Soil Physics and Rice
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books (JPEG Image, 685x1023 pixels) - Scaled (73%) 1 of 1 10/1/2009 8:32 AM SOIL PHYSICS AND RICE 1985 INTERNATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE LOS BAÑOS LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES P.O. BOX 933, MANILA, PHILIPPINES The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was established in 1960 by the Ford and Rockfeller Foundations with the help and approval of the Government of the Philippines. Today IRRI is one of the 13 nonprofit international research and training centers supported by the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The CGIAR is sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the International Bank for Reconstructionn and Development (World Bank), and the United Nations development Programme (UNDP). The CGIAR consists of 50 donor countries, international and regional organizations, and private foundations. IRRI receives support, through the CGIAR, from a number of donors including the Asian Development Bank, the European Economic Com- munity, the Ford Foundation, the International Development Research Centre, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the OPEC Special Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation. the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank, and the international aid agencies of the following government,: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Den- mark, Fed. Rep. Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States. The responsibility tor this publication rests with the International Rice Research Institute. Copyright © International Rice Research Institute 1985 All rights reserved. Except for quotations of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, with out prior permission of IRRI. This permission will not he unreasonably withheld for use for noncommercial purposes. IRRI does not require payment for the noncommercial use of its published works, and hopes that this copyright declaration will not diminish the bona fide use of its research findings in agricultural research and development. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IRRI concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. ISBN 971-104-146-4 FOREWORD Asian lowlands have for many centuries produced enough rice for very large populations. Recently, food production has increased slightly more rapidly than population growth. Increases were through combinations of expanded irrigation, high yielding varieties, chemical fertilizers, and cropping intensification. However, they will not necessarily con- tinue. The recent increases were primarily from lands with fertile soil and favorable climate. There are few opportuni- ties for developing new land. Rice and other crops must now be grown where water is not well controlled, soils are less fertile, or there are physical constraints such as compacted soil layers. To increase production in these areas will be difficult. In Africa and parts of South America, population growth exceeds increases in food production. Governments in those continents are looking increasingly to rice and rice-based cropping systems for the extra food that they need now and shall need more pressingly in the future. As in Asia, there are soil physical constraints to rapid, large-scale expan- sion of production from rice-based systems. Thus, with a world demand for rice that is expected to grow by an annual 3% for the next 15 yr, it is essential that improved soil and water management methods be developed and adopted for ricelands, both to increase food production and to avoid soil erosion and degradation. These issues and problems were addressed in the Work- shop on Physical Aspects of Soil Management in Rice-based Cropping Systems at IRRI 10-14Dec 1984. It was attended by 55 participants from 21 countries and by several IRRI staff members. IRRI wishes to thank for their support the Agency for Cooperation in Development of the Belgian Government, which provided a large part of the needed funds, the United Na- tions Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Board for Soil Research and Management, and the national governments that sponsored individualparticipants. T. Woodhead was workshop convenor and scientific edi- tor. He was assisted by a committee comprising S.I. Bhuiyan, C.W. Bockhop, G. Boje-Klein, S.K. De Datta, D.P. Garrity, D.J. Greenland, R.A. Morris, H. Murray-Rust, H.U. Neue, L.R. Oldeman, J.C. O’Toole, F.N. Ponnamperuma, V.M. Segovia, and E.A. Tout. The proceedings were edited by E.A. Tout assisted by G.S. Argosino. The proceedings include 26 papers, 19 poster abstracts, and recommendations for future research, training, and coordination of programs. Participants concluded that there is significant poten- tial to develop practical technologies that