Australian Left Review No. 108 1988
1990s FEMIN. STUART HALL ON THE NINETIES LAURIE CARMICHAEL INTERVIEW XMAS READING: FICTION FROM MOYA SAYER-JONE5 BARBIE DOLLSi JH REVIEW1 PETER CAREY CRISIS ^CITIES £ IS i JacK Mundey on the Urban Blight INTERNATIONAL B O O K S H O F* MARXISM GAY LIBERATION ENVIRONMENT - I FEMINISM POLITICS THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKSHOP CARRIES AUSTRALIA'S LARGEST RANGE OF BOOKS ON POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES. BOOK EDUCATION NEWS..A QUARTERLY LIST OF ECONOMICS N EW BOOKS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. MAIL ORDER SERVICE PROVIDED, ALSO SECOND HAND LEFT BOOKS, JOURNALS, ETC. HISTORY Jr RECORDS MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY ******* 2ND FLOOR 17 ELIZABETH STREET MELBOURNE 3000 » TELEPHONE 03 614 2859 AUSTRALIA ifT K F Itt LU W '* ' N T E N n c r v w KEVIE UNIVE* BRIEFINGS 5 ^ r » « u K i 2 B 108 1988: THE YEAR IN REVIEW The year ministerial Incomes took a dive in Qld, o racism came back into vogue, Bill Hayden exchanged tourist map for top hat, political debate hit new lows in Editorial >^oilective: the USA, and Aboriginal people found nothing much changed. ALR surveys the year that was, Sydney: Eric Aarons, Hilda Andrews, Malcolm Andrews, Letter From Ephesus: Quayie Soup David Burchcll, SteveCatt, Lyndell Is it true that Mickey Mouse wears a Dan Quayie Fairleigh, Gloria Garton, Jane watch? inglts. Carfolta McIntosh, Peter McNiecc, Karen Vanec, Profile: Peter Carey Melbourne: Lousie Connor, Jim Crosthwaite, James Gray. Sue FFATURES El McCrcadie, Pavia Miller. Anitra Nelson, Ken Norling, Olga Silver, A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE 8 Janna Thompson. From the early Seventies to the eve of the Nineties, Brisbane: Nicola Doumany.
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