Liste Von Abkürzungen/List of Abbreviations

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Liste Von Abkürzungen/List of Abbreviations Liste von Abkurzungen/List¨ of Abbreviations gesammelt von/collected by: Dr. Dieter Guicking, G¨ottingen, DE,˜guicking/abk-allg.html oder/or˜guicking/abk-allg.pdf. Erl¨auterungen meistens deutsch und englisch/Comments mostly in German and English. Fehlernachrichten und Erg¨anzungsvorschl¨age bitte an/Notice of errors and suggestions for new entries please to: [email protected] Letzte Erg¨anzungen: 20. November 2009/Last update: November 20, 2009 A A Adenin (DNA-Base/DNA base) AA Atomic Absorption AA Automatic (or: Automated) Attendant [Facility] (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) AA Automobile Association (UK) AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurism (Medicine) AAA Akademisches Auslandsamt AAA American Association of Anatomists AAA Aromatic Amino Acid AAA Austrian Acoustics Association AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) AAAA Alps-Adria Acoustics Association (seit/since Sept. 2002) AAAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Auditing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) AAAF Association A´eronautique et Astronautique de France AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACG American Association for Crystal Growth AAES American Association of Engineering Societies AAID American Academy of Implant Dentisty AAL Ambient Assisted Living AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine AAPPS Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies AAPT American Association of Physics Teachers AAS Advanced Automation System AAS American Astronautical Society AAS American Astronomical Society AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Atom-Absorptions-Spektrometrie AAS Australian Acoustical Society AASF Afrikanisch-Asiatische Studentenf¨orderung e.V. (G¨ottingen, DE) AAT Anglo-Australian Telescope AATSR Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ENVISAT) AAU Association of American Universities AAUP American Association of University Professors (or: Presses) (USA) AAV adeno-assoziierte Viren ABA American Board of Audiology ABA Applied Behavioural Analysis ABB Asea Brown Boveri AG (Mannheim, DE) ABC Atanasoff-Berry Computer (Iowa State College, USA, 1938–1942) ABDO Allgemeine Bestimmungen fur¨ Diplomprufungsordnungen¨ ABE Amtliche Betriebserlaubnis (Typprufung¨ Kfz) ABET Accrediting Board of Engineering and Technology (USA) ABG Automatiserte biometriegestutzte¨ Grenzkontrolle ABK Allgemeine berufsqualifizierende Kompetenzen (im Bachelor-Studiengang) ABL Airborne Laser (US Waffe/weapon) ABM Advanced Buffer Material ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile ABMF Account Balance Management Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ABR Auditory Brainstem Response ABR Available Bit Rate ABRIXAS A Broad-Band Imaging X-Ray All-Sky Survey (Satellit 1999, aufgegeben/satellite 1999, abandoned) ABS Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol ABS Alternate Billing Service ABS Antiblockiersystem; Anti-Lock Braking System (Kfz/motor vehicle) ABS Automatic Block Signaling (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) ABT Ausschuss fur¨ Begutachtertraining (DAR, Normungsarbeit) ABU Asia(-Pacific) Broadcasting Union AC Access Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) AC Admission Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) AC Air Conditioning AC Alternating Current (Wechselstrom) AC Attachment Circuit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACA Academic Cooperation Association (europ¨aische Organisation/European organisation) ACA American Crystallographic Association ACA Atacama Compact Array ACACIA Arid Climate, Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in Africa (SFB 389 der DFG) ACAP Advanced Common Application Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACAP Automated Content Access Protocol (Urheberrecht/copyright) 1 ACARE Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe A-CBC Akkreditierungsagentur fur¨ die Studieng¨ange Chemie, Biochemie und Chemieingenieurwesen an Universit¨aten und Fachhochschulen ACC Active (or: Adaptive) Cruise Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) ACC Antarctic Circumpolar Current (of the ocean) ACC Anticollision Code (Fingerabdruck fur¨ Multimedia/Fingerprint for Multimedia) ACCU Advisory Committee of CERN Users ACD Advanced Chemistry Development ACD Automatic Call Distribution ACE Advanced Computing Environment ACE American Council on Exercise ACE Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme ACE Antenna Coupling Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACE Application Creation Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACE Atmospheric Compensation Experiment (adaptive Optik/adaptive optics) ACE Community Action for Cooperation in the Field of Economics (EU) ACELP Adaptive Code-Excited Linear Prediction ACEnet Atlantic Computational Excellence Network ACES Active Control Evaluation for Systems