122 Lanark Road West, Currie, Edinburgh.Ai
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TOTO LETLET PROMINENTPROMINENT RETAILRETAIL PREMISESPREMISES 122122 LANARKLANARK ROADROAD WEST,WEST, CURRIECURRIE EDINBURGH,EDINBURGH, EH14EH14 5NY5NY • EXTENDS TO 66 SQ M (711 SQ FT) • BUSY ROAD FRONTAGE IN POPULAR NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE • REAR PARKING, LOADING & BIN STORE AREA • QUALIFIES FOR 100% RATES RELIEF RENTRENT £12,500£12,500 PERPER ANNUMANNUM www.bap.co.ukwww.bap.co.uk LOCATIONLOCATION Currie is a popular residential location situated approximately 6 miles west of the city centre. Lanark Road West forms part of the busy A70 one of the main arterial routes into the city and serving outlying areas together with Balerno, Currie and Juniper Green. The subjects are situated on the north side of Lanark Road West on the junction with Bryce Road. Bryce Road also provides a link to the north with Riccarton Mains Road, Heriot Watt University and access to the A720 City Bypass. The subjects form part of a small neighbourhood centre serving the surrounding residential population. Surrounding occupiers include Mark McGill Butchers, Currie Dental Care, Clearvue Opticians and The Corner Cafe. DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION The subjects comprise an attractive ground floor retail unit. Internally the accommodation comprises a front sales area with rear office/staff room and WC. A rear door provides additional loading options and access to shared car park and bin storage areas. ACCOMMODATIONACCOMMODATION The property has the following Net Internal Areas: FrontFront SShophop 53.1153.11 sqsq m 572572 sqsq ftft StaffStaff 12.8712.87 sqsq m 139139 sqsq ftft TotalTotal 65.9865.98 sqsq m 711711 sqsq ftft TERMSTERMS Rental offers in excess of £12,500 per annum are sought. RATESRATES We understand the property is entered in the Valuation Roll with a Rateable Value of £8,900. Under the current Small Business Bonus Scheme, the property if occupied by an occupier with business premises with a total Rateable Value under £15,000 then 100% Small Business Bonus relief is available. Further information is available from www.scotland.gov.uk. LEGALLEGAL COSTSCOSTS Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs. Any ingoing tenant will be responsible for any LBTT, Registration dues and VAT thereon. Disclaimer: The Agents for themselves and for vendors or lessors of this FURTHERFURTHER INFORMATIONINFORMATION property whose agents they are give notice that: (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do For additional information please contact: not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and Chris Paterson occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations 0131 2284466 | [email protected] | www.bap.co.uk of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) no person in the employment of The Agents has Burns and Partners any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in 25 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, EH1 2BW relation to this property; (4) Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of VAT. Prospective purchasers or tenants must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any www.bap.co.ukwww.bap.co.uk transaction. Publication Date: August 2019 www.bap.co.ukwww.bap.co.uk.