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INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Back Basin Loop (Yellowstone), 55, 83 Academic trips, 36–37 Backcountry, 5–6, 40 Access/entry points Grand Teton, 130–132 Grand Teton, 105, 108 permits, 39, 91–92, 130 Yellowstone, 43, 46 Yellowstone, 91–97 Accessibility, 31–32 Backpacking for beginners, 41 Accommodations, 38–39. See also Backroads, 37 Camping and campgrounds Bakers Hole campground (West best, 7, 8 Yellowstone), 146 Cody, 200–203 Ballooning, Jackson, 178 env ironmentally-friendly, 35 Barker-Ewing (Jackson), 175 Gardiner, 168–169 Barker-Ewing Float Trips (Jackson), Grand Teton, 151–155 136 Jackson and environs, 180–188 Bears, 15, 16, 30–31, 217–219 West Yellowstone, 164–166 Beartooth Highway, 21 Yellowstone National Park, Beaver Lake Picnic Area 138–144 (Yellowstone), 56 AdventureBus, 37, 79 Beaver Ponds Loop Trail Adventure Sports (Moose), 133, (Yellowstone), 60, 84 134, 173 Bechler Meadows Trail Adventure trips, 37 (Yellowstone), 95–96 Aerial touring, Jackson, 178 Bechler Meadows Trails Alaska Basin (Grand Teton), 132 (Yellowstone), 96 Albright Visitor Center (Yellow- The Bechler Region (Yellowstone), stone), 46, 52, 58–59 94–95 Altitude sickness, 28 Bechler River Trail (Yellowstone), Amphitheater Lake Trail (Grand 95, 96 Teton), 127 Big Wild Adventures, 93 Anemone Geyser (Yellowstone), 74 Biking, 48, 98, 132–133, 196 Angel Terrace (Yellowstone), 59 Billings (Montana), 25 Antelope Flats (Grand Teton), Birds, 223–225 132–133 Biscuit Basin (Yellowstone), 73, 76 AntelopeCOPYRIGHTED Flats Road (Grand
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