before they reach the age of 18, Nicaragua, Nicaraguan independent media, ber 2000; which means that— and Nicaraguan civil society organizations Whereas the National Security Strategy of the (1) nearly 33,000 girls are married every day; that are working for a peaceful return to United States, published in December 2017— or democratic order in Nicaragua; (1) declares that ‘‘[s]ocieties that empower (2) nearly 23 girls are married every minute; (5) supports the efforts of the United women to participate fully in civic and economic Whereas, despite global progress, it is pre- States Government to apply pressure on the life are more prosperous and peaceful’’; dicted that by 2030 more than 150,000,000 more Ortega government in order to hold account- (2) supports ‘‘efforts to advance women’s girls will marry before reaching the age of 18, able those actors involved in human rights equality, protect the rights of women and girls, and approximately 2,400,000 girls who are mar- abuses, acts of significant corruption, and and promote women and youth empowerment ried before reaching the age of 18 are under the the undermining of democratic institutions programs’’; and age of 15; in Nicaragua; (3) recognizes that ‘‘governments that fail to Whereas girls living in countries affected by (6) urges the international community to treat women equally do not allow their societies conflict or other humanitarian crises are often hold the Ortega government accountable for to reach their potential’’; the most vulnerable to child marriage, and 9 of human rights abuses and to restrict its ac- Whereas, on October 6, 2017, the Women, the 10 countries with the highest rates of child cess to foreign financing unless or until it al- Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (22 U.S.C. 2152j marriage are considered fragile or extremely lows for free, fair, and transparent elections et seq.) was enacted into law, which includes re- fragile;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.010 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 Whereas, according to the International (7) conflict and insecurity; and consumers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and in- Labour Organization, 71 percent of the esti- (8) other factors that favor boys or devalue vestors, so that they enjoy the same access, mated 40,300,000 victims of modern slavery in girls’ education; rights, and opportunities as men to participate 2016 were women or girls; Whereas, according to the United Nations in, contribute to, control, and benefit from eco- Whereas, according to the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza- nomic activity.’’; Children’s Fund (commonly referred to as tion— Whereas, according to the World Health Orga- ‘‘UNICEF’’)— (1) approximately 132,000,000 girls between the nization, global maternal mortality decreased by (1) approximately 1⁄4 of girls between the ages ages of 6 and 17 remain out of school; approximately 44 percent between 1990 and 2015, of 15 and 19 have been victims of some form of (2) girls living in countries affected by conflict yet approximately 830 women and girls continue physical violence; are 2.5 times more likely to be out of primary to die from preventable causes relating to preg- (2) approximately 120,000,000 girls worldwide, school than boys; nancy or childbirth each day, and 99 percent of slightly more than 1 in 10, have experienced (3) girls are twice as likely as boys to never set all maternal deaths occur in developing coun- forced sexual acts; and foot in a classroom; and tries; (3) an estimated 1 in 3 women around the (4) up to 30 percent of girls who drop out of Whereas, according to the United Nations, of world has experienced some form of physical or school do so because of adolescent pregnancy or the 830 women and adolescent girls who die sexual violence; child marriage; every day from preventable causes relating to Whereas, according to the 2018 report of the Whereas women around the world face a vari- pregnancy and childbirth, 507 die each day in United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime enti- ety of constraints that severely limit their eco- countries that are considered fragile because of tled ‘‘Global Report on Trafficking in Persons’’, nomic participation and productivity and re- conflict or disaster, accounting for approxi- from 2003 to 2018, 72 percent of all detected traf- main underrepresented in the labor force; mately 3⁄5 of all maternal deaths worldwide; ficking victims were women or girls; Whereas the economic empowerment of women Whereas the Office of the United Nations Whereas, on August 10, 2012, the United is inextricably linked to a myriad of other High Commissioner for Refugees reports that States Government launched a strategy entitled human rights that are essential to the ability of women and girls comprise approximately 1⁄2 of ‘‘United States Strategy to Prevent and Respond women to thrive as economic actors, including— the 67,200,000 refugees and internally displaced to Gender-Based Violence Globally’’, which is (1) living lives free of violence and exploi- or stateless individuals in the world; the first interagency strategy that— tation; Whereas women and girls in humanitarian (1) addresses gender-based violence around (2) achieving the highest possible standard of emergencies, including those subject to forced the world; health and well-being; displacement, face increased and exacerbated (2) advances the rights and status of women (3) enjoying full legal and human rights, such vulnerabilities to— and girls; as access to registration, identification, and citi- (1) gender-based violence, including, rape, (3) promotes gender equality in United States zenship documents, and freedom of movement; child marriage, , human traf- foreign policy; and (4) access to formal and informal education; ficking, and sexual exploitation and assault; (4) works to bring about a world in which all (5) access to, and equal protection under, land (2) disruptions in education and livelihood; individuals can pursue their aspirations without and property rights; (3) lack of access to health services; and the threat of violence; (6) access to fundamental labor rights; (4) food insecurity and malnutrition; Whereas, in June 2016, the Department of (7) the implementation of policies to address Whereas malnutrition poses a variety of State released an update to that strategy, un- disproportionate care burdens; and threats to women and girls specifically, as mal- derscoring that ‘‘[p]reventing and responding to (8) receiving business and management skills nutrition can weaken their immune systems, gender-based violence is a cornerstone of the and leadership opportunities; making them more susceptible to infections, and U.S. Government’s commitment to advancing Whereas closing the global gender gap in affects their capacity to survive childbirth, and human rights and promoting gender equality labor markets could increase worldwide gross children born of malnourished women and girls and the empowerment of women and girls’’; domestic product by as much as are more likely to have cognitive impairments Whereas, despite the achievements of indi- $28,000,000,000,000 by 2025; and higher risk of disease throughout their vidual female leaders and evidence that democ- Whereas, pursuant to section 3(b) of the Wom- lives; racy and equality under the law form a mutu- en’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empower- Whereas it is imperative— ally reinforcing relationship in which higher ment Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 