2010 Plant Selection

Tomato Name : Beefmaster Big Beef Type : Determinate Heirloom Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate hybrid Maturity : 74 days 81 days 75 days 73 days Size of fruit : 8 oz 12 - 16 oz. 8 oz 10 - 12 oz Description : pear shaped, canning large beefsteak type, red, most popular, high yielding, considered best tomato yet tomato smooth excellent flavor developed

Tomato Name : Big Bite Big Boy Black Cherry Type : Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Maturity : 75 days 78 days 64 days 80 days Size of fruit : 14 - 16 oz 14 - 16 oz cherry size 8 - 12 oz Description : acidic, dark red tomato smooth, red, meaty dynamic flavor, almost dark maroon, incredible black in color tangy flavor

Tomato Name : Black Pearl Black Truffle Box Car Willie Brandy Boy Type : Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Hybrid Maturity : 65 days 75 days 80 days 78 days Size of fruit : cherry type 6 - 8 oz 10 - 16 oz 12 oz Description : extra sweet flavor pear shaped, high in sugar smooth, reddish-orange, hybridized , and acid tremendous flavor earlier yield 2010 Tomato Plant Selection

Tomato Name : Bush Steak Caspian Pink Country Taste Delicious Type : Determinate Hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Maturity : 65 days 80 days 70 days 77 days Size of fruit : 12 oz 12 oz 10 - 12 oz 16 oz Description : large, red tomatoes on short considered to be world's high yields, beefsteak fruit, huge oblate shape, delicious vines finest tasting tomato great slicing tomato flavor

Tomato Name : Dinner Plate Fried Green German Red Strawberry Type : Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Maturity : 100 days 60 days 80 days 80 days Size of fruit : 1 1/2 - 2 lbs 4 - 6 oz 6 - 7 oz 10 oz Description : large red, radially flattened, small tomato, early yield bred to remain firm when great sandwich tomato, few excellent taste cooked, harvested green seeds, little juice, tasty

Tomato Name : Great White Health Kick Heartland Husk-Cherry Goldie Type : Indeterminate Heirloom Determinate Hybrid Bush Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Maturity : 75 days 75 days 68 days 75 days Size of fruit : 12 oz + 4 oz 6 - 8 oz 1/2 to 3/4 inch Description : meaty fruit, few seeds, low 50% more lycopene than smooth, red, great tomato sweet, golden berries in papery acid, great taste standard tomato, hi yld to grow in container husks, multipurpose 2010 Tomato Plant Selection

Tomato Name : Jet Star Lemon Boy Lillian's Yellow Type : Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Heirloom Maturity : 72 days 72 days 95 days 72 days Size of fruit : 8 oz 7 oz 12 - 16 oz 8 - 10 oz Description : high yield, pleasant flavor, lemon-yellow skin, good clear yellow, beefsteak very sweet, thick walled, low acidic tomato flavor type, rich tasting good canning tomato

Tomato Name : Moreton Mr Stripey Nepal Type : Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Heirloom Maturity : 70 days 75 days 80 days 78 days Size of fruit : 8 oz 12 - 16 oz 12 - 16 oz 10 - 12 oz Description : connoisseur's favorite, large meaty fruit, few seeds, mild red & yellow striped, mild medium-large globe shape, meaty fruit flavor flavor, low acid bright red, tasty

Tomato Name : Original Goliath Hybrid Patio Princess Pink Girl Pruden's Purple Type : Indeterminate Hybrid Determinate Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Maturity : 65 days 65 days 76 days 75 days Size of fruit : 10 - 15 oz 2 1/4 - 3 inch fruit 6 - 8 oz 10 - 16 oz Description : sweet flavor, blemish-free 24" plant, high yield, great low acid, high yield, pink nearly purple fruit, delicious exterior container plant fruit flavor 2010 Tomato Plant Selection

Tomato Name : Red Brandywine Red Lightning La Roma Rose Type : Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Hybrid Determinate Hybrid Indeterminate Heirloom Maturity : 90 - 100 days 82 days 76 days 78 days Size of fruit : 16 oz 2 1/2 - 3 inch fruit 5 - 8 oz 10 oz + Description : Amish Heirloom, excellent red & yellow striped fruit, pear shaped, great cooking - deep pink, excellent taste taste high yield italian tomato

Tomato Name : Rutgers Scarlet Red Sweet 100 Sweet Seedless Type : Indeterminate Heirloom Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Maturity : 75 days 73 days 65 days 68 days Size of fruit : 7 oz 10 - 14 oz cherry fruit, 1 inch 4 - 6 oz Description : ideal for canning, bright red high yield, excellent bears 100+ fruit on long first seedless tomato, great fruit firmness & shelf life branches taste

Tomato Name : Tomande Tye-Dye Type : Determinate Hybrid Indeterminate Hybrid Maturity : 72 days 78 days Size of fruit : 6 - 7 oz 7 oz Description : incredible taste, bred to lusciously sweet, non- please the italian palate acidic, yellow-orange