The of Mark Teacher: Connie Stampfl

Chapter 5 Notes

Day 17: Heals a -possessed Man Mark 5:1-20; Matt. 8:28-34; :26-39 Man with : outcast, uncontrollable, shrieking, self-destructive Man after healing: restored, sane, clothed, begged to be with Jesus, obedient • Most High: the one, true, living God of Israel acknowledged by Gentiles: Ps. 57:2; Dan. 3:26, 4:1-3 • Satan and demons: aim to distort and destroy God’s image in man • Townspeople: begged Jesus to leave, afraid, economic concerns

Assignment: Read Psalms 57 and 66 and 1 Pet. 3:15. Consider Jesus’ instruction for the healed man to tell his friends what the Lord had done for him. Who could you tell of the Lord’s mercy to you?

Day 18: Jesus Heals a Woman Mark 5:21-34; Matt. 9:20-22; Luke 8:43-48 Jairus sought Jesus’ help: daughter gravely ill Woman with discharge of blood: suffering from debilitating, shameful illness, had faith to seek healing from Jesus: Lev. 15:25-27 • Faith: confident trust, its value comes from the object in which it rests: Acts 10:43; Rom 10:9-13; Eph. 3:7-12

Assignment: Read above verses. How does the woman respond to Jesus?

How is faith in Jesus based upon a personal relationship?

© Naomi’s Table Day 19: Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter: Mark 5:35-43; Matt. 9:18-19, 23-26; Luke 8:40-42, 49-56 Jairus’ faith tested: “Do not fear, only believe” Jer. 32:27 • Three Witnesses: Peter, James and John: Deut. 17:6 • Touching the dead: makes one unclean: Num. 19:11 • Power over death: Jesus raised girl: Luke 7:14; John 11:43; has conquered death and gives eternal life: John 10:14-18,11:25-26; 14:19; Phil. 1:20-21

Assignment: Read above verses. How does faith in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice for our sins, death, and resurrection overcome our fears?

If we fear and love God, is there anything else to fear?