2151–2(b)), it is the (1) to alleviate violence and discrimination levels of equality are strongly correlated with international development cooperation policy of against women and girls; and the relative state of peace of a country, a the United States— (2) to afford women and girls every oppor- healthier domestic security environment, and (1) to reduce gender disparities with respect to tunity to be full and productive members of their lower levels of aggression toward other coun- economic, social, political, educational, and cul- communities; and tries— tural resources, as well as wealth, opportunities, Whereas March 8, 2020, is recognized as Inter- (1) women around the world remain vastly and services; national Women’s Day, a global day— underrepresented in— (2) to strive to eliminate gender-based violence (1) to celebrate the economic, political, and so- (A) national and local legislatures and gov- and mitigate its harmful effects on individuals cial achievements of women in the past, present, ernments; and and communities, including through efforts to and future; and (B) other high-level positions; and develop standards and capacity to reduce gen- (2) to recognize the obstacles that women face (2) according to the Inter-Parliamentary der-based violence in the workplace and other in the struggle for equal rights and opportuni- Union, women account for only 25 percent of places where women work; ties: Now, therefore, be it national parliamentarians and 21 percent of (3) to support activities that secure private Resolved, That the Senate— government ministers; property rights and land tenure for women in (1) supports the goals of International Wom- Whereas the ability of women and girls to re- developing countries, including— en’s Day; alize their full potential is critical to the ability (A) supporting legal frameworks that give (2) recognizes that the fundamental human of a country to achieve strong and lasting eco- women equal rights to own, register, use, prof- rights of women and girls have intrinsic value nomic growth, self-reliance, and political and it from, and inherit land and property; that affect the quality of life of women and social stability; (B) improving legal literacy to enable girls; Whereas the overall level of violence against women to exercise the rights described in sub- (3) recognizes that the empowerment of women women is a better predictor of the peacefulness paragraph (A); and and girls is inextricably linked to the potential of a country, the compliance of a country with (C) improving the capacity of law enforce- of a country to generate— international treaty obligations, and the rela- ment and community leaders to enforce such (A) economic growth and self-reliance; tions of a country with neighboring countries rights; (B) sustainable peace and democracy; and than indicators measuring the level of democ- (4) to increase the capability of women and (C) inclusive security; racy, level of wealth, or level of institutionaliza- girls to fully exercise their rights, determine (4) recognizes and honors individuals in the tion of the country; their life outcomes, assume leadership roles, and United States and around the world, including Whereas, although the United Nations Millen- influence decision making in households, com- women human rights defenders, activists, and nium Project reached the goal of achieving gen- munities, and societies; and civil society leaders, who have worked through- der parity in primary education in most coun- (5) to improve the access of women and girls to out history to ensure that women and girls are tries in 2015, more work remains to be done to education, particularly higher education oppor- guaranteed equality and fundamental human achieve gender equality in primary and sec- tunities in business, finance, and management, rights; ondary education, and particularly in sec- in order to enhance financial literacy and busi- (5) recognizes the unique cultural, historical, ondary education worldwide as gender gaps per- ness development, management, and strategy and religious differences throughout the world sist and widen, by addressing— skills; and urges the United States Government to act (1) discriminatory practices; Whereas, pursuant to National Security Presi- with respect and understanding toward legiti- (2) harmful cultural and social norms; dential Memorandum 16, entitled ‘‘Promoting mate differences when promoting any policies; (3) inadequate sanitation facilities, including Women’s Global Development and Prosperity’’, (6) reaffirms the commitment— facilities to manage menstruation; ‘‘It is the policy of the United States to enhance (A) to end discrimination and violence against (4) child, early, and forced marriage; the opportunity for women to meaningfully par- women and girls; (5) poverty; ticipate in, contribute to, and benefit from eco- (B) to ensure the safety, health, and welfare (6) early pregnancy and motherhood; nomic opportunities as individuals, workers, of women and girls;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:41 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.014 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3021 (C) to pursue policies that guarantee the fun- Whereas the National Security Strategy of civic and economic life, lack fundamental damental human rights of women and girls the United States, published in December legal protections, and remain vulnerable to worldwide; and 2017— exploitation and abuse; (D) to promote meaningful and significant (1) declares that ‘‘[s]ocieties that empower Whereas, every year, approximately participation of women in every aspect of soci- women to participate fully in civic and eco- 12,000,000 girls are married before they reach ety and community, including conflict preven- nomic life are more prosperous and peace- the age of 18, which means that— tion, protection, peacemaking, and ful’’; (1) nearly 33,000 girls are married every peacebuilding; (2) supports ‘‘efforts to advance women’s day; or (7) supports sustainable, measurable, and equality, protect the rights of women and (2) nearly 23 girls are married every global development that seeks to achieve gender girls, and promote women and youth em- minute; equality and the empowerment of women and powerment programs’’; and Whereas, despite global progress, it is pre- girls; and (3) recognizes that ‘‘governments that fail dicted that by 2030 more than 150,000,000 (8) encourages the people of the United States to treat women equally do not allow their more girls will marry before reaching the to observe International Women’s Day with ap- societies to reach their potential’’; age of 18, and approximately 2,400,000 girls propriate programs and activities. Whereas, on October 6, 2017, the Women, who are married before reaching the age of 18 Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (22 U.S.C. are under the age of 15; sent that the committee-reported sub- 2152j et seq.) was enacted into law, which in- Whereas girls living in countries affected cludes requirements for a government-wide by conflict or other humanitarian crises are stitute amendment to the resolution be ‘‘Women, Peace, and Security Strategy’’ to agreed to. often the most vulnerable to child marriage, promote and strengthen the participation of and 9 of the 10 countries with the highest The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without women in peace negotiations and conflict rates of child marriage are considered fragile objection, it is so ordered. prevention overseas, enhanced