Sources of Radio Information (Replaces Letter Circular 474)
. JHD:A.NK DEPARTMENT OF COI'IffiRCE Letter 1-6 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Circular WASHINGTON LC»513 (Replaces Letter Circular 4-7^) Revised to Feb. B, 1932»'' SOURCES OF RADIO' INFORIiSATION Contents 1 . Periodicals 2. Books , U. S.G-overnment radio publications „ Publications' of . the- International Bureau of tiie Telecommunication Union, Berne, Switzerland. Radio laws and regulations 6 , Safety rules. 1. Periodicals , The following is a partial list of periodicals largely devoted to radio. They are monthly, except where otherwise stated. A num- ber of electrical and general magazines also publish considerable radio information, A classified list of the articles of radio engineering inter- est appearing in periodicals is published each month in the Bri- tish magazine listed below, t/ireless Engineer. A short abstract • • of each article is given. Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, 33^* West 4-2nd St,, New York, N.Y. (Technical),, Bell System Technical Journal. Published by American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 195 Bro.adway, New York, N.Y, (Technical) ( Quarterly) Q,ST, Published by Am.erlcan Radio Relay League, West .Hartford, Conn ( Technical) All-Wave Radio. Manson Publishing Corp., l 6 E. ^ 3! St., New York, ( N.Y. 'Semi-t eohnical ) . o . * , LC513 2/g/3S 2 Electronics. McGraw--Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 33O W. ^2nd St., Ne^’'' York, N. Y. (Technical). Communications. Bryant Davis Bublishing Co,, 19 E, 4-7th St,, . Mew York, N,Y. ( TecJnnical ) RCA Review. RCA Institutes Technical Press, 75 Varick St., New York, N.Y, (Technical) RMA Engineer, Engineering Division, Radio Manufacturers Associa- tion, 1317 National Press Bldg,, Washington, D.
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