ACES Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study ACES Optimal Acoustic Equivalent Source Descriptors for Automotive Noise Modelling ACESA Advanced Composites with Embedded Sensors and Actuators ACEX Arctic Coring Expedition ACF Autocorrelation Function ACI Adjacent Channel Interference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACI American Competitive Initiative ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter ACK Acknowledege(ment) (Datenubertragung/data¨ transfer) ACL Access Control List (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACL Active and Cooperative Learning (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) ACL Agent Communication Languages ACL Asynchronous Connectionless Link (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACM Active Control Mount ACM Adaptive Coding (and) Modulation ACM Association for Computing Machinery ACMP American College of Medical Physics ACMP Applied and Computational Mathematics Program (in DARPA) ACO Ant Colony Optimization ACP Advanced Computing Project (Fermilab, ≈ 1980) ACP Adjacent Channel Power (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACP American Center of Physics (College Park, MD, USA) ACPS Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow (Astrophysik/astrophysics) ACQ Active Quenching Circuitry ACRL Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ACRV Assured Crew Return Vehicle (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) ACS Advanced Camera for Surveys (Astrophysik/astrophysics) ACS American Chemical Society ACS Assoziazione Controllo Strutturale (IT) ACSI American Customer Satisfaction Index ACSI Atari Computer System Interface ACSR Active Control of Structural Response ACT Active Control Technology (Flugzeug/aircraft) ACT Advanced Concepts Team (ESA) ACT autologe Chrondrozytentransplantation (k¨orpereigene Knorpelzellen-Transplantation) ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (USA) ACTH Adrenocorticotropes Hormon ACTS Advanced Communication Technologies and Services (EC) AD Administration Module AD Alzheimer’s Disease AD Andorra (ISO 3166) AD ante dominum AD Authorized Domain ADAC Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub Adaline Adaptive Linear Element ADANO Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Audiologen und Neurootologen ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter ADC Automatic Development Chamber ADC Automotive Distance Control ADDRESS Active Distribution Networks with Full Integration of Demand and Distributed Energy Resources (EU project, 25 partners in 11 countries: BE, CH, DE, ES, FI, FR, IT, NL, RO, SE, UK) ADEA Age Discrimination in Employment Act (USA) ADEPT Advanced Dark Energy Physics Telescope ADEPT Antibody Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (Krebstherapie/cancer therapy) ADFC Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad Club ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (= ADHS) ADHS Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivit¨atsst¨orung (= ADHD) ADI Angular Diffraction Imaging 2 AdL Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften (ehem./former DDR) ADL All-Digital Loop (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ADLC Adaptive Liquid-Crystal Lens ADLIP All Dome Laser Image Projector (Planetarium/planetarium) ADM Add/Drop Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ADM Area Dimensional Model (L¨armbewertung/noise rating) ADN Ammoniumdinitramid (Sprengstoff/explosive) ADOCS Advanced Digital Optical Control System (Flugzeug/aircraft) ADONIS Acoustic Daylight Ocean Noise Imaging System ADONIS Adaptive Optics Near Infrared System (Teleskop/telescope, ESO, La Silla, Chile) ADP Adenosindiphosphat ADP Ammoniumdihydrogenphosphat ADP Avalanche Photodiode ADPA American Defense Preparedness Association ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADR Accumulated Doppler Range (Satellitenortungsverfahren/satellite locating) ADRCS Automatic Data Recording and Control System AdRIA Adaptronik – Research, Innovation, Application ADRIA Advanced Displays Research Integration Action ADSB Auto(matic) Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (Flugverkehr/air traffic) ADSL Asymmetric(al) Digital Subscriber Loop (or: Line) ADT Articulated Dump Trucks (off-road vehicles) ADTM [Fraunhofer-]Arbeitsgruppe fur¨ Drahtlose Kommunikations- und Multimediatechnik (Erlangen, DE) ADTV Advanced Definition Television ADUC Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Universit¨atsprofessoren fur¨ Chemie ADV Acoustic Droplet Vaporization AdW Akademie der Wissenschaften (ehem./former DDR) AE Acoustic Emission AE Application Enabler (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) AE Astronomische Einheit (Entfernung Erde–Sonne/distance Earth–Sun = 1.49·1011 m) AE Vereinigte Arabische Emirate/United Arab Emirates (ISO 3166) AEC Architecture/Engineering/Construction (Industrie/industry) AEC Atomic Energy Commission (USA) AECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. AECSFE Asymmetric Elliptic-Cone-Shaped
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