training for or extremely fragile; The committee-reported amendment relevant United States Government per- Whereas, according to the International in the nature of a substitute was sonnel, and follow-up evaluations of the ef- Labour Organization, 71 percent of the esti- agreed to. fectiveness of the strategy; mated 40,300,000 victims of modern slavery in Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I Whereas the United States Strategy on 2016 were women or girls; know of no further debate on the reso- Women, Peace, and Security, dated June Whereas, according to the United Nation’s 2019, recognizes that— lution, as amended. Children’s Fund (commonly referred to as (1) the ‘‘[s]ocial and political ‘‘UNICEF’’)— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there marginalization of women strongly cor- (1) approximately 1⁄4 of girls between the further debate? relates with the likelihood that a country ages of 15 and 19 have been victims of some Hearing none, the question is on will experience conflict’’; form of physical violence; adoption of the resolution, as amended. (2) there is a ‘‘tremendous amount of un- (2) approximately 120,000,000 girls world- The resolution (S. Res. 533), as tapped potential among the world’s women wide, slightly more than 1 in 10, have experi- amended, was agreed to. and girls to identify, recommend, and imple- enced forced sexual acts; and ment effective solutions to conflict’’, and (3) an estimated 1 in 3 women around the Mr. GARDNER. I ask unanimous con- there are ‘‘benefits derived from creating op- sent that the committee-reported world has experienced some form of physical portunities for women and girls to serve as or sexual violence; amendment to the preamble be agreed agents of peace via political, economic, and Whereas, according to the 2018 report of to; that the preamble, as amended, be social empowerment’’; and the United Nations Office on Drugs and agreed to; and that the motions to re- (3) barriers to the meaningful participation Crime entitled ‘‘Global Report on Traf- consider be considered made and laid of women and girls in conflict prevention ficking in Persons’’, from 2003 to 2018, 72 per- upon the table. and resolution efforts ‘‘include under-rep- cent of all detected trafficking victims were The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without resentation in political leadership, pervasive women or girls; violence against women and girls, and per- Whereas, on August 10, 2012, the United objection, it is so ordered. sistent inequality in many societies’’; The committee-reported amendment States Government launched a strategy enti- Whereas, according to the United Nations tled ‘‘United States Strategy to Prevent and to the preamble in the nature of a sub- Entity for Gender Equality and the Em- Respond to Gender-Based Violence Glob- stitute was agreed to. powerment of Women (commonly referred to ally’’, which is the first interagency strategy The preamble, as amended, was as ‘‘UN Women’’), peace negotiations are that— agreed to. more likely to end in a peace agreement (1) addresses gender-based violence around The resolution, as amended, with its when women and women’s groups play a the world; preamble, as amended, reads as follows: meaningful role in the negotiation process; (2) advances the rights and status of Whereas, according to a study by the Inter- women and girls; S. RES. 533 national Peace Institute, a peace agreement (3) promotes gender equality in United Whereas, as of March 2020, there are ap- is 35 percent more likely to last at least 15 States foreign policy; and proximately 3,764,000,000 women and girls in years if women participate in the develop- (4) works to bring about a world in which the world; ment of the peace agreement; all individuals can pursue their aspirations Whereas women and girls around the Whereas there are 83 national action plans without the threat of violence; world— relating to the empowerment of women Whereas, in June 2016, the Department of (1) have fundamental human rights; around the world, 11 regional action plans, State released an update to that strategy, (2) play a critical role in providing and car- and at least 9 additional national action underscoring that ‘‘[p]reventing and respond- ing for their families and driving positive plans in development; ing to gender-based violence is a cornerstone change in their communities; Whereas the joint strategy of the Depart- of the U.S. Government’s commitment to ad- (3) contribute substantially to food secu- ment of State and the United States Agency vancing human rights and promoting gender rity, economic growth, the prevention and for International Development (USAID) enti- equality and the empowerment of women resolution of conflict, and the sustainability tled ‘‘Department of State & USAID Joint and girls’’; of peace and stability; and Strategy on Countering Violent Extremism’’ Whereas, despite the achievements of indi- (4) must have meaningful opportunities to and dated May 2016— vidual female leaders and evidence that de- more fully participate in and lead the polit- (1) notes that women can play a critical mocracy and equality under the law form a ical, social, and economic lives of their com- role in identifying and addressing drivers of mutually reinforcing relationship in which munities; violent extremism in their families, commu- higher levels of equality are strongly cor- Whereas the advancement and empower- nities, and broader society; and related with the relative state of peace of a ment of women and girls around the world is (2) commits to supporting programs that country, a healthier domestic security envi- a foreign policy priority for the United engage women ‘‘as key stakeholders in pre- ronment, and lower levels of aggression to- States and is critical to the achievement of venting and countering violent extremism in ward other countries— global peace and prosperity; their communities’’; (1) women around the world remain vastly Whereas 2020 marks the anniversary of sig- Whereas, according to the Bureau of Inter- underrepresented in— nificant milestones toward advancing the national Narcotics and Law Enforcement Af- (A) national and local legislatures and human rights and equality of women and fairs of the Department of State, the full and governments; and girls, including— meaningful participation of women in crimi- (B) other high-level positions; and (1) the 100th anniversary of women’s suf- nal justice professions and security forces (2) according to the Inter-Parliamentary frage in the United States; and vastly enhances the effectiveness of the secu- Union, women account for only 25 percent of (2) the 20th anniversary of the Women, rity forces; national parliamentarians and 21 percent of Peace, and Security Agenda, which was es- Whereas, despite the contributions of government ministers; tablished through the unanimous adoption of women to society, hundreds of millions of Whereas the ability of women and girls to United Nations Security Council Resolution women and girls around the world continue realize their full potential is critical to the 1325 in October 2000; to be denied the right to participate freely in ability of a country to achieve strong and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.014 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 lasting economic growth, self-reliance, and workplace and other places where women (1) to celebrate the economic, political, political and social stability; work; and social achievements of women in the Whereas the overall level of