
May 30, 1950 J. K. ROSE 2,509,841 FOR RECORDS Filed March 20, 1946 3. Sheets-Sheet


N HAWL RCUGAT : May 30, 1950 J. K. ROSE 2,509,841 ALBUM FOR PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Filed March 20, 1946 3. Sheets-Sheet 2




May 30, 1950 J. K. ROSE 2,509 841 ALBUM FOR PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Filed March 20, l946 3. Sheets-Sheet 3




Patented May 30, 1950 2,509,841

UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,509,841 ALBUMFORPHONOGRAPHRECORDS Joseph K. Rose, Chicago, Ill. Application March 20, 1946, Serial No. 655,668 1. Claim. (CI. 283-40) 2 This invention relates to for phono Fig. 4 is an elevation of a graph records and more particularly to novel in carrying an index tab for use in the album; dexing systems for facilitating the identification Fig. 5 is a fragmentary elevation of the back of the records which are stored in the album. of an album having a modified form of recess The conventional phonograph record album for receiving the index tabs; is of book form with pockets for receiving about Fig. 6 is a fragmentary vertical section of the ten to twenty records, and with a printed form album as seen on the plane of line 6-6 of Fig. 5; on the inside of the front cover for listing the Fig. 7 is a fragmentary elevation of the back of titles of the several phonograph records which another album embodying the invention; are placed in the pockets. These albums and () Fig. 8 is a fragmentary section on the plane their index Systems for listing the records are far indicated by the section line 8-8 of Fig. 7; from Satisfactory for a number of reasons. The Fig, 9 is an elevation, With parts broken away, indexes are not visible from the front of the of a separately formed indexing strip which may record cabinet and the Selection of a particular be attached to the back of an album; record frequently involves the removal of a num 5 Fig. 10 is a fragmentary vertical Section through ber of albums from the cabinet before the al the back of an album with the indexing strip bum which contains the desired record is located. giued thereto, the section being substantially on Furthermore, no provision is made for a change the plane indicated by line O-O of Fig. 9; in the indexing when some or all of the phono Fig. 11 is a similar fragmentary Section show graph records are discarded and replaced by new 20 ing the indexing strip secured to the back of an records. album by spring clips; Objects of the invention are to provide phono Fig. 12 is an elevation of the back of an album graph record albums with indexing Systems on with an indexing strip attached thereto by ten the backs of the albums, whereby the titles or Sion members and clips; names of all of the records in a more or leSS ex 25 Fig. 13 is a fragmentary vertical section of the tensive collection are continuously in view when same on the plane indicated by line. 3-3 of the albums are arranged in conventional mainner Fig. 12; in an album compartment or cabinet. Other Figs. 14 and 15 are fragmentary elevations of objects of the invention are to provide indexing indexing strips of somewhat different types which Systems, and phonograph record albums having 30 have gummed extensions for securing the same indexing Systems, which imay be readily altered to record albums; and when one or more new records are substituted Fig. 16 is a fragmentary elevation of an index for those previously stored in the album. Objects ing strip of a white plastic having slightly rough are to provide indexing Systems for record al ened index spaces on which the record titles bums, and record albums including indexing Sys 35 may be readily Written in or erased. tems, which are characterized by separate pock In the drawings, the reference numeral iden ets or spaces for the reception of index tabs or tifies the front cover of an album having a num title slips for the individual records. Other ob ber of pockets 2 for receiving phonograph records jects are to provide indexing strips for attach 3, the pocketS having serially numbered tabs. 4. ment to record albums, the strips being of pre 40 According to the invention, the indexing system Selected lengths for use on albums of different is arranged. On the back 5 and comprises a plu sizes and record capacities or being of relatively rality of recesses 6 for receiving title slips or in great length to be cut into separate indexing dex tabs individual to the several records in the strips of a desired length or lengths. numbered pocketS 2. The index recesses have 45 identifying numbers 8 corresponding to the num These and other objects and the advantages bering of the pocket tabs 4, there being twenty of the invention will be apparent from the fol record pockets and index recesses in the illus lowing description when taken with the accom trated album. A transparent strip of panying drawings in which: ... or other plastic is arranged over the index tab Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a phonograph 50 recesses, and Slots in the rounded edge of the record album embodying the invention; album back 5 afford access to the recesses 6 for Fig. 2 is a fragmentary elevation of the back the insertion and removal of the index tabs T. of the album; The index tabs may be prepared by the Fig. 3 is a fragmentary vertical section of the album owner or by the dealer or distributor but, album as seen on the plane of line 3-3 of Fig. 2; 55 preferably, these tabs 7 are prepared by the re 2,509,84i. 3 4. cording studio and affixed to the paper envelopes 4 by upper and lower Spring clips 2i which are in which the records are purchased Or, as shown of approximately U-shape in cross-section. in Fig. 4, the index tabs may be affixed directly Alternatively, an index Strip assembly 2 may be to the records 3 by small gummed extensions . detachably secured to the album back 4 by upper The printed strip is weakened, for example by a 5 clips 22 which are rigidly fixed to the assembly, row of perforations 2, to facilitate the removal and lower clips 23 which are connected to the of the index tab from the record. The indi assembly 2 by elastic or Spring StripS 24. The vidual index tabs T may be of different colors, in index strip assemblies 29 of FigS. 11 to 13 may be whole or in part, to indicate the general type of of the construction which is shown in detail in the recording as , operatic or the O Fig. 9 or they may be otherwise formed, as de like. scribed hereinafter, to provide individual spaces The index tabs 7 from the records are placed in for the identification of the Several records the appropriate recesses 6 of the indexing System. stored in the album. when a new album is placed in use, or the index As illustrated in Fig. 14, the indexing strip 25 