SAIL/DSP Purchas Order for the Month of August' 2017
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ffi fiTGT STdffi (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) tfrdartrq (MINISTRv on RAILwAv) HEI€,GAILwAY BoARD) t-cr r+a . 16r aral r$ ffi - r r o oo r " artrs,*.of .zo r z No.20 I 7/RSF/874l8/SAIL/BGCw Rail Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-l l0 001, dated C*08.2017 M/s Steel Authority of India Ltd, Central Marketing Organization S&RM Division Ispat Bhawan, 40-Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Kolkata -700 071. AMENpMENT rYo.4 Sub: - Enhancement of quantity of BG Coaching Wheels. Please refer to Railway Board's PO of even no. dt.24.04.2017, A-l dt.04.5.17, A-2 dt. 13.7.17 and A-3 dt.26.7.17 for supply of "7419 nos." BG Coaching Wheels to Drg. No. WWL- 1660-R Alt. 12 or latest. Following amendment is hereby issued:- D Amend{nent in Ouantitv Ouantitv (in nos) ^sN Railway Existing Read Qtv. Indent No. & date Consignee as increase bv 1 SCR 0 600 600 30143590 dt. t5.t2.t4 Dv. CMM/ELS/LGD Total 7419 8019 600 P.O. Otv. il) PayingAuthority:PFA/SCR/Secunderabad. m) RR & invoices to be sent to respective consignee and PFA. All other terms and conditions of the Purchase Order will remain unaltered. Please acknowledge receipt. '" t\ (AS tr JArN ){o. No.20 I 7/RSF/874I8/SAILiBGCW New Delhi, dated o).08.2017 / Copy for information & necessary action:- 1. PFA, ScR/Secunderabad. 2. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Bahadur Shah Zafar M*g, New Delhi. 3. Chief Auditor, SCR/Secunderabad. For Financ id cr&iffi**^r, 'L-1 dated No.20 I TiRSF/874/8/SAIL/BGCW New Delhi, 0]t08.2017 Copy for information & necessary action:- l. CEO, Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur. 2. GM (Wheel & Axle Plant), Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur' 3. PCMM,SCR/Secunderabad. 4. CME,SCR/Secunderabad. MINAR (17th.Floor), Laxmi 5. Shri Atul Misra, DGM (Marketing), SAIL, comml. Dte., SCOPE Nagar Distt. Centre, Delhi-110 092 North Block Laxmi Nagar Distt 6. Shri Vijay Kumar, iCtut, SAIL/DSP, Scope Minar,20tr'floor, Centre, Delhi 92. - Haryana,. 7. Chief Manager (Inspection), RITES Bhavan, TFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon, Building (Metro), 56, CR 8. GGM(I), zuTES G,it), Quaiity Assurance Division, Central Station Avenue, 3'd Floor, Kolkata-70001 2' g. Director General, RDSO, Lucknow' 10. DME(PU), DDF(S)- I Railway Board' Steel Plant, ii. esstt. negiond Murrug"r (Inspection), RITES, C/o Wheel & Axle Plant, Durgapur Durgapur. t2. f,A(i),'nS(WTA) and F(S)-l Branches, Railway Board, NewDelhi' Axle Plant Durgapur Steel Plant, 13. ct ieitnspectingEngin."i, tutlr RITES, C/o Wheel & Durgapur, West Bengal. Sffi- (Surf,ta Rawat) for Director, RailwaY Stofifl tTrttr Tr*rrt (GovERNrvrENT OF INDIA) t6r d;rmq (MrNrsrRy oF RAtLwAy) ffi et5lnnrLwAy BoARD) Rail Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-l l0 001, datbd 1 +.Og.2Ol7 No.20 I 7/RSF I 87 4 l 3 I SAIL/BGLW"S " M/s Steel Authority of India Ltd, Central Marketing Organization, S&RM Division, Ispat Baan, 40-Jawahar Lal Nehru M*g, Kolkata -700 071. AMENpMENT NO. s Sub: - Enhancement of quantity of BG Loco Wheels.oS' Shaped. Please refer to Railway Board's Purchase Order of even no. dt. 0g.OZ.2Ol1 A-1 dt. ,,g239 02.03.2017, A-2 dt.20.04.2017, A-3 dt. 22.5.17 and A-4 dt. 18.7.17 for supply of nos.,, BG Loco Wheels "S' shaped to Drg. No. D/WL-5060/R. Following amendment is hereby issued:- I) Amendment in Ouantity Quantitv (in nos) ,SN Railway Existing Reod as Qty. increase Indent No. & date bv I CR 0 2999 2999 11160041 dt.22.08.t6 Total P.O. 8239 11238 2999 Otv. D Details of consignee: Despatches to be made as per the allocations made during the Quarterly WTA meetings held during FY 2017-18 in compliance of instructions contained in Letter No. 2016/RSF174916 dated 3110312017. m) Paying Authority: PFA of respective Railway. W) RR & invoices to be sent to respective consignee and pFA. All other terms and conditions of the Purchase order will remain unaltered. Please acknowledge receipt. --n1t (A&kHIo^, DRS(F) M.No. 9717646409 No.20 1 7/RSF I 4 l 3 I 87 SAIL/BGLW"S" New Delhi, dated l+.05.2017 Copy for information & necessary action:- 1. PFA, CR, Mumbai. 2. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways), Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. 3. Chief Auditor, CR, Mumbai. For Financiur co,r#i M -.lways -2- No.20 I 7/RSF/874/3/SAIL/BGLW "S" New Delhi, dated l+-08.2017 Copy for information & necessary action:- 1" CEO, Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur. Z. GM (Wheel & Axle Plant), Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur' 3. PCMM, CR, Mumbai. 4. CME, CR, Mumbai. (l7th Floor), 5. Shri Atul Misra, DGM (Marketing), SAIL, Comml. Dte., scoPE MINAR Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, Delhi-l10 092 Nagar 6. Shri Vijay Kumar, DGM, SAIL/DSP, Scope Minar, 20th floor, North Block Laxmi Distt Centre, Delhi - 92. 7. Chief Manager (Inspection), RITES Bhavan,IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon, Haryana' (Metro), 56, CR g. GGM(I), rutrd (Bit), quaiity Assurance Division, Central Station Building Avenue, 3rd Floor, Kolkata-7000 1 2. 9. Director General, RDSO, Lucknow. 10. DME(PU), DDF(S)- I Railway Board' ii. arrtt.'n"iio"ut Manager (Insiection), RITES, C/o wheel & Axle Plant, Durgapur Steel Plant, DurgaPur. 12. M(L), RS(WTA) and F(S)-l Branches, Railway Board, New Delhi. 13. Chieilnspecting Engineer, M/s RITES, C/o Wheel & Axle Plant Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur, West Bengal. n- 4-9y', (Sunita Rawat) for Director RailwaY Stores (F) Railway Board ffi firdrrsFrr{ (GOVERNME T OF rNDrA) tildaffiq (MrNrsrRy o RATLWAY) HEtg(RArLwAy oARD) No. 20 I 7/RSF 187 4IZ|SAILIEMUW dated 2E.08.201 lWs Steel Authority of India Ltd., I Central Marketing Organization S&RM Division, Ispat Bhawan 40-Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg Kolkata -700 071. aupxnmnur I Sub: - Enhancement of quantity of EMU Wheel Please refer to Railway Board's Purchase Ordr 'of even no. dt. 09.02.20 7, A-t dr. 03.5.17 and A-2 dt. 13.7.17 for supply of "3884 nos." EIv Wheels to Drg. No.K 4004. Following amendment is hereby issued:- I I) Amendment in Ouantity Ouantitv in nos) ,s. Rlv Existing Read Qty. increase Indent No. 'c date No. OS bv I NWR 0 29 29 0.1,5.2035 dt. Julv. 201 5 Total 3884 3913 29 P.O. Otv. D Paying Authority: PFA of respective RaiL 'ay. m) RR & invoices to be sent to respective consi nee and PFA All other terms and conditions of the Purchase Order will remain unaltered. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Dte. of I linistry of Railways. r/ ,<g ,ffitSHI JAIN)JAIN DRS)RS (F)(F Mob.-91t1764640'646409 No.220 17 IRSF I 87 4 / 2 I S ATL/EMUW iated ft | .08.201',8.2017 copyy for information & necessary action:- 1. PFA, NWR, Jaipur. 2. Comptroller and Auditor General of India ( lways), Bahadur Shah r Marg, New Delhi. 3. Chief Auditor, NWR, Jaipur. n ,#rl for Financial rissioner f'nuilways I - -2- No. 20 I 7/RSF I 87 4 l2l SAIL/EMUW dated 28 .08.2017 l. CEO, Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur. 2. GM (Wheel & Axle Plant), Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur 3. PCMM, NWR, Jaipur. 4. CME, NWR, Jaipur. 5. Shri Vijay Kumar, DGM, M/s SAIL/DSP, SCOPE MINAR,20th Floor, Laxmi Nagar, Distt. Centre, Delhi. 6. Shri Atul Mishra, DGM (Marketing), SAIL, Comml. Dte., SCOPE MINAR (l7th Floor), Laxmi Nagar Distt. Centre, Delhi-l10 092 7. Chief Manager (Inspection), RITES Bhavan, IFFCO Chowk, Gurgaon, Haryana. 8. GM(I), RITES (ER), Quality Assurance Division, Central Station Building (Metro), 56, CR Avenue, 3rd Floor, Kolkata-700 012. 9. Director General, RDSO, Lucknow. 10. DME(Chg.) & DDF(S)I Railway Board. 11. Asstt. Regional Manager (Inspection), RITES, C/o Wheel & Axle Plant, Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur. 12. RS(WTA), M(C) and F(S)I Branches, Railway Board, New Delhi. 13. Chief Inspecting Engineer, M/s RITES, C/o Wheel & Axle Plant Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur, West Bengal. 14. AMM/LOCO/AIIAIWR sryM (Sanjoy Abraham) for Director Railway Stores (F) Railway Board.