violence (3) to support activities that secure private past, present, and future; and against women is a better predictor of the property rights and land tenure for women in (2) to recognize the obstacles that women peacefulness of a country, the compliance of developing countries, including— face in the struggle for equal rights and op- a country with international treaty obliga- (A) supporting legal frameworks that portunities: Now, therefore, be it tions, and the relations of a country with give women equal rights to own, register, Resolved, That the Senate— neighboring countries than indicators meas- use, profit from, and inherit land and prop- (1) supports the goals of International uring the level of democracy, level of wealth, erty; Women’s Day; or level of institutionalization of the coun- (B) improving legal literacy to enable (2) recognizes that the fundamental human try; women to exercise the rights described in rights of women and girls have intrinsic Whereas, although the United Nations Mil- subparagraph (A); and value that affect the quality of life of women lennium Project reached the goal of achiev- (C) improving the capacity of law en- and girls; ing gender parity in primary education in forcement and community leaders to en- (3) recognizes that the empowerment of most countries in 2015, more work remains force such rights; women and girls is inextricably linked to the to be done to achieve gender equality in pri- (4) to increase the capability of women and potential of a country to generate— mary and secondary education, and particu- girls to fully exercise their rights, determine (A) economic growth and self-reliance; larly in secondary education worldwide as their life outcomes, assume leadership roles, (B) sustainable peace and democracy; and gender gaps persist and widen, by address- and influence decision making in households, (C) inclusive security; ing— communities, and societies; and (4) recognizes and honors individuals in the (1) discriminatory practices; (5) to improve the access of women and United States and around the world, includ- (2) harmful cultural and social norms; girls to education, particularly higher edu- ing women human rights defenders, activ- (3) inadequate sanitation facilities, includ- cation opportunities in business, finance, ists, and civil society leaders, who have ing facilities to manage menstruation; and management, in order to enhance finan- worked throughout history to ensure that (4) child, early, and forced marriage; cial literacy and business development, man- women and girls are guaranteed equality and (5) poverty; agement, and strategy skills; fundamental human rights; (6) early pregnancy and motherhood; Whereas, pursuant to National Security (5) recognizes the unique cultural, histor- (7) conflict and insecurity; and Presidential Memorandum 16, entitled ‘‘Pro- ical, and religious differences throughout the (8) other factors that favor boys or devalue moting Women’s Global Development and world and urges the United States Govern- girls’ education; Prosperity’’, ‘‘It is the policy of the United ment to act with respect and understanding Whereas, according to the United Nations States to enhance the opportunity for toward legitimate differences when pro- Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- women to meaningfully participate in, con- moting any policies; zation— tribute to, and benefit from economic oppor- (6) reaffirms the commitment— (1) approximately 132,000,000 girls between tunities as individuals, workers, consumers, (A) to end discrimination and violence the ages of 6 and 17 remain out of school; innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors, so against women and girls; (2) girls living in countries affected by con- that they enjoy the same access, rights, and (B) to ensure the safety, health, and wel- flict are 2.5 times more likely to be out of opportunities as men to participate in, con- fare of women and girls; primary school than boys; tribute to, control, and benefit from eco- (C) to pursue policies that guarantee the (3) girls are twice as likely as boys to never nomic activity.’’; fundamental human rights of women and set foot in a classroom; and Whereas, according to the World Health girls worldwide; and (4) up to 30 percent of girls who drop out of Organization, global maternal mortality de- (D) to promote meaningful and significant school do so because of adolescent pregnancy creased by approximately 44 percent between participation of women in every aspect of so- or child marriage; 1990 and 2015, yet approximately 830 women ciety and community, including conflict pre- Whereas women around the world face a and girls continue to die from preventable vention, protection, peacemaking, and variety of constraints that severely limit causes relating to pregnancy or childbirth peacebuilding; their economic participation and produc- each day, and 99 percent of all maternal (7) supports sustainable, measurable, and tivity and remain underrepresented in the deaths occur in developing countries; global development that seeks to achieve labor force; Whereas, according to the United Nations, gender equality and the empowerment of Whereas the economic empowerment of of the 830 women and adolescent girls who women and girls; and women is inextricably linked to a myriad of die every day from preventable causes relat- (8) encourages the people of the United other human rights that are essential to the ing to pregnancy and childbirth, 507 die each States to observe International Women’s ability of women to thrive as economic ac- day in countries that are considered fragile Day with appropriate programs and activi- tors, including— because of conflict or disaster, accounting ties. (1) living lives free of violence and exploi- for approximately 3⁄5 of all maternal deaths f tation; worldwide; (2) achieving the highest possible standard Whereas the Office of the United Nations COMMEMORATING THE 75TH ANNI- of health and well-being; High Commissioner for Refugees reports that VERSARY OF THE LIBERATION (3) enjoying full legal and human rights, 1 women and girls comprise approximately ⁄2 OF THE DACHAU CONCENTRA- such as access to registration, identification, of the 67,200,000 refugees and internally dis- TION CAMP DURING WORLD WAR and citizenship documents, and freedom of placed or stateless individuals in the world; movement; Whereas women and girls in humanitarian II (4) access to formal and informal edu- emergencies, including those subject to Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I cation; forced displacement, face increased and exac- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- (5) access to, and equal protection under, erbated vulnerabilities to— ate proceed to the consideration of Cal- land and property rights; (1) gender-based violence, including, rape, (6) access to fundamental labor rights; endar No. 473, S. Res. 542. child marriage, domestic violence, human The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (7) the implementation of policies to ad- trafficking, and sexual exploitation and as- dress disproportionate care burdens; and sault; clerk will report the resolution by (8) receiving business and management (2) disruptions in education and livelihood; title. skills and leadership opportunities; (3) lack of access to health services; and The bill clerk read as follows: Whereas closing the global gender gap in (4) food insecurity and malnutrition; A resolution (S. Res. 542) commemorating labor markets could increase worldwide Whereas malnutrition poses