Cheshire. Frodsha.M

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Cheshire. Frodsha.M DIRECTORY. J CHESHIRE. FRODSHA.M. ' 339 Proud William, Braystones Cross Jn. H. photogrphr.Ashley gdns Harrison Elizabeth (Mrs.). shopkpr. Richardson John, Moorcroft Davies J. G. & Co. builders & con- Main street Bigby Benjamin .Alfred, Ivyleigh tractors, timber merchants & brick Hayes Wm.Hy. fried fish dlr. Main si; Ringrose WHiiam Danby, Elsinore makers, Brook works; Main street; Hels·by Samuel, shopkeeper, Bridge la Rothwell Mrs. Holly bank established I84o. T A '' Davies, Heywood & Massie, chemica-l manu- Bow son Richard Herbert, Newlyn Builder;" T N 39 facturers, Weaver chemical works, Scott Rev. George (Wesleyan), Oak Davies Hy. Moreton, farmer, Main st Frod'sham bridge ' · mount, Frodsham bridge Davies Samuel M.S.A. architect Hibbert Charles H. teacher of mWJic,. SelbyThos.Jas.M.B. The Knoll,Main st & land, building & quantity sur- Main street Smith James, Lyndhurst · veyor, Alvanley terrace Hinde John, shopkpr. Frodsham brdg Stevenson Rev. William (Wesleyan), Dawson Geo. F. fi.shmngr. Church st Holford Chas. confectioner, Ohurch st Trinity manse, Main street Dutton Richard Hedley, manager Holland Gertrude Martha (Mrs.), Steward Mrs. South bank Parr's Bank Limited, treasurer to fruiterer, Main street Thomas John, Kingsway the· Parish Councils of Frodsham Holland .John Wm. joiner, Church st Thoma.s Mrs. Lynwood, Kingsway Township & Frodsham Lordship, Hopley Martha(Mrs.),midwife,Main st Thornton James Henry, East bank Kingsley, Sutton & Alvanley & to Hough Elizabeth (Mrs.), painter, 1'hornton. William Eber, Deyne oourt the F:rodsham Savings Bank & Church street Tiley Henry, Highfield Frodsham Golf Club, Bank house, Hough James Rowland, 'hair dresser, Weissmuller Rudolph Edward, Ty- Main street Church street Gwyn, Main street . Dykes Thos.Bridge inn,Frodshm.brdge Hutchinson & Brandreth, corn millers Wigner John Harrison, Kingsway , Earlam Edward, insur. agt. Main st & flour, cake- & hay & straw mer- Wright Jame.s Thomas, Holly bank Earlam Ernest, chemist, Church st chants &c. Railway station ' Wright Misses, Castle park Earlam Peter,insurance agent,Main st Hutchinson Andrew, farmer, Main st Wright Thomas, The Poplars · Eastwood Annie . (Miss), district Illid'ge .Arthur Forster, buildr.Main st coMMEBCIAL. nurse, Sandfields Illidge Geo. Herbt. grocer, Church st Eaton Fred., beer retailer, Main street J ackson Martha(Mrs. ),shpkpr.Main st Early closing day, Wednesday. Edge .John, beer retailer, Millbank .Jackson Martha (Miss), shopkeeper, Aitken James, motor enginr. Main st Elllson Harold Blades M.A., M.B., Newtown • .Alderma,n Samuel Cltarles,· coal mer- B . C . C a mb . , M · R . C · S · Eng . , L . R · C · P · J ones G eD'l'ge Ohar 1 es, ass1s' t an t over- chant, Railway station Lond. physician & surgn.Brentwood seer & clerk to the Parish Council, Allisan Ellen (Mrs.), drpr. Church st Entecott .Arthur Henry, confectioner, Main street Andrews James, farmer, East bank Main street · Jones Harold Evelyn, teacher of .Andrews James Henry, Commercial Evans Richard. & Co. Limited, coal music, Woodville Church· street hotel, Main street merchants, Railway station Kemp Osmond C. printer, The Rock .Andrews Thomas, farmer, Millbank, Faulkner Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailr. Kydd Joseph G. & eo. grocers lMain street · Frodsham bridge- · ·· · · Church street ' .Ashworth · Joseph & Sons Lim. borie Findley Mart_ha (Mrs.),grocr.M~in · st Kydd & Kyd.d, jam manfrs·. Sandfields manure. & feeding stuffs rnannfac- Fletcher .Anme & Margaret (Misses), Lake Fredk. A. solicitQr & clerk to the turers, Frodsham bridge; T.N. No. shopkeepe~s, Bridge lane . Justice·s of the Eddis·bury PetJty Ses .. 3 Frodsham Fletcher Ehzabeth (Mrs.), midWife, sional Division Frodsham sub-dis- Aston Arthur, painter, Alvanley ter Ch h t t ' urc s ree . trict Main street · & at Runcorn Aston John G. house agent & as- F d G b t h M · •· ' ' sistant overseer, F rodsham Lord- or eorge, u c er, L ain stree.,d Lawless Edwd.& Sons,grocers,Main st Forster Harry, carter, o_ndon roa Lawless Wm. Edwd. baker, Church st ship, Glebe terrace F H G Id L p H Atherton Thomas, shopkeeper, Main st orster arry, o en _wn . Laycock Emma & Maria (,Misses), .Atkins Edith Mary (Miss), private Forster Jn.Bostoc~, carner,Church st ladies' s.chool, Holly bank school, Wind.y gates Frodsham Athletic Club (.C. Booth, Lazenby Arthur Chas. baker, Main st Austin John, draper, Church street sec.), Frodsham br~dge . Lazenby Waiter Stanley, shopkeeper, Baker Howard, beer retlr. Ch-urch .st Frodsham Choral Society (MissLewis, . Main street . Baker Wm. Frederick, grocer, Main st sec) , Llnaker Henry .