will increase food production from lowland rice-based cropping systems. Essential to these increases will be applied research on those physical aspects of soil management that now limit food production. M.S. Swaminathan Director General CONTENTS Foreword v Physical aspects of soil management for rice-based cropping systems 1 D. J . Greenland Interpreting physical aspects of wetland soil management from Soil Taxonomy 17 H. Eswaran Evaluation of the physical environment for rice cultivation 31 C. Sys Soils on which rice-based cropping systems are practiced 45 P. M. Driessen and F. R. Moormann Physical properties of mineral soils affecting rice-based cropping systems 57 S. S. Prihar, B. P. Ghildyal, D. K. Painuli, and H. S. Sur Physical properties of peat soils affecting rice-based cropping systems 71 S. A. M. Bouman and P. M. Driessen Geostatistical techniques and spatia1 variability of soil physical properties 85 A. K. Bregt Physical measurements in lowland soils: techniques and standardizations 99 N. C. Keersebilck and S. Soeprapto Hydrology of ricelands 113 Y. Kaida Soil-water relations in rice-based cropping systems 131 F. R. Bolton, R. A. Morris, and P. Vivekanandan Underdrainage of lowland rice fields 147 T. Tabuchi Mineralogy and surface properties of the clay fraction affecting soil behavior and management 161 R. Brinkman Influence of salinity and alkalinity on properties and management of ricelands 183 I. P. Abrol, D. R. Bhumbla, and O. P. Meelu Morphology of lowland soils and flow of water and gases 199 J. Bouma Effects of puddling on soil physical properties and processes 217 P. K. Sharma and S. K. De Datta Aggregate classification and soil physical properties for rice-based cropping systems 235 W. W. Emerson and R. C. Foster Structure, structural stability, and natural restructuring of low land rice soils 245 M. Saito Soil mechanics in relation to tillage, implements, and root penetration in lowland soils 261 A. R. Dexter and T. Woodhead Tillage in lowland rice-based cropping systems 283 R. Lal Implement design for lowland rice-based cropping systems 309 G. Spoor, B. J. Cochran, and C. Chakkaphak Simulation models for tillage and soil physical variables 323 T. A. McMahon, M. A. Porter, and A. K. Turner Soil-water management in rainfed rice-based cropping systems 337 S. S. Hundal and V. S. Tomar Subsurface drainage of low land rice fields in China 351 Si-Tu Soong and Zhang Wei Physical aspects of the root and seed environment in lowland soils 367 N. T. Singh, G. C. Aggarwal, and T. Woodhead Root behavior: field and laboratory studies for rice and nonrice crops 383 S. Hasegawa, M. Thangaraj. and J, C. O'Toole Water use and water use efficiency under different management systems for upland crops 397 G. Maesschalck, H. Verplancke, and M. De Boodt Poster abstracts 409 Recommendations 421 Participants 427 PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF SOIL MANAGEMENT FOR RICE-BASED CROPPING SYSTEMS D.J. Greenland International Rice Research Institute ABSTRACT Food production from the tropical wetlands of Asia and the world must be increased. There are physical problems of wetland soil and water management that restrict rice produc- tion. Drainage and soil strength determine appropriate soil management, and structural alterations caused by puddling and redrying affect rice and upland crops grown after rice. The hydrology of ricelands should be studied and related to soil characteristics. More trained physicists are needed to tackle these tasks, and ways must be found to facilitate greater collaboration among the few physicists and agrono- mists conducting research on physical aspects of wetland soil management. 2 SOIL PHYSICS AND RICE PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF SOIL MANAGEMENT FOR RICE-BASED CROPPING SYSTEMS For centuries, rice has been grown on Asian wetlands where soils are flooded, usually to depths of 5-10 cm of water, throughout the growing season. In the relatively fertile alluvial soils of the river floodplains and estuaries of Asia, and in the volcanic soils of Indonesia and the Philip- pines, this management system is very productive, and has supported large populations for many years. Rice also is grown where water is less well controlled. About half the rice in the tropics endures drought, short periods of total submergence, or rice grows in water that can be several metres deep. Rice demand has grown at an annual rate of approximate- ly 3% for the last 20 yr, and is expected to continue at that rate until the end of the century. Better water manage- ment, improved varieties, fertilizers, and organic manures have helped production keep pace with demand. In some envi- ronments, production has been increased by growing two or three rice crops per year, or an upland crop before or after one or two rice crops. Almost all rice is consumed near where it is grown.