a variety of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the gross domestic product by as much as threats to women and girls specifically, as Dachau concentration camp during World $28,000,000,000,000 by 2025; malnutrition can weaken their immune sys- War II. Whereas, pursuant to section 3(b) of the tems, making them more susceptible to in- There being no objection, the Senate Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic fections, and affects their capacity to sur- Empowerment Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 2151– vive childbirth, and children born of mal- proceeded to consider the resolution, 2(b)), it is the international development co- nourished women and girls are more likely which had been reported from the Com- operation policy of the United States— to have cognitive impairments and higher mittee on Foreign Relations, with an (1) to reduce gender disparities with re- risk of disease throughout their lives; amendment to strike all after the re- spect to economic, social, political, edu- Whereas it is imperative— solving clause and insert the part cational, and cultural resources, as well as (1) to alleviate violence and discrimination printed in italic, and with an amend- wealth, opportunities, and services; against women and girls; and ment to strike the preamble and insert (2) to strive to eliminate gender-based vio- (2) to afford women and girls every oppor- lence and mitigate its harmful effects on in- tunity to be full and productive members of the part printed in italic, as follows: dividuals and communities, including their communities; and S. RES. 542 through efforts to develop standards and ca- Whereas March 8, 2020, is recognized as Whereas the Dachau concentration camp, es- pacity to reduce gender-based violence in the International Women’s Day, a global day— tablished in March 1933—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.013 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3023 (1) was the first concentration camp estab- (2) deployed in June 1943 in support of the Al- (3) was a training center for the notori- lished by the German National Socialist, or lied Forces during World War II; ously brutal SS concentration camp guards; ‘‘Nazi’’, government; Whereas the 42nd Infantry Division— and (2) served as a model for all subsequent Nazi (1) was composed of personnel from every (4) operated continuously until the end of concentration camps; State of the United States; and World War II in 1945; (3) was a training center for the notoriously (2) deployed in December 1944 in support of Whereas the Dachau concentration camp brutal SS concentration camp guards; and the Allied Forces during World War II; housed Germans who were deemed political, (4) operated continuously until the end of Whereas the 20th Armored Division— racial, or social threats by the Nazi regime, World War II in 1945; (1) was activated at Fort Campbell and, until including Communists, Social Democrats, Whereas the Dachau concentration camp October of 1944, trained soldiers and qualified Jews, Roma, members of the clergy, Jeho- housed Germans who were deemed political, ra- those soldiers for overseas shipment as replace- vah’s Witnesses, and other religious and cul- cial, or social threats by the Nazi regime, includ- ment soldiers for armored units; and tural minorities; ing Communists, Social Democrats, Jews, Roma, (2) deployed in February 1945 in support of Whereas, in addition to Germans, prisoners members of the clergy, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Allied Forces during World War II; at the Dachau concentration camp included other religious and cultural minorities; Whereas, in the European theater of oper- Poles, Hungarians, Austrians, Italians, Lith- Whereas, in addition to Germans, prisoners at ation, the 45th Infantry Division suffered— uanians, Czechs, Slovenes, Belgians, and the Dachau concentration camp included Poles, (1) 1,831 deaths in battle; and other foreign nationals from countries occu- Hungarians, Austrians, Italians, Lithuanians, (2) 7,791 battle casualties; pied or invaded by Germany; Czechs, Slovenes, Belgians, and other foreign Whereas, in the European theater of oper- Whereas the Nazis imprisoned more than nationals from countries occupied or invaded by ation, the 42nd Infantry Division suffered— 200,000 civilians in the Dachau concentration Germany; (1) 655 deaths in battle; and camp and the more than 100 subcamps of the Whereas the Nazis imprisoned more than (2) 3,971 battle casualties; Dachau concentration camp; 200,000 civilians in the Dachau concentration Whereas, in the European theater of oper- Whereas the Nazis murdered tens of thou- camp and the more than 100 subcamps of the ation, the 20th Armored Division suffered— sands of innocent civilians, and allowed Dachau concentration camp; (1) 59 deaths in battle; and countless others to die from disease, starva- Whereas the Nazis murdered tens of thou- (2) 186 battle casualties; tion, malnutrition, and exhaustion, at the sands of innocent civilians, and allowed count- Whereas, in 1985, the United States Army Cen- Dachau concentration camp, one of many less others to die from disease, starvation, mal- ter of Military History and the United States camps where the Nazis brutally killed mil- nutrition, and exhaustion, at the Dachau con- Holocaust Memorial Museum honored the 45th lions of people, including 6,000,000 Jews dur- centration camp, one of many camps where the Infantry Division, the 42nd Infantry Division, ing the Holocaust; Nazis brutally killed millions of people, includ- and the 20th Armored Division with recognition Whereas the Nazis tortured, and conducted ing 6,000,000 Jews during the Holocaust; as ‘‘liberating units’’; and medical experiments that led to the death or Whereas the Nazis tortured, and conducted Whereas commemoration of the liberation of permanent disabling of, hundreds of civilian medical experiments that led to the death or per- the Dachau concentration camp will instill in prisoners at the Dachau concentration camp, manent disabling of, hundreds of civilian pris- all people of the United States a greater aware- including by— oners at the Dachau concentration camp, in- ness of the unspeakable tragedies of the Holo- (1) subjecting the prisoners to pressure ex- cluding by— caust: Now, therefore, be it tremes; (1) subjecting the prisoners to pressure ex- Resolved, That the Senate— (2) submersing the prisoners in freezing tremes; (1) commemorates April 29, 2020, as the 75th water; (2) submersing the prisoners in freezing water; anniversary of the liberation of the Dachau (3) forcing the prisoners to drink salt (3) forcing the prisoners to drink salt water; concentration camp during World War II; water; and and (2) calls on all people of the United States to (4) infecting the prisoners with malaria; (4) infecting the prisoners with malaria; remember the tens of thousands of innocent vic- Whereas the Nazis subjected civilian pris- Whereas the Nazis subjected civilian prisoners tims murdered at the Dachau concentration oners at the Dachau concentration camp to at the Dachau concentration camp to forced camp as part of the Holocaust, the 6,000,000 forced labor— labor— Jews killed throughout the Holocaust, and all of (1) first for the initial construction and ex- (1) first for the initial construction and expan- the victims of the Nazi reign of terror; and sion of the camp; and pansion of the camp; and (3) recognizes the valorous efforts of the 45th (2) later primarily for armaments produc- (2) later primarily for armaments