True Or Pure” Republic the Window Is Still Open for Registration for the Eligible Educators Upto What Does It Mean to Be a 30Th November 2017
ISSN 2347-162X Happy Uttarayan RNI No. GUJENG/2002/23382 | Postal Registration No. GAMC-1732 | 2016-18 Issued by SSP Ahd-9, Posted at P.S.O. 10th Every Month Ahmedabad-2, Valid up to 31-12-2018 AHMEDABAD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 2018 VOL.16, ISSUE-9 (12 + 4) TOTAL PAGE -16 INVITATION PRICE: `30/- From, The Open Page, 4th Floor Vishwa Arcade, Opp. Kum-Kum Party Plot, Nr. Akhbarnagar, Nava Wadaj, Ahmedabad - 380013 | Ph : 079-27621385/86 4th EDUCATOR’S AWARD We are honoured to NEED OF EVERY NATION – tO FORM announce the program date of the 4th Educator’s award 11th January 2018 at VADODARA “trUE OR PURE” REPUBLIC The window is still open for registration for the eligible educators upto WHAT DOes IT MEAN TO BE A 30th November 2017. REPUBLIC? "The roots of education are bitter, but Of course the Republic is a government fruits are sweet!" formed by people elected by the popula- tion in the democratic way. The constitu- tion of India is the supreme law of India. We find frame work defining fundamen- tal political principle, establishes the structure, procedure, power and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental right, directive principle and duty of citizens. India implemented its own plan on Janu- ary 26, 1950, since then every year January 26 is celebrated as a Republic Day. What really means to be republic? What is to be done in the Republic Day celebration ? When any nation is released from oth- er foreign nationals, it becomes an inde- clarity for 2 years, 11 months and 17 days is a gift to the people of India's pendent public.
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