Israel Baptist Church Study Notes Pastor Anthony McPeters

“It’s Just A Test” Matthew 4:1-11 1. is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested by the a. God has a purpose in testing His children i. Jesus divine purpose was to defeat the Devil ii. Jesus was the 2nd Adam who did what Adam did not do. iii. He defeated the Devil by quoting the Word iv. Adam and Eve lost the battle by not knowing His Word. (Gen 2:16) verses 3:1 v. Every tree versus any tree vi. A subtle but significant difference. vii. In this time of Pandemic it’s important that we know the Word of God, because the Devil is still speaking to us. 2. The purpose of test a. God’s purpose for test is to prove us as His children and to make us better. b. purpose is to show us up. c. Job 1:8-11. d. Illustrate the difference of how GM test a GM car versus how it would test a Ford car. 3. Jesus uses the Word of God to defeat the Devil a. 1st test to see if Jesus would try to do things apart from His Fathers will. b. It was His Fathers will that He should fast in the wilderness. c. Jesus obeyed His Fathers will where Adam and Eve didn’t. d. Jesus uses the Word. (verse 4) Deut 8:3 i. We need physical bread to live ii. We need God’s Word to live the abundant life e. The Devil is still trying to separate us from following God’s will for our life. f. He speaks to our minds. i. Especially in this coronavirus crisis. He likes to use fear. Fear can take you to bad places. 1. Satan comes roaring like a fierce lion. (1 Peter 5:8) 2. He also uses confusion 1 Cor 14:33 ii. Jesus has already won the victory for us. 4. 2nd Temptation a. Do not put God to the test. Israel Baptist Church Bible Study Notes Pastor Anthony McPeters

b. The Devil mis interprets Psalms 91:11-12 c. Jesus quotes Deut. 6:16 d. Jesus knew that jumping off the temple would not demonstrate faith; instead it would be a gross act of unbelief. God hadn’t asked Him to jump off the temple; to jump would not be obedience, but presumption. Why would He want to? Because it would force God’s hand. Because it would make the Father prove that He indeed was on Jesus’ side. God the Father had already publicly expressed His love for His Son. Like Israel in the wilderness, Jesus would have been asking the question, “Is God with me or not?” (Exodus 17:7)

e. Jesus didn’t need the answer to that question; He knew already. Yes, the Father had led him into a barren wilderness and afflicted Him with hunger and lack. But Jesus knew that God was with Him; He didn’t need to prove it to Himself, to Satan, or to anyone else. God had proven Himself in the past; God had made great promises for the future; Jesus could look at His difficult present circumstances and say, “The Father has nothing to prove to Me.”

i. The Israelites tested God. 1. Exodus 17:1-7 2. Daniel 3 the Hebrew boys didn’t presume on God. 5. 3rd Temptation a. The Devil offers Jesus a shortcut to His kingdom b. Jesus knew He had to suffer and die before He entered into His glory. c. These kingdoms presently are Satan’s, as he is “the god of this Age” (2 Cor. 4:4) and “the prince of this world” (John 12:31; cf. Eph. 2:2). He had the power to give all these kingdoms to Jesus at that time—if only Jesus would bow down and worship him. d. Verse 10 Jesus quotes Deut. 6:13 and Deut.10:20. e. We are all tempted in at least 3 ways. (1 :16) f. Satan left Jesus after Jesus stood on the Word and He will leave us as well when we stand on the Word of God.

Israel Baptist Church Bible Study Notes Pastor Anthony McPeters