production Infantry Division, the 42nd Infantry Division, to supply the German military; tion to supply the German military; and the 20th Armored Division of the Seventh Whereas, following the advance of Allied Whereas, following the advance of Allied Army of the United States in the liberation of Forces, the Nazi regime began the systematic Forces, the Nazi regime began the system- the thousands of individuals imprisoned at the atic transfer of prisoners from evacuated transfer of prisoners from evacuated concentra- Dachau concentration camp. tion camps to the Dachau concentration camp concentration camps to the Dachau con- for continued imprisonment, resulting in the Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I centration camp for continued imprison- deaths of thousands of weakened and malnour- ask unanimous consent that the com- ment, resulting in the deaths of thousands of ished prisoners and leading to the discovery of mittee-reported substitute amendment weakened and malnourished prisoners and the infamous ‘‘Dachau death train’’, consisting to the resolution be agreed to; that the leading to the discovery of the infamous of nearly 40 railroad cars containing the bodies resolution, as amended, be agreed to; ‘‘Dachau death train’’, consisting of nearly of approximately 2,310 prisoners; that the committee-reported amend- 40 railroad cars containing the bodies of ap- Whereas, in December 1943, Dwight D. Eisen- proximately 2,310 prisoners; ment to the preamble be agreed to; Whereas, in December 1943, Dwight D. Ei- hower was appointed as Supreme Commander of that the preamble, as amended, be the Allied Expeditionary Forces and led the for- senhower was appointed as Supreme Com- mal coordination of the Allied Forces, with the agreed to; and that the motions to re- mander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces mission to liberate Europe; consider be considered made and laid and led the formal coordination of the Allied Whereas the main Dachau concentration upon the table. Forces, with the mission to liberate Europe; camp was liberated on April 29, 1945; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas the main Dachau concentration Whereas that liberation was led by— objection, it is so ordered. camp was liberated on April 29, 1945; (1) the 45th Infantry ‘‘Thunderbird’’ Division The committee-reported amendment Whereas that liberation was led by— of the Seventh Army of the United States (re- (1) the 45th Infantry ‘‘Thunderbird’’ Divi- in the nature of a substitute was sion of the Seventh Army of the United ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘45th Infantry agreed to. Division’’), under the leadership of Lieutenant States (referred to in this preamble as the Colonel Felix Sparks, member of the Colorado The resolution (S. Res. 542), as ‘‘45th Infantry Division’’), under the leader- Army National Guard and Commander of the amended, was agreed to. ship of Lieutenant Colonel Felix Sparks, Third Battalion of the 157th Infantry Regiment The committee-reported amendment member of the Colorado Army National of the 45th Infantry Division; to the preamble was agreed to. Guard and Commander of the Third Bat- (2) the 42nd Infantry ‘‘Rainbow’’ Division of The preamble was agreed to. talion of the 157th Infantry Regiment of the the Seventh Army of the United States (referred The resolution, as amended, with its 45th Infantry Division; to in this preamble as the ‘‘42nd Infantry Divi- preamble, as amended, reads as follows: (2) the 42nd Infantry ‘‘Rainbow’’ Division sion’’), under the leadership of Brigadier Gen- of the Seventh Army of the United States eral Henning Linden; and S. RES. 542 (referred to in this preamble as the ‘‘42nd In- (3) the 20th Armored Division of the Seventh Whereas the Dachau concentration camp, fantry Division’’), under the leadership of Army of the United States (referred to in this established in March 1933— Brigadier General Henning Linden; and preamble as the ‘‘20th Armored Division’’); (1) was the first concentration camp estab- (3) the 20th Armored Division of the Sev- Whereas the 45th Infantry Division— lished by the German National Socialist, or enth Army of the United States (referred to (1) was composed of National Guard units ‘‘Nazi’’, government; in this preamble as the ‘‘20th Armored Divi- from Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, and New (2) served as a model for all subsequent sion’’); Mexico; and Nazi concentration camps; Whereas the 45th Infantry Division—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.011 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S3024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2020 (1) was composed of National Guard units cent victims murdered at the Dachau con- The bill (S. 3731) was ordered to be from Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona, and New centration camp as part of the Holocaust, engrossed for a third reading, was read Mexico; and the 6,000,000 Jews killed throughout the Hol- the third time, and passed as follows: (2) deployed in June 1943 in support of the ocaust, and all of the victims of the Nazi (The bill will be printed in a future Allied Forces during World War II; reign of terror; and Whereas the 42nd Infantry Division— (3) recognizes the valorous efforts of the edition of the RECORD.) (1) was composed of personnel from every 45th Infantry Division, the 42nd Infantry Di- f State of the United States; and vision, and the 20th Armored Division of the (2) deployed in December 1944 in support of Seventh Army of the United States in the ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, JUNE the Allied Forces during World War II; liberation of the thousands of individuals 17, 2020 Whereas the 20th Armored Division— imprisoned at the Dachau concentration Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I (1) was activated at Fort Campbell and, camp. until October of 1944, trained soldiers and ask unanimous consent that when the qualified those soldiers for overseas ship- f Senate completes its business today, it ment as replacement soldiers for armored adjourn until 10 a.m., Wednesday, June units; and IMPROVING SOCIAL SECURITY’S 17; further, that following the prayer (2) deployed in February 1945 in support of SERVICE TO VICTIMS OF IDEN- and pledge, the morning hour be the Allied Forces during World War II; TITY THEFT ACT deemed expired, the Journal of pro- Whereas, in the European theater of oper- ceedings be approved to date, the time ation, the 45th Infantry Division suffered— Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I (1) 1,831 deaths in battle; and ask unanimous consent that the Com- for the two leaders be reserved for their (2) 7,791 battle casualties; mittee on Finance be discharged from use later in the day, and that morning Whereas, in the European theater of oper- further consideration of S. 3731 and the business be closed; further, that fol- ation, the 42nd Infantry Division suffered— Senate proceed to its immediate con- lowing leader remarks, the Senate re- (1) 655 deaths in battle; and sume consideration of Calendar No. 75, (2) 3,971 battle casualties; sideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without H.R. 1957. Finally, I ask unanimous Whereas, in the European theater of oper- consent that notwithstanding the pro- ation, the 20th Armored Division suffered— objection, it is so ordered. (1) 59 deaths in battle; and The clerk will report the bill by title. visions of rule XXII, the postcloture (2) 186 battle casualties; The bill clerk read as follows: time with respect