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Aug. 14, 1934. M. H. LOUGHRIDGE 1969,895 PHONOGRAPH RECORD AND METHOD OF PLAYING SAME Filed Nov. 10, 1930 2. Sheets-Sheet l 237N Aug. 14, 1934. M. H. LOUGHRIDGE 1,969,895 PHONOGRAPH RECORD AND METHOD OF PLAYING SAME Filed Nov. 10, 1930 2. Sheets-Sheet 2 466 NVENTOR. Patented Aug. 14, 1934 1969,895 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 1969,895 PHONOGRAPE RECORD AND METHOD OF PLAYING SAME Matthew H. Loughridge, Bogota, N. J. 2. Application November 10, 1930, Serial No. 494.63 10 Claims. (CI. 24-42) This invention relates to phonograph records standard records. The purpose of the present and to the method of recording and playing the invention is to provide an attachment to phono same and has for an object to prevent the un grapins of the standard type which puts a char authorized use of phonograph records and to acteristic into the record relative to the sound 5 introduce a certain degree of Secrecy in trans grooves when it is being recorded which prac- 60 mitting and using the Subject matter recorded tically prevents this record being reproduced on on the record. Another object of the invention any inachine except those provided with a cor is to enable phonograph records to be recorded responding attachment. By restricting the use of on standard machines with a particular chair these attachments it is possible to make the 0 acteristic that prevents their reproduction. On Subject of a record practically a secret from un- 65. standard machines; another object of the inven authorized persons. is tion is to record records according to a code key In making a record according to standard prac and which are reproduceable Only by a COrre tice the record blank is centered through a cen sponding code key; another object of the inven tral aperture on the stem of the turntable, and 15 tion is to provide records of sheet stock which are the Spiral is inscribed on the record by a feeding o - grooved to increase their rigidity; other objects mechanism carrying the stylus over the record. of the invention will appear from the following When the record is to be reproduced it is cen specification and the accompanying diaWings, in tered in a similar manner on the stem of the which, turntable and the stylus is fed by following the 20 Fig. 1 is a plan view of a turntable with a grooves of the record in a free tone arm type of 75 record and an attachment for recording or play mechanism, or by a feeding mechanism similar to . ing the record according to this invention; that used in recording the spiral. - Fig. 2 is a side elevation corresponding to If the aperture in the record fitting over the Fig. i. With the record and attaching device in stem of the turntable is materially larger than 25 Section; the stem there is considerable difficulty in finding so. Fig. 3 is a transverse section of the record or in positioning the record so that the spiral is shown in Fig. 1 in the reverse position; concentric with the stem of the turntable and Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7 are details, partly Sectioned, with the centre of rotation. If the spiral is not showing the relation of the record to the stem properly centered the stylus is subject to a trans 30 of the turntable; verse movement equal to the degree of eccentric 85 Fig. 8 is a plan view, partly Sectioned, show ity which effects the results obtained from the ing the attaching device for positioning the record record, and, when an eccentrically mounted rec in the turntable stem; ord is running there is considerable difficulty in Fig. 9 is a detail of the base part of the at placing the stylus of the pick-up head in the first 35 taching device with the stem Sectioned; groove of the record. 90. Fig. 10 is a side elevation of one form of In the present invention the record is purposely the attaching device complete; off-centered from the stem of the turntable when Fig. 11 is a view from the bottom of a modi it is being inscribed with the result that it can only fied form of attaching device; be reproduced when correspondingly centered on. 40 In the ordinary construction of phonographs, the turntable of a reproducing machine. In 95. it is the intention that records shall be inter practice this is obtained by providing in the changeable so that they may be played on dif centre of the record blank a comparatively large. ferent machines. This is desirable for musical circular opening. In this opening an adapter is and ordinary commercial records, but it is not placed which is a comparatively close fit and 45 desirable in records that are used for dicta which is provided with an aperture to receive the OO phone and similar purposes. In fact, the value stem of the turntable. This aperture is off-cen of such records in many cases would be con tered relative to the centre of the opening in the siderably enhanced if they were So constructed record so that the record and the sound grooves that they could not be played. On the Ordinary thereon are correspondingly off-centered rela 50 phonograph. It is desirable, however, to embody tive to the opening in the record and it is apparent 105. in, or provide attachments to, the standard type that a record so made can be reproduced only of phonograph that will enable these machines when it is placed on a turntable and the central. to be used for making dictaphone records Or for opening is correspondingly off-centered relative reproducing such records, without however in to the stem of the turntable. This gives the cen 55 pairing their intended use in the playing of tral aperture of the record a characteristic rela-10 2 1,969,895 tive to the sound grooves When the record is in The adapter may be constructed of a solid Scribed which must be matched When the record is piece of metal having a spring engagement with reproduced. the turntable stem, an eccentric suitably arranged The adapter, called an eccentric, which fits the thereon to engage the record aperture and with 5 aperture of the record is provided With latching tabs corresponding to 32 arranged as desired. In 80 means whereby the record may be secured to this FigS. 2 and 10 the adapter is inade adjustable so eccentric in a particular position and thereby the that it can be used to make records having differ degree of eccentricity of the Sound grooves is de ent locking positions on the eccentric and to cor termined, making it necessary to establish the respondingly reproduce such records. This con 10 same degree of eccentricity in the record when it prises the base 22 having formed integral there 85 is being played and thus a variety of combina With the eccentric 23 and the hollow split stem tions may be obtained in which records may be 31. The collar or ring 25 is mounted on the selectively used and may be effectively prevented eccentric 23 and rotates on top of base 22 about from otherwise being used. W this eccentric. The base 22 is provided with aper. 5 This invention is intended to be practiced with tures as indicated at 33, 34, 35, and 36 and the 90 Standard phonograph mechanisms which are or collar 25 is provided with one or more depending dinarily used with standard records and for this stems 26 which register with the apertures in 22 purpose the adapter is provided which is applied and engage the record in the position desired by a Spring clutch to the stem of the turntable relative to the centre of stem 31. Fig.11 indicates 20 and is readily replaceable. The adapter may be a modified form of this device in which the eccen 95 formed to take specific sizes of records or it may tric is increased in diameter at 23a and two lock be made adjustable to take different sizes of rec ing members 37 and 33 are arranged to engage ords and, in this Way, by controlling the use of the the record. adapter, the use of the records is controlled. The record as indicated in Fig. 2 is preferably 25 In the drawings, 11 is the turntable mounted on made from sheet Stock Such as aluminuin or cellu the stem 16 of the phonograph mechanism 17. 12 loid and is provided with annular ridges at 14 is the record or record blank with the sound and 15 between which the sound grooves are grooves 13 and provided With an annular ridge at placed. These ridges stiffen the stock and pre 14 and another annular ridge at 15 leaving a sur vent buckling. It will be observed in Fig. 2 that 30 face between these ridges for the spiral of the the Surface of the record slopes downwardly to 105 sound groove. It should be understood that these Ward the Outer edge and when reversed, as in ridges are optional and their use largely de Fig. 3, the Surface slopes in the opposite direc pends upon the class of material out of which the tion. In addition to stiffening the stock of the record is made. records the ridges help to reduce the adhesion 35. The adapter 21 slides over the stem of the between the turntable and the record which 210 turntable 16 which grips by a spring action and ordinarily obtains on a felt covered turntable with engages the central portion 24 of the record by the result that if the record is placed on the turn the eccentric 23, thereby de-centering the record table Without Some securing means it will slip in On the turntable to the extent indicated in Fig.