Attachment 7 BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 1093 SAN BRUNO AVENUE CITY OF BRISBANE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO DATE: MARCH 2, 2017 PERMIT TYPE: USE PERMIT AND HCP COMPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICANT: ZHAOHUI MA PROJECT LEAD: JULIA CAPASSO, ASSOCIATE PLANNER TOTAL PARCEL SIZE: 0.48 ACRES ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 007-553-160 PROJECT PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: SINGLE-FAMILY HOME DEMOLITION AND SITE REDEVELOPMENT WITH SINGLE-FAMILY HOME. PREPARED FOR SAN MATEO COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT BY: As a Qualified Biologist, I hereby certify that this Biological Assessment was prepared according to the County Parks’ requirements and that the statements furnished in the report and associated maps are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Qualified Biologist (signature): Date: 3/3/2017 Name (printed): Heath Bartosh Title: Principal; Senior Botanist Company: Nomad Ecology, LLC Phone: (925) 228-3027 Email:
[email protected] Other Biologist (signature): Date: 3/3/2017 Name (printed): Meghan Bishop Title: Senior Wildlife Biologist Company: Nomad Ecology, LLC Phone: (925) 228-2402 Email:
[email protected] Role: Wildlife expertise Prepared by 822 MAIN STREET MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA 94553 (925) 228-1027 G.1.33 Attachment 7 Biological Assessment Report for 1093 San Bruno Avenue BIOLOGICAL STUDY CHECKLIST This Biological Assessment did provide adequate information to make recommended CEQA findings regarding potentially significant impacts. The City of Brisbane did not provide additional local projects to analyze for the cumulative impact analysis. Due to the limited size