to H.R. 1957, as amended, expire at 11:45 a.m. on Whereas, in 1985, the United States Army A bill (S. 3731) to amend title VII of the So- Center of Military History and the United cial Security Act to provide for a single Wednesday, June 17. States Holocaust Memorial Museum honored point of contact at the Social Security Ad- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the 45th Infantry Division, the 42nd Infantry ministration for individuals who are victims objection, it is so ordered. Division, and the 20th Armored Division with of identity theft. recognition as ‘‘liberating units’’; and f There being no objection, the com- Whereas commemoration of the liberation ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. of the Dachau concentration camp will in- mittee was discharged and the Senate still in all people of the United States a proceeded to consider the bill. TOMORROW greater awareness of the unspeakable trage- Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, I Mr. GARDNER. Madam President, if dies of the Holocaust: Now, therefore, be it ask unanimous consent that the bill be there is no further business to come be- Resolved, That the Senate— considered read a third time and passed fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- (1) commemorates April 29, 2020, as the and that the motion to reconsider be sent that it stand adjourned under the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Da- chau concentration camp during World War considered made and laid upon the previous order. II; table. There being no objection, the Senate, (2) calls on all people of the United States The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without at 6:15 p.m., adjourned until Wednes- to remember the tens of thousands of inno- objection, it is so ordered. day, June 17, 2020, at 10 a.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:11 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN6.012 S16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Daily Digest Senate Liberation of Dachau 75th Anniversary: Senate Chamber Action agreed to S. Res. 542, commemorating the 75th an- Routine Proceedings, pages S2981–S3024 niversary of the liberation of the Dachau concentra- Measures Introduced: Seven bills and two resolu- tion camp during World War II, after agreeing to tions were introduced, as follows: S. 3964–3970, and the committee amendment in the nature of a sub- S. Res. 623–624. Page S3012 stitute. Pages S3022–24 Measures Passed: Improving Social Security’s Service to Victims of Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative: Sen- Identity Theft Act: Committee on Finance was dis- ate agreed to S. Res. 392, recognizing the impor- charged from further consideration of S. 3731, to tance of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initia- amend title VII of the Social Security Act to provide tive to the relationship between the United States for a single point of contact at the Social Security and the member states of the Association of South- Administration for individuals who are victims of east Asian Nations and to advancing the policy of identity theft, and the bill was then passed. the United States in the Indo-Pacific region, after Page S3024 agreeing to the committee amendment in the nature Measures Considered: of a substitute. Pages S3014–15 Taxpayer First Act—Agreement: Senate continued Iwo Jima 75th Anniversary: Senate agreed to S. consideration of H.R. 1957, to amend the Internal Res. 502, recognizing the 75th anniversary of the Revenue Code of 1986 to modernize and improve amphibious landing on the Japanese island of Iwo the Internal Revenue Service. Pages S2982–S3010 Jima during World War II and the raisings of the A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- flag of the United States on Mount Suribachi. viding for further consideration of the bill, post-clo- Page S3016 ture, at approximately 10 a.m., on Wednesday, June Vaccine Alliance: Senate agreed to S. Res. 511, 17, 2020; and that notwithstanding the provisions of supporting the role of the United States in helping Rule XXII, the post-cloture time with respect to the save the lives of children and protecting the health bill expire at 11:45 a.m., on Wednesday, June 17, of people in developing countries with vaccines and 2020. Page S3024 immunization through GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, Executive Communications: Page S3012 after agreeing to the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute. Pages S3016–17 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S3012–13 Support of Nicaragua: Senate agreed to S. Res. Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: 525, expressing the sense of the Senate that the Pages S3013–14 United States should continue to support the people Additional Statements: Pages S3011–12 of Nicaragua in their peaceful efforts to promote the Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S3014 restoration of democracy and the defense of human rights, and use the tools under United States law to Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- increase political and economic pressure on the gov- journed at 6:15 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, ernment of Daniel Ortega, after agreeing to the com- June 17, 2020. (For Senate’s program, see the re- mittee amendments. Pages S3017–19 marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s International Women’s Day: Senate agreed to S. Record on page S3024.) Res. 533, supporting the goals of International Women’s Day, after agreeing to the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute. Pages S3019–22 D499

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D16JN0.REC D16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with DIGEST D500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST June 16, 2020 Committee Meetings COVID–19 IMPACT ON ENERGY INDUSTRY Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee (Committees not listed did not meet) concluded a hearing to examine the impacts of COVID–19 on the energy industry, after receiving FCC SPECTRUM AUCTIONS PROGRAM testimony from Stephen Nalley, Deputy Adminis- OVERSIGHT trator, Energy Information Administration, Depart- ment of Energy; David M. Turk, International En- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Finan- ergy Agency, Paris, France; Lisa Jacobson, Business cial Services and General Government concluded an Council for Sustainable Energy, and Frank J. oversight hearing to examine the Federal Commu- Macchiarola, American Petroleum Institute, both of nications Commission spectrum auctions program for Washington, D.C.; and Jackie Roberts, National As- fiscal year 2021, after receiving testimony from Ajit sociation of State Utility Advocates, Charleston, Pai, Chairman, Federal Communications Commis- West Virginia. sion. POLICE USE OF FORCE AND COMMUNITY SEMIANNUAL MONETARY POLICY REPORT RELATIONS TO CONGRESS Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: hearing to examine police use of force and commu- Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nity relations, after receiving testimony from Erin semiannual monetary policy report to Congress, after Nealy Cox, United States Attorney for the Northern receiving testimony from Jerome H. Powell, Chair, District of Texas, and Bill Woolf, Senior Advisor to the Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Office Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. of Justice Programs, both of the Department of Jus- tice; Mayor Melvin Carter, Saint