
List of Symbols

Because International Phonetic Association (IPA) and its symbols and conventions are the most linguistically acceptable tool of , they have been adopted in this book to transcribe both English and Spanish as well as other when necessary. Slight modifications in both letter symbols and are occasionally used. Below is a list of the symbols and conventions used:

Vowels Phonetic Description i Close front with spread Close front (somewhat centralized) to close-mid with spread lips Close-mid front with unrounded lips Open-mid front with unrounded lips Open-mid central with unrounded lips a Open front with unrounded lips Near-open central æ Near-open front with unrounded lips Open back with unrounded lips Open back with rounded lips Close-mid back with rounded lips Open-mid back with rounded lips u Close back with rounded lips Near-close near-back with rounded lips Open-mid back with unrounded lips Mid central (neutral) vowel (schwa) ɚ -colored (rhotacized) mid central (schwar) ɝ R-colored (rhotacized) open-mid central

Diphthongs au as in ai as in oi as in ou; o as in ei; e as in i; iɚ as in e; eɚ as in u; uɚ as in

Consonants Phonetic Description Voiced bilabial p Voiceless unaspirated bilabial plosive p Voiceless aspirated bilabial plosive Voiced alveolar plosive Voiceless unaspirated alveolar plosive t Voiceless aspirated alveolar plosive Voiced palatal plosive Voiceless unaspirated velar plosive k Voiceless aspirated velar plosive Voiceless (unaspirated) uvular plosive ʤ Voiced postalveolar ʧ Voiceless postalveolar affricate Voiced labiodental Voiceless labiodental fricative Voiced interdental fricative Voiceless interdental fricative Voiced alveolar fricative Voiceless alveolar fricative Voiced postalveolar fricative Voiceless postalveolar fricative x Voiceless velar fricative Voiceless uvular fricative Voiced pharyngeal fricative Voiceless pharyngeal fricative Voiceless glottal fricative Voiced labio-dental Voiced alveolar approximant Voiced retroflex approximant Voiced alveolar lateral approximant Voiced palatal approximant Voiced labio-velar approximant (approximant) xi Voiced alveolar nasal (approximant) (approximant Voiced dental/alveolar tap Voiced retroflex tap r Voiced dental/alveolar trill

Conventions < > { } Nomeneme (Letter-name) / / Phonemic transcription [ ] Phonetic transcription Full vowel Half-length vowel _ Superscript indicating aspiration _⎆ Superscript indicating strong the emphatic sounds / ص , ظ , ط ,ض/ Subscript under /d,t,, s/ indicates – of ˜ _ " Dieresis _΄ Accent In structure patterns, ‘C’ stands for a ‘’ and V stands for a ‘Vowel’

Arabic Symbols

Consonants IPA Phonetic Description

[glottal stop or the long vowel [a [] أ b] ] ب t] voiceless alveolar plosive] ت voiceless interdental fricative [] ث ʤ] voiced postalveolar affricate] ج voiceless pharyngeal fricative [] ح voiceless uvular fricative [] خ d] voiced alveolar plosive] د voiced interdental fricative [] ذ r] alveolar trill] ر z] voiced alveolar fricative] ز s] voiceless alveolar fricative] س voiceless postalveolar fricative [] ش s] voiceless alveolar emphatic fricative] ص xii

d]  voiced alveolar emphatic plosive] ض t] voiceless (unaspirated) alveolar emphatic plosive] ط voiced interdental emphatic fricative [] ظ voiced pharyngeal fricative [] ع voiced uvular fricative [] غ f] voiceless labio-] ف q] voiceless (unaspirated) uvular plosive] ق k] ] ك l] voiced alveolar lateral] ل m] bilabial nasal] م n] alveolar nasal] ن  [h] voiceless glottal fricative w] central labio-velar approximant] و j] central palatal approximant] ي .Superscript on consonant indicating geminated (double) consonant ــّــ

Vowels (Letters)

[a] long counterpart of [a] ا [i] long counterpart of [i] ي [u] long counterpart of [u] و

Vowels (Diacritics)

.Superscript over consonant indicating short (lax) [a] vowel ــَــ .Subscript under consonant indicating short (lax) [i] vowel ــِــ .Superscript on consonant indicating short (lax) [u] vowel ــُــ Superscript on consonant indicating absence of vowel ـــْـ