& Son (Charles Barrow John, painter &c. Main street Fro~s~am Cons~rvative Build~ngs Co E. Llnaker F.S.I. )• land agents, Bear's Paw Hotel (Mrs. Annie Youd); Limited (H. Tlley, _sec.), Mam street surveyors & architects, agents for picnic parties supplied; good FrodshaJ? Conservative Club (Charles the following estates :-The Marquis accommodation for travellers; bil- H. H1bbert, . sec. ; Ernest Done, of Cholmondeley's Frodsham, Run- liards & bowling green, Main street. steward), Mam street corn & Helsby properties, the T N 52 Frodsham Co-operative Stores (H. Aston, Moore Hall, Ince & Thorn- Beard Jas. smallware dealer, Main st 1-Velling, manager), Main street ton, Halton & Huxley, Shotwick BibbyWm.&Son,basket mas.Church st Frodsham Cricket Club (Chris Booth, Park & Wright's Trustees; valuers Bibby Jane (Miss), confctnr. Main st hon. sec) to United Alkali Co. & official Blackwell Gertie (Mrs.), maker, Frodsham Farmers' Auction Co. Lim. valuers -appointed by Cheshire Alvanlev terrace· (Andrew Hutchinson, sec.); regis- County Council, under the I894 Iloard of Trade Unemployment Insur- tered office, Main street Finance Act, Main street ance (Frank Jones, local agent), Frodsham Football Club (Frank Linaker Charles Edward F.S.I. sur- Main street Russell, hon. sec) veyor &c. see Linakeor H. & Son Boden Edward, farmer, The Locks Frodsham Gas & Water Co. (Ernest Linaker Oharles Edward, jun·. land Booth Peter, draper, Church street Frith, en~ineer & sec.), Main st agent, see Linaker H. & Son Booth Thomas, cycle agent, Main st Frodsham Golf Club (Jas.Pearson,sec) Linaker William George, land agent Booth Willia.m, news agt. Church st Frodsham Liberal Club (P. Carter, &c. see Linaker H. & Son Brandreth .Tames Gray, corn mer- acting sec.), Main street Littler Jn. builder & contrctr.Fir bank chant, see Hutchinson & Brandreth Frodsham Mineral Water Co.Limited, Lloyd Annie (Mrs.), aparts. Main st Bratt Abram, coal dealer, Newtown Millbank, Main street Lloyd Geor~e, boot maker, Main st Burton Wm. Edward L.R.C.P.Lond., Frodsham Picture Palace (.J. Lloyd, Lockett William, grngrcr. Ohurch ·st M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H.R.C.P. & S.I., manager), Chapel lane Lunt T. & Son, quarrymen · & L.S . .A.Lond. physician & surgeon, Frodsham Subscription Band (J. G. masonry contractors, & stone sawing & medical officer & public vacci- Ellison, conductor) mills; & sculptors, monumental nator to Frodsham district of Run- Frodsham Tecllnical Instruction Corn- masons, stone & marble masons, corn union & certifving factory m ittee (Samuel Sharp, sec. ),Main st engravers & stone carvers at Gras- surgeon, & medical officer of health Frodsham Water W01·ks (Urban Dis· venor street & The Northgate, for south-west Cheshire, Tarporley trict Council) (Geo. Chas. Jones, Chester. Tel. No. 412. See ad- Urban District &; Chester, Tarvin collector), Main street vertisement page 6 & Malpas rural districts, Overton Garner Henry. farmer, Ship street McWaters Annie (Mrs.),beer retailer, Carrington Thoma.s, ·boot ma. Main st Garner John. carpenter, Alvanley ter Bridge lane , Cathro Thos. Gorrie, chemist,Main st Gidman Daniel, cowkeepr. Bridge la Maddock Samuel & Thomas, watch Charlesworth Adeline (Miss), dress Gleave Robt.& Son,builders,Sandfields makers, Main street ma. Borby groves, Frodsham bridge Gorst Jsph.(exors.of),outfittrs.Main st Madely Sergt. Waiter, drill instructor Clarke James, saddler,Church street Greenleaves Henry Watson, insurance F Co. 5th (Earl of Chester's) Battn. • Collinson ErnestStanley,gro.Church st agent, Church street Cheshire Regiment Territorial Corker Joseph, hair dresser, Main st Greenway Edward M.R.C.V.S. veteri- Force, Main street Corker Leonard, boot maker, Main st nary surgeon,Prospect ho.Church st Melior Wm. shopkeeper, Bridge lane Corker Martha (Mrs.), George inn, Griffiths John, cattle dlr. Riley banl• Mersey Power Co. Limited (The), Main street Hanagan Robert, gardener to. the electrical engineers, Main street · C:obn·rav~ Henry, butcher, Church st Misses Wright Moss James, ooot maker, Main street Cottrell John, butcher, Frdshm.bridge Haneor.k Earnl. butcher, Church st. CDESHIRE 22* .
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