Paul, Minnesota; NOMINATIONS Phillip Atiba Goff, Center for Policing Equity, New Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: York, New York; Doug Logan, Jr., Grimke Semi- Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nary, Richmond, Virginia; S. Lee Merritt, Merritt nominations of Joel Szabat, of Maryland, to be Law Firm, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Vanita Gupta, Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, Mi- The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human chael P. O’Rielly, of New York, to be a Member of Rights, Washington, D.C.; Art Acevedo, Houston the Federal Communications Commission, Nancy B. Police Department, Houston, Texas, on behalf of the Beck, of New York, to be Chairman of the Con- Major Cities Chiefs Association; Patrick Yoes, Fra- sumer Product Safety Commission, and to be a Com- ternal Order of Police, Norco, Louisiana; Cerelyn J. missioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commis- Davis, Durham Police Department, Durham, North sion, and Michael J. Walsh, Jr., of Virginia, to be Carolina, on behalf of the National Organization of General Counsel, and Mary A. Toman, of California, Black Law Enforcement Executives; and Steven R. to be Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, both of Casstevens, Buffalo Grove Police Department, Buf- the Department of Commerce, after the nominees falo Grove, Illinois, on behalf of International Asso- testified and answered questions in their own behalf. ciation of Chiefs of Police. h House of Representatives Chamber Action Committee Meetings The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June RACIAL DISPARITY IN THE MILITARY 18, 2020. JUSTICE SYSTEM—HOW TO FIX THE CULTURE Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Mili- tary Personnel held a hearing entitled ‘‘Racial Dis- parity in the Military Justice System—How to Fix the Culture’’. Testimony was heard from Brenda

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D16JN0.REC D16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with DIGEST June 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D501 Farrell, Director, Defense Capabilities and Manage- COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, ment Team, Government Accountability Office; JUNE 17, 2020 Lieutenant General Charles N. Pede, Judge Advocate General, U.S. Army; Vice Admiral John G. (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Hannink, Judge Advocate General, U.S. Navy; Lieu- Senate tenant General Jeffrey A. Rockwell, Judge Advocate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: to General, U.S. Air Force; Major General Daniel J. hold hearings to examine the Federal Aviation Adminis- Lecce, Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of tration’s oversight of aircraft certification, 10 a.m., the Marine Corps, U.S. Marine Corps; and a public SD–G50. witness. Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hear- ings to examine responding to the challenges facing recy- REVIVING OUR ECONOMY: COVID–19’S cling in the United States, 10 a.m., SD–106. IMPACT ON THE ENERGY SECTOR Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine the President’s 2020 trade policy agenda, 3 p.m., SD–G50. Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Committee on Foreign Relations: to receive a closed brief- Energy held a hearing entitled ‘‘Reviving our Econ- ing on assessing arms control, focusing on new START omy: COVID–19’s Impact on the Energy Sector’’. and beyond, 4:30 p.m., SVC–217. Testimony was heard from public witness. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: to hold hearings to examine telehealth, focusing on lessons CYBERCRIMINALS AND FRAUDSTERS: learned from the COVID–19 pandemic, 10 a.m., HOW BAD ACTORS ARE EXPLOITING THE SD–430. Committee on the Judiciary: to hold hearings to examine FINANCIAL SYSTEM DURING THE the nominations of John W. Holcomb, to be United COVID–19 PANDEMIC States District Judge for the Central District of Cali- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Na- fornia, Brett H. Ludwig, to be United States District tional Security, International Development, and Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, R. Shireen Monetary Policy held a hearing entitled Matthews, and Todd Wallace Robinson, both to be a United States District Judge for the Southern District of ‘‘Cybercriminals and Fraudsters: How Bad Actors California, and Christy Criswell Wiegand, to be United Are Exploiting the Financial System During the States District Judge for the Western District of Pennsyl- COVID–19 Pandemic’’. Testimony was heard from vania, 10 a.m., SD–226. public witnesses. Select Committee on Intelligence: business meeting to con- sider pending intelligence matters, 1:45 p.m., S–216, OBJECTIVES OF U.S. ARMS SALES TO THE Capitol. GULF: EXAMINING STRATEGIC GOALS, RISKS AND BENEFITS House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Health Care Inequality: Con- Middle East, North Africa, and International Ter- fronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID–19 and rorism held a hearing entitled ‘‘Objectives of U.S. the Health Care System’’, 11:30 a.m., Webex. Arms Sales to the Gulf: Examining Strategic Goals, Committee on Financial Services, Full Committee, hearing Risks and Benefits’’. Testimony was heard from pub- entitled ‘‘Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy’’, lic witnesses. 12 p.m., Webex. Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Over- BUSINESS AS USUAL? ASSESSING HOW DHS sight and Investigations, hearing entitled ‘‘Diversity and CAN RESUME OPERATIONS SAFELY Diplomacy: Why an Inclusive State Department Would Strengthen U.S. Foreign Policy’’, 1 p.m., Webex. Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Committee on the Judiciary, Full Committee, markup on Oversight, Management, and Accountability held a H.R. 7120, the ‘‘Justice in Policing Act of 2020’’, 10 hearing entitled ‘‘Business as Usual? Assessing How a.m., CVC–200 and Webex. DHS Can Resume Operations Safely’’. Testimony Committee on Small Business, Full Committee, hearing was heard from public witnesses. entitled ‘‘Paycheck Protection Program: Loan Forgiveness and Other Challenges’’, 1 p.m., Webex. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Full Com- mittee, markup on H.R. 2, the ‘‘INVEST in America Joint Meetings Act’’, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn and Webex. No joint committee meetings were held. Committee on Ways and Means, Full Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘The 2020 Trade Policy Agenda’’, 10 a.m., 1100 Longworth and Webex.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D16JN0.REC D16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with DIGEST D502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST June 16, 2020

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 17 10 a.m., Thursday, June 18

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Thursday: House will meet in Pro Forma ation of H.R. 1957, Taxpayer First Act (the legislative session at 10 a.m. vehicle for the Great American Outdoors Act), post-clo- ture. At 11:45 a.m., Senate will vote on passage of H.R. 1957, as amended. Following disposition of the bill, Sen- ate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Justin Reed Walker, of Kentucky, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit.

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Jun 17, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D16JN0.REC D16JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with DIGEST