ENVIRONMENT AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE: 9 FEBRUARY 2010 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION FOR A TIME AND TIDE BELL AT BOSTA, GREAT BERNERA, ISLE OF LEWIS (REF 09/00608/PPD) Report by Director of Development PURPOSE OF REPORT Since this proposal received over three letters of representation from separate parties which contain matters which are relevant material planning considerations, the application should not be dealt with under delegated powers and is presented to the Comhairle for a decision. COMPETENCE 1.1 There are no legal, financial or other constraints to the recommendation being implemented. SUMMARY 2.1 This is an application by Bernera Community Council for full planning permission for the erection of a Time and Tide bell installation, at Bosta Beach on Great Bernera. Objections have been raised by a number of people, relating to noise pollution, changing the character of the area, lack of public consultation and disruption to birds, as well as a number of other issues that are not considered to be material planning considerations. 2.2 It is considered that the proposal is not viewed as contrary to the Development Plan. The issues raised have been considered but not deemed significant enough to warrant refusal or are proposed to be dealt with through planning conditions. The development is considered in accordance with the Development Plan and is therefore recommended for approval. RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is recommended that the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions shown in Appendix 1. Contact Officer Helen Maclennan Tel: 01851 709284 e-mail:
[email protected] Appendix 1 Scheduleproposed of conditions 2 Location plan Background Papers: None 15/02/2010 REPORT DETAILS DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 4.1 This is an application for the erection of a Time and Tide bell installation, at Bosta Beach on Great Bernera.