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1 Green Values, Religion & Secularism Green European Foundation asbl Authors: Nuala Ahern & Erica Meijers With the financial support of the Euro- Rue du Fossé 3, 1536 Luxembourg, GEF Coordination: Ioana Banach-Sirbu pean Parliament to the Green European Luxembourg Original book design: Mark Schalken Foundation. The European Parliament Brussels office:Rue d’Arlon 15 (De Ruimte ontwerpers) with illustra- is not responsible for the content of this 1050 Brussels, Belgium tions by Nina Mathijsen publication. Layout: Miriam Hempel December 2016 Contents Introduction 4 Emerging Themes 7 The Events and Debates 12 Conclusions 19 Recommendation 21 Annex: Covering of the Project in Press 23 and other Media and Translations into other Languages 1. Introduction 5 About This Project This report is the result of a two-year long project by the Green European Foundation. With the support of our national partner foundations Green Foundation Ireland and Bureau de Helling (Netherlands), we produced the book Green Values, Religion and Secularism over the course of 2015, which features conversations with European politicians and activists on the issues around religion and how it intersects with public and political life. In 2016, the reflection on those issues was continued, book and further the discussions around Green Values, since the debates still proved to be very relevant, also Religion and Secularism. In line with the Green Europe- due to a new wave of religiously inspired terror attacks in an Foundation’s mission to act as a platform to stimu- Paris, Brussels, and elsewhere, which reintroduced ques- late debates, it was also the aim of the project to work tions around religion to the public discourse.
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