tabs 7 are prepared by the owner of the album if 15 may be of relatively heavy cardboard With they are not furnished with the records. As molded or embossed recesses 26 for receiving in records are discarded to make room for newer dex tabs which are furnished with the records records, the old index tabs are renoved and re or prepared by the owner of the album. A series placed by new index tabs. The index System is of numbers 8 corresponding to the numbering of thus readily kept up to date, and the desired 20 the album pockets may be printed within Spaces records are readily located by inspection and 8 in line with the recesses 26 or, alternatively, without opening the albums as the indexing the Spaces 8 may be recessed to receive separate systems are on the backs of the albums. number tabs when a single Series of numbers is As shown in FigS. 5 and 6, a Series of receSSeS to be used on a piurality of albums. The en *6 may be molded or pressed directly in the back 25 bossed indeX stirip 25 may be attached to the 5’ of an album, the recesses 6' being of substan album by clips as shown in FigS. 11 to 13 or, as tially the same size as the indeX tabs , whereby illustrated, a relatively wide cover sheet 25' may the latter are securely retained by when be glued to or originally formed as a part of pressed into place. ihe indeX tabS may be re the cardboard, the edges of the sheet 25 having moved with a needle or pin when the records are 30 a coating of glue 2 for attaching the index Strip changed and a new index tab is to be inserted, or to an album. a new index tab may be inserted Over the old t is not essential that the guiniined edges ex ane, as shown in the topmost recess 6' of Fig. 6. tend the full length of the indexing assembly A further modification, as shown in FigS. 7 since, as shown in Fig. 15, an index strip 28 may and 8, comprises an indexing System on the 35 be attached to an album by a plurality of gummed album back 5 which comprises a Series of identi extensions 29. The index strip 28 is a relatively fying numbers 8 arranged in line With a series heavy sheet of paper or of cardboard. With Open of spaces which are marked off by lines 6'' to ings 33 therethrough which form recesses similar receive gummed title strips or indexing tabs T. to the pockets 6' of Fig. 6 when the strip is at New gumned strips may be affixed over the tached to the album back. old strips when the records are changed and, As indicated above, the indexing system may when the accumulation of gummed Strips at an be provided by a sheet or strip 3A of a white or index space becomes too thick, the index tabs light colored plastic having a slightly roughened may be trimmed off with a knife. As an alter area, 32 on Which the titles of the records may be native to the use of gunned title strips T', the Written by the owner, see Fig. 16. Individual back of the album may be of a light color Or 45 entries may be erased and replaced by other en white plastic as described hereinafter with re tries when records are changed. Numbers identi spect to Fig. 16, with slightly roughened Sur fying the Several album pocketS may be printed faces within the Space-defining lines 6', upon On the Strip 3i or, as illustrated, the surface with which the titles may be written in and, when 50 in boundary lines 8 may be roughened to facil desired, erased for new entries. itate the Writing in of the identifying numbers. The invention also contemplates the manu The indeX strip 3 may be secured to the album facture of the indexing strips as separate ele back by clips as described above with reference ments of fixed length, or of extended length for to FigS. 11 or 13 or, as illustrated in Fig. 16, eye later subdivision into sections of desired length 55 lets or rivets 32 may be employed to secure the or lengths, which may be affixed to any phono index StripS 3f, or the other forms of index strips, graph record albums. to the albums. As shown in Figs. 9 and 10, the index strips The index Strips may be made in several lengths comprise a series of superposed sheets or lami for application to albums of different capacities, nations which are cemented or glued to each Ol' they may be made in extended lengths or rolls other to form an indexing System similar to that 60 and cut to Size for the particular album upon illustrated in Figs. 1 to 3. The back sheet 3 may Which they are to be mounted. be gunmed to facilitate its attachment to the All record albums are not provided with identi back 4 of an album, and the next adjacent sheet fying numbers or tabs which extend above the 5 has a series of openings therethrough which 35 Several pockets, as shown in Fig. 1. The owner form the pockets 6 for receiving the indeX tabs may Write in numbers on the pockets but will or title slips. A transparent sheet Overlies the be preferable to Supply a series of numbered tabs sheet f5, and the outer sheet 8 is opaque with an With the indexing systems of Figs. 9 to 16, the elongated opening through which the Several tabs being gummed for application to the album pockets 6 and index tabs therein are exposed to O pocketS and designed to extend above the same view. The Outer sheet 8 has a Series of slots to facilitate the Selection of the desired record. 9 in line with the several pockets to permit the The Several described embodiments indicate insertion and removal of the indeX tabs. the wide latitude that is permissible in the de As shown in Fig. 11, an index strip assembly Sign and construction of the record albums and 20 may be detachably secured to the album back 5 indexing Systems according to the invention. It 2,509,841 5 6 will be apparent that other modifications fall REFERENCES CITED within the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the following claim. For example, The following references are of record in the separately formed index strips such as shown in file of this patent: Figs. 9 to 15 may include paper covered with a UNITED STATES PATENTS heavy foil of lead, zinc or alloys which may be bent over the ends of the album back to attach Number Name Date the index strip to the album. 1278,259 Tremaine ------Sept. 10, 1918 I claim: 1,754,908 Schade ------Apr. 15, 1930 A phonograph record album comprising a back O 1,886,801 Freiberg ------Nov. 8, 1932 embOSsed to provide a recess with ribs at the bot 1,940,442 Batek ------Dec. 19, 1933 tom thereof forming a series of index receiving Spaces, Said back having openings along one edge FOREIGN PATENTS communicating with the respective spaces, a sheet Number Country Date of transparent material within the recess of said 363,876 Great Britain ------Dec. 31, 1931 back and contacting said ribs, and identifying ls numbers adjacent the several index receiving SpaceS. JOSEPH. K. ROSE.