Minutesbasel Approved
Approved minutes, Basel 2018 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Division VIII Chemical Nomenclature and Structure Representation Approved minutes for Division Committee Meeting Basel, Switzerland, 13–14 August, 2018 1. Welcome, introductory remarks and housekeeping announcements Alan Hutton (ATH) welcomed everybody to the meeting, extending a special welcome to those who were attending the Division Committee (DC) meeting for the first time, and noting the presence of three former Presidents of the Division, as well as the current Secretary General of IUPAC. He described the house rules and arrangements for the course of the meeting. 2. Attendance and apologies Present: Alan T. Hutton (President, ATH), Karl-Heinz Hellwich (Past-President, KHH), Risto S. Laitinen (Secretary, RSL), Michael A. Beckett (MAB), Edwin C. Constable (ECC), Ture Damhus (TD), Richard M. Hartshorn (RMH), Elisabeth Mansfield (EM), Gerry P. Moss (GPM), Michelle M. Rogers (MMR), Molly A. Strausbaugh (MAS), Clare Tovee (CT), Andrey Yerin (AY) (see also Appendix 1) Apologies: Fabio Aricò (FA), Maria Atanasova Petrova (MA), Neil Burford (NB), (JC), Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira (ACF), Safiye Erdem (SE), Rafał Kruszyński (RK), Robin Macaluso (RM), , Ladda Meesuk (LM), Ebbe Nordlander (EN), Amelia P. Rauter (APR), Erik Szabó (ES), Keith T. Taylor (KTT), Jiří Vohlídal (JV) Invited observer: G. Jeffery Leigh (GJL) No replies: József Nagy, Sangho Koo 3. Introduction of attendees A short round of introductions was made. A new titular member, Prof. Edwin C. Constable and a new Associate Member, Dr. Clare Tovee, were attending the meeting of the Division Committee for the first time in this function. KHH informed the meeting that the following persons had passed away during